63 research outputs found

    Nurse Competence of Graduating Nursing Students

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    The competence of graduating nursing students is an important issue in health care as it is related to professional standards, patient safety and the quality of nursing care. Many changes in health care lead to increased demand with respect to nurses’ competence as well the number of nurses. The purpose of this empirical study was to i) describe the nurse competence areas of nursing students in Europe, ii) evaluate the nurse competence of graduating nursing students, iii) identify factors related to the nurse competence, and to iv) assess the congruence between graduating nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ assessments of students’ nurse competence. The study was carried out in two phases: descriptive phase and evaluation phase. The descriptive phase focused on describing the nurse competence areas of nursing students in Europe with the help of a literature review (n=10 empirical studies and n=4 additional documents). Thematic analysis was used as the analysis method. In the evaluation phase, the nurse competence with particular focus on nursing skills of graduating nursing students (n=154) was assessed. In addition, factors related to the nurse competence were examined. Also, the congruence between graduating nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ assessments of students’ nurse competence was evaluated by comparing graduating nursing students’ self-assessments with the assessments by their mentors (n=42) in the final clinical placement in four university hospitals. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Based on the results, the nurse competence of nursing students in Europe consists of nine main competence areas: (1) professional/ethical values and practice, (2) nursing skills and interventions, (3) communication and interpersonal skills, (4) knowledge and cognitive ability, (5) assessment and improving quality in nursing, (6) professional development, (7) leadership, management and teamwork, (8) teaching and supervision, and (9) research utilization. Graduating nursing students self-assessed their nurse competence as good. However, when graduating nursing students’ nurse competence was assessed by their mentors, the results were poorer. Readiness for practice based on nurse education, pedagogical atmosphere on the ward, supervisory relationship between student and mentor and being in paid work in health care at the moment of the study were the most significant factors related to the nurse competence. Conclusions: Nurse competence can be evaluated with a scale based on self-assessment, but other evaluation methods could be used alongside to ensure that nurse competence can be completed and evaluated critically. Practical implications are presented for nurse education and nursing practice. In future, longitudinal research is needed in order to understand the development of nurse competence during nurse education and the transition process from a nursing student to a professional nurse.Valmistumassa olevien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ammatillinen pätevyys Valmistumassa olevien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ammatillinen pätevyys on tärkeä tekijä terveydenhuollossa, sillä se liittyy ammatillisiin normeihin, potilasturvallisuuteen sekä hoidon laatuun. Monet terveydenhuollossa tapahtuneet muutokset ovat lisänneet sairaanhoitajien ammatillista pätevyyttä koskevia vaatimuksia sekä sairaanhoitajien määrän vaatimuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli i) kuvata sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ammatillisen pätevyyden osaalueet Euroopassa, ii) arvioida valmistumassa olevien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ammatillinen pätevyys iii) tunnistaa ammatilliseen pätevyyteen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä sekä iv) arvioida sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ammatillista pätevyyttä koskevien itsearviointien ja heidän ohjaajiensa arviointien vastaavuutta. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa ammatillisen pätevyyden osa-alueet sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille Euroopassa määriteltiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla (n=10 empiiristä tutkimusta ja n=4 dokumenttia). Aineisto analysoitiin teema-analyysillä. Toisessa vaiheessa valmistumassa olevien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden (n=154) ammatillinen pätevyys arvioitiin ja tutkittiin ammatilliseen pätevyyteen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Lisäksi valmistumassa olevien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden itsearviointien vastaavuutta arvioitiin vertaamalla sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden itsearviointeja viimeisen kliinisen harjoittelun (neljässä yliopistollisessa sairaalassa) ohjaajien (n=42) arviointeihin. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin sekä kuvailevia tilastollisia menetelmiä että tilastollista päättelyä. Tulosten perusteella sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden ammatillinen pätevyys Euroopassa koostuu yhdeksästä pääkompetenssialueesta: (1) ammatilliset ja eettiset arvot sekä toiminta, (2) hoitotyön taidot ja interventiot, (3) vuorovaikutustaidot, (4) tiedolliset ja kognitiiviset kyvyt, (5) arviointi ja hoitotyön laadun parantaminen, (6) ammatillinen kehittyminen, (7) johtaminen ja yhteistyötaidot, (8) opetus- ja ohjaamistaidot sekä (9) tutkimustiedon hyödyntäminen. Valmistuvat sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat itsearvioivat ammatillisen pätevyytensä korkeaksi. Ohjaajien arvioimana opiskelijoiden ammatillinen pätevyys oli kuitenkin matalampi. Sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen antamat valmiudet sairaanhoitajana toimimiselle, harjoitteluyksikön pedagoginen ilmapiiri, ohjaussuhde opiskelijan ja ohjaajan välillä sekä palkkatyö tutkimuksen vastaamishetkellä olivat merkittävimpiä ammatilliseen pätevyyteen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että ammatillista pätevyyttä voidaan valmistumassa olevilla sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoilla mitata itsearviointiin perustuvan mittarin avulla, mutta sen rinnalla on syytä käyttää myös muita arviointimenetelmiä varmistamaan arvioinnin luotettavuutta. Tutkimuksessa esitetään käytännön sovelluksia hoitotyön koulutukselle sekä käytännölle. Tulevaisuudessa tutkimusta tulisi kohdistaa ammatillisen pätevyyden pitkittäistutkimukseen sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen aikana sekä siirryttäessä työelämään, opiskelijasta ammattilaiseksi.Siirretty Doriast

    Evaluating nursing competence with the Nurse Competence Scale from an ontological and contextual point of view: An integrative literature review

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    Evaluating nursing competence is challenging and among many instruments the Nurse Competence Scale is one of the most used. This integrated literature review aimed to explore how ontological and contextual nursing competence becomes evident in evaluations done with it and the value of using it for professional development in nursing.The starting point was a former systematic review and additional searches were done using electronic databases with key words and Boolean operators. The search followed the PRISMA search strategy and the articles were appraised by JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist. 34 original research articles between January 2004–April 2020 were included. The data were displayed and analysed descriptively. Results showed that the Nurse Competence Scale covers both ontological and contextual competence, that the competence profiles vary in different cultures, cohorts and contexts, but that it is suitable for evaluating and following up competence development in nursing.</p

    Nurse educators’ perceptions of factors related to the competence of graduating nursing students

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    Background: Clinical practice, clinical nursing teaching, curricula, working experience and previous healthcare degrees are factors related to the competence of graduating nursing students from the points of view of nursing students and clinical mentors. However, nurse educators’ perceptions of these factors are lacking in previous studies, despite the fact that assessing student performance and competence is a core competence and one of the main duties of nurse educators.Objectives: The aim of this study was to describe nurse educators’ perceptions of factors related to graduating nursing students’ competence.Design: The study was conducted using a descriptive qualitative approach utilising focus group interviews in data collection.Participants: A purposive sample consisting of 23 volunteer nurse educators from five Finnish universities of applied sciences took part in seven group interviews.Methods: Data was collected in guided, semi-structured interviews, based on a literature review of previous studies. The data was analysed using a deductive- inductive content analysis.Results: According to nurse educators, six main categories describing factors related to graduating nursing students’ competence were found: (1) commitment to the nursing profession, (2) experiences in healthcare, (3) learning abilities, (4) learning environments, (5) student characteristics and (6) the nurse educator’s role. Conclusions: To ensure the adequate competence of the graduating nursing students, students’ commitment to the nursing profession and their learning abilities and should be supported, and the quality of the learning environments, especially those of study groups and successful clinical practices, should be ensured during the education. </p

    Home care professionals' experiences of successful implementation, use and competence needs of robot for medication management in Finland

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    AimTo describe home care professionals' individual experiences of the implementation, use and competence needs of a robot for medication management in older people's home care.DesignA qualitative focus group interview study.MethodsData were collected during spring and autumn 2021 by semi-structured focus group interviews and analysed using inductive content analysis. The participants were 62 home care professionals working in older people's home care.ResultsThe successful implementation and use of the robot for medication management consisted of a timely and adequate introduction before the implementation of the robot, the fluent usability of the robot in daily work, and confidence in work competence. There is a need for the reorganization of home care professionals' use of digital solutions to make workflow fluent, prevent burnout and turnover among home care professionals. Professionals' competence should also be developed to ensure that it corresponds to digitalized healthcare.Patient and Public ContributionsNo patient or public contribution.</p

    Students' Self-assessed Competence Levels During Nursing Education Continuum - A Cross-sectional Survey

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    During nursing education, nursing students are required to develop their competence to be able to fulfill their duties safely as Registered Nurses. The aims of this study were to explore 1) nursing students' self-assessed competence levels during education 2) the relationship with competence and frequency at which competencies are utilized in clinical practice, and 3) factors related to competence levels. 841 (response rate 67.6 %) nursing students responded to the Nurse Competence Scale in a cross-sectional study. The self-assessed overall competence levels were improving during the education continuum (VAS-means 1st 56.6; 2nd 58.3; 3rd 59.8 and 3.5th -year students 68.4). Every group revealed a significant positive correlation with competence and frequency at which competencies are utilized in clinical practice in clinical placement. Risk factors for low competence were also identified. Systematic multimethod competence evaluations with longitudinal designs are needed to monitor outcomes of nursing education.</p

    Congruence between graduating nursing students' self-assessments and mentors' assessments of students' nurse competence

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    Self-assessment is widely used to assess competence in health care, although there is evidence of the weaknesses of self-assessment in the literature. In general, the process of self-assessment has been found to stimulate students' deep-level learning and problem-solving skills. Nursing students need to develop their self-assessment skills in order to identify their learning and ensure up-to-date outcomes and safe practice. This study aims to assess the congruence between graduating nursing students' self-assessment and their mentors' assessments concerning nurse competence with particular focus on nursing skills. The data were collected in November December 2011 in the last week of final clinical placement of nurse education. Completed questionnaires were received from 60 students and 50 mentors. From these, 42 student mentor pairs were matched for the sample of this study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the data analysis. Comparisons between the assessments showed that students assessed their nurse competence as higher than their mentors (VAS 64.5 +/- 12.2 vs. 56.7 +/- 19.0). In nursing skills, the assessments were closer to each other (VAS 75.4 +/- 12.8 vs. 72.2 +/- 16.7); however, students' assessments still remained higher than those of mentors'. No congruent assessments were found between students and mentors. Compared to mentors' assessments, students overestimated their nurse competence. However, the results may be due to different understanding of nurse competence, and more research is needed on students' self-assessment by comparing students' assessments with those of peers, mentors and/or educators or knowledge tests. Nursing students should practise self-assessment during their nurse education. Mentors would also benefit practising in assessing students' nurse competence. (C) 2015 Australian College of Nursing Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Adaptation and psychometric analysis of the Czech version of the Nurse Competence Scale

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    Aim: The aim of the study was a transcultural adaptation, linguistic validation, and testing of psychometric properties of the Czech version of the Nurse Competence Scale (CZNCS).Methods: Designed as a cross-sectional observational study. The sample comprised 274 students from third-year bachelor's nursing study programmes at Czech universities. To collect the data, a Czech version of the Nurse Competence Scale was used, containing 73 items grouped into seven subscales. The data was collected between 2018 and 2021. The internal consistency of the scale was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Content validity was assessed using the Content validity index, while construct validity was tested using Principal Component Analysis. Differences in the assessment of competence were tested using the Mann-Whitney test and Pearson's chi-squared test.Results: The content validity index average for the Czech version of NCS was 0.95, while the content validity index-universal agreement was 0.75. Cronbach's alpha of the Nurse Competence Scale was 0.981. Factor analysis showed a six-factor solution.Conclusions: The Czech version of the Nurse Competence Scale showed good levels of content validity and reliability. The Czech version of the NCS may serve as a useful tool for self-assessment of students' competence in the final years of nursing programs.</p

    Graduating nursing students’ competence in nursing patients with acute coronary syndrome.

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    Aim: To describe graduating nursing students’ competence based on their knowledge in the nursing of a patient with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and their self-assessed nurse competence.Design: A cross-sectional survey.Methods: The data were collected in 2018-2019 using an ACS test developed for this study and the Nurse Competence Scale. The sample contained 47 graduating nursing students. The statistical analysis methods were used.Results: Only 48.9% (n=23) of the students scored an accepted level of knowledge in the nursing of a patient with ACS, and a little over half (51.1%; n=24) failed the ACS test. Graduating nursing students’ self-assessed nurse competence was on a good level (69.7, VAS 0–100). No statistically significant differences in nurse competence assessments occurred between students who passed the ACS test and those who failed it.Conclusions: Graduating nursing students have a good level of nurse competence, while their knowledge in the nursing of a patient with ACS was poor. It is important to emphasize the nursing of a patient with ACS in nursing education and to pay especially attention to the interpretation of the patient's electrocardiogram findings.</p

    Nurse educator competence in four European countries—A comparative cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Aim The aim of this article is to describe and compare the nurse educator competences in four European countries using three different evaluators: nurse educators (n = 329), heads of a nursing subject (n = 60) and student nurses (n = 1058). Design The study was conducted as a comparative cross‐sectional survey in Finland, Malta, Slovakia and Spain between May 2021 and February 2022. Methods The data were collected with an online survey. The instrument used was a 20‐item Tool for Evaluation of Requirements of Nurse Teachers, utilizing a 5‐point Likert‐type scale. The data were analysed statistically and reported according to STROBE guidelines. Results Nurse educators' competence evaluated positively in all the groups of evaluators, with a mean of >3.5. The self‐evaluation of nurse educators' competence was higher than the other evaluators' evaluations. Having a degree in nursing, having completed some pedagogical studies and longer work experience as a nurse educator had a positive association with higher self‐evaluated competence among nurse educators. Conclusions Nurse educator competence is at a good level in the selected European countries, but further studies are required to find the reasons behind the differences in evaluations. Public Contribution Each participating educational institution named a contact person who distributed the surveys to the participants and returned the study's metadata to the researchers