7 research outputs found

    Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor expression is enhanced in pancreas from patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Objectives: One of the theories connecting enterovirus (EV) infection of human islets with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the development of a fertile field in the islets. This implies induction of appropriate proteins for the viral replication such as the coxsackie–adenovirus receptor (CAR). The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent CAR is expressed in human islets of Langerhans, and what conditions that would change the expression. Design: Immunohistochemistry for CAR was performed on paraffin-embedded pancreatic tissue from patients with T1D (n=9 recent onset T1D, n=4 long-standing T1D), islet autoantibody-positive individuals (n=14) and non-diabetic controls (n=24) individuals. The expression of CAR was also examined by reverse transcription PCR on microdissected islets (n=5), exocrine tissue (n=5) and on explanted islets infected with EV or exposed to chemokines produced by EV-infected islet cells. Results: An increased frequency of patients with T1D and autoantibody-positive individuals expressed CAR in the pancreas (p<0.039). CAR staining was detected more frequently in pancreatic islets from patients with T1D and autoantibody-positive subjects (15/27) compared with (6/24) non-diabetic controls (p<0.033). Also in explanted islets cultured in UV-treated culture medium from coxsackievirus B (CBV)-1-infected islets, the expression of the CAR gene was increased compared with controls. Laser microdissection of pancreatic tissue revealed that CAR expression was 10-fold higher in endocrine compared with exocrine cells of the pancreas. CAR was also expressed in explanted islets and the expression level decreased with time in culture. CBV-1 infection of explanted islets clearly decreased the expression of CAR (p<0.05). In contrast, infection with echovirus 6 did not affect the expression of CAR. Conclusions: CAR is expressed in pancreatic islets of patients with T1D and the expression level of CAR is increased in explanted islets exposed to proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines produced by infected islets. T1D is associated with increased levels of certain chemokines/cytokines in the islets and this might be the mechanism behind the increased expression of CAR in TID islets

    Variability and evolution of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus in Europe and Africa. International Collaborative Group.

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the evolution of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus type 8 in Europe and Africa.DESIGN AND METHODS: PCR and sequence analysis of the variable viral membrane glycoprotein gene K1 in 58 tumour and peripheral blood samples from patients with AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), 'classic' (HIV-negative) KS, transplant KS, Multicentric Castleman's Disease, other lymphoproliferative disorders, and healthy KSHV-infected individuals from the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Iceland, The Faroe Islands, Greece, The Gambia and Uganda.RESULTS: Three major groups of K1 sequences were found: A, B and C, as defined previously. The K1 gene has evolved, both within and between these three groups, under positive selection. KSHV group B strains predominate in Africa and are more distant from groups A and C, found in Europe, than A and C are from each other. Within group C two subgroups, C' and C", can be identified. Subgroup C" is more closely related to group A in a region of the K1 protein and appears to be phylogenetically close to the branchpoint between A and C. Group A and C strains are currently found in both HIV-1-infected and -uninfected Europeans, and were already present in Europe before the start of the AIDS epidemic. We found some examples of closely related K1 sequences in Italy and Denmark, but in general KSHV strains in Europe did not cluster geographically.CONCLUSION: KSHV strains in East and West Africa are closely related but phylogenetically distant from those in Europe. The two major KSHV groups in Europe are more closely related, with some strains adopting an intermediate phylogenetic position. In Europe, KSHV strains may have been disseminated at least several decades ago. Variability in the K1 region is driven by selection and does not correlate with different KSHV-related pathologies or geographic regions where clinically more aggressive HIV-negative KS ('endemic' KS) is more common

    Review of the distribution of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) in Africa in relation to the incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma

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    In the years before human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma varied markedly across the African continent, and it was a disease primarily affecting men. In contrast, the evidence reviewed here shows that the causal virus-Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV)-is prevalent in many African countries, including places where Kaposi's sarcoma was almost unknown before HIV, and that it is as common in women as in men. Therefore, the geographical distribution of Kaposi's sarcoma in Africa before the spread of HIV and its predominance as a disease affecting men are not a simple reflection of the distribution of KSHV. Since the epidemic of HIV in Africa, Kaposi's sarcoma has become relatively more frequent in women, and the incidence has increased in countries where it was previously rare, but where KSHV is prevalent, as well as in countries where it was already common. These changes point to a role for other (as yet unknown) factors in the aetiology of Kaposi's sarcoma that may have the most effect in the absence of concurrent HIV infection. (C) 2003 Cancer Research UK

    Coxsackie-adenovirus receptor expression is enhanced in pancreas from patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Objectives: One of the theories connecting enterovirus (EV) infection of human islets with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the development of a fertile field in the islets. This implies induction of appropriate proteins for the viral replication such as the coxsackie- adenovirus receptor (CAR). The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent CAR is expressed in human islets of Langerhans, and what conditions that would change the expression. Design: Immunohistochemistry for CAR was performed on paraffin-embedded pancreatic tissue from patients with T1D (n=9 recent onset T1D, n=4 long-standing T1D), islet autoantibody-positive individuals (n=14) and non-diabetic controls (n=24) individuals. The expression of CAR was also examined by reverse transcription PCR on microdissected islets (n=5), exocrine tissue (n=5) and on explanted islets infected with EV or exposed to chemokines produced by EV-infected islet cells. Results: An increased frequency of patients with T1D and autoantibody-positive individuals expressed CAR in the pancreas (p&lt;0.039). CAR staining was detected more frequently in pancreatic islets from patients with T1D and autoantibody-positive subjects (15/27) compared with (6/24) non-diabetic controls (p&lt;0.033). Also in explanted islets cultured in UV-treated culture medium from coxsackievirus B (CBV)-1-infected islets, the expression of the CAR gene was increased compared with controls. Laser microdissection of pancreatic tissue revealed that CAR expression was 10-fold higher in endocrine compared with exocrine cells of the pancreas. CAR was also expressed in explanted islets and the expression level decreased with time in culture. CBV-1 infection of explanted islets clearly decreased the expression of CAR (p&lt;0.05). In contrast, infection with echovirus 6 did not affect the expression of CAR. Conclusions: CAR is expressed in pancreatic islets of patients with T1D and the expression level of CAR is increased in explanted islets exposed to proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines produced by infected islets. T1D is associated with increased levels of certain chemokines/cytokines in the islets and this might be the mechanism behind the increased expression of CAR in TID islets