33 research outputs found

    Zur GNSS-basierten Bestimmung von Position und Geschwindigkeit in der Fluggravimetrie

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    Das weltumspannende Satelliten-Navigationssystem GNSS spielt eine wichtige Rolle fĂŒr die Fluggravimetrie. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung zuverlĂ€ssiger GNSS-Algorithmen und Software fĂŒr die hochgenaue GNSS-Datenanalyse in der Fluggravimetrie. Ausgehend von den Anforderungen fĂŒr praktische Anwendungen der Fluggravimetrie lassen sich die BeitrĂ€ge und Schwerpunkte dieser Dissertation wie folgt zusammenfassen: Ausgleichs- bzw. SchĂ€tzungs-Algorithmen: Ausgehend von den Genauigkeitsanforderungen an die GNSS-basierte Positionsbestimmung in der Fluggravimetrie werden in einer kinematischen GNSS-Daten-Auswertung eine SchĂ€tzung nach kleinsten Quadraten einschließlich der Eliminierung von Störparametern sowie ein Zwei-Wege-Kalman-Filter angewendet. Das Ziel der beiden Ausgleichsverfahren ist es, an jedem Messzeitpunkt zunĂ€chst globale Parameter (wie System-Fehler und TrĂ€gerwellen-Ambiguities) und anschließend lokale Parameter (wie Position und Geschwindigkeit der bewegten Messplattform) zu bestimmen. Die angewandten Methoden sind sehr effizient und ergeben hochprĂ€zise Resultate fĂŒr die GNSS-Datenanalyse. Analyse von Genauigkeit und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit: Die Genauigkeit und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der Resultate der prĂ€zisen kinematischen GNSS-Positionsbestimmung werden untersucht. Dabei wird eine besondere Methode zur Bewertung der Genauigkeit der kinematischen GNSS-Positionsbestimmung vorgeschlagen, wo bekannte Entfernungen zwischen mehreren GNSS-Antennen als Genauigkeits-Maßstab genommen werden. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss der Uhrenfehler der GNSS-EmpfĂ€nger auf die Genauigkeit der kinematischen Positionsbestimmung fĂŒr die Hochgeschwindigkeits-Plattform untersucht. FĂŒr dabei auftretende Probleme wird eine Lösung vorgeschlagen. Algorithmen der kinematischen Positionsbestimmung die auf mehreren Referenzstationen beruhen: Um das Problem der im Falle langer Basislinien abnehmenden Genauigkeit in der relativen kinematischen GNSS-Positionsbestimmung zu bewĂ€ltigen, wird ein neuer Algorithmus vorgeschlagen. Er beruht auf der apriori EinfĂŒhrung von ExzentrizitĂ€ts-Bedingungen fĂŒr mehrere Referenzstationen. Dieser Algorithmus erhöht die Genauigkeit und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der Ergebnise in der kinematischen Positionsbestimmung fĂŒr große Regionen resp. lange Basislinien. PrĂ€zise GNSS-Positionsbestimmung, beruhend auf robuster SchĂ€tzung: Das Vorhandensein von groben Fehlern in den GNSS-Beobachtungen verursacht das Auftreten von Ausreißern in den Ergebnissen der Positionsbestimmung. Um dieses Problem zu ĂŒberwinden, wird ein robuster Ausgleichungs-Algorithmus angewendet, der die Auswirkungen von gro-ben Fehlern in den Ergebnissen der kinematischen GNSS-Positionsbestimmung beseitigt. Kinematische Positionierung auf der Basis mehrerer bewegter Stationen: In der Fluggravimetrie werden in der Regel mehrere GNSS-Antennen auf einer bewegten Plattform installiert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird deshalb erstens ein kinematisches GNSS-Positionsbestimmungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, das auf mehreren gleichzeitig bewegten GNSS-Stationen basiert. Aus den bekannten, konstanten Distanzen zwischen den GNSS-Antennen werden dabei apriori ExzentrizitĂ€ts-Bedingungen abgeleitet und in die Positions-schĂ€tzung eingefĂŒhrt. Dies verbessert die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit des Messsystems. Zweitens wird solch ein Ansatz auch zur Bestimmung eines gemeinsamen Refraktionsparameters aller GNSS-Antennen der Plattform fĂŒr den feuchten Teil der AtmosphĂ€re verwendet. Dieses Verfahren reduziert nicht nur die Menge der geschĂ€tzten Parameter, sondern verringert auch die Korrelation zwischen den atmosphĂ€rischen Parametern. Kinematische Positionierung basierend auf der Kombination verschiedener GNSS-Systeme: Um die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und Genauigkeit der kinematischen Positionsbestimmung zu verbessern, werden die Signale mehrerer GNSS-Systeme (d.h. GPS und GLONASS) gemeinsam registriert und ausgewertet (sog. GNSS-Integration). Zur Optimierung des relativen Gewichts zwischen den Daten der verschiedenen GNSS-Systeme wird die Helmertsche Varianz-Komponenten-SchĂ€tzung angewandt. Der auf dieser Basis entwickelte Kombinationsalgorithmus ermöglicht die Verbesserung der BeitrĂ€ge von mehreren GNSS-Systemen. Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung mit GNSS-Doppler-Daten: Die Auswertung der Schwere-Messdaten in der Fluggravimetrie verlangt die hochgenaue Bestimmung des Geschwindigkeitsvektors der bewegten Plattform. Deshalb werden rohe GNSS-Doppler-Beobachtungen verwendet, um die Geschwindigkeit der bewegten Plattform im Falle hoch-dynamischer Flugbedingungen kinematisch zu bestimmen. DarĂŒberhinaus werden aus der TrĂ€gerphase abgeleitete Doppler-Beobachtungen verwendet, um prĂ€zise GeschwindigkeitsschĂ€tzungen im Falle weniger dynamischer Flugbedingungen zu erhalten. Die Kombination verschiedener GNSS-Systeme wird auch bei der Doppler-Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung angewandt. Hierzu wird die Anwendung der Helmertschen Varianzkomponenten-SchĂ€tzung und einer robusten SchĂ€tzung untersucht. Software Entwicklung und Anwendung: Um die aktuellen Anforderungen der GNSS-basierten Positionsbestimmung in der Flug- sowie Schiffsgravimetrie zu erfĂŒllen, wurde ein Software-System (HALO_GNSS) fĂŒr die prĂ€zise kinematische GNSS-Flugbahn- und Geschwindigkeitsberechnung kinematischer Plattformen entwickelt. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen wurden in diese Software integriert. Um die Effizienz der vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen und der HALO_GNSS Software zu prĂŒfen, wurde diese Software sowohl in Flug- als auch in Schiffsgravimetrie-Projekten des GFZ Potsdam angewandt. Alle Ergebnisse werden verglichen und geprĂŒft und es wird gezeigt, dass die angewandten Methoden die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und Genauigkeit der kinematischen Positions- und Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung effektiv verbessern. Die Verwendung der Software HA-LO_GNSS ermöglicht kinematische Positionsbestimmung mit einer Genauigkeit von 1-2 cm sowie Geschwindigkeitsbestimmung mit einer Genauigkeit von ca. 1 cm/s mit Roh- und etwa 1 mm/s mit aus der TrĂ€gerphase abgeleiteten Doppler-Beobachtungen.The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) plays a significant role in the fields of airborne gravimetry. The objective of this thesis is to develop reliable GNSS algorithms and software for kinematic highly precise GNSS data analysis in airborne gravimetry. Based on the requirements for practical applications in airborne gravimetry and shipborne gravimetry projects, the core research and the contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows: Estimation Algorithm: Based on the accuracy requirements for GNSS precise positioning in airborne gravimetry, the estimation algorithms of least squares including the elimination of nuisance parameters as well as a two-way Kalman filter are applied to the kinematic GNSS data post-processing. The goal of these adjustment methods is to calculate non-epoch parameters (such as system error estimates or carrier phase ambiguity parameters) using all data in the first step, followed by the calculation of epoch parameters (such as position and velocity parameters of the kinematic platform) at every epoch. These methods are highly efficient when dealing with massive amounts of data, and give the highly precise results for the GNSS data analyzed. Accuracy Evaluation and Reliability Analysis: The accuracy evaluation and reliability analysis of the results from precise kinematic GNSS positioning is studied. A special accuracy evaluation method in GNSS kinematic positioning is proposed, where the known distances among multiple antennas of GNSS receivers are taken as an accuracy evaluation index. The effect of the GNSS receiver clock error in the accuracy evaluation for GNSS kinematic positioning results of a high-speed motion platform is studied and a solution is proposed. Kinematic Positioning Based on Multiple Reference Stations Algorithms: In order to overcome the problem of decreasing accuracy in GNSS relative kinematic positioning for long baselines, a new relative kinematic positioning method based on a priori constraints for multiple reference stations is proposed. This algorithm increases the accuracy and reliability of kinematic positioning results for large regions resp. long baselines. GNSS Precise Positioning Based on Robust Estimation: In order to solve the problem of outliers occurring in positioning results which are caused by the presence of gross errors in the GNSS observations, a robust estimation algorithm is applied to eliminate the effects of gross errors in the results of GNSS kinematic precise positioning. Kinematic Positioning Based on Multiple Kinematic Stations: In airborne gravimetry, multiple antennas of GNSS receivers are usually mounted on the kinematic platform. Firstly, a GNSS kinematic positioning method based on multiple kinematic stations is proposed. Using the known constant distances among the multiple GNSS antennas, a kinematic positioning method based on a priori distance constraints is proposed to improve the reliability of the system. Secondly, such an approach is also used for the estimation of a common atmospheric wet delay parameter among the multiple GNSS antennas mounted on the platform. This method does not only reduce the amount of estimated parameters, but also decreases the correlation among the atmospheric parameters. Kinematic Positioning Based on GNSS Integration: To improve the reliability and accuracy of kinematic positioning, a kinematic positioning method using multiple GNSS systems integration is addressed. Furthermore, a GNSS integration algorithm based on Helmert’s variance components estimation is proposed to adjust the weights in a reasonable way. This improves the results when combining data of the different GNSS systems. Velocity Determination Using GNSS Doppler Data: Airborne gravimetry requires instantaneous velocity results, thus raw Doppler observations are used to determine the kinematic instantaneous velocity in high-dynamic environments. Furthermore, carrier phase derived Doppler observations are used to obtain precise velocity estimates in low-dynamic environments. Then a method of Doppler velocity determination based on GNSS integration with Helmert’s variance components estimation and robust estimation is studied. Software Development and Application: In order to fulfill the actual requirements of airborne as well as shipborne gravimetry on GNSS precise positioning, a software system (HALO_GNSS) for precise kinematic GNSS trajectory and velocity determination for kinematic platforms has been developed. In this software, the algorithms as proposed in this thesis were adopted and applied. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and the HALO_GNSS software, this software is applied in airborne as well as shipborne gravimetry projects of GFZ Potsdam. All results are compared and examined, and it is shown that the applied approaches can effectively improve the reliability and accuracy of the kinematic position and velocity determination. It allows the kinematic positioning with an accuracy of 1-2 cm and the velocity determination with an accuracy of approximately 1 cm/s using raw and approximately 1 mm/s using carrier phase derived Doppler observations

    Improving the Performance of Multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Ambiguity Fixing for Airborne Kinematic Positioning over Antarctica

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    Conventional relative kinematic positioning is difficult to be applied in the polar region of Earth since there is a very sparse distribution of reference stations, while precise point positioning (PPP), using data of a stand-alone receiver, is recognized as a promising tool for obtaining reliable and accurate trajectories of moving platforms. However, PPP and its integer ambiguity fixing performance could be much degraded by satellite orbits and clocks of poor quality, such as those of the geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) satellites of the BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS), because temporal variation of orbit errors cannot be fully absorbed by ambiguities. To overcome such problems, a network-based processing, referred to as precise orbit positioning (POP), in which the satellite clock offsets are estimated with fixed precise orbits, is implemented in this study. The POP approach is validated in comparison with PPP in terms of integer ambiguity fixing and trajectory accuracy. In a simulation test, multi-GNSS (global navigation satellite system) observations over 14 days from 136 globally distributed MGEX (the multi-GNSS Experiment) receivers are used and four of them on the coast of Antarctica are processed in kinematic mode as moving stations. The results show that POP can improve the ambiguity fixing of all system combinations and significant improvement is found in the solution with BDS, since its large orbit errors are reduced in an integrated adjustment with satellite clock offsets. The four-system GPS+GLONASS+Galileo+BDS (GREC) fixed solution enables the highest 3D position accuracy of about 3.0 cm compared to 4.3 cm of the GPS-only solution. Through a real flight experiment over Antarctica, it is also confirmed that POP ambiguity fixing performs better and thus can considerably speed up (re-)convergence and reduce most of the fluctuations in PPP solutions, since the continuous tracking time is short compared to that in other regions

    Synthesis and characterization of novel fluorosilicone rubber using imide modified vinyl‐containing fluorosilicone resin as cross‐linker

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    A novel imide modified vinyl‐containing fluorosilicone resin (MP‐VFS) was firstly prepared from maleopimaric acid (MPA), and characterized by 1H NMR and 13C NMR. Containing MPA based imide heterocycle (MPABI), MP‐VFS was further used as a novel cross‐linker to prepare MPA modified fluorosilicone rubber (MP‐FSR). Morphology, mechanical and oil‐resistance properties, thermal properties, and low temperature resistance of MP‐FSR had been studied. Microphase separation was observed in MP‐FSR. Although the tensile strength of fluorosilicone rubber was not significantly enhanced, the tearing strength, breaking elongation, rebound resilience and hardness were effectively improved. When the MP‐VFS content was 2.0 wt %, the tearing strength of MP‐FSR was increased by 23.5%, breaking elongation by 18.6% and rebound resilience by 9.7%. The thermal stability was enhanced due to the incorporation of MPABI. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2015, 53, 1769–1776A novel imide modified vinyl fluorosilicone resin was synthesized from the natural rosin derivative (maleopimaric acid). With this resin is a new crosslinker in common heat curable fluorosilicone rubber composition, a series of imide‐modified fluorosilicone rubbers were obtained and characterized. When the loading of new crosslinker is 2.0 wt %, compared with ordinary fluorosilicone rubber, the tearing strength of obtained fluorosilicone rubber increases by 23.5%, breaking elongation by 18.6% and rebound resilience by 9.7%.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111948/1/pola27619.pd

    Clinical Effect of Knee Arthroscopy Combined with Liuwei Gubi Pill in Treating Middle-aged and Elderly Patients with Degenerative Meniscus Injury

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    Objective: To study the effect of knee arthroscopy combined with Liuwei Gubi Pill on degenerative meniscus injury in middle-aged and elderly patients. Methods: A total of 92 middle-aged and elderly patients with degenerative meniscus injury who were treated in our hospital from August 2018 to February 2020 were collected. They were divided into two groups by envelope lottery. Knee arthroscopy was used for the reference group of 46 patients, and they were guided to perform joint function exercises after surgery; 46 patients in the experimental group took Liuwei Gubi Pill on the basis of the reference group, and compared the efficacy of the two groups. Results: The total effective rate of treatment in the experimental group was 97.83%, which was higher than the reference group’s 84.78%. The experimental group’s VAS score at 1st month, 2nd month, and 3rd month after surgery was lower than that in the reference group. The Lysholm score of the experimental group at 1st month, 2nd month, and 3rd month after operation was significantly higher than that of the reference group, and the data of the two groups was compared by P<0.05. Conclusion: The treatment of middle-aged and elderly patients with degenerative meniscus injury by knee arthroscopy combined with Liuwei Gubi Pill has an ideal effect, which can alleviate postoperative pain and benefit the recovery of knee function

    Cyber-Physical systems for maintenance in Industry 4.0

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    As two emerging terms in industry field, “Industry 4.0” and “Cyber-Physical System” have attracted an increasing amount of attention from both researchers and manufactures. Available advanced technologies brought by these terms, offers possible solutions and improvements for future maintenance. The purpose of the thesis is to identify how Industry 4.0 integrates with Cyber-Physical Systems regarding maintenance management and the requirements for companies to reach the ideal smart factory. Two researcher questions were studied to fulfill the purpose. Firstly, identifying the integration between Industry 4.0 and CPS regarding maintenance functions. Secondly, to investigate how such integration contribute to maintenance management in an ideal future factory

    Effect of Huoxuejiangu Decoction on Osteoarthritis

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    Objective: To explore the clinical intervention effect of applying Huoxue Jiangu Decoction in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis. Methods: Research work was carried out in our hospital from December 2018 to December 2019. A total of 100 patients with osteoarthritis received treatment during this period were selected and divided into two groups using random number method. One group was given sodium hyaluronate injection for treatment, which was the control group, and the other group was given Huoxuejiangu Decoction combined with sodium hyaluronate injection, which was the experimental group. The clinical treatment of the two groups of patients was compared and analyzed. Results: The patients' pain levels were compared. There was no significant difference between the groups before the intervention treatment. After treatment, the experimental group score was (3.05±0.55), which was lower than the control group, the improvement effect was more significant, and the difference between the groups was significant (P< 0.05), the experimental group had a better effect. The clinical treatment of the two groups of patients was compared and analyzed. There was no significant difference in the WOMAS index between the two groups before treatment. After treatment, the score of the experimental group was (34.33±6.98), and the improvement rate was (37.45±13.22). After treatment, the score was lower and the improvement rate was higher, which was significantly higher than the control group (P <0.05), which was significant. The treatment effective rate of the patients in the experimental group was 80.00%, and the treatment effective rate of the patients in the control group was 64.00%. When comparing, the effective rate of the experimental group was higher, and the data comparison between the groups was significantly different. Conclusion: For the patients with osteoarthritis, the application of Huoxue Jiangu Decoction has a significant clinical effect, which can reduce the patient's pain level, improve the patient's clinical symptoms, have high clinical value, and it can be promoted

    A Novel Adaptive Two-Stage Information Filter Approach for Deep-Sea USBL/DVL Integrated Navigation

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    An accurate observation model and statistical model are critical in underwater integrated navigation. However, it is often the case that the statistical characteristics of noise are unknown through the ultra-short baseline (USBL) system/Doppler velocity log (DVL) integrated navigation in the deep-sea. Additionally, the velocity of underwater vehicles relative to the bottom of the sea or the currents is commonly provided by the DVL, and an adaptive filtering solution is needed to correctly estimate the velocity with unknown currents. This paper focuses on the estimation of unknown currents and measurement noise covariance for an underwater vehicle based on the USBL, DVL, and a pressure gauge (PG), and proposes a novel unbiased adaptive two-stage information filter (ATSIF) for the underwater vehicle (UV) with an unknown time-varying currents velocity. In the proposed algorithm, the adaptive filter is decomposed into a standard information filter and an unknown currents velocity information filter with interconnections, and the time-varying unknown ocean currents and measurement noise covariance are estimated. The simulation and experimental results illustrate that the proposed algorithm can make full use of high-precision observation information and has better robustness and navigation accuracy to deal with time-varying currents and measurement outliers than existing state-of-the-art algorithms

    Accurate Multiple Ocean Bottom Seismometer Positioning in Shallow Water Using GNSS/Acoustic Technique

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    The Global Navigation Satellite System combined with acoustic technique has achieved great economic benefits in positioning of ocean bottom seismometers, with hundreds of underwater transponders attached to seismometers typically being deployed during oil exploration. The previous single transponder positioning method ignored the similar underwater environments between the transponders. Due to the refraction effect of sound, the technique usually showed poor positioning accuracy in shallow water when the incidence angles are large. In this paper, the effect of sound ray bending is analyzed based on the sound ray tracing method in shallow water, and a new piecewise incidence angle model is proposed to improve the positioning accuracy of multiple objects in order to estimate the sound ray bending correction. The parameters of the new model are divided into groups and estimated by sequential least squares method, together with all of the transponders. The observability analysis is discussed in simulation and testing experiments in the South China Sea. The results show that the newly proposed method is able to make full use of the acoustic observation data of hundreds of transponders to accurately estimate the SRB correction, which could also significantly improve the positioning accuracy of multiple transponders