31 research outputs found

    Enhanced Expression of Human Platelet-Derived Growth factor in \u3cem\u3ePichia Pastoris\u3c/em\u3e

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    Enhanced yields of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) B-chain are obtained using the Pichia pastoris yeast system. Yields of both wild-type and mutant human proteins are enhanced when the yeast is transformed with a vector containing the yeast mating factor promoter fused to a sequence encoding the mature protein. The secreted wild-type protein is indistinguishable from mature 29-32 kDa protein isolated from human and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. An RKK→EEE mutant exhibited reduced association with the cell surface and accumulated in the culture medium as 29-32 kDa forms. Stable transfection of U87 astrocytoma cells with RKK→EEE mutants of either the A- or B-chain inhibited malignant growth in athymic nude mice. Despite altered receptor binding activities, each mutant retained full mitogenic activity when applied to cultured Swiss 3T3 cells. Circular dichroism spectrophotometric analysis of the RKK→EEE mutant revealed a secondary structure indistinguishable from the wild type. Yields of PDGF protein are increased many fold and in less time over previous methods

    Pigmented Epithelioid Melanocytoma (PEM)/Animal Type Melanoma (ATM): Quest for an Origin. Report of One Unusual Case Indicating Follicular Origin and Another Arising in an Intradermal Nevus

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    Pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma (PEM) is a tumor encompassing epithelioid blue nevus of Carney complex (EBN of CNC) and was previously termed animal-type melanoma. Histologically PEMs are heavily pigmented spindled and epithelioid dermal melanocytic tumors with infiltrative borders, however, their origin remains unclear. Stem cells for the epidermis and hair follicle are located in the bulge area of the hair follicle with the potential to differentiate into multiple lineages. Multiple cutaneous carcinomas, including follicular cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (FSCC), are thought to arise from stem cells in the follicular bulge. We present two cases of PEM/ATM in a 63 year-old male on the scalp with follicular origin and a 72 year-old female on the upper back arising in an intradermal nevus. Biopsy of both cases revealed a proliferation of heavily pigmented dermal nests of melanocytes with atypia. The Case 1 tumor was in continuation with the outer root sheath of the hair follicle in the bulge region. Case 2 arose in an intradermal melanocytic nevus. Rare mitotic figures, including atypical mitotic figures, were identified in both cases. We present two cases of PEM, with histologic evidence suggesting two origins: one from the follicular bulb and one from an intradermal nevus

    The HGF/SF Mouse Model of UV-Induced Melanoma as an In Vivo Sensor for Metastasis-Regulating Gene

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    Cutaneous malignant melanoma is an aggressive and potentially lethal form of skin cancer, particularly in its advanced and therapy-resistant stages, and the need for novel therapeutics and prognostic tools is acute. Incidence of melanoma has steadily increased over the past few decades, with exposure to the genome-damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) well-recognized as a primary cause. A number of genetically-engineered mouse models (GEMMs) have been created that exhibit high incidence of spontaneous and induced forms of melanoma, and a select subset recapitulates its progression to aggressive and metastatic forms. These GEMMs hold considerable promise for providing insights into advanced stages of melanoma, such as potential therapeutic targets and prognostic markers, and as in vivo systems for testing of novel therapies. In this review, we summarize how the HGF/SF transgenic mouse has been used to reveal metastasis-regulating activity of four different genes (CDK4R24C, survivin and NME1/NME2) in the context of UV-induced melanoma. We also discuss how these models can potentially yield new strategies for clinical management of melanoma in its most aggressive forms

    Harvesting multipotent progenitor cells from a small sample of tonsillar biopsy for clinical applications

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    Abstract Background Human adult stem cells hold the potential for the cure of numerous conditions and degenerative diseases. They possess major advantages over pluripotent stem cells as they can be derived from donors at any age, and therefore pose no ethical concerns or risk of teratoma tumor formation in vivo. Furthermore, they have a natural ability to differentiate and secrete factors that promote tissue healing without genetic manipulation. However, at present, clinical applications of adult stem cells are limited by a shortage of a reliable, standardized, and easily accessible tissue source which does not rely on specimens discarded from unrelated surgical procedures. Method Human tonsil-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) were isolated from a small sample of tonsillar tissue (average 0.88 cm3). Our novel procedure poses a minimal mechanical and enzymatic insult to the tissue, and therefore leads to high cell viability and yield. We characterized these MPCs and demonstrated robust multipotency in vitro. We further show that these cells can be propagated and maintained in xeno-free conditions. Results We have generated tonsillar biopsy-derived MPC (T-MPC) lines from multiple donors across a spectrum of age, sex, and race, and successfully expanded them in culture. We characterized them by cell surface markers, as well as in vitro expansion and differentiation potential. Our procedure provides a robust yield of tonsillar biopsy-derived T-MPCs. Conclusions Millions of MPCs can be harvested from a sample smaller than 1 g, which can be collected from a fully awake donor in an outpatient setting without the need for general anesthesia or hospitalization. Our study identifies tonsillar biopsy as an abundant source of adult MPCs for regenerative medicine

    A triad of highly divergent polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (PIGR) haplotypes with major effect on IgA concentration in bovine milk.

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    The aim of this study was to determine a genetic basis for IgA concentration in milk of Bos taurus. We used a Holstein-Friesian x Jersey F2 crossbred pedigree to undertake a genome-wide search for QTL influencing IgA concentration and yield in colostrum and milk. We identified a single genome-wide significant QTL on chromosome 16, maximising at 4.8 Mbp. The polymeric immunoglobulin receptor gene (PIGR) was within the confidence interval of the QTL. In addition, mRNA expression analysis revealed a liver PIGR expression QTL mapping to the same locus as the IgA quantitative trait locus. Sequencing and subsequent genotyping of the PIGR gene revealed three divergent haplotypes that explained the variance of both the IgA QTL and the PIGR expression QTL. Genetic selection based on these markers will facilitate the production of bovine herds producing milk with higher concentrations of IgA