113 research outputs found

    Applications of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) in Nanotechnology

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    Cadmium telluride quantum dots (CdTe QDs) were prepared by chemical reaction and used to fabricate electroluminescence quantum dot hybrid junction device. QD-LED was fabricated using TPD: PMMA/CdTe/Alq3 device which synthesized by phase segregation method. The hybrid white light-emitting devices consist of three layers deposited successively on the ITO glass substrate; the first layer was of tetra-phenyl diaminobiphenyl (TPD) polymer mixed with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) polymers, while the second layer was 0.5 wt% of the (CdTe) QDs for hybrid device, whereas the third layer was tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3). The organic light-emitting device (OLED) was considered by room temperature photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL). Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics indicate that the output current is good compared to the few voltage (6 V) used which gives good results to generate white light. The electroluminescence (EL) spectrum of hybrid device shows a wide emission band covering the range 350–700 nm. The emissions causing this white luminescence were identified depending on the chromaticity coordinates (CIE 1931): x = 0.32, y = 0.33. The correlated color temperature (CCT) was found to be about 5886 K. Fabrication of EL devices from semiconductor material (CdTe QDs) between two layers, organic polymer (TPD) and organic molecules (Alq3), was effective in white light generation. The recombination processes and I-V characteristics give rise to the output current which is good compared to the few voltages used which give good results to generate light

    Transmuted Survival of Lindley Distribution

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    Background: In this study, a new distribution was discovered as a survival model by utilising the survival function of the quadratic-transformed distribution, where the quadratic-transformed Lindley distribution was used to derive the transformed-as-survival (TSL) Lindley distribution, which is essential because it is more flexible and accurate in data applications. Since there are occasionally data points that do not meet the standard distribution, the new distribution provides more accurate results when applied to the data, and the probability density function and cumulative probability function are extracted. New deployment properties with reliable performance were derived from a statistical and mathematical perspective. We also estimated a dataset using traditional methods, and we utilized MATLAB to demonstrate that our new distribution is superior to the original. Materials and Methods: The researchers also estimated a datum set using the Maximum  Likelihood Estimators method, and it manifested  the excellence of our Transmuted Survival of Lindley Distribution compared to the Lindley Distribution Results:                                                                  The results that the researchers obtained indicated that the new distribution(TSLD) is better than the original distribution . The  distribution of the New GLD for this real data in table (1). Conclusion: In this research, the formula Transmuted Survival  and Lindley  distribution are used and  the obtained result has more efficient distribution than the original distribution

    Optimal Cooperative MIMO Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cooperative Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) has been proposed as a transmission strategy to combat the fading problem in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to reduce the retransmission probability and lower the transmission energy. Among the earliest work on cooperative MIMO in WSNs is the analysis of the Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) scheme to achieve lower Bit Error Rate (BER) and significant energy savings. The work is continued with the implementation of the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for clustered-based architectures. The combination of STBC and the LEACH scheme resulted in a significant improvement in transmission energy efficiency compared to the Single-Input Single Output (SISO) scheme. Further study is conducted to compare the performance of STBC and various Spatial Multiplexing (SM) schemes such as Vertical Bell Labs Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST) and Diagonal BLAST. In this study, LEACH MAC was also utilized and lower transmission energy and latency were achieved against the SISO scheme. However, the centralized architecture leads to energy wastage and higher latency compared to a distributed architecture. On the other hand, the implementation of a distributed architecture needs to consider synchronisation issues. Thus a practical cooperative MIMO scheme for distributed asynchronous WSNs is needed. Moreover, a practical MAC that can suit cooperative transmission is required. A combination of a practical MAC protocol and an efficient MIMO scheme for asynchronous cooperative transmission leads to a more energy efficient and lower latency cooperative MIMO system. A combination of a MAC protocol and a cooperative SM scheme for cooperative MIMO transmission has been proposed in previous study where the combined scheme achieves significant energy efficiency and lower latency. Furthermore, a transmit Maximum Ratio Combiner (MRC) scheme is suggested to be more tolerant to the jitter difference than the Alamouti STC scheme in network with imperfect transmitting nodes synchronisation. In this chapter, we expand these studies to two other cooperative MIMO schemes, namely Beamforming (BF) and STBC for both network scenarios: perfect and imperfect transmitting nodes synchronisation. The optimal cooperative MIMO scheme combined with an appropriate MAC protocol should lead to the lowest energy consumption and lowest packet latency

    Spatial and temporal distribution of phytoplankton with emphasis on the harmful and toxic algae in the Limboto Lake

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    This study aims to describe Limboto Lake's condition based on the spatial-temporal abundance of phytoplankton and the presence of harmful algae species. Sampling was conducted in February, March, and April 2018 at six stations. The phytoplankton found in Limboto Lake consisted of 7 divisions from 80 species, namely Chlorophyta (35 species), Euglenophyta (17 species), Bacillarophyta (13 species), Cyanophyta (7 species), Cryptophyta (4 species), Dinophyta (3 species) and Chyrosphyta (1 species). The results of the phytoplankton distribution analysis in Limboto Lake varied on average among stations as well as observation times. The results show that the average of phytoplankton abundance at stations 1, stations 2, stations 3, and stations 4 categorized as medium polluted waters with 4,903 ind/L, 5,000 ind/ L, 9,418 ind/L, and 10,049 ind/L, respectively. The abundance at station five is included in the lightly polluted category with an average phytoplankton abundance of 1,541 ind/L, while station 6 is in the heavily polluted category with the average value of 20,894 ind/L. Species that can be used as indicator species for pollution are those with the highest abundance value, namely Microcystis sp., which indicates that Limboto Lake contains high nitrate and phosphate

    Top soil layer equi-electrical conductivity and pollution with salts mapping for a region located within Baghdad city

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    This research deals with the study of top soil electrical conductive regions located within Baghdad City. The research included measuring the dissolved soil material extraction Electrical Conductivity (EC) with an aqueous solution for the top (0-30 cm) soil layer of the study area. As the electrical conductivity values increase by increasing the amount of dissolved salts in principle, we can consider that the aim of this research is to predict the amount and distribution of (soil contamination with salts) which is represented by the (Salt Index), this factor calculated for each soil representative sample taken from the region with a depth of (30 cm). Laboratory (EC) test values measured by the use of solutions (EC) digital meter for the extract of the dissolved soils with a distilled de-ionized water using the ratio of (2:1) .The distributed (EC) values for the field representative soil samples used lately to plot a contour equi-electrical conductivity map and EC soil fluctuation profiles, in which reflected the top soil layer salinity distribution according to Tigris river position in the study area , also it reflects the increase and decrease of this layer salinity in a relation to the river position. This study concluded that the highest soil salinity concentrations located at the southern east part of the study area, while the lowest concentrations are located on the intersection areas with Tigris river stream, other areas in which are few kilometers far from the river stream showed moderate salinity concentrations. These results could be helpful for Environmental and agricultural benefits, through identifying the salty soil pollution region and look for ways of treatment

    Modeling and Performance Analysis of Throughput-Received Power Relationship for Indoor Wireless Mesh Network

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    In Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) the mesh nodes (APs) are configured with the same frequency channel creates a phenomenon called as co-channel interference. The purpose of selecting the same frequency channel is to make sure all the mesh nodes can talk each other within the frequency range. In order to study the effects of this phenomenon together with multipath fading for indoor environment, we have setup a wireless mesh network operating at 2.4GHz inside a 4-floors faculty building. Extensive measurement campaigns have been conducted at each floor. To observe the effects of these phenomena at the application layer perspective, we measure the network throughput and mapped it to the physical layer performance parameter; received power. The relationship between the application and physical layers performance parameters is modeled numerically and the results are analyzed. One interesting finding is that the empirical relationship model for wireless mesh network does not follow the common exponential models as known in Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). We can say that the throughput drop is too small and can be neglected and the average throughput is at 1.53Mbps over all received powers. The result shows that the effects of both co-channel interference and multipath are very severe and need to be tackled properly in wireless mesh network design and deployment

    The Social Media as a Tool of Marketing Communication: A Descriptive Study

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    تهدف هذه الدراسة الى اكتشاف دور استخدام شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في تعزيز الاتصالات التسويقية في سلسلة متاجر كارفور في محافظة أربيل – العراق. شهدت السنوات الحالية بروز قنوات تواصل جديدة مثل فيسبوك، يوتيوب، وتويتر. ان بوابات التواصل هذه، تمكن الزبائن من أن يكون لها أدوار مرنة ومتفاعلة كمتحكمين بالسوق، فضلاً عن امكانية الوصول على مدار الساعة. ان وسائل التواصل الجديدة من شأنها ان تولد ضغوط كبيرة على شركات الاعمال فيما يتعلق بتأسيس نماذج الاعمال وتطبيق استراتيجيات الشركة. ان بيئة شبكات التواصل التسويقية تمثل أدوات مؤثرة لشركات الاعمال للوصول والاتصال وبناء علاقات قوية مع زبائنها. تم استخدام حزمة البرنامج الاحصائي SPSS-20  لتحليل البيانات واستخراج الاوساط الحسابية والتكرارات. تم التوصل الى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات، من أهمها ان شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي لها دور مهم في تعزيز الاتصالات التسويقية في سلسلة متاجر كارفور في أربيل.This study aims to discover the implication of social media in the enhancement of marketing communications in Carrefour chain stores in Erbil Province -Iraq. Current years have witnessed the rise of new media channels such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. These platforms allow consumers to take additional active flexible roles as market players and reach almost everyone anywhere and anytime. Also, the new media will put pressure of long established business models and company strategies, but in the same time it will provide plenty opportunities for growth through new adaptive strategies. Social media marketing domain represents a influential instrument for businesses to reach, connect and build strong relationships with their customers. Software package SPSS-20 has been used to analyze the data in order to run statistical tools like average, frequency analysis and chi square. Based on the analysis a conclusion has been drawn that use of social media will enhance marketing communications in Carrefour chain stores in Erbil