155 research outputs found

    A concept for Lithography-free patterning of silicon heterojunction back-contacted solar cells by laser processing

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    Silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells with an interdigitated back-contact (IBC) exhibit high conversion efficiencies of up to 25.6%. However, due to the sophisticated back-side pattern of the doped layers and electrode structure many processing and patterning steps are required. A simplification of the patterning steps could ideally increase the yield and/or lower the production costs. We propose a patterning approach for IBC SHJ solar cells free of any photo-lithography with the help of laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) of the individual layer stacks to create the required back-contact pattern. The concept has the potential to lower the number of processing steps significantly while at the same time giving a large degree of freedom in the processing conditions optimization of emitter and BSF since deposition of the intrinsic/doped layers and processing of the wafer are all independent from each other.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Stability and Stabilization of Impulsive Stochastic Delay Differential Equations

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    We consider the stability and stabilization of impulsive stochastic delay differential equations (ISDDEs). Using the Lyapunov-Razumikhin method, we obtain the sufficient conditions to guarantee the pth moment exponential stability of ISDDEs. Then the almost sure exponential stability is considered and the sufficient conditions of the almost sure exponential stability are obtained. Moreover, the stabilization problem of ISDDEs is studied and the criterion on impulsive stabilization of ISDDEs is established. At last, examples are presented to illustrate the correctness of our results

    Review and harmonization of the life-cycle global warming impact of PV-powered hydrogen production by electrolysis

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    This work presents a review of life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies of hydrogen electrolysis using power from photovoltaic (PV) systems. The paper discusses the assumptions, strengths and weaknesses of 13 LCA studies and identifies the causes of the environmental impact. Differences in assumptions of system boundaries, system sizes, evaluation methods, and functional units make it challenging to directly compare the Global Warming Potential (GWP) resulting from different studies. To simplify this process, 13 selected LCA studies on PV-powered hydrogen production have been harmonized following a consistent framework described by this paper. The harmonized GWP values vary from 0.7 to 6.6 kg CO2-eq/kg H2 which can be considered a wide range. The maximum absolute difference between the original and harmonized GWP results of a study is 1.5 kg CO2-eq/kg H2. Yet even the highest GWP of this study is over four times lower than the GWP of grid-powered electrolysis in Germany. Due to the lack of transparency of most LCAs included in this review, full identification of the sources of discrepancies (methods applied, assumed production conditions) is not possible. Overall it can be concluded that the environmental impact of the electrolytic hydrogen production process is mainly caused by the GWP of the electricity supply. For future environmental impact studies on hydrogen production systems, it is highly recommended to 1) divide the whole system into well-defined subsystems using compression as the final stage of the LCA and 2) to provide energy inputs/GWP results for the different subsystems

    Life-cycle global warming impact of hydrogen transport through pipelines from Africa to Germany

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    Various hydrogen pipeline structures for the export of hydrogen from Africa to Germany are analyzed by life cycle analysis (LCA) in order to determine the global warming potential (GWP) of the production and transportation of 1 kg of hydrogen. This analysis was motivated by the fact that a hydrogen pipeline infrastructure can be built cost-effectively by partially using existing natural gas pipelines. However, little is known about its possible environmental impact. In this paper, the LCA method is used to compare different import options, including possible changes to future supply chains. Three supply locations - Morocco, Senegal, and Nigeria - are compared with each other and evaluated using Germany's domestic hydrogen supply as a reference. Hydrogen transport via a pipeline from Morocco shows emissions of 0.07-0.11 kg CO2-eq per kg H2, and hydrogen transport from Nigeria causes emissions of 0.27-0.38 kg CO2-eq per kg H2. These figures are highly dependent on the flow rate of hydrogen, the GWP of PV electricity used to power the hydrogen compressors along the way, and compression efficiency. However, the GWP due to pipeline transport is negligible compared to the emissions caused by PV electrolysis. The total emissions of the African supply chain amount to 1.9-2.5 kg CO2-eq per kg H2. From a sensitivity analysis, it can be concluded that, by using identical PV panels, the GWP of German domestic hydrogen production (3.0-3.1 kg CO2-eq per kg H2) still has a higher GWP than hydrogen produced in Africa and imported through pipeline supply chains.</p

    Impact of the contacting scheme on I-V measurements of metallization-free silicon heterojunction solar cells

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    I-V measurements are sensitive to the number and positioning of current and voltage sensing contacts. For busbarless solar cells, measurement setups have been developed using current collection wires and separate voltage sense contacts. Placing the latter at a defined position enables a grid resistance neglecting measurement and thus I-V characteristics independent from the contacting system. This technique has been developed for solar cells having a finger grid and good conductivity in the direction of the fingers. The optimal position of the sense contact in case of finger-free silicon heterojunction solar cells has not yet been studied. Here, the lateral charge carrier transport occurs in a transparent conductive oxide layer resulting in a higher lateral resistance. We perform finite difference method simulations of HJT solar cells without front metallization to investigate the impact of high lateral resistances on the I-V measurement of solar cells. We show the high sensitivity on the number of used wires for contacting as well as the position of the sense contact for the voltage measurement. Using the simulations, we are able to explain the high difference of up to 7.5% in fill factor measurements of metal free solar cells with varying TCO sheet resistances between two measurement systems using different contacting setups. We propose a method to compensate for the contacting system to achieve a grid-resistance neglecting measurement with both systems allowing a reduction of the FF difference to below 1.5%

    Laminated Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Photovoltaics

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    Perovskite/silicon tandem photovoltaics have attracted enormous attention in science and technology over recent years. In order to improve the performance and stability of the technology, new materials and processes need to be investigated. However, the established sequential layer deposition methods severely limit the choice of materials and accessible device architectures. In response, a novel lamination process that increases the degree of freedom in processing the top perovskite solar cell (PSC) is proposed. The very first prototypes of laminated monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with stable power output efficiencies of up to 20.0% are presented. Moreover, laminated single-junction PSCs are on par with standard sequential layer deposition processed devices in the same architecture. The numerous advantages of the lamination process are highlighted, in particular the opportunities to engineer the perovskite morphology, which leads to a reduction of non-radiative recombination losses and and an enhancement in open-circuit voltage (Voc). Laminated PSCs exhibit improved stability by retaining their initial efficiency after 1-year aging and show good thermal stability under prolonged illumination at 80 °C. This lamination approach enables the research of new architectures for perovskite-based photovoltaics and paves a new route for processing monolithic tandem solar cells even with a scalable lamination process

    Demonstration of Feeding Vehicle-Integrated Photovoltaic-Converted Energy into the High-Voltage On-Board Network of Practical Light Commercial Vehicles for Range Extension

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    The setting up of a practical electrically driven light commercial demonstration vehicle with integrated photovoltaics (PV) is reported. The demonstrator vehicle is equipped with 15 modules based on the crystalline Si/amorphous Si heterojunction technology. The nominal total peak power under standard testing conditions is 2180 Wp. Specifically, the PV-converted energy is fed into the high-voltage (HV; 400 V) board-net for a utilization of the large capacity of the HV battery and thus for direct range extension. The demonstrator vehicle is equipped with irradiation, wind, temperature, magnetic, and global positioning system sensors. Irradiation and temperature as well as the energy flows from modules, maximum power point trackers (MPPTs), low-voltage buffer battery to HV battery via DC/DC, and from the HV battery to the loads during an exemplarily test drive day (May 31, 2021) are monitored. The range extension obtained at this day on our test route (51° 59′ N, 9° 31′ E) was 36 km, the corresponding CO2 savings account for ≈2.3 kg. The chain efficiency of the electronic components from the input side of the MPPTs to the HV output side of the DC/DC was 68.6%, whereas the DC/DC itself has an average efficiency of 90%. © 2021 The Authors. Solar RRL published by Wiley-VCH Gmb

    Single-atom tailoring of platinum nanocatalysts for high-performance multifunctional electrocatalysis

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    Platinum-based nanocatalysts play a crucial role in various electrocatalytic systems that are important for renewable, clean energy conversion, storage and utilization. However, the scarcity and high cost of Pt seriously limit the practical application of these catalysts. Decorating Pt catalysts with other transition metals offers an effective pathway to tailor their catalytic properties, but often at the sacrifice of the electrochemical active surface area (ECSA). Here we report a single-atom tailoring strategy to boost the activity of Pt nanocatalysts with minimal loss in surface active sites. By starting with PtNi alloy nanowires and using a partial electrochemical dealloying approach, we create single-nickel-atom-modified Pt nanowires with an optimum combination of specific activity and ECSA for the hydrogen evolution, methanol oxidation and ethanol oxidation reactions. The single-atom tailoring approach offers an effective strategy to optimize the activity of surface Pt atoms and enhance the mass activity for diverse reactions, opening a general pathway to the design of highly efficient and durable precious metal-based catalysts