2,447 research outputs found
Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan kompetensi guru melalui pengunaan bahan ajar digital menggunakan Whiteboard Animation pada sekolah mitra. Sasaran program kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah guru SMP di Kota Kendari berjumlah 20 orang. Metode yang digunakan berupa metode ceramah, tanya jawab, dan simulasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan: (1) para peserta workshop telah memiliki pengetahuan membuat bahan ajar digital menggunakan whiteboard animation, (2) para peserta workshop telah memiliki bahan ajar digital dengan menggunakan whiteboard animation, dan (3) para peserta workshop telah memiliki pengetahuan dalam membuat dan mengembangkan konten bahan ajar digital menggunakan whiteboard animatio
Public Services in Health Through Hospitals
Public service as mandated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services confirmed that public service is an activity or series of activities in order to fulfill service needs in accordance with laws and regulations for every citizen and resident on goods, services and/or administrative services provided by public service providers. Specifically, public services in the field of health, among others, stated that the authority of regions and cities is to administer minimum standards of health services, administer social health insurance, administer health service financing, conduct accreditation of health facilities and infrastructure and administer public health insurance systems.In its implementation there is still a Hospital in this case it can be considered that public services in health sectors have not been conducted properly or optimally because of its limitations, and therefore they have not been in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services and Health Laws and the Hospital Law, where there are still ethical and legal violations in conducting services
Kajian Infeksi Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae Terhadap Beberapa Genotipe Padi : Hubungan Kandungan Hara dengan Intensitas Penyakit
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji tanggap beberapa materi genotipe/varietas padi di lapangan terhadap penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) serta kaitannya dengan kadar nutrisi yang dianalisis setelah proses infeksi terjadi. Daun yang terinfeksi HDB menunjukkan kadar hara N dan P yang relatif tidak jauh berbeda; tetapi kandungan K dan protein terutama pada genotipe IR BB5 (xa-5) dan IR BB7 (Xa-7) sedikit lebih tinggi dibanding varietas lainnya. Cisadane yang menunjukan keparahan HDB paling rendah mempunyai kandungan N, P, K dan protein terkecil. Kandungan gula tanaman padi yang diuji bervariasi dengan kisaran 0,29% sampai 1,33%; masing-masing dengan kadar gula reduksi (GR) tertinggi pada genotipe/varietas Cisadane dan terendah pada varietas IR 64. Kandungan gula dalam tanaman padi tampaknya mempengaruhi ketahanan terhadap infeksi HDB. Umumnya makin tinggi kadar gula tanaman padi semakin menunjukkan keparahan HDB yang rendah dan sebaliknya. Demikian pula semakin tinggi nisbah GR/N akan semakin mengurangi kejadian HDB maupun keparahan HDB pada padi. Berdasarkan hasil monitoring ras dominan Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae (XOO) yang ada di lokasi percobaan baik terhadap kejadian maupun keparahan penyakit HDB dapat disimpulkan bahwa ras yang menginfeksi padi di lokasi Ciranjang-Cianjur pada MH 2007 adalah kelompok ras IV karena tidak satupun dari varietas diferensial yang diuji bereaksi tahan terhadap patogen XOO; yang ditunjukkan dengan kisaran keparahan penyakit HDB dari 20,3% sampai 83,3%
Pengamatan Infeksi Jamur Patogen Serangga Metarhizium Anisopliae (Metsch. Sorokin) Pada Wereng Coklat [Observation on Infection of Fungus Entomopathogen Metarhizium Anisopliae (Metsch.sorokin) on Brown Plant Hopper]
Observation on infection of fungus entomopathogen Metarhizium anisopliae on insect brown plant hopper was carried out using scanning electron microscope (SEM).The infection of M. anisopliae on insect bodies was shown by conidia sporulation on divergent chain with conidia size of 1.6 x 7.8 urn. Based upon SEM observation, the results revealed that fungus hyphae of M.anisopliae was found on insect body i.e. on cuticle as well as on segment between abdomen, legs and insect facet eyes.In epizootic condition, the cadavers were shown can act as source of fungus dissemination on healthy insect when environment (temperature and humidity) was suitable for primary infection
Intellectual Capital: Perlakuan, Pengukuran Dan Pelaporan (Sebuah Library Research)
The changing paradigm from labor based business to knowledge based business has made an inclusion of human resources into an income statement. Among intangible assets, human resources, which is called intellectual capital (IC), becomes the core asset in a company.
IC consists three basic elements, they are human capital, structural capital and customer capital. In fact, these are the real power of the company in producing, developing, and bringing the company to the future. Accordingly proponents agree to disclose these on the income statement. Unfortunately, accounting practice has not accounted for them. Whilst, IC describes the creation values, accounting practice does not have tools to identity, measures and disclose them on the annual reports. Therefore this research attempts to provide ideas and open nuance for accountants.
This research employ a thick library research, an alternative research methodology that suitable to answer the research question. This research is conducted in depth discourse producing some methods for measuring and reporting IC that are practiced recently.
The study concludes that methods of measurement IC have been classified into a financial and non-financial measurement. For the reporting purposes, it is needed a supplement to the income statement consisting an intellectual capital statement
Thirty years of Alma Ata pledges: is devolution in Pakistan an opportunity for rekindling primary health care?
The 1978 Alma Ata Conference presented the manifesto to attain global health for the next century by providing basic health care aimed at the urban and rural poor of the developing world. While the goals of Alma Ata were noble, they were untenable. Today, developing countries face serious issues of equity in health care delivery and fairness in health care management with even a greater need to transform the management systems and practice. Primary health care remains a cornerstone of building the capacity of health systems. Devolution in health sector in Pakistan seems like a chance to re-exert Alma Ata agenda. To achieve the millennium development goals by 2015, revitalization and effective implementation of primary health care will be a vital reform
This study aims to determine the pricing at UD. Berkah Dua Furniture for each type of product produced and knowing what factors influence the pricing. The method used in this study is a cost-based pricing method consisting of Cost Plus Pricing, Mark-Up Pricing and Selling Price Determining, where the data examined in this study are the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Report and the price list set by the company. The results of the study shows that 28 furniture products have prices lower than the results of the analysis and the factors that influence the determination of the selling price are internal and external factors.
Analisis Nilai Ekonomi Taman Dharma Wanita Kota Pekanbaru (Metode Contingent Valuation)
The purpose of this research is to determine the overall assessment of visitors to the Dharma Wanita garden of Pekanbaru City and also to find out, as well as to determine the demand for economical value or level visits with Contingent Valuation method. Total population used as samples in this study were 100 people. The method used in this study is accidental sampling. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive method using Valuatian Contingent approach. From the results of this study concluded that the general assessment visitors against Dharma Wanita garden of Pekanbaru City is pretty good. It can be found that most of the visitor answers by 37%. Majority of visitors came from the city of Pekanbaru. Economical value and the level of demand or visitation level of Dharma Wanita garden of Pekanbaru city with Contingent Valuation Method, that can be found from total income of WTPs visitors to the City of Rp.383.750 per day and the amount will increase on holidays.Keywords: Economic Values and Contingent Valuation Method
Analisis Pengeluaran Pemerintah Sektor Pendidikan Dan Kesehatan Terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Di Provinsi Riau
This study analyzes the development of Government Expenditure on Education and Health Sectors in Riau Province at period 2003-2012 and its effect to the Human Development Index (HDI). The analytical method used was descriptive quantitative by using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, with secondary data published by BPS and other related organizations. The result shown the Government Expenditure on education and health sectors simultaneously affect the HDI. Government expenditure on education sector of Riau Province has a positive effect but not significant to HDI in the Riau Province. Government expenditure education sector in the whole district of Riau province has a positive and significant effect to HDI in the Riau Province. Government expenditure on health sector of Riau province has a positive and significant effect to HDI in the Riau Province. Government expenditure on health sector in the whole district of Riau province has a negative effect and insignificant to HDI in the Riau Province
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