61 research outputs found

    Evidence for the pair-breaking process in 116,117Sn

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    The nuclear level densities of 116,117Sn below the neutron separation energy have been determined experimentally from the (3He,alpha gamma) and (3He,3He gamma') reactions, respectively. The level densities show a characteristic exponential increase and a difference in magnitude due to the odd-even effect of the nuclear systems. In addition, the level densities display pronounced step-like structures that are interpreted as signatures of subsequent breaking of nucleon pairs.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C, 22 December 200

    Nuclear level densities and gamma-ray strength functions in 44,45Sc

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    The scandium isotopes 44,45Sc have been studied with the 45Sc(3He,alpha gamma)44Sc and 45Sc(3He,3He' gamma)45Sc reactions, respectively. The nuclear level densities and gamma-ray strength functions have been extracted using the Oslo method. The experimental level densities are compared to calculated level densities obtained from a microscopic model based on BCS quasiparticles within the Nilsson level scheme. This model also gives information about the parity distribution and the number of broken Cooper pairs as a function of excitation energy. The experimental gamma-ray strength functions are compared to theoretical models of the E1, M1, and E2 strength, and to data from (gamma,n) and (gamma,p) experiments. The strength functions show an enhancement at low gamma energies that cannot be explained by the present, standard models.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures. Published versio

    Microcanonical entropies and radiative strength functions of 50,51^{50,51}V

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    The level densities and radiative strength functions (RSFs) of 50,51^{50,51}V have been extracted using the (3^3He,αγ\alpha \gamma) and (3^3He,3^3Heγ^{\prime} \gamma) reactions, respectively. From the level densities, microcanonical entropies are deduced. The high γ\gamma-energy part of the RSF is described by the giant electric dipole resonance. A significant enhancement over the predicted strength in the region of Eγ3E_{\gamma} \lesssim 3 MeV is seen, which at present has no theoretical explanation.Comment: 16 pages including 9 figure

    Alpha-nucleus potential for alpha-decay and sub-barrier fusion

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    The set of parameters for alpha-nucleus potential is derived by using the data for both the alpha-decay half-lives and the fusion cross-sections around the barrier for reactions alpha+40Ca, alpha+59Co, alpha+208Pb. The alpha-decay half-lives are obtained in the framework of a cluster model using the WKB approximation. The evaluated alpha-decay half-lives and the fusion cross-sections agreed well with the data. Fusion reactions between alpha-particle and heavy nuclei can be used for both the formation of very heavy nuclei and spectroscopic studies of the formed compound nuclei.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Level density of 56^{56}Fe and low-energy enhancement of γ\gamma-strength function

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    The 55^{55}Mn(d,n)56(d,n)^{56}Fe differential cross section is measured at Ed=7E_d=7 MeV\@. The 56^{56}Fe level density obtained from neutron evaporation spectra is compared to the level density extracted from the 57^{57}Fe(3(^3He,αγ)56\alpha\gamma)^{56}Fe reaction by the Oslo-type technique. Good agreement is found between the level densities determined by the two methods. With the level density function obtained from the neutron evaporation spectra, the 56^{56}Fe γ\gamma-strength function is also determined from the first-generation γ\gamma matrix of the Oslo experiment. The good agreement between the past and present results for the γ\gamma-strength function supports the validity of both methods and is consistent with the low-energy enhancement of the γ\gamma strength below 4\sim 4 MeV first discovered by the Oslo method in iron and molybdenum isotopes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Level densities and γ\gamma-ray strength functions in Sn isotopes

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    The nuclear level densities of 118,119^{118,119}Sn and the γ\gamma-ray strength functions of 116,118,119^{116,118,119}Sn below the neutron separation energy are extracted with the Oslo method using the (3^3He, \,αγ\alpha \gamma) and (3^3He,3^3Heγ^\prime\gamma) reactions. The level density function of 119^{119}Sn displays step-like structures. The microcanonical entropies are deduced from the level densities, and the single neutron entropy of 119^{119}Sn is determined to be (1.7±0.2)kB(1.7 \pm 0.2)\,k_B. Results from a combinatorial model support the interpretation that some of the low-energy steps in the level density function are caused by neutron pair-breaking. An enhancement in all the γ\gamma-ray strength functions of 116119^{116-119}Sn, compared to standard models for radiative strength, is observed for the γ\gamma-ray energy region of (411)\simeq (4 -11) MeV. These small resonances all have a centroid energy of 8.0(1) MeV and an integrated strength corresponding to 1.7(9)%1.7(9)\% of the classical Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule. The Sn resonances may be due to electric dipole neutron skin oscillations or to an enhancement of the giant magnetic dipole resonance

    Self-consistent symmetries in the proton-neutron Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach

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    Symmetry properties of densities and mean fields appearing in the nuclear Density Functional Theory with pairing are studied. We consider energy functionals that depend only on local densities and their derivatives. The most important self-consistent symmetries are discussed: spherical, axial, space-inversion, and mirror symmetries. In each case, the consequences of breaking or conserving the time-reversal and/or proton-neutron symmetries are discussed and summarized in a tabulated form, useful in practical applications.Comment: 26 RevTex pages, 1 eps figure, 9 tables, submitted to Physical Review

    Instantaneous Shape Sampling - a model for the γ\gamma-absorption cross section of transitional nuclei

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    The influence of the quadrupole shape fluctuations on the dipole vibrations in transitional nuclei is investigated in the framework of the Instantaneous Shape Sampling Model, which combines the Interacting Boson Model for the slow collective quadrupole motion with the Random Phase Approximation for the rapid dipole vibrations. Coupling to the complex background configurations is taken into account by folding the results with a Lorentzian with an energy dependent width. The low-energy energy portion of the γ\gamma- absorption cross section, which is important for photo-nuclear processes, is studied for the isotopic series of Kr, Xe, Ba, and Sm. The experimental cross sections are well reproduced. The low-energy cross section is determined by the Landau fragmentation of the dipole strength and its redistribution caused by the shape fluctuations. Collisional damping only wipes out fluctuations of the absorption cross section, generating the smooth energy dependence observed in experiment. In the case of semi-magic nuclei, shallow pygmy resonances are found in agreement with experiment

    Pygmy dipole strength close to particle-separation energies - the case of the Mo isotopes

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    The distribution of electromagnetic dipole strength in 92, 98, 100 Mo has been investigated by photon scattering using bremsstrahlung from the new ELBE facility. The experimental data for well separated nuclear resonances indicate a transition from a regular to a chaotic behaviour above 4 MeV of excitation energy. As the strength distributions follow a Porter-Thomas distribution much of the dipole strength is found in weak and in unresolved resonances appearing as fluctuating cross section. An analysis of this quasi-continuum - here applied to nuclear resonance fluorescence in a novel way - delivers dipole strength functions, which are combining smoothly to those obtained from (g,n)-data. Enhancements at 6.5 MeV and at ~9 MeV are linked to the pygmy dipole resonances postulated to occur in heavy nuclei.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, proceedings Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics II, May 16-20, Debrecen, Hungary. The original publication is available at www.eurphysj.or

    Partial level density of the n-quasiparticle excitations in the nuclei of the 39< A <201 region

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    Level density and radiative strength functions are obtained from the analysis of two-step cascades intensities following the thermal neutrons capture. The data on level density are approximated by the sum of the partial level densities corresponding to n quasiparticles excitation. The most probable values of the collective enhancement factor of the level density are found together with the thresholds of the next Cooper nucleons pair breaking. These data allow one to calculate the level density of practically any nucleus in given spin window in the framework of model concepts, taking into account all known nuclear excitation types. The presence of an approximation results discrepancy with theoretical statements specifies the necessity of rather essentially developing the level density models. It also indicates the possibilities to obtain the essentially new information on nucleon correlation functions of the excited nucleus from the experiment.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 2 table