107 research outputs found

    The Association between Myocardial Iron Load and Ventricular Repolarization Parameters in Asymptomatic Beta-Thalassemia Patients

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    Previous studies have demonstrated impaired ventricular repolarization in patients with β-TM. However, the effect of iron overload with cardiac T2* magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on cardiac repolarization remains unclear yet. We aimed to examine relationship between repolarization parameters and iron loading using cardiac T2* MRI in asymptomatic β-TM patients. Twenty-two β-TM patients and 22 age- and gender-matched healthy controls were enrolled to the study. From the 12-lead surface electrocardiography, regional and transmyocardial repolarization parameters were evaluated manually by two experienced cardiologists. All patients were also undergone MRI for cardiac T2* evaluation. Cardiac T2* score <20 msec was considered as iron overload status. Of the QT parameters, QT duration, corrected QT interval, and QT peak duration were significantly longer in the β-TM group compared to the healthy controls. Tp − Te and Tp − Te dispersions were also significantly prolonged in β-TM group compared to healthy controls. (Tp − Te)/QT was similar between groups. There was no correlation between repolarization parameters and cardiac T2* MRI values. In conclusion, although repolarization parameters were prolonged in asymptomatic β-TM patients compared with control, we could not find any relation between ECG findings and cardiac iron load

    The effect of high intensity interval training on flexibility and anaerobic powerYüksek yoğunluklu interval antrenmanın esneklik ve anaerobik kapasite üzerine etkisi

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of high intensity training with their own body weight on flexibility and anaerobic capacity. A total of 20 sedentary women (10 control and 10 experimental groups) participated in the study voluntary, with a mean age of 18.37 ± 1.43 years. The experimental group completed high intensity interval training 3 times weekly for 6 weeks. Between the 1st and 3rd weeks burpees, plank, jumping jacks, push-up movements and between 4th and 6th weeks box jump, crunches, step ups, mountain climber movements were applied to experimental group according to  20 sec loading and 10 sec resting principle.  The control group did not participate any exercise during this time. Body weight, flexibility and anaerobic power measurements were taken before and after 6 weeks of high intensity interval training. The data were analyzed using the two way repeated measures of ANOVA. The level of significance was determined as p&lt;0.05. At the end of the study, there was no significant difference in the control group parameters. In the experimental group, significant differences were found in the flexibility, body weight and anaerobic power values after the high intensity interval training (p&lt;0.05). For sedentary women who are exercising for health purposes, the Tabata Protocol applied with their own body weight, can be recommended as a high intensity interval training method in terms of improving the parameters mentioned in the study.Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetÇalışmanın amacı, 6 hafta süresince kendi vücut ağırlığıyla yapılan yüksek yoğunluklu antrenmanların esneklik ve anaerobik kapasite üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 18,37± 1,43 yıl olan 10’u kontrol, 10’u deney grubu olmak üzere toplam 20 gönüllü sedanter kadın katılmıştır. Deney grubuna,  6 hafta süresince haftada 3 gün yüksek şiddetli interval antrenman yaptırılmıştır.  1. ve 3. haftalar arasında ikişer kez sırayla burpees, plank, jumping jacks, push-up hareketleri,   4. ve 6. haftalar arasında da ikişer kez sırayla box jump, crunches, step ups, mountain climber hareketleri 20 saniye yüklenme 10 saniye dinlenme prensibiyle uygulanmıştır. Kontrol gurubu bu süre içerisinde herhangi bir egzersiz yapmamıştır. 6 haftalık antrenmana başlamadan önce ve 6 haftanın bitiminden sonra deneklerin vücut ağırlığı, esneklik ve anaerobik güç ölçümleri alınmıştır. Esneklik, anaerobik kapasite ve vücut ağırlığı skorlarındaki değişim iki yönlü varyans analizi (two way repeated measures of ANOVA) ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın istatistiksel anlamlılık seviyesi p&lt;0,05 olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonunda kontrol grubu parametrelerinde anlamlı fark yokken, yüksek şiddetli interval antrenman yapan sedanter kadınların esneklik, vücut ağırlığı ve anaerobik güç değerlerinde anlamlı fark bulunmuştur (p&lt;0.05). Sağlık amaçlı egzersiz yapan sedanterlere, çalışmada belirtilen parametreleri geliştirmeleri açısından yüksek şiddetli interval antrenman yöntemi olarak kendi vücut ağırlığı ile yapılan Tabata Protokolü önerilebilir


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    A trial administrative reform in the Ottoman Empire: Danube province (1864-1867)

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    19. yüzyılda eyalet idaresindeki aksaklıkları ortadan kaldırmak üzere birçok düzenleme yapılmış, fakat istenen netice elde edilememişti. 1864?de bu konuda kapsamlı bir düzenleme yapıldı. Bu maksatla Vidin, Niş ve Silistre eyaletleri birleştirilerek Tuna Vilâyeti teşkil edildi. Vilâyet usulü çerçevesinde sancak ve kazalarda da değişiklikler yapılarak sayıları azaltıldı. Bun göre, üç eyaletteki toplam sancak sayısı on bir iken yediye, kaza sayısı da altmış sekiz iken kırk beş olarak belirlendi. Vilâyet usulü Tuna?da tecrübe edildikten sonra tedricen devletin diğer eyaletlerinde de uygulamaya konuldu. Tuna Vilâyeti, ilk uygulama olması ve bundan sonra kurulan vilâyetlere örnek olması sebebiyle önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada numune olarak uygulanan vilâyet usulü çerçevesinde Tuna Vilâyeti?nin idarî, mâlî ve hukukî yapısı ile nasıl bir işleyişe sahip olduğu ve ülke yönetimine nasıl bir katkı getirdiği ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.Many regulations were made to eliminate failures in the province (eyalet) administration in 19. century. But the desired result was not obtained. In 1864, A comprehensive regulation was made in this regard. Eyalets of Vidin, Niş ve Silistre were combined for this purpose and the Danube Province was constituted. Numbers of counties (sancak) and sub-counties (kazas) were reduced by making changes on them in framework of the new regulations. After new regulation was tried in Danube Province and then, was gradually applied in other eyalets of the empire. Danube Province is important because of the first application and for being a model to provinces were constituted after that. In this study, administrative, financial, juridical structure belong to the Danube Province and having what kind of management and its additive to country management were attemped to introduce

    A chronic myeloid leukemia case with a variant translocation t(11;22) (q23;q11.2): masked Philadelphia or simple variant translocation?

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    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is characterized by the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph), usually due to a reciprocal translocation, t(9;22)(q34;q11.2). The remaining cases (2-10%) have variant translocation, and more rarely (~1%) a cryptic rearrangement is present which can be detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis in a CML patient with a Ph-negative karyotype (Masked Ph). We present a masked/variant BCL-ABL-positive CML patient showing a t(11;22)(q23;q11.2) which was detected using a combined approach of conventional cytogenetics and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. In February 2013, the patient was diagnosed as having CML. Imatinib mesylate (400 mg/day), was then started. Under imatinib therapy a complete hematologic and cytogenetic response was attained. In December 2013, an increment in BCR-ABL/ABL transcript levels according to the International Scale (from 0.0471% to 1.4034%), indicating imatinib failure, was documented. Administration of nilotinib (400 mg twice daily) resulted in durable molecular response after 3 months. The patient is still on nilotinib treatment throughout the observation period with no sign of recurrence and adverse events


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    This case report presents the mandibular incisor extraction treatment of a patient with dental Class I malocclusion and lower crowding, in whom one mandibular incisor extraction was selected as the treatment of choice to improve the dental occlusion. A 19-year-old male patient’s chief complaint was the crowding of lower incisors. He had a straight profile with normal upper and lower lip projection. Upper and lower dental midlines were coincident with the facial midline. The patient had Class I molar and canine relationships on both sides. He had Class I skeletal relationship, low angle vertical pattern, and proclined upper and lower incisors. The treatment plan included the extraction of lower right central incisor to resolve the crowding. At the end of 16-month active fixed treatment, lower dental crowding was resolved. At the 5-year follow-up, the patient had a stable occlusion, with the results of the orthodontic treatment maintained