6 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Hukum Hak Waris Anak Diluar Nikah Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

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    The presence of a child outside of marriage/marriage will be a matter of sufficient concern for women who give birth to or for local people. This research will be conducted on Religious Pasarwajo Court, is based on the consideration that the data and information necessary and relevant to the issues in the research in, can be poroleh easily. The research results showed that the inheritance of the child outside of marriage based on law No. 1 year 1974 about marriage is a whole child outside mating born outside the marriage provision provision or requirement contained in article 2 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of law number 1 Year 1974 about marriage. Berdasrkan research results beyond the kawini children of the author, who is not at all in a marriage that is valid not included in the terms of mutual recognition of inherited, except by a man that it was his son who followed by the existence of DNA evidence and a blood test based on the decision of the constitutional Number Mahkama. 46/PUU-VIII/2010. &nbsp

    Tinjauan Hukum Hak Waris Anak Diluar Nikah Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

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    The presence of a child outside of marriage/marriage will be a matter of sufficient concern for women who give birth to or for local people. This research will be conducted on Religious Pasarwajo Court, is based on the consideration that the data and information necessary and relevant to the issues in the research in, can be poroleh easily. The research results showed that the inheritance of the child outside of marriage based on law No. 1 year 1974 about marriage is a whole child outside mating born outside the marriage provision provision or requirement contained in article 2 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of law number 1 Year 1974 about marriage. Berdasrkan research results beyond the kawini children of the author, who is not at all in a marriage that is valid not included in the terms of mutual recognition of inherited, except by a man that it was his son who followed by the existence of DNA evidence and a blood test based on the decision of the constitutional Number Mahkama. 46/PUU-VIII/2010. &nbsp

    The Urgence of Establishing Southeast Sulawesi Regional Regulations in The Management And Conservation of Cultural Heritage

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    The purpose of this study is to serve as a reference for the discussion of the Draft Regional Regulation of the Province of Southeast Sulawesi on the Preservation and Management of Cultural Conservation, either by institutions or officials authorized to formulate and form regional regulations, or by the community in order to participate in the discussion of a regional regulation. This research employs normative legal research and library research to collect legal resources (primary, secondary) and pertinent non-legal materials. Theoretically and empirically, the preservation and management of cultural heritage is an obligation for all parties, including the Provincial Government of Southeast Sulawesi and the City Regency Government, so that cultural heritage does not experience extinction due to natural factors or theft and damage at the hands of humans

    An Effort For Formul Justice Criminal Law Enforcement

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    In criminal law enforcement, legally formally it will lead to administrative issues. Where in the exercise of power related to examination matters at the level of the police, prosecutor's office to the judiciary, it must be able to provide certainty that there is no abuse of power. Not infrequently in a criminal incident, many suspects are involved in it and other actions. The contribution of everyone who commits an act in the same event must be rewarded with appropriate sanctions and may not exceed what has been determined in the laws and regulations (lex scripta). Therefore, in the prosecution process, the prosecutor is obliged to understand the construction of a criminal event, so that each perpetrator of the crime gets a reward for their respective contributions. Separation of case files legally has been regulated in article 142 of the Criminal Procedure Code. known as splitsing or a split trial. Doctrinal research using the statue approach was carried out to answer the normative question whether this splitsing could cause a violation ofOn the other hand, the principle of non-self-incrimination can positive law enforcement be able to achieve justice in la

    Analisis Hukum Perjanjian Pembiayaan Konsumen/Sewa Beli antara Pelaku Usaha Kredit Elektronik dan Forniture Terhadap Konsumen tidak masuk dalam Perjanjian Fidusia

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    Abstrak Salah satu bentuk hukum yang berperan nyata dan penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat adalah Hukum Perjanjian. Secara yuridis pengertian Perjanjian yang terdapat dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata (KUH Perdata) pada pasal 1313, disebutkan bahwa “Perjanjian adalah suatu perbuatan di mana satu atau dua orang atau lebih mengikatkan dirinya terhadap satu orang lain atau lebih”.PT. Colombus Baubau dalam melakukan perjanjian terhadap konsumen merupakan perjanjian baku atau biasa disebut kebebasan berkontrak hal ini sangat merugikan konsumen disaat terjadinya wanprestasi,perlunya perjanjian sewa beli di PT.Colombus memilih jalan untuk melakukan perjanjian yang disebut fidusia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis Normatif dan Empiris. Kata Kunci: Perjanjian, Kebebasan Berkontrak, Fidusia   Abstract One form of law that plays a real and important role in people's lives is the Law of the Agreement. Juridically, the understanding of the Agreement contained in the Civil Code (KUH Perdata) in article 1313, states that "A contract is an act in which one or two people or more bind themselves to one or more other people".PT. Colombus Baubau in making agreements with consumers is a standard agreement or commonly called freedom of contract, this is very detrimental to consumers when a default occurs, the need for a lease purchase agreement at PT. Colombus chooses to enter into an agreement called fiduciary. The research method used is Normative and Empirical juridical. Keywords: Agreement, Freedom of Contract, Fiduciar