6,306 research outputs found

    the Example of Rhodes

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    Für das hellenistische und kaiserzeitliche Rhodos sind verschiedene Gymnasiarchien bezeugt: ein gymnasiarchos der presbyteroi, einer der neoteroi und ein Phylenamt, das mit Fackelläufen verbunden war. Innerhalb der vorwiegend epigraphischen Quellen sind hellenistische Lebenslaufinschriften, eine Besonderheit des rhodischen epigraphic habit, am aufschlussreichsten. Denn sie erlauben es, Ämter innerhalb der Abfolge öffentlicher Funktionen einzelner Individuen zeitlich zu verorten, und zeigen dabei, dass jede der Gymnasiarchien in einem bestimmten Alter ausgeübt wurde. Ein Vergleich hellenistischer und kaiserzeitlicher Inschriften zeigt eine bemerkenswerte Kontinuität in der Darstellung der rhodischen Gymnasiarchien, wobei die einzige bedeutende Abweichung darin besteht, dass in der Kaiserzeit Ölspenden stärker betont wurden

    Using word problems in Malaysian mathematics education: looking beneath the surface

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    This paper reports on aspects of a project that investigated the influence of Chinese Malaysian students&rsquo; schooling in a tradition of abstract, technical mathematics and rote learning on ways that they responded to mathematical word problems. Data from an action research project are reported. Supposedly &ldquo;shallow&rdquo; and &ldquo; deep&rdquo; learning are shown to be interlinked, and assumptions frequently made by Western educators about modelling and practice are questioned.<br /

    Beyond pressureless gas dynamics: Quadrature-based velocity moment models

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    Following the seminal work of F. Bouchut on zero pressure gas dynamics which has been extensively used for gas particle-flows, the present contribution investigates quadrature-based velocity moments models for kinetic equations in the framework of the infinite Knudsen number limit, that is, for dilute clouds of small particles where the collision or coalescence probability asymptotically approaches zero. Such models define a hierarchy based on the number of moments and associated quadrature nodes, the first level of which leads to pressureless gas dynamics. We focus in particular on the four moment model where the flux closure is provided by a two-node quadrature in the velocity phase space and provide the right framework for studying both smooth and singular solutions. The link with both the kinetic underlying equation as well as with zero pressure gas dynamics is provided and we define the notion of measure solutions as well as the mathematical structure of the resulting system of four PDEs. We exhibit a family of entropies and entropy fluxes and define the notion of entropic solution. We study the Riemann problem and provide a series of entropic solutions in particular cases. This leads to a rigorous link with the possibility of the system of macroscopic PDEs to allow particle trajectory crossing (PTC) in the framework of smooth solutions. Generalized δ\delta-choc solutions resulting from Riemann problem are also investigated. Finally, using a kinetic scheme proposed in the literature without mathematical background in several areas, we validate such a numerical approach in the framework of both smooth and singular solutions.Comment: Submitted to Communication in Mathematical Science

    AI and OR in management of operations: history and trends

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    The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for operations management with the aim of finding solutions to problems that are increasing in complexity and scale. This paper begins by setting the context for the survey through a historical perspective of OR and AI. An extensive survey of applications of AI techniques for operations management, covering a total of over 1200 papers published from 1995 to 2004 is then presented. The survey utilizes Elsevier's ScienceDirect database as a source. Hence, the survey may not cover all the relevant journals but includes a sufficiently wide range of publications to make it representative of the research in the field. The papers are categorized into four areas of operations management: (a) design, (b) scheduling, (c) process planning and control and (d) quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Each of the four areas is categorized in terms of the AI techniques used: genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning, knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic and hybrid techniques. The trends over the last decade are identified, discussed with respect to expected trends and directions for future work suggested

    A Foucauldian analysis on the professionalisation effort of nursing in Singapore

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    Aim: A discussion using Foucault’s genealogical analysis to explain the professionalisation effort of nursing in Singapore. Background: Nursing in Singapore is strongly influenced by Western civilisation, however, the discipline may not have adopted similar responses to the world’s nursing professionalisation agenda as led by the West. An explanation on the ways nursing is spoken of and practiced in Singapore provides insights to the effects on nursing development in the country. Design: The discussion uses Foucault’s genealogy of power to draw on the practices of clinical nursing and nursing education in Singapore in an attempt to uncover the unorthodox professionalisation effort. Data Sources: The discussion is an outcome of a critical reflective observation made by the authors between 1993 and 2014. It is supported by related literature, critical debates amongst Singapore healthcare professionals, nurse lecturers and the Singapore locals. Implications for Nursing: Time and effort vested in overcoming medico-political dominance, should be used in the pursuit of high quality nursing clinical knowledge and acumen. Specialised nursing knowledge and autonomous practice should adopt an explicit focus in its mission to achieve the common good which is in favour of the public interest. Conclusions: While the hierarchical nursing structure was the foundation for professionalising nursing, nursing subservience was the gateway for advancing nursing in Singapore. Without generalising the positive effects of the power-relations in Singapore, nursing practice which reflected the ‘subservience in females’ and demonstrated respect for authority within a hierarchical system had evidently led to good quality nursing practices which serve as a strong foundation for nursing to secure professional recognition

    Nursing care behaviour in interprofessional learning explained by critical discourse analysis

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    Aim: to demonstrate Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis as a way to understand nurse caring behaviour in asynchronous text-based interprofessional online learning within higher education. Background: asynchronous text-based learning experience of homogeneous nursing groups indicated nurse caring behaviour in a small number of studies. However, positive findings were not found in studies about interprofessional learning undertaken by nurses. Instead, nurses’ dominance which might be a result of professional boundaries was frequently reported as a barrier to interprofessional education, yet little is understood about the phenomenon. Design: a study which employed Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis was used to understand the translation of nurse caring behaviour in text-based online interprofessional learning within higher education. Data Source: the asynchronous online discussions produced by thirteen students undertaking an online interprofessional learning module at master’s level in a University in the North of England were the discourse data for analysis. Findings: By using Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, understanding of the semiotic categories corresponding to genres, discourses and styles yielded information on nurses’ discourse in online learning. Through appreciating the subliminal way in which these three categories relate to social practices and social events, the dialectical relations between semiosis of the online text and its other elements were made explicit. In doing so, the way nurse caring behaviour in interprofessional learning were translated in an asynchronous text-based learning environment was explained. Conclusions: Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis was useful in explaining how nurse caring attributes when displayed online could result in the interprofessional learning space being used as a platform for nurses and allied healthcare professionals to co-construct power-relations. The analysis required researchers’ tacit knowledge, based on an emic (insider) position in healthcare practice and education, which is closely linked to the power-relations that is entangled in the social order and practices in healthcare. This explains why researchers outside of critical discourse analytic work would hold a strong view for an etic (outsider) perspective in discourse analysis. In this regard, one should consider triangulating critical discourse methodology with other qualitative theoretical frameworks

    Critical discourse analysis : an alternative but vital route to understanding how nurses' caring behaviour is translated in text-based interprofessional online learning in higher education

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    Paper presented at ProPEL international conference 2014, 24-27 June, Stirling, Scotland. ABSTRACT Aim: to demonstrate Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis as an alternative but vital route to the understanding of translation of nursing caring behaviour in asynchronous text-based interprofessional online learning within higher education. Background: Positive asynchronous text-based online learning experience indicating nursing caring behaviours were reported in only a small number of studies about homogeneous nursing groups. In addition, these positive findings seemed to be eroded by nurses’ dominance in interprofessional learning situations. The dominance which might be a result of professional boundaries is a critical barrier to interprofessional education, where little is yet understood about the phenomenon. Design: A study which employed Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis was used to seek understanding of the translation of nursing caring behaviour in text-based interprofessional online learning within higher education. Data Source: The main findings based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis of a text-based discussion is used to demonstrate the usefulness of the methodology. The asynchronous online discussions for analysis was produced by 9 students who were undertaking an interprofessional online learning module at master’s level in a University in North England Findings: By using Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, understanding of the semiotic categories corresponding to genres, discourses and styles is gained. However, it is through appreciating on how these 3 categories relate to social practices and social events has helped in making explicit the dialectical relations between semiosis and its other elements. In doing so, how nurses’ caring behaviours in interprofessional learning were translated in an asynchronous text-based learning environment can be explained. Conclusions: Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis was useful in explaining how nursing caring attributes could result in the interprofessional learning space being used as an alternate platform for nurses and allied healthcare professionals to co-construct the power-relations. It is critical to appreciate that the analysis was based on the researcher’s emic position. Owing to the fact that tacit knowledge of the research in the power-relations which entangled in the social order and practices in healthcare is required in the analysis, the strength of an emic position could become a limitation. This is particularly perceived amongst researchers who hold a strong view for an etic perspective in discourse analytic work. In this regard, research exploring issues of interprofessional education should consider triangulating the critical discourse methodology with other qualitative theoretical frameworks

    Intelligent systems in manufacturing: current developments and future prospects

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    Global competition and rapidly changing customer requirements are demanding increasing changes in manufacturing environments. Enterprises are required to constantly redesign their products and continuously reconfigure their manufacturing systems. Traditional approaches to manufacturing systems do not fully satisfy this new situation. Many authors have proposed that artificial intelligence will bring the flexibility and efficiency needed by manufacturing systems. This paper is a review of artificial intelligence techniques used in manufacturing systems. The paper first defines the components of a simplified intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS), the different Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to be considered and then shows how these AI techniques are used for the components of IMS
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