409 research outputs found

    PKind: A parallel k-induction based model checker

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    PKind is a novel parallel k-induction-based model checker of invariant properties for finite- or infinite-state Lustre programs. Its architecture, which is strictly message-based, is designed to minimize synchronization delays and easily accommodate the incorporation of incremental invariant generators to enhance basic k-induction. We describe PKind's functionality and main features, and present experimental evidence that PKind significantly speeds up the verification of safety properties and, due to incremental invariant generation, also considerably increases the number of provable ones.Comment: In Proceedings PDMC 2011, arXiv:1111.006

    Synthesizing Modular Invariants for Synchronous Code

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    In this paper, we explore different techniques to synthesize modular invariants for synchronous code encoded as Horn clauses. Modular invariants are a set of formulas that characterizes the validity of predicates. They are very useful for different aspects of analysis, synthesis, testing and program transformation. We describe two techniques to generate modular invariants for code written in the synchronous dataflow language Lustre. The first technique directly encodes the synchronous code in a modular fashion. While in the second technique, we synthesize modular invariants starting from a monolithic invariant. Both techniques, take advantage of analysis techniques based on property-directed reachability. We also describe a technique to minimize the synthesized invariants.Comment: In Proceedings HCVS 2014, arXiv:1412.082

    Biblical Parenting

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    The goal of this Doctor of Ministry thesis project, Biblical Parenting, is to equip parents with tools that will enable them to conduct Bible study and family worship in an age-appropriate manner, so that their children will grow up understanding the Word of God and have a biblical worldview that will direct their daily decisions. Some of the parents at Calvary Baptist Church and Covenant Christian Academy appear not to be accomplishing their God given task of evangelizing and discipling their children at home. Instead they have relegated that responsibility to the church. However, according to the Bible, parents are divinely mandated to train up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4), which can only be effectively accomplished in the home environment with loving parents. The church’s job is to come alongside of the parents to equip and support them. This 6-week pilot program will focus primarily on parents who still have young children at home, including single parents. The research data gathering tools will include surveys, questionnaires, pre/post assessments. When parents implement their new found knowledge at home, their children should be able to live out the Christian life by demonstrating it, proclaiming it, and defending it

    An analysis of amenity-led rural economic *development in northeast region: A spatial simultaneous equations approach

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    In a matter of just a few decades, the economic landscape of rural America has changed in fundamental ways. Industries once considered the backbone of rural economies have been transformed by globalization and marketing. Others, such as tourism and amenity-based economies or the service sector, have emerged to replace the traditional natural resource and manufacturing-based economies. These changes have invigorated some areas, and forever altered others. Consequently, Interest in an amenity focused development strategy has exploded as policymakers and community leaders realize that most of the jobs lost in recent decades will not return. Instead, these leaders are looking inside their communities for new sources of economic growth.;In an effort to analyze the role of natural and recreational amenities in rural economic growth, this study develops a simultaneous-equation system under the assumptions of profit maximization of firms and utility maximization of households as well as the neoclassical assumption of equilibrium growth in a partial lag-adjustment growth-equilibrium framework. Past studies assume that amenities have a direct and independent effect on economic growth, but in reality the availability of high amenity levels alone can only create the opportunity for economic growth. But to be an effective development tool it should be coupled with factors that can exploit its existence, encourage its use, and give it a comparative advantage.;This research extends existing studies in this area by incorporating interaction terms that account for the combined impact of amenities with proximity to metropolitan areas and accessibility (Interstate highway density). Furthermore, the study contributes to the amenity and regional growth literature by estimating a simultaneous spatial Durbin model using the two stages least square method. Historical and cultural amenities and water based recreational amenities are found to play a positive role in shaping the growth of population in the northeast region of the US. The role of natural amenities, land and winter based amenities is found to be negative or insignificant. One of the important findings of the study is the positive role of surrounding counties historical and cultural amenities in the growth of population and employment densities. Overall there is no evidence of a consistent and strong relationship and the results can be termed as mixed and inconclusive

    Exploration of Potential Risk Factors For Texas County COVID-19 Infection Rates

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    There have been over 2 million COVID-19 cases within the United States. When considering where infections take place, there appears to be variability between states and even between counties (Gardner 2020). To understand the reasons underlying this phenomenon, we used Texas county data on Covid-19 infection rates and utilized auxiliary data such as age, race, gender, diabetes and obesity rates, temperature, humidity, median household income, metropolitan or rural designation, and poverty rates to see what confers greater risk for higher total infection at a county level. Our study found a positive relationship between diabetes and obesity rates and COVID-19 infection rates, and a negative relationship between the rates of lower educational status and COVID-19 infection rates. Further studies should investigate the underlying mechanisms regarding why those with diabetes, obesity, or a High School Diploma or less are more susceptible to COVID-19 infection as well as the role that population density and different stay-at-home policies affected infection rates in each county

    Development of an Analytical Method for the Trace Determination of Mycophenolic Acid by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Following Extraction of the Compound from Feedstuffs

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    Mycophenolic acid is toxic to animals consuming it beyond a certain level and possesses antitumor activity. Not many methods for its trace analysis in feedstuffs and agricultural products have been reported. Thus, it is desirable to develop a standard analytical technique for such important compounds. The purpose of this investigation is to develop a technique or method sensitive enough to determine trace quantities of the compound. The method developed is based on solvent extraction from feedstuffs and detection by high performance liquid chromatography. Solvent extraction methods have given good results with low background interferences when cleaned up by column chromatography and/or acid base partitioning (for some grain samples only). High performance liquid chromatography was chosen for the detection of mycophenolic acid because it offers a high degree of sensitivity and selectivity with very few background interferences when compared to gas chromatography

    Relationships of Selected Key Logistics Factors and Logistics Performance Index of Sub-Saharan African Countries

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    Logistics and supply chain bottlenecks are magnified with inefficient business processes and can result in increases of trade costs. Logistics Performance Index is a measure of how well different countries perform in their logistics activities to increase trade efficiencies. This study tries to explore the relationship of critical logistics factors with logistics performance index (LPI) developed by the World Bank. By taking Rwanda as a case study, the paper also explores the performance differences in logistics between landlocked and coastal countries, among countries within the same region, and income group. It shades light how a landlocked and low-income country was able in a decade to improve its logistics performance. The findings of two-stage least square provides a single estimated logistics index. It can explain the multiple logistic indicators which can be used to improve the ability to compete and improve logistics performance. Moreover, countries in the study, as well as other countries can utilize this estimated index to target policy actions to improve logistics operations

    Telecommunications Investment and Economic Development: Evidence from a Panel of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

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    The objective of this paper is to study the role of government effectiveness, institutional and political factors in aggregate output and telecommunications penetration in SSA countries. The contribution of these factors in aggregate output and telecommunications evolution is examined using a framework that accounts for the endogeneity and interactions between aggregate output and telephone penetration rates. Results from the study indicate that government effectiveness is an important determinant for aggregate output. Another supplemental finding is that the incessant political upheavals in SSA countries have a detrimental effect on aggregate output. From this, we endorse that SSA countries should design and implement efficient institutional frameworks and mechanisms that will expand telecommunications network infrastructure in both rural and urban areas and thus spur growth and development

    Causal Relationship of Logistics Performance Gross Domestic Product and Governance

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    This study investigates the short-run and long-run relationship between a country’s logistic performance, GDP, and governance. Although several studies have explored the relationship between governance indicators and economic growth, up to now, no attempt has been made to quantify the relationship and direction of causality between logistic performance, GDP, and governance for African countries. Using data from forty-seven African countries for the period 2007-2018, we conduct our empirical analyses using the panel error correction model. The contribution of this study is by using a panel-data approach to a variety of factors, it attempted to explain the variance in the LPI for the selected countries