651 research outputs found

    Using board games to teach physics

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    This was an exploratory study that examined how board games affect students\u27 motivation and learning of content about science (Physics). Quasi-Experiment research was used to determine the academic effects of the board game as well as an attitudinal survey to evaluate motivation. Participants were selected by a convenience sample from undergraduate courses in the Department of Education at a regional university. Participants were taught by two methods: using a board game and traditional (lecture). Participants in both groups gave a pretest to determine their knowledge of physics followed by posttest to determine their retention after using the board game, or traditional method. An attitudinal survey was given after each setting for participants to evaluate their impression about their motivation to learn, increasing social skills, and enhancing critical thinking about either method. Findings of the study suggested that the board game should be used to help students develop their content knowledge of physics, motivate them to learn, increase their social skills, and enhance critical thinking --Document

    Using board games to teach physics

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    This was an exploratory study that examined how board games affect students\u27 motivation and learning of content about science (Physics). Quasi-Experiment research was used to determine the academic effects of the board game as well as an attitudinal survey to evaluate motivation. Participants were selected by a convenience sample from undergraduate courses in the Department of Education at a regional university. Participants were taught by two methods: using a board game and traditional (lecture). Participants in both groups gave a pretest to determine their knowledge of physics followed by posttest to determine their retention after using the board game, or traditional method. An attitudinal survey was given after each setting for participants to evaluate their impression about their motivation to learn, increasing social skills, and enhancing critical thinking about either method. Findings of the study suggested that the board game should be used to help students develop their content knowledge of physics, motivate them to learn, increase their social skills, and enhance critical thinking --Document

    CFD Simulation of Supercritical Flow in Narrow Channels Including Sediment Bypass Tunnels

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    Secondary currents, turbulence characteristics and bed shear stress distribution are the crucial parameters for specifying sediment transport. Hence, to understand the sediment transport in sediment bypass tunnels (SBTs), we performed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of supercritical flow in a narrow straight channel. The results of the steady state simulation (Froude number ≈ 1.8) were compared with experimental results. The commonly used two-equations linear eddy-viscosity models are limited to isotropic turbulence closure and hence could not replicate the desired secondary currents. Therefore, the LRR Reynolds Stress Model was used, and predicted the flow features and the secondary currents (three kinds in total) effectively. The secondary currents affected the longitudinal velocity and caused velocity dip. The existing atmEpsilonWallFunction was used to represent the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy on the free surface. The obtained mean bed shear stress was 9.265 N/m2 which is lower than the measured value of 10.225 N/m2. This initial study contributes to the existing knowledge on the applications of CFD modelling in supercritical flow and SBTs. However, a comprehensive study considering different flow scenarios in narrow channels using improved LRR model and boundary conditions, over the used ones, is aimed to improve the accuracy in the estimation of flow field and bed shear stress

    Systematic review of therapeutic outcomes of multidrug resistant tuberculosis and their predictors in adults receiving integrated treatment of tuberculosis and human immuno-deficiency virus in low- and middle-income countries: a study protocol

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    Background Programs that integrate tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment aim to provide efficient treatment services and maximize successful treatment outcomes through the delivery of both TB and HIV treatment by one provider at the same time and location. However, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is more difficult to treat as compared to drug-sensitive TB, and in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the potential of programs integrating TB/HIV treatment to sustain favourable MDR-TB treatment outcomes is poorly elucidated. The objective of this review is to perform a systematic collection, critical appraisal and synthesis of existing evidence on therapeutic outcomes of MDR-TB and their predictors among adults receiving integrated treatment for TB/HIV in LMICs

    The Protective Mechanisms of the Elderly from the Family Crimes in the Algerian Legislation

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    تقوم السیاسة الإجتماعیة في الجزائر على مبادئ قارة منطلقھا تكفل الدولة بكل أفراد المجتمع مع إعتبار الأسرة الأساس الذي ینبني علیھ ھذا التكفل، ھذا الأخیر یتخذ أشكالا مختلفة، تتعد بتعدد الأفراد المكونین لھا و الذین یشكلون خارج الأسرة ما یعرف بالفئات الخاصة كالأطفال ، النساء، و المسنین و بربط ھذه الفئات بالأسرة و بالجرائم التي أصبحت تقع داخلھا تتأكد ضرورة إعتماد آلیات فعالة للحمایة عندما تكون الفئة المستھدفة ھي فئة الأصول لتتضاعف ضرورات الحمایة أكثر عندما یتعلق الأمر بالأصول المسنین، ما یجعل آلیات الحمایة تتنوع بین الآلیات الإجتماعیة و الآلیات الجزائیة.Cezayir’de, toplumsal siyaset, toplumun bütün fertlerinin sorumluluklarını üstlenen yerleşik prensipler üzerine kuruludur. Bu prensipler bu sorumlulukları üstlenirken aileyi de temel olarak kabul etmektedir. Aile kurumu kendisini oluşturan fertlerin ve toplumda aile dışında bulunan özel kesimlerin –ki bunlar çocuklar, kadınlar ve yaşlılar olarak değerlendirilir- çeşitliliğine göre farklılık gösterir. Bu grupların aileyle ilişkilendirilmesi ve aile içinde işlenen suçların da göz önünde bulundurulmasıyla hedeflenen kitle bu temel kitle olunca ve durum yaşlıları da ilgilendirince yaşlı fertlerin korunmasındaki etkili tedbirlerin bulunmasının zorunluluğu daha da artmakta ve bu koruyucu tedbirler toplumsal tedbirler ve cezaî tedbirler olarak çeşitlilik göstermektedir.The social policy in Algeria is built on solid principles, which state ensure all members of the community with the consideration of family foundation upon which the latter provide various forms, include a wide range of components individuals which form outside the family what is known as special categories, such as children, women, the elderly and linking these categories to the family and the crimes that happens inside. Therefore it is confirmed the need to adopt effective mechanisms of protection when the target category is the asset class to multiply the needs of protection more when it comes to

    Motivasi Wartawan Menjadi Anggota Kelompok Kerja Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat (Studi Kasus pada Wartawan Gedung Sate)

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    Motivasi Wartawan Menjadi Anggota Kelompok Kerja Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat (Studi Kasus pada Wartawan Gedung Sate) Oleh, Kadia Sandi NPM. 1204130101 Abstrak Wartawan adalah orang yang melakukan pekerjaan kewartawanan dan atau tugas -tugas jurnalistik secara rutin. Dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai pencari berita, seorang wartawan biasanya ikut bergabung ke dalam sebuah kelompok kerja wartawan. Salah satu kelompok kerja wartawan adalah kelompok kerja (POKJA) wartawan Gedung Sate yang sengaja dibentuk dalam instansi pemerintahan. Kegiatan Pokja wartawan Gedung Sate akan mengacu kepada pemberitaan tentang roda pemerintahan maupun kegiatan pemerintahan, yang disebarluaskan demi kepentingan masyarakat. Anggota kelompok kerja wartawan pemerintah provinsi terbanyak saat ini adalah kelompok kerja Gedung Sate yaitu sebanyak 53 anggota. Hal ini didasari dengan adanya motivasi yang berasal dari individu baik melalui internal maupun eksternal. Motivasi individu yang berasal dari internal merupakan keinginan seseorang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang berasal dari dalam diri individu tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis permasalahan tentang motivasi yang diberikan oleh pemerintahan Gedung Sate dalam sebuah kelompok kerja mempengaruhi wartawan untuk bergabung ke dalam kelompok kerja wartawan Gedung Sate. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni metode Deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yakni berasal dari berbagai sumber baik observasi langsung kelapangan, wawancara dengan narasumber, studi dokumentasi yang berasal langsung dari sumber serta arsip kepustakaan seperti mengumpulkan berbagai tulisan yang terkait. Paradigma yang digunakan adalah paradigma postpositivisme mengharuskan hubungan antara pengamat atau peneliti dengan objek atau realitas yang diteliti tidaklah bisa dipisahkan. Penelitian ini akan ditelaah melalui teori motivasi Mashlow terdapat lima kebutuhan yang berasal dari internal manusia yaitu Kebutuhan psikologis, kebutuhan kemanan, kebutuhan sosial, kebutuhan penghargaan, dan kebutuhan aktualisasi diri. Melalui hasil penelitian 3 dari 4 wartawan yang tergabung dalam POKJA Gedung Sate termotivasi bergabung untuk mencari sebuah informasi. Dan 1 informan termotivasi bergabung untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisiologis, keamanan, sosial, dan aktualisasi diri. Kata Kunci: Teori Motivasi Mashlow, Analisis Deskriptif, Kelompok Kerja Wartawan, Wartawa

    Análisis de contenido de 15 canciones típicas con enfoque de género

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    La música típica constituye la expresión popular de una región, representa sus valores, normas costumbres o tradiciones. Actualmente, esta música en nuestro país, ha alcanzado popularidad entre todos los grupos etáreos, siendo escuchada y disfrutada por hombres y mujeres. Incluso, la juventud ha hecho bandera de este género y fácilmente podemos observar y constatar la presencia de mujeres y hombres jóvenes en los bailes de música típica que se realizan en diversas áreas de la capital y del interior del país. Cabe resaltar que nuestro país se caracteriza por una estructura patriarcal, donde el pensamiento androcéntrico hace gala, siendo interiorizado por la mayoría de sus integrantes, a lo largo de la historia y mucho más marcado en las provincias centrales donde el machismo pareciera ser más acentuado. De allí la razón por la que los intérpretes principales de la música típica corresponden en su mayoría al sexo masculino con excepción de Sandra Sandoval y Nina Campines. Por constituir la música típica una expresión y extensión de la cultura de un pueblo, además de un factor de gran influencia en el proceso de socialización en especial la socialización de género, surge en nosotros el interés por realizar un análisis del contenido y los mensajes de este tipo de música con enfoque de género. No obstante, los datos obtenidos nos permitieron ampliar nuestro panorama con respecto a la influencia que los medios de comunicación y los mensajes que en ellos se emiten tienen en el proceso de socialización de género, lo cual repercute en el tipo de relación que se establece entre hombres y mujeres

    Substrate Specificity and Structure-Function Analysis of Bacterial Glyoxalase I Enzymes

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    The glyoxalase pathway is widespread in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. This system utilizes two enzymes (glyoxalase I (GlxI) and glyoxalase II (GlxII)) to catalyze the formation of D-lactate from the substrates glutathione (GSH) and methylglyoxal (MG). The latter chemical is a harmful byproduct of glycolysis. This thesis gives detailed studies of the behavior of the GlxI enzyme as it pertains to its thiol co-substrate specificity, its structural similarity among its superfamily members (most particularly with the fosfomycin resistance protein (FosA)) and residue identification that would alter its metal selectivity. The thiol co-substrate GSH was thought to be the only thiol utilizied by the glyoxalase system. However, reports identified organisms that utilized the thiols trypanothione (T(SH)2) and glutahionylspermidine (GspdSH) as co-substrates. These organisms, known as the trypanosomes, are very well known in tropical environments to cause diseases. E. coli does not contain T(SH)2 but does contain GspdSH and manufactures the latter in increasing amounts under conditions of cell duress. Substrate specificity studies were conducted replacing GSH with GspdSH and T(SH)2. In addition to this, to ensure the thiols reacted in a true glyoxalase system, substrate specificity studies were also conducted on the second enzyme GlxII and verification of the product D-lactate was performed. To continue, structurally, the enzyme GlxI belongs to the βαβββ superfamily of proteins that are known to have very similar structure but to catalyze very different reactions. Comparing the active site of E. coli GlxI and FosA, there is one significant difference at one residue. Therefore an E56A mutation was performed on GlxI and the mutant bacterium were subjected to growth analysis in the presence of fosfomycin and MG. The mutant enzyme was also tested for its performance in the presence of MG and various divalent metals. Further, the Glx I enzyme from E. coli is known to be active in the presence of non-zinc bivalent metals, while the human counterpart is active in the presence of Zn2+. When one compares GlxI from E. coli with the human GlxI, there are many differences in the primary structure that could be viable areas that determine the metal specificity of the enzyme. Mutation analysis was performed on these areas to determine catalytic performance as well as metal specificity. These studies display how versatile the glyoxalase system is with regard to the use of its thiol co-substrates. These thiols participate in the detoxification pathway for MG in the cell especially under late log phase conditions. Structural studies can give some knowledge concerning the possible evolution of the enzyme among its family members, and is of monumental significance to the scientific community as it relates to enzyme metal selectivity and the development of enzymes over time


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    ABSTRAK KEPEMIMPINAN GURU DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA DI SD NEGERI 01 GEDUNG RATU KABUPATEN TULANG BAWANG BARAT Oleh : ANNISYA AL KADIA Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bahwa setiap sekolah memiliki kepemimpinan guru dan siswa, di ruang lingkup pendidikan sekolah, kepeimpinan tersebut mengelola dan mengatur bawahannya agar kegiatan perencanaan di sekolah atau kegiatan pembelajaran berjalan dengan lancar dan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tiga teknik yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data yang di peroleh selama penelitian di analisis dengan langkah langkah reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Sedangkan pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan ketekunan pengamatan dan triangulasi triangulasi dilakukan dengan 4 cara yaitu: triangulasi sumber data, triangulasi teknik, triangulasi waktu, dan triangulasi teori. Berdasarkan analisis data yang sudah dilakukan, diperoleh tiga kesimpulan sebagai berikut : yang pertama, Kepemimpinan guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa, kepemimpinan pendidikan itu adalah segenap kegiatan dalam usaha mempengaruhi orang lain yang ada dilingkungan pendidikan pada situasi tertentu agar orang lain melalui kerjasama mau bekerja dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab dan ikhlas demi tercapainya tujuan tujuan pendidikan yang telah di tetapkan. Yang kedua, Kemampuan Ketrampilan guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa, ketrampilan mengajar yang dimiliki oleh seorang guru diharapkan dapat membuat siswa bersemangat untuk belajar dan memperhatikan penjelasan guru, serta dapat ikut dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga hasil yang dicapai dari proses pembelajaran dapat memuaskan guru dan siswa. Yang ketiga, Kegiatan guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa, seorang guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa maka diperlukan wawasan ―membimbing siswa agar memahami‖ untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa guru harus berusaha dengan berbagai cara membangkitkan motivasi siswa yaitu menciptkan persaingan, membuat tujuan sementara atau target, memberikan kesematan untuk berhasil, peragaan dalam pengajaran seperti alat peraga dalam pengajaran, membuat tujuan sementara atau target, memberikan kesematan untuk berhasil, peragaan dalam pengajaran seperti alat peraga dalam pengajaran, dan melibatkan siswa secara aktif