92 research outputs found

    Incoherent multi-gap optical solitons in nonlinear photonic lattices

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    We demonstrate numerically that partially incoherent light can be trapped in the spectral band gaps of a photonic lattice, creating partially incoherent multi-component spatial optical solitons in a self-defocusing nonlinear periodic medium. We find numerically such incoherent multi-gap optical solitons and discuss how to generate them in experiment by interfering incoherent light beams at the input of a nonlinear periodic medium.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Zur Entwicklung der SelbstÀndigen unter den Hochschulabsolventen. AusgewÀhlte Befunde aus der amtlichen Statistik und aus neueren Erhebungen bei erwerbstÀtigen Fachhochschul- und Hochschulabsolventen

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    "Zwischen 1961 und 1978 hat sich der Bestand der SelbstĂ€ndigen mit Abschluß einer wissenschaftlichen Hochschule um 1/4 (auf 192.000) erhöht. Seit 1976 ist ein verstĂ€rkter Zuwachs an selbstĂ€ndigen/freiberuflich TĂ€tigen mit Hochschulabschluß zu verzeichnen. Mit vorliegendem Beitrag werden Daten aus verfĂŒgbaren Statistiken und neueren Erhebungen zusammengetragen und ForschungslĂŒcken beschrieben. Dabei wird deutlich: - Der Übergang in die SelbstĂ€ndigkeit vollzieht sich nur zu gewissen Anteilen an der Schwelle zwischen Studium und Beruf; gerade in "Freien Berufen" (Ärzte, AnwĂ€lte etc.) wird die selbstĂ€ndige TĂ€tigkeit vielfach erst nach einer Phase des Sammelns von Berufserfahrung aufgenommen. - Der Anteil der SelbstĂ€ndigen mit Hochschulabschluß an allen ErwerbstĂ€tigen mit Hochschulabschluß (= SelbstĂ€ndigenquote) ist seit 1955 - nach PrĂŒfungsjahrgĂ€ngen gegliedert - stĂ€ndig abgesunken. Leicht angestiegen ist neuerdings die Quote derer, die sich unmittelbar nach dem Studium selbstĂ€ndig machen. - Die "Selbstrekrutierung" - Übernahme elterlicher Praxen/Be triebe etc. - ist dabei global gesehen von geringerer Be deutung. Mehr als die HĂ€lfte derer, die nach dem Abschluß einer wissenschaftlichen Hochschule bzw. einer Fachhoch schule selbstĂ€ndig geworden sind, haben "ihre Stelle" neu geschaffen; nur 1/3 hat die Stelle von einem VorgĂ€nger ĂŒber nommen. - Auf ArbeitsplĂ€tze der Akademiker treffen fĂŒnf Merkmale in hohem Maße zu: Chancen eigene Ideen zu verwirklichen, Ge nauigkeit und QualitĂ€t der Arbeit selbst zu bestimmen, ab wechslungsreiche TĂ€tigkeit, den Arbeitsrhythmus selbst zu bestimmen und seine persönlichen FĂ€higkeiten einsetzen zu können. Der Anteil an Akademiker-ArbeitsplĂ€tzen, die diese fĂŒnf Kriterien erfĂŒllen, ist wesentlich grĂ¶ĂŸer als die je weiligen SelbstĂ€ndigenquoten. "EigenstĂ€ndigkeit" beruflicher Arbeit reicht demnach bei Hochschulabsolventen insgesamt weit ĂŒber die Positionen der SelbstĂ€ndigen hinaus. Die statistischen Befunde bedĂŒrfen, bezogen auf "neue Formen der SelbstĂ€ndigkeit", einer Vertiefung und Absicherung durch zusĂ€tzliche Forschungsanstrengungen."Hochschulabsolventen, SelbstĂ€ndige, Fachhochschule, Hochschulabsolventen

    Incoherent vector vortex-mode solitons in self-focusing nonlinear media

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    We suggest a novel type of composite spatial optical soliton created by a coherent vortex beam guiding a partially incoherent light beam in a self-focusing nonlinear medium. We show that the incoherence of the guided mode may enhance, rather than suppress, the vortex azimuthal instability, and also demonstrate strong destabilization of dipole-mode solitons by partially incoherent light

    Soliton transverse instabilities in anisotropic nonlocal self-focusing media

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    We study, both theoretically and experimentally, the transverse modulational instability of spatial stripe solitons in anisotropic nonlocal photorefractive media. We demonstrate that the instability scenarios depend strongly on the stripe orientation, but the anisotropy-induced features are largely suppressed for spatial solitons created by self-trapping of partially incoherent light.Comment: 3 pages including 4 figures (2 theoretical and 2 experimental). submitted to Optics Letter

    Counterpropagating dipole-mode vector soliton

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    We experimentally observe a counterpropagating dipole-mode vector soliton in a photorefractive SBN:60Ce crystal. We investigate the transient formation dynamics and show that the formation process differs significantly from the copropagating geometry. The experimental results are compared with fully anisotropic numerical simulations which show good qualitative agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Counterpropagating beams in biased photorefractive crystals: anisotropic theory

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    We formulate an anisotropic nonlocal theory of the space charge field induced by the coherent counterpropagating beams in biased photorefractive crystals. We establish that the competition between the drift and diffusion terms has to be taken into account when the crystal cˆ axis is tilted with respect to the propagation direction of the beams. We demonstrate that this configuration combines the features of both spatial soliton formation without energy exchange and two-wave mixing with energy exchange leading to pattern formation

    Einstellungen zur Karriere

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    Observation of multivortex solitons in photonic lattices

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    We report on the first observation of topologically stable spatially localized multivortex solitons generated in optically induced hexagonal photonic lattices. We demonstrate that topological stabilization of such nonlinear localized states can be achieved through self-trapping of truncated two-dimensional Bloch waves and confirm our experimental results by numerical simulations of the beam propagation in weakly deformed lattice potentials in anisotropic photorefractive media

    Anomaly candidates and invariants of D=4, N=1 supergravity theories

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    All anomaly candidates and the form of the most general invariant local action are given for old and new minimal supergravity, including the cases where additional Yang--Mills and chiral matter multiplets are present. Furthermore nonminimal supergravity is discussed. In this case local supersymmetry itself may be anomalous and some of the corresponding anomaly candidates are given explicitly. The results are obtained by solving the descent equations which contain the consistency equation satisfied by integrands of anomalies and invariant actions.Comment: 19 pages, LaTex, NIKHEF-H 93-12, ITP-UH 07/9

    Generative-Adversarial-Network-Based Data Augmentation for the Classification of Craniosynostosis

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    Craniosynostosis is a congenital disease characterized by the premature closure of one or multiple sutures of the infant’s skull. For diagnosis, 3D photogrammetric scans are a radiation-free alternative to computed tomography. However, data is only sparsely available and the role of data augmentation for the classification of craniosynostosis has not yet been analyzed. In this work, we use a 2D distance map representation of the infants’ heads with a convolutional-neural-network-based classifier and employ a generative adversarial network (GAN) for data augmentation. We simulate two data scarcity scenarios with 15% and 10% training data and test the influence of different degrees of added synthetic data and balancing underrepresented classes. We used total accuracy and F1-score as a metric to evaluate the final classifiers. For 15% training data, the GAN-augmented dataset showed an increased F1-score up to 0.1 and classification accuracy up to 3 %. For 10% training data, both metrics decreased. We present a deep convolutional GAN capable of creating synthetic data for the classification of craniosynostosis. Using a moderate amount of synthetic data using a GAN showed slightly better performance, but had little effect overall. The simulated scarcity scenario of 10% training data may have limited the model’s ability to learn the underlying data distribution
