55 research outputs found

    Healthcare resource utilisation and associated costs after low-risk pulmonary embolism: pre-specified analysis of the Home Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism (HoT-PE) study

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    BACKGROUND Pulmonary embolism (PE) and its sequelae impact healthcare systems globally. Low-risk PE patients can be managed with early discharge strategies leading to cost savings, but post-discharge costs are undetermined. PURPOSE To define healthcare resource utilisation and overall costs during follow-up of low-risk PE. METHODS We used an incidence-based, bottom-up approach and calculated direct and indirect costs over 3-month follow-up after low-risk PE, with data from the Home Treatment of Patients with Low-Risk Pulmonary Embolism (HoT-PE) cohort study. RESULTS Average 3-month costs per patient having suffered low-risk PE were 7029.62 €; of this amount, 4872.93 € were associated with PE, accounting to 69.3% of total costs. Specifically, direct costs totalled 3019.33 €, and of those, 862.64 € (28.6%) were associated with PE. Anticoagulation (279.00 €), rehospitalisations (296.83 €), and ambulatory visits (194.95 €) comprised the majority of the 3-month direct costs. The remaining costs amounting to 4010.29 € were indirect costs due to loss of productivity. CONCLUSION In a patient cohort with acute low-risk PE followed over 3 months, the majority of costs were indirect costs related to productivity loss, whereas direct, PE-specific post-discharge costs were low. Effective interventions are needed to reduce the burden of PE and associated costs, especially those related to productivity loss

    Drivers and recent trends of hospitalisation costs related to acute pulmonary embolism

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS The socio-economic burden imposed by acute pulmonary embolism (PE) on European healthcare systems is largely unknown. We sought to determine temporal trends and identify cost drivers of hospitalisation for PE in Germany. METHODS AND RESULTS We analysed the totality of reimbursed hospitalisation costs in Germany (G-DRG system) in the years 2016-2020. Overall, 484 884 PE hospitalisations were coded in this period. Direct hospital costs amounted to a median of 3572 (IQR, 2804 to 5869) euros, resulting in average total reimbursements of 710 million euros annually. Age, PE severity, comorbidities and in-hospital (particularly bleeding) complications were identified by multivariable logistic regression as significant cost drivers. Use of catheter-directed therapy (CDT) constantly increased (annual change in the absolute proportion of hospitalisations with CDT + 0.40% [95% CI + 0.32% to + 0.47%]; P < 0.001), and it more than doubled in the group of patients with severe PE (28% of the entire population) over time. Although CDT use was overall associated with increased hospitalisation costs, this association was no longer present (adjusted OR 1.02 [0.80-1.31]) in patients with severe PE and shock; this was related, at least in part, to a reduction in the median length of hospital stay (for 14.0 to 8.0 days). CONCLUSIONS We identified current and emerging cost drivers of hospitalisation for PE, focusing on severe disease and intermediate/high risk of an adverse early outcome. The present study may inform reimbursement decisions by policymakers and help to guide future health economic analysis of advanced treatment options for patients with PE

    Two-dimensional knowledge-based volumetric reconstruction of the right ventricle documents short-term improvement in pulmonary hypertension

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    BACKGROUND: Data are scarce about short-term right ventricular changes in pulmonary hypertension. Two-dimensional knowledge-based reconstruction of the right ventricle with 2D echocardiography (2DKBR) has been shown to be a valid alternative to Cardiac MRI. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this longitudinal study 25 pulmonary hypertension patients underwent 2DKBR of the right ventricle, assessment of NT-proBNP levels and functional class at baseline and after a mean follow-up of 6.1 months. Patients were followed up clinically for a further mean of 8.2 months. The majority of patients had connective tissue disease (CTD) associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (n=15) or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH; n=6). A total of 15 patients underwent an intervention, either new targeted therapy, escalation of targeted therapy or pulmonary endarterectomy. A total of 10 clinically stable patients were routinely followed up without any change in therapy. RESULTS: There were significant improvements in the right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (111±29 mL/m² vs 100±36 mL/m²; P=.038), end-systolic volume index (72±23 mL/m² vs 61±25 mL/m²; P=.001), and ejection fraction (35±10% vs 40±9%; P=.030). Changes in NT-proBNP levels correlated strongest with changes in end-systolic volume index (r=-.77; P=<.0001). Four patients experienced clinical worsening during extended follow-up, dilatation of the right ventricle was associated with clinical worsening. CONCLUSION: In a CTD and CTEPH dominated patient population significant reverse remodeling and improvement of ejection fraction occurred despite a short follow-up and was paralleled by significant changes in NT-proBNP levels. Further right ventricular dilatation was associated with worse clinical outcome. 2DKBR is a feasible substitute for Cardiac MRI to follow-up right ventricular indices in pulmonary hypertension

    EEG slow-wave coherence changes in propofol-induced general anesthesia: experiment and theory.

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns recorded during general anesthetic-induced coma are closely similar to those seen during slow-wave sleep, the deepest stage of natural sleep; both states show patterns dominated by large amplitude slow waves. Slow oscillations are believed to be important for memory consolidation during natural sleep. Tracking the emergence of slow-wave oscillations during transition to unconsciousness may help us to identify drug-induced alterations of the underlying brain state, and provide insight into the mechanisms of general anesthesia. Although cellular-based mechanisms have been proposed, the origin of the slow oscillation has not yet been unambiguously established. A recent theoretical study by Steyn-Ross et al. (2013) proposes that the slow oscillation is a network, rather than cellular phenomenon. Modeling anesthesia as a moderate reduction in gap-junction interneuronal coupling, they predict an unconscious state signposted by emergent low-frequency oscillations with chaotic dynamics in space and time. They suggest that anesthetic slow-waves arise from a competitive interaction between symmetry-breaking instabilities in space (Turing) and time (Hopf), modulated by gap-junction coupling strength. A significant prediction of their model is that EEG phase coherence will decrease as the cortex transits from Turing-Hopf balance (wake) to Hopf-dominated chaotic slow-waves (unconsciousness). Here, we investigate changes in phase coherence during induction of general anesthesia. After examining 128-channel EEG traces recorded from five volunteers undergoing propofol anesthesia, we report a significant drop in sub-delta band (0.05-1.5 Hz) slow-wave coherence between frontal, occipital, and frontal-occipital electrode pairs, with the most pronounced wake-vs.-unconscious coherence changes occurring at the frontal cortex

    Optical coherence tomography evaluation of pulmonary arterial vasculopathy in Systemic Sclerosis

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    Our current understanding of the pathophysiology of pulmonary vascular disease is incomplete, since information about alterations of the pulmonary vasculature in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is primarily provided by autopsy or tissue specimens. The aim of this study was to compare the distal pulmonary vasculature of <2 mm in diameter in Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) patients with (n = 17) and without (n = 5) associated PAH using Optical Coherence Tomography during Right Heart catheterization. SSc-PAH patients showed significant thickening of Intima Media Thickening Area compared to patients without PAH (27 +/- 5.8% vs. 21 +/- 1.4%, p = 0.024). A good haemodynamic response to previous targeted PAH treatment was associated with a significantly greater number of small pulmonary artery side branches <300 μm per cm vessel (3.8 +/- 1.1 vs. 1.8 +/- 1.1; p = 0.010) and not associated with Intima Media thickening Area (26 +/- 5.4% vs. 28 +/- 6.7%; p = 0.6). Unexpected evidence of pulmonary artery thrombus formation was found in 19% of SSc-PAH patients. This is the first in-vivo study demonstrating a direct link between a structural abnormality of pulmonary arteries and a response to targeted treatment in PAH. Intravascular imaging may identify subgroups that may benefit from anticoagulation

    Modelling Costs of Interventional Pulmonary Embolism Treatment: Implications of US Trends for a European Healthcare System

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    BACKGROUND Catheter-directed treatment (CDT) of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) is entering a growth phase in Europe following a steady increase in the United States (US) in the past decade, but the potential economic impact on European healthcare systems remains unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS We built two statistical models for the monthly trend of proportion of CDT among patients with severe (intermediate- or high-risk) PE in the US. The conservative model was based on admission data from the National Inpatient Sample (NIS) 2016-2020, and the model reflecting increasing access to advanced treatment from the PERTTM national quality assurance database registry 2018-2021. By applying these models to the forecast of annual PE-related hospitalizations in Germany, we calculated the annual number of severe PE cases and the expected increase in CDT use for the period 2025-2030. The NIS-based model yielded a slow increase, reaching 3.1% (95% CI 3.0-3.2%) among all hospitalizations with PE in 2030; in the PERT-based model, increase would be steeper, reaching 8.7% (8.3-9.2%). Based on current reimbursement rates, we estimated an increase of annual costs for PE-related hospitalizations in Germany ranging from 15.3 to 49.8 million euros by 2030. This calculation does not account for potential cost savings, including those from reduced length of hospital stay. CONCLUSION Our approach and results, which may be adapted to other European healthcare systems, provide a benchmark for healthcare costs expected to result from CDT. Data from ongoing trials on clinical benefits and cost savings are needed to determine cost-effectiveness and inform reimbursement decisions

    From basic mechanisms to clinical applications in heart protection, new players in cardiovascular diseases and cardiac theranostics: meeting report from the third international symposium on "New frontiers in cardiovascular research"

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    In this meeting report, particularly addressing the topic of protection of the cardiovascular system from ischemia/reperfusion injury, highlights are presented that relate to conditioning strategies of the heart with respect to molecular mechanisms and outcome in patients' cohorts, the influence of co-morbidities and medications, as well as the contribution of innate immune reactions in cardioprotection. Moreover, developmental or systems biology approaches bear great potential in systematically uncovering unexpected components involved in ischemia-reperfusion injury or heart regeneration. Based on the characterization of particular platelet integrins, mitochondrial redox-linked proteins, or lipid-diol compounds in cardiovascular diseases, their targeting by newly developed theranostics and technologies opens new avenues for diagnosis and therapy of myocardial infarction to improve the patients' outcome