2,822 research outputs found

    إنتاج مادة 17 ألفا هيدروكسي البروجستيرون على مستوى المخمر المعملي بواسطة فطرة كاننجهاميلا إيكينولاتا

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    The mircrobiological transformation of progesterone by a local isolate of Cunninghamella echiiiulata using a laboratory fermentor was studied. Progresterone (10-50 g/1) wetted by Tween 80 was added to 48-hour old culture and the transformation was left to proceed for 72 hours. Thereafter, the different transformation products were resolved chromatog-raphically. The identity of each product was established through the determination of m.p., mixed m.p., optical rotation and ultraviolet as well as infrared absorption spectra. A comparison of the R{ values of each product with that of the corresponding reference using different solvent systems as well as their colour expressed with two spray reagents, was used as a further proof for the identity of the isolated products. With all concentrations of progesterone tested, maximum yield of 17ot -hydroxyprogesterone was obtained after 48 hours of fermentation Progesterone concentrations of 10 and 20 g/1 were almost quantitatively converted to the different transformation products after 72 hours of fermentation. Using a concentration of 20 g/1 and incubation period of 48 hours, the transformation product mixture consisted of unchanged progesterone (6%), 17 o< -hydroxyprogesterone (54%),llotrhydroxyprogesterone (29%) and llo<;,17<^-dihydroxy-progesterone (2.5%).تم استخدام مخمر صناعي سعة 2 لتر لاختيار مقدرة الفطرة على تكوين هذه المادة في ظروف تشبه تلك المطبقة في الصناعة . وبدراسة تركيزات متعددة فن مادة البروجستيرون تتراوح ما بين 10جرام /لتر إلى 50جرام /لتر ، وجد أن أنسب التركيزات المختبرة هو تركيز 20 جرام من البروجستيرون لكل لترمن الوسط الغذائي ، حيث تم تحويل كل البووجستيرون المضاف إلى المشتقات المختلفة خلال 72 ساعة من بدء الاضافة . ووجد أن أعلى معدل لتكوين مادة 17 ألفا - هيدروكسي البروجستيرون كان بعد 48 ساعة من بدأ إضافة البروجستيرون . عند فصل المواد الناتجة من تحول البروجستيرون بواسطة الفطرة المستخدمة وذلك بواسطة أعمدة الفصل باستخدام مادة الالومينا وجد أن البروجستيرون يتحول إلى : 17 ألفا - هيدروكسي البروجستيرون ( 54 %) 11 ألفا - هيدروكسي البروجستيرون (29%) 11 ألفا ، 17 ألفا - ثنائي هيدروكسي البروجستيرون (2.5%

    Dashboard Confessional: Co-Designing a decision-making support tool to support Resident's test ordering

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    Master of DesignArt and DesignUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156122/1/DeepBlue_Jesko_2020_MDes_Thesis.pd

    A meta-analysis of the carbon ecosystem service in human-managed coastal environments

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    Coastal wetlands sequester and bury substantial amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) via photosynthesis. These blue carbon (BC) ecosystems play an essential role in climate change mitigation. Despite the key role that BC ecosystems play, they are increasingly threatened by land use changes (LUC). This may impact their carbon storage and sequestration ecosystem services. We used meta-analysis in ecology to study carbon storage and sequestration within natural and transformed salt marshes and mangroves, across a global scale. Articles published since 2000 on the Web of Science Core Collection, that contained experimental data on carbon storage and sequestration for natural and modified ecosystems, were selected. Case studies were integrated into a database, and standardised. Research on mangroves concentrated on Asia and Oceania, whilst salt marshes concentrated on North America, eastern Asia and Oceania. We found that LUC in BC coastal ecosystems decreased carbon storage and carbon sequestration rates at a global scale. Carbon storage in mangrove sediments significantly decreased from 520.49 ± 388.99 Mg C ha-1 (mean ± SD) in natural systems to 186.81 ± 234.02 Mg C ha-1 in modified settings. Carbon storage in salt marsh sediments also decreased from 97.80 ± 107.69 Mg C ha-1 in natural ecosystems, to 31.42 ± 33.47 Mg C ha-1 in human-managed environments. Biomass carbon storage (aboveground and belowground biomass) averaged 103.07 ± 198.86 Mg C ha-1 in natural mangroves, whereas carbon storage in modified mangroves yielded an average of 29.01 ± 47.40 Mg C ha-1. Within natural salt marshes, biomass carbon stocks had an average value of 3.66 ± 5.24 Mg C ha-1. Carbon sequestration rates, significantly decreased in modified in mangroves, but not in salt marshes, due to inter-site variability. We found that sampling depth may affect the measurement of organic carbon stocks. Conversion of natural coastal ecosystems may decrease their carbon storage capacity

    Extensions of Cayley-Sudoku Constructions

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    Before You Measure the Universe

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    Ironing out the Data: A Review of Chronometric Hygiene for Iron Age Sites in Southern India

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    In southern India the Iron Age is usually dated to about 1500-200 BC using carbon-14 dating. However, since the early advent of C14 dating in the late 1940s, our knowledge of how carbon decays over time has changed thanks to advancements in science. Some of the earlier archaeological dates have the potential to be less useful than others due to older collection practices and processing methods. This paper presents results from a chronometric hygiene process that was applied to the current data. Chronometric hygiene is vital to continually assess the viability and accuracy of C14 dates. Dates that cannot be verified as scientifically sound have been culled from the data set and the valid data has been updated using the new IntCal20 radiocarbon curve for assessing accurate dates. The work has the potential to change generally accepted dates for time periods in southern India and open the flood gates to new discovery and knowledge of the region. This work will also go hand in hand with all of the recent work being done on the Iron Age in southern India and has the potential to be an excellent point of reference.keywords: iron age, Southern India, carbon-14 dating, chronometric hygien

    Reduction of Fecal Coliform Bacteria Through the Elimination of Sewage Discharges in West Virginia Streams

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    Background and Objectives Early environmental regulations such as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948, and the 1972 amendments—which would later become known as the Clean Water Act—have improved the quality of the drinking and recreational waters here in the United States. This has been achieved as a result of strict regulations on discharges, proper management strategies, as well as thorough sampling and testing for contaminants. One such contaminant is fecal waste; these materials are a public health concern because of the potential risk of gastrointestinal diseases. Scientists have used fecal coliforms as an indicator of the presence of these potential pathogens since the early 1900’s. It is especially important to sample for these in areas where straight pipes, faulty septic tanks, and inadequate management facilities are in use, as they are potential sources of contamination. The purpose of this study is to assess the fecal coliform levels prior to sewer construction improvements, and again after construction has been completed to determine if there has been a significant reduction in fecal coliforms in four streams located in West Virginia. Methods Fecal coliform data from four streams in West Virginia where sewage management upgrades were obtained: Boggs Run, Dunloup Creek, Soak Creek, and Warm Spring Run. Samples were collected upstream and downstream, before and after the upgrades were complete. The data were analyzed using log transformation, F-test, Student’s T-test, and Fisher’s exact test to determine which sites had significant reductions in fecal readings. Results Two downstream sites, Dunloup MP 11.9 and Warm Spring Run 5.8, had significant decreases in the geometric mean fecal coliform readings. All sites showed a reduction in the median, arithmetic, and geometric mean fecal readings after the sewage management projects were completed, though two of these findings were not significant. Conclusion The results of this study suggest updates to, or the replacement of, inadequate sewage management facilities, as well as the elimination of discharges are an effective way to reduce the amount of fecal contamination in streams and rivers. It is also important to consider the source of fecal contamination, environmental impacts, public health implications, when determining the best management practices for dealing with fecal impacts to surface waters

    Tremble, sea, tremble

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    Walking on Modest Days

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