104 research outputs found

    Eco-friendly fishing methods and techniques practiced in the northern hills zone of Chhattisgarh state, India

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    Indian forests have the potential to safeguard the livelihood of forest dwelling people, particularly tribal people, who are among the most disadvantaged groups in our society. Tribal people generally depend on forests for their cultural, spiritual, and to varying degree of economic needs. Fishing is one of the important livelihood activities of the tribal community since the time immortal. Fishing provides the source of livelihood as well as nutritional security to the tribal family significantly. An explorative study was conducted in participatory mode to explore the eco-friendly fishing methods. Totally, 300 respondents were selected for this study. The data was documented with the help of participatory observation, focused group discussions with triangulation procedures. In the paper, eco-friendly fishing methods such as Kumani, Pahata, Mora, Donga, Pelna, Choppa, Mora, Gulel, Bhawarjal, Ditori, Beetaah, Chiwaar, Baahla and Jholna and their working procedures are discussed. Jholna used to catch small and medium sized fishes upto 5-7 kg/day. The production cost of this choppa is less than Rs. 250 and it is used to catch small sized fishes up to 1.5-2.5kg/day. Kumani is used to catch small sized fishes and crabs upto 1-2 kg/day. The making cost of Pelna is around Rs. 650 and it is used to catch fishes upto 6-7 kg/day. The construction cost of Pahata gear is around Rs. 2000 and It is used to catch medium to big sized fishes upto 8-10kg/day

    An exploratory study on cultural and health significance of traditional tattooing practices among tribal community in Chhattisgarh state, India

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    This explorative study carried out from four districts of Chhattisgarh state namely Surajpur, Surguja, Balrampur and Jashpur. From each district, four villages were selected and from each village 25 tribal respondents were selected thus 300 respondents were selected for this study. About 65.33 percent of the tribal were between 36and 50 years of age group, more than one fourth (34.67%) of the farmers were educated up to primary school level, about half (49.00 %) of the respondents were at the income range of Rs. 25,001 to Rs. 75,000 and about 80% of the population of the state is rural and the main livelihood of the villagers is agriculture and agriculture-based small industry. Tattooing is one of the livelihood option for the tribal community in the study area. Tattooing has been practiced across the world since at least Neolithic times (7000 BCE), as confirmed by mummified preserved skin, prehistoric art, literatures, poetry, proverbs and the archaeological records. In Southern India, permanent tattoos are called pachakutharathu. In northern India, permanent tattoos are called Godna. Tattoos have been used as cultural symbols among many tribal populations, as well as the caste-based Hindu population of India. These tattoos have also been used as integral part of the tribal’s lifestyle Chhattisgarh state of India

    Congenital Anterior Urethral Diverticulum in Children: A Case Report and Review

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    Congenital anterior urethral diverticulum (CAUD) is an uncommon condition in children. We describe 2 patients of CAUD who presented with ventral penile swelling; in one, the site of swelling was just proximal to corona which is quite rare. The diagnosis was made on USG and MCU. Both patients had normal renal function. Open diverticulectomy and primary repair was done in both patients

    Tribal farmers' perceived constraints in the adoption of good dairy farming practices in the northern hills zone of Chhattisgarh, India

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    This study was carried out during the year 2014-15 to explore the perceived constraints encountered by the tribal dairy farmers in the successful adoption of Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFPs). Out of 27 districts in Chhattisgarh, three tribal populated districts were selected for this study from northern hills zone of the state and totally 300 respondents were selected for constraints analysis. The study revealed that 55.33 % of the tribal farmers realised that insufficient knowledge and awareness towards good dairy farming practices is the major constraints in the adoption process, majority (70.00 %) of the tribal farmers perceived that lack of progeny tested superior bulls for AI and natural service are the main constraint in the adoption of good breeding practices, about (75.70 %) of the tribal farmers expressed the higher cost of concentrates, mineral mixtures and vitamin supplements are the main constraints in the adoption of good feeding practices, majority (70.70 %) of the tribal farmers responded that less number of veterinary hospitals in their locality is the main constraints and its ranks first in the healthcare constraints list, little less than three-fourths (67.67 %) of the tribal farmers articulated that lack of advanced farm machineries (portable milking unit) for small dairy holders is the main constraints in the adoption of good management practices and about three-fourths (75.30 %) of the tribal farmers conveyed that the lack of insurance for longer period is the main constraints and tops in the socio-economic constraints. This constraints study will be highly useful to policy makers and the scientific community to assess the dairy production technologies for refinement and appropriate strategies can be formulated to promote tribal dairying from subsistence level to intensive in order to increase the income from dairy sector

    Performance of CIP potato (Solanum tuberosum) clones for early maturity in subtropical region of Haryana

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    Research experiments were carried out with six promising potato clones of International Potato Center (CIP) compared with four recommended varieties of Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) as checks with the objective to identify high yielding, short duration variety suitable for rice-wheat cropping system of subtropical region of Haryana. The trials were conducted at Potato Technology Center, Karnal during rabi season of two consecutive years, viz. 2018–19 and 2019–20 under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojna Project. The experiments were laid out in randomized block design with three replications. All the cultural practices were followed with scientific management. Dehaulming was done after 75 days of planting. Physical characters of tubers like skin colour, flesh colour, tuber shape and eye depth were observed. Data related to vegetative growth and yield was recorded, pooled and statistically analyzed. It was observed from the data that the maximum plant vigour was recorded in cultivar Kufri Lima however, highest marketable and total tuber yield was recorded in a red skinned CIP clone CIP392797.22. This variety might be selected as a candidate variety fit for rice-wheat cropping system

    Analysis of Pre-requisities and Framework for Introducing Potato Crop in Non-traditional Anantapuram District of Andhra Pradesh

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    As per FAOSTAT database, India is the second largest producer of potatoes (45.34 million tonne in 2013) after China (88.99 million tonne in 2013). However, Indian potato production has not been uniformly distributed over its regions and states. About 80% potatoes are produced in Indian Indo-Gangetic plains whereas southern states collectively produce very meagre quantities of potatoes. Karnataka, is an important producers of kharif potatoes which are sold at premium price due to their off season supply. A very large proportion of kharif potato production from the south India is diverted to processing industry and hence the fresh availability of potatoes in the region becomes inadequate to meet the local demand. Consequently, the potato prices in the region remain very high throughout the year in southern part of the country. In order to device a sustainable solution to the problem, CIP and CPRI carried out a joint study to assess feasibility of introducing potato crop in south-western Anantapuramu district of Andhra Pradesh. Notably Andhra Pradesh produces just 1.7 kg/ capita potatoes against 9.1 and 34.2 kg/ ha at Karnataka and All India level, respectively. Results of this study give very strong indication about successful potato cultivation in selected villages of Anantapuramu district along with a comprehensive action plan for introduction of potato crop in the non-traditional area

    Benchmarking Farmers’ Economic and Social Status in Anantapuramu and Kurnool Arid Districts of Andhra Pradesh for Probable Introduction of Potato Crop

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    India has experienced rapid growth in potato production during recent past and the country has almost doubled its potato production during 2003–2013. The potato productivity improved 31.4% over this period of time. However, potato production scenario in southern states of India is quite grim and with the result potato consumers of these states always have to purchase potatoes at very high prices compared to the national average prices. With the objective to augment potato production in southern states this study was carried out for analysing socio-economic characteristics of potential potato growers in non-traditional Anantapuramu and Kurnool districts of arid region in Andhra Pradesh. A long list of socio-economic factors viz. education level, occupation pattern, house condition, tractor ownership, food security level, access and affordability to civic amenities, children's education type, possession of household amenities, expenditure pattern and level of mechanization adoption were studied in this study so that most suitable area for potato introduction may be identified

    Yield Evaluation of Nutrient-rich Potato Clones in High Hill of Nepal

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the yield of nutrient-rich potato clones in high-hill districts: Dolakha and Jumla of Nepal during the years 2013 and 2014, respectively. Fourteen potato clones were tested as on-station and on-farm experiments at both districts, and those fourteen clones were compared to ‘Lady Rosita' and ‘Jumli Local' respectively as the check varieties in the first year experiment, 2013. Eight promising clones were selected from the first year experiment, and were evaluated and compared with same local varieties in the consecutive year, 2014. Two clones namely; CIP 395112.32 (19.3 tha-1) and CIP 393073.179 (17.8 tha-1) exhibited superior marketable tuber yield than that of ‘Lady Rosita'(14.2 tha-1) in Dolakha and five CIP clones namely; 395112.32 (25.5 tha-1), 393073.179 (22.5 tha-1), 394611.112 (20.9 tha-1), 390478.9 (19.9 tha-1) and 395017.229 (17.0 tha-1) showed higher marketable tuber yield than ‘Jumli Local'(14.5 tha-1). Based on two years' phenotypic and tuber yield result, clones CIP 395112.32 and CIP 393073.179 are recommended to potato growers at high hills of Nepal for commercial cultivation.Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council Vol.3 2017: 6-1

    Molecular Associations and Clinical Significance of RAPs in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an aggressive gastrointestinal malignancy with a high rate of mortality. Multiple studies have individually recognized members of RAP gene family as critical regulators of tumor progression in several cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma. These studies suffer numerous limitations including a small sample size and lack of analysis of various clinicopathological and molecular features. In the current study, we utilized authoritative multi-omics databases to determine the association of RAP gene family expression and detailed molecular and clinicopathological features in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). All five RAP genes were observed to harbor dysregulated expression in HCC compared to normal liver tissues. RAP2A exhibited strongest ability to differentiate tumors from the normal tissues. RAP2A expression was associated with progressive tumor grade, TP53 and CTNNB1 mutation status. Additionally, RAP2A expression was associated with the alteration of its copy numbers and DNA methylation. RAP2A also emerged as an independent marker for patient prognosis. Further, pathway analysis revealed that RAP2A expression is correlated with tumor-infiltrating immune cell composition and oncogenic molecular pathways, such as cell cycle and cellular metabolism

    Qualitative model of potato seed systems: A proposal to converge seed-related biophysical and socioeconomic factors.

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    One of the most important constraints to potato production in developing countries is the lack of quality planting material to be used by farmers, either coming from the formal or from farmer-based seed systems. A number of projects have been implemented to improve farmers' access to quality planting material in different countries. However, these experiences have not been documented in a comparative or parallel way in order to understand the factors that influence success or failure and to extract lessons and guidelines that can support decision-making for future investments. This paper presents a proposal for modeling potato seed systems by identifying the key factors that influence the use of quality seed by farmers, which includes three main types of factors, namely 1) the biophysical factors related to seed degeneration and seed availability, both influenced by the presence of biotic (viruses, bacterial wilt, and other diseases, or pest such as potato tuber moth), and abiotic constraints (frosts or draughts that represent shocks that could threaten seed availability); 2) management factors, including farmers' own seed management practices and also the seed multiplication technologies used by the private or public sector in charge of seed supply, this influenced in turn by the existing regulatory frameworks; 3) demand and market related factors, which includes farmers' willingness to pay for quality seed, influenced by their perception about the added value of seed quality, the market demand for specific varieties, and the profitability of potato cultivation as a business. The proposed seed model aims at highlighting key factors that should be documented, analyzed and taken into account when planning seed potato intervention