114 research outputs found

    Exploring Visual Communication and Competencies Through Interaction with Images in Social Media

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    The students of today are surrounded by visual information, online as well as offline. This study examines visual communication and active competencies when interacting with longer-lasting images in social media. Focusing on one focus student in upper secondary school in Finland, the ethnographic data consist of 41 images that the focus student interacted with, by liking or sharing, on Tumblr and Instagram during school time. The data are collected during 3–5 consecutive days once a year during the focus students three years in upper secondary school. Three interviews function as secondary data. Drawing on visual ethnography and different levels of messages in visual material, the analysis shows that the focus student interacts with images in a way that communicates the kind of persona the focus student wishes to convey in social media. Thus, the findings indicate that four competencies are active while interacting with images in social media: visual competency; technical competency; knowledge of social norms; and knowledge of self. Therefore, we claim that there are active competencies when interacting with images on social media and that this should be considered in the educational discourse on youth as media users.Peer reviewe

    POP UP Themes or Theachers? Art and Research as Interventions in School

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    Promoting Sustainability Through Multimodal Storytelling

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    .In recent years, sustainability has been increasingly recognized within the early childhood education and care (ECEC) context. Early childhood educators' capacities to design meaningful learning opportunities for young children have been underlined. The article reports on a study of student teachers' learning during a project about multimodal storytelling and sustainability in ECEC teacher education. The study explores how multi-modal storytelling might contribute to the capacity to conduct education for sustainability in the context of ECEC. The participants were first-year student teachers at a Finnish university. The results show that multimodal storytelling can contribute to addressing challenging issues linked to sustainability through holistic learning processes. Hereby, multimodal storytelling opens for the exploration of existential issues and complex aspects of sustainability education. It contributes to the reflection and discussion of values, knowledge and skills that are vital for the capacity to conduct sustainability education in the early childhood.Peer reviewe

    Vad innebär multilitteracitet i bildkonst?

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    Rauno Lahtinen, Punainen Turku 1917–1918

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    Ratkaisukeskeinen johtaminen ja pirulliset ongelmat : Organisaation kulttuurista johtuva työvoimapula erikoissairaanhoidossa

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    Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee terveydenhuollon työvoimapulaa pirullisena ongelmana ja ratkaisukeskeisen johtamisen mahdollisuuksia sen ratkaisemisessa. Tarkastelussa perehdytään aiheen kirjallisuuteen, jonka pohjalta luodaan näkökulma terveydenhuollon työvoimapulasta pirullisena ongelmana ja etsitään ratkaisukeskeisen johtamisen toimintamalleista teorian ja empirian avulla sopivia ratkaisuja. Empiirisessä osassa perehdytään laadullisin menetelmin analysoituun haastatteluaineistoon, joka on kerätty Kanta-Hämeen keskussairaalan rekrytointia tekeviltä esimiehiltä. Analysoinnissa etsitään vahvistusta näkökulmalle organisaatiokulttuurista johtuvan työvoimapulan luonteesta pirullisena ongelmana ja kuvauksia ratkaisukeskeisistä toimintamalleista tämän ongelman selättämiseksi. Tulosten valossa terveydenhuollossa organisaatiokulttuurista johtuva työvoimapula vaikuttaa alati muuttuvalta, pirulliselta ongelmalta, jonka juurisyytä on vaikea löytää ja ratkaisuinterventioiden lopputulemaa vaikea ennustaa. Ratkaisukeskeisen johtamisen keinoilla vaikuttaisi kirjallisuuden perusteella olevan yhteyttä pirullisten ongelmien ratkaisuun. Pirullisen ongelman luonne vaikuttaa siihen, millaista ratkaisukeskeistä lähestymistä kulloinkin tarvitaan

    Minority nationalism and visions of socialist unity in the post-war Finnish labour movement, 1944–1949

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    The interpenetration of nationalism and socialism is a seminal problem for understanding 20th century labour movement history. This article approaches the issue of ideological interpenetration by way of a close examination of the relationship between minority nationalism and socialist unity during a formative phase for the Finnish labour movement in the post-war period. More precisely, the article investigates the Swedish-speaking minority within the Finnish labour movement and its attempt to unify different ideological factions in the labour movement through minority nationalism. The article contributes to the study of the relation between socialism and nationalism by extending the discussion to include national minorities and their relation to the socialist labour movement. The main theoretical innovation of the article is the concept of socialist minority nationalism. This concept will function as a heuristic tool for analysing the intersection of nationalism and socialist class-consciousness within the Finnish labour movement. The Swedish-speaking agents of the Finnish labour movement, and their socialist Finland-Swedish identity-project, has hitherto been neglected in Finnish labour history. Through historical investigations of national or ethnic minorities, or other past and present marginalized groups and individuals in labour history, it is possible to problematize the hegemonic historical narratives of the majority.Peer reviewe