3 research outputs found

    The Formation of Nationalism-Religious Country in Malaysia

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    After independence, efforts to reconstruct the history of ancient Malaysia recorded by colonial scholars have been made. However, there are still poor explanations. Therefore, the following studies are the study of the history of the Malay community in a new interpretation. The methods used in this study are phenomenological. With this method it was found that the process of independence of Malaya in 1957 did not take place in the short run by the British and its elite, but it took a long time and made little sacrifice. It started in the form of awareness by scholars of Malay nationalism itself which unfortunately has been forgotten or closed their role by chroniclers

    Malay Local Wisdom: An Analysis of Social History of the Malay Literary Saga Books

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    Kajian ini mengungkapkan bagaimana suatu episteme keilmuan Melayu muncul dalam konteks sosialnya. Dengan kajian literature kajian ini menemukan bahwa kesedaran masyarakat dunia tentang kearifan tempatan milik masyarakat peribumi bukan eropah boleh diisi dengan mengemukakan konsep kearifan tempatan berasaskan ilmu melayu Islam. Kemudian, konstruk dan formula kearifan tempatan Melayu memang agak unik kerana merupakan hasil adunan dan sentesis antara Islam dengan pemikiran Melayu. Ia agak dinamik dan masih terpakai hingga pada masa sekarang. Selanjutnya, kitab jawi memang merupakan produk kearifan tempatan Melayu Islam yang terpenting. Ia dapat dilihat daripada segi penciptaan tulisan jawi dan konstruk ilmu yang dibangunkan oleh ulama melayu silam. Ia merupakan warisan berharga yang perlu dijaga dan dikaji oleh generasi akan datang


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    This study tried to reconstruct the Pahang’s Islamic historical facts. It is in according with the post colonialism approach which strive to improve any flaws contained in the past study. The study finds, Pahang as well as the Malay world owed to significant contribution of the Acehenese Muslim tradition. This is evident in various aspects such as politics, social and thought. Significantly, Aceh has founded an Islamic tradition held by Malay world Muslims