7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Finnish action plan for the sustainable use of pesticides 2018–2022

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    The Finnish National Action Plan (NAP) on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products for 2018–2022 was evaluated by a survey indicated to the experts involved in its implementation in 2022. The survey revealed several successes such as the training and certification system of professional users, retailers and advisers, regular inspection of spray equipment, and the web-based register of plant protection products (PPP). Measures, where further improvement is necessary, are, e.g., setting of environmental quality standards for all active substances, and monitoring of surface and ground waters for PPP residues, which has suffered from a lack of resources during the NAP period. Overall screening of the sustainability goals revealed progress in all aspects, though targeting, resourcing, and monitoring remained the area with least progress compared to the same screening conducted in 2015. The perception of the experts on the constraints that limit the fulfilment of the NAP most seriously remained similar compared to their views in 2014

    Rikkaruohoruiskutusten vaikutus kevÀtviljapeltojen kasveihin

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    Rikkaruohot vÀhentyneet - torjuntaa muuutettava

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    Kasvinsuojeluaineiden haitat ovat Suomessa pieniÀ

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