37 research outputs found

    Statin-Associated Muscular and Renal Adverse Events: Data Mining of the Public Version of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System

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    OBJECTIVE: Adverse event reports (AERs) submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were reviewed to assess the muscular and renal adverse events induced by the administration of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins) and to attempt to determine the rank-order of the association. METHODS: After a revision of arbitrary drug names and the deletion of duplicated submissions, AERs involving pravastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, or rosuvastatin were analyzed. Authorized pharmacovigilance tools were used for quantitative detection of signals, i.e., drug-associated adverse events, including the proportional reporting ratio, the reporting odds ratio, the information component given by a Bayesian confidence propagation neural network, and the empirical Bayes geometric mean. Myalgia, rhabdomyolysis and an increase in creatine phosphokinase level were focused on as the muscular adverse events, and acute renal failure, non-acute renal failure, and an increase in blood creatinine level as the renal adverse events. RESULTS: Based on 1,644,220 AERs from 2004 to 2009, signals were detected for 4 statins with respect to myalgia, rhabdomyolysis, and an increase in creatine phosphokinase level, but these signals were stronger for rosuvastatin than pravastatin and atorvastatin. Signals were also detected for acute renal failure, though in the case of atorvastatin, the association was marginal, and furthermore, a signal was not detected for non-acute renal failure or for an increase in blood creatinine level. CONCLUSIONS: Data mining of the FDA's adverse event reporting system, AERS, is useful for examining statin-associated muscular and renal adverse events. The data strongly suggest the necessity of well-organized clinical studies with respect to statin-associated adverse events

    Pharmacogenomics and Global Precision Medicine in the Context of Adverse Drug Reactions: Top 10 Opportunities and Challenges for the Next Decade

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    In a move indicative of the enthusiastic support of precision medicine, the U.S. President Barack Obama announced the Precision Medicine Initiative in January 2015. The global precision medicine ecosystem is, thus, receiving generous support from the United States ($215 million), and numerous other governments have followed suit. In the context of precision medicine, drug treatment and prediction of its outcomes have been important for nearly six decades in the field of pharmacogenomics. The field offers an elegant solution for minimizing the effects and occurrence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) plays an important role in this context, and it aims at specifically guiding the translation of clinically relevant and evidence-based pharmacogenomics research. In this forward-looking analysis, we make particular reference to several of the CPIC guidelines and their role in guiding the treatment of highly relevant diseases, namely cardiovascular disease, major depressive disorder, cancer, and human immunodeficiency virus, with a view to predicting and managing ADRs. In addition, we provide a list of the top 10 crosscutting opportunities and challenges facing the fields of precision medicine and pharmacogenomics, which have broad applicability independent of the drug class involved. Many of these opportunities and challenges pertain to infrastructure, study design, policy, and science culture in the early 21st century. Ultimately, rational pharmacogenomics study design and the acquisition of comprehensive phenotypic data that proportionately match the genomics data should be an imperative as we move forward toward global precision medicine.http://www.liebertpub.com/overview/omics-a-journal-of-integrative-biology/43hb2016Immunolog

    Hepatocyte growth factor inhibits CNS autoimmunity by inducing tolerogenic dendritic cells and CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells

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    Immune-mediated diseases of the CNS, such as multiple sclerosis and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE), are characterized by the activation of antigen-presenting cells and the infiltration of autoreactive lymphocytes within the CNS, leading to demyelination, axonal damage, and neurological deficits. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a pleiotropic factor known for both neuronal and oligodendrocytic protective properties. Here, we assess the effect of a selective overexpression of HGF by neurons in the CNS of C57BL/6 mice carrying an HGF transgene (HGF-Tg mice). EAE induced either by immunization with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide or by adoptive transfer of T cells was inhibited in HGF-Tg mice. Notably, the level of inflammatory cells infiltrating the CNS decreased, except for CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells, which increased. A strong T-helper cell type 2 cytokine bias was observed: IFN-γ and IL-12p70 decreased in the spinal cord of HGF-Tg mice, whereas IL-4 and IL-10 increased. Antigen-specific response assays showed that HGF is a potent immunomodulatory factor that inhibits dendritic cell (DC) function along with differentiation of IL-10–producing Treg cells, a decrease in IL-17–producing T cells, and down-regulation of surface markers of T-cell activation. These effects were reversed fully when DC were pretreated with anti-cMet (HGF receptor) antibodies. Our results suggest that, by combining both potentially neuroprotective and immunomodulatory effects, HGF is a promising candidate for the development of new treatments for immune-mediated demyelinating diseases associated with neurodegeneration such as multiple sclerosis