36 research outputs found

    The Survey to Determine the Accuracy Rate of the Neoplasm Coding in Seyed Al-Shohada Hospital of Isfahan

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    Introduction: The use of cancer suffering patients' information is possible when this information was organized and categorized properly through encoding the diagnoses and therapeutic procedures. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine the accuracy rate of the neoplasm coding in Seyed Al-Shohada Hospital of Isfahan city in 2011. Method: This study was a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The population of this study were medical records created during the second half of 2011,308 ones of which were selected as sample. A self-designed checklist was the research tool, which was used after validation. Data analysis was performed using SPSS v16. Software through descriptive statistics. Results: Investigating the surveyed records, the researchers found that the accuracy rate of the records in this hospital was 68%. Also the highest accuracy rate of the coding has been associated with neoplasms of the connective tissue (94%). Conclusion: Regarding the obtained results, it is recommended that coding of morphology & related Z codes of neoplasms be set in coders' work order. It is also recommended that continuous educational coding courses be held in order to increase the accuracy rate of the neoplasm coding

    Evaluation of allergy and eosinophilia level in peripheral blood of patients with cardiovascular diseases

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    Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of deaths in Iran and other developing countries. The risk factors for cardiovascular diseases are divided into two categories; the variable risk factors and the non-variable risk factors. Many recent studies evaluated the relationship between higher eosinophilia and allergy levels with the incidence, progress and severity of cardiovascular diseases, but the exact correlation between these two still remains  unknown. The current study was designed to assess the relationship between allergic responses and eosinophilia amongst patients with cardiovascular diseases in Ilam province, in comparison with healthy individuals.Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, we enrolled 59 cardiovascular patients and 55 healthy individuals without any history of allergy and parasitic infections. A questionnaire including questions about demographic data, family history of heart disease, history of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, physical activity, smoking, stress, dietary fat consumption, salt intake, allergies to certain substances, history of parasitic disease and history of hypertension was completed. The blood was taken from each participant and CBC and IgE titer were measured.Results: There was a significant relationship for the variables such as the family history of cardiovascular disease (P<0.001), diabetes (P<0.003), hyperlipidemia (P<0.0001), high blood pressure (P<0.0001) and physical activity (P<0.0001) between the case and the control groups. The mean IgE titer in case group was 95.3±71 and 62.44±49 in control group. The mean eosinophilia level in peripheral blood was 3.95±1.057 in case and 1.53±0.57 in control group. The difference between the IgE and eosinophilia levels in the case and the control groups was statistically significant (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Based on our results, it can be concluded the increase in levels of IgE and eosinophilia can be considered by cardiologists as a reliable diagnostic tool for predicting cardiovascular diseases

    A Comprehensive Overview of Biomedical Informatics

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    The Effective Factors in Adopting Picture Archiving and Communication System in Shiraz Educational Hospitals Based on Technology Acceptance Model

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    Introduction: Today, using information technology in organizations is necessary. The Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)‌‌, as a computer tool, can provide conditions to create no movies medical imaging centers‌, if companied with other requirements . On the other hand, the evaluation of technology acceptance can be helpful in successful implementation of system. The aim of this study was to determine the effective factors in adopting Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) in Shiraz educational hospitals. Method: The present study is a cross-sectional descriptive analytical survey. The study population consisted of all radiology staff in Shiraz educational hospitals that used picture archiving and communication system. The data gathering tool was TAM questionnaire and data were analyzed using SPSS v.17 software, and descriptive statistical methods and statistical correlation tests such as regression, independent sample t-test and ANOVA. Results: The findings shown that perceived ease of use was significantly correlated with both perceived use and actual use (r=0.2, r=0.1) respectively. Perceived usefulness was also significantly correlated with perceived use and actual use (r=0.5, r=0.1) respectively. Conclusion: The results shown that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are effective factors in adopting PACS that must be considered in evaluation and planning

    The Impact of Virtual Social Networks on the Social Identities of Young People in Tehran

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    This research was done to learn about the relation between the social identities of young people in the 4th municipal district of Tehran and their exposure to virtual social networks. The research was of survey type with questionnaires and multi-stage cluster sampling. The target group was the youth aged between 19 and 36 years old living in Tehran's 4th district. In order to do a validity test, the questionnaire was distributed among 60 respondents and the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was obtained as 0.822. Considering the recalculation of this test after collecting the questionnaires, the validity of the collection instrument was confirmed. In addition, regression test and partial correlation were used to investigate the hypotheses of research. This research was carried out based on a theoretical framework set by the network society perspective of Manuel Castells and the identity theory. To calculate the social identity, the sum of the scores of the criteria (or indicators) including family identity, individual identity and group identity were used. Finally, based on regression calculation and Anthony Giddens’s theory which refers to reflectivity of identity, a relationship between the amount of virtual social networks use and social identities of respondents has not been found. According to Manuel Castells’s view that says culture and beliefs systems may be influenced through network connections, one of the most important findings in this research has been the inverse relationship between the amount of use of virtual social networks and religious-Islamic identity of users. In addition, a positive correlation and Consistency between the religious identity of respondents and their social identity has been observed

    Tele ECG; Applications, Infrastructures and Necessity of Using it

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    Introduction: In recent decades because of the high mortality from cardiovascular disease, many technologies have been established in order to deal with it. One of these technologies is Tele ECG which is very practical in remote areas. Regarding the significant rural population in the country, the aim of this study was to identify and explan required applications and infrastructures of the Tele ECG and the necessity of using it. Method: This is a review was carried out by running a search in valid databases and evaluation of published articles between 2005 to 2015. Results: The results of this study show that use of Tele ECG’s application is very simple and doesn’t require a lot of resources and infrastructures. In rural areas is very useful and is very low cost. Conclusion: With respect to wide geographical distribution and considerable population in rural area of Iran, Tele ECG can be effective application to management of patients with cardiac disease in remote areas and reduction of death rate from cardiovascular disease

    Resistance Training Enhances Renal Function in Experimental Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) resulting from ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is among the most common complications in hospitalized patients. In recent years, it has been argued that exercise is an approach to attenuate impairments caused by AKI. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether eight weeks of resistance training (RT) has protective effects on IRI. Thirty male Wistar rats (210-230 g) were randomly divided into four groups, including RT+ISC (n=7), RT (n=8), ISC (n=7), and sham (n=8). Animals underwent eight weeks of RT, and 48 hours after the last training session, ischemia (45 min) reperfusion (24 h) was induced. Then animals were sacrificed, and blood and kidney tissue samples were collected to measure creatinine (Cr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), kidney tissue damage score (KTDS), and kidney weight (KW). The results showed that IRI caused a significant increase in Cr, BUN, KTDS, and KW (p-value <0.05), while RT decreased the severity of KTDS, Cr, and BUN remarkably. (p≤0.05). RT, however, did not attenuate KW (p≤0.05). Overall, the findings of our study provide evidence that RT can attenuate IRI-induced AKI considering enhanced biomarkers; However, further research should be conducted to make certain about the protective effects of exercise training, especially RT

    A Comprehensive Overview of Biomedical Informatics

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    Distribution of Health Resource Allocation in the Fars Province Using the Scalogram Analysis Technique in 2011

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    The importance of health indicators in the recent years has created challenges in resource allocation. Balanced and fair distribution of health resources is one of the main principles in achieving equity. The goal of this cross-sectional descriptive study, conducted in 2010, was to classify health structural indicators in the Fars province using the scalogram technique. Health structural indicators were selected and classified in three categories; namely institutional, human resources, and rural health. The data were obtained from the statistical yearbook of Iran and was analyzed according to the scalogram technique. The distribution map of the Fars province was drawn using ArcGIS (geographic information system). The results showed an interesting health structural indicator map across the province. Our findings revealed that the city of Mohr with 85 and Zarindasht with 36 had the highest and the lowest scores, respectively. This information is valuable to provincial health policymakers to plan appropriately based on factual data and minimize chaos in allocating health resources. Based on such data and reflecting on the local needs, one could develop equity based resource allocation policies and prevent inequality. It is concluded that, as top priority, the provincial policymakers should place dedicated deprivation programs for Farashband, Eghlid and Zaindasht regions