956 research outputs found

    Production of Hard Grade Bitumen for Using in High Modulus Asphalt Concrete

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    قد تتعرض الخرسانة الاسفلتية الاعتيادية لعدة اضرار مثل شقوق الكلل والتخدد وتتفاقم درجة هذه الاضرار مع الظروف المناخية القاسية والحمل المروري المتكرر. يمكن اعتبار الخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة المصممة وفقا للطريقة الفرنسية (EME)) أحد الحلول المهمة للحد من هذه الاضرار. ان انتاج هذا النوع من الخليط يتطلب اسفلت (كمادة رابطة) عالي الصلابة. البحث الحالي يتضمن طريقة جديدة لأنتاج الاسفلت بتدرج اختراق نوع hard)) ليلائم متطلبات الاسفلت العالي الصلابة المستخدم لأنتاج الخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة المصممة وفقا للطريقة الفرنسية. العمل المختبري يتضمن خلط البوليمر ومصلبه مع الاسفلت الاعتيادي لأنتاج الاسفلت الجديد العالي الصلابة. نظرا لأن شقوق الكلل هي أكثر المخاوف المتعلقة بالأسفلت (كمادة رابطة) العالي الصلابة والخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة، لذلك تمت إضافة حبيبات المطاط الى الاسفلت المنتج العالي الصلابة لتحسين أداء التبليط في مقاومة شقوق الكلل. تم اجراء اختباري مطياف الاشعة تحت الحمراء ومسح المجهر الالكتروني للأسفلت الاعتيادي وللأسفلت العالي الصلابة. كانت القيمة المثلى المختارة للمضافات لانتاج الاسفلت العالي الصلابة المستخدم في الخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة هي 4% و0.4% من وزن الاسفلت للنوفولاك والهكسامين على التوالي، بينما نسبة حبيبات المطاط لتحسين المرونة هي 0.5%. أظهرت نتائج الاختبارات المجهرية والاشعة تحت الحمراء للاسفلت المنتج حدوث تداخلا ميكانيكيا بين الاسفلت والمضافات أدى الى تحسن كبير في الخواص الميكانيكة للاسفلت المنتج. الاسفلت المنتج قد حقق متطلبات الاسفلت العالي الصلابة وبالتالي يمكن استخدامه في انتاج الخلطة الاسفلتية العالية المرونة المصممة وفق الطريقة الفرنسية.The conventional Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) may suffer from several distress such as fatigue cracks and rutting. These distresses increase with severe climate conditions and reputation of traffic load. The High Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) designed according to the French method (EME) can be considered as one of the important solutions for these distresses. The production of HMAC requires hard grade bitumen. The current research involved a novel way to produce hard grade bitumen (asphalt binder) to be consonant with the requirements of hard grade bitumen used for a HMAC. The experimental work involved mixing polymer and cross-linking agent with conventional bitumen to get the new bitumen. Since the most concern with hard grade bitumen and HMAC is the fatigue cracks, Crumb Rubber (CR) was added to the obtained bitumen to improve the fatigue performance of the pavement. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) tests were carried out on the conventional and hard grade bitumen. The optimal value of additives was selected to meet the requirement of hard grade bitumen was 4% Novolac from weight of bitumen and 10 % of Hexamine from weight of Novolac (i.e. 0.4% of weight of bitumen), while the selected CR ratio to improve flexibility was 0.5% from weight of bitumen. FTIR and SEM test results showed that a mechanical interaction was occurring between the bitumen and the additives leads to greatly improve the mechanical properties of resulting bitumen. The obtained bitumen is satisfied to required standards and can be used for HMAC according to French method

    Epidemiological Surveillance of Communicable Diseases in Baghdad City during the Period January-April 2006

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    The records of Primary Health Care Centres (Al-Risafa section of Baghdad) were inspected for communicable diseases during the period January-April 2006. There were 8622 recorded cases (the diagnosis was based on a clinical examination and laboratory findings), which were distributed as 4782 (55.5%), 1430 (16.6%), 1604 (18.6%) and 806 (9.3%) for Sadar city, Risafa, A'adhamyiah and Mada'in, respectively. The highest frequency was reported for chicken pox (42.7%), followed by mumps and typhoid fever (20 and 13.7%, respectively), while diphtheria and cholera were not recorded. These three most frequent diseases were further analyzed, and their distribution showed a significant difference (P ? 0.001). April was the month of the highest recorded cases (48.05%), followed by March (18.8%), January (18.1%) and finally February (14.7%)

    Characterizing the properties of sustainable semi-flexible pavement produced with polymer modified bitumen

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    Semi-Flexible Pavement (SFP) is a composite type of pavement produced by manufacturing of porous asphalt mixes using open graded aggregate gradation to create 20-35% of voids filled with grout (cement paste, cement mortar, etc.….). The resulting pavement has the flexibility of asphalt pavement and some strength of concrete pavement. The current study focused on investigation of using widely available (in Iraq) waste material namely Rice Husk Ash (RHA) to replace the Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) partially in grout, also, using Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) to develop Open-Graded Asphalt (OGA) pavement without using cellulous fibre. The study focused on assessment of mechanical properties of the obtained SFP mixes with and without PMB. The results of study showed that using of PMB increased the Marshall Stability up to 100% and indirect tensile strength up to 50%. The Marshall Retained Stability gave about 90% which is quite higher the minimum required limit (70%). The results also revealed that RHA can be used as replacement for the OPC in SFP mixes. All investigated percentages showed satisfactory mechanical properties

    Modified prediction approach of strength of high strength polyolefin fiber reinforced concrete corbels

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    This paper aims to investigate the effect of polyolefin fibers on high strength reinforced concrete corbels using twelve specimens with different quantities of fibers and shear span-to-span ratios, all corbels were only tested vertically. Due to the addition of polyolefin fibers, the ultimate load-carrying capacity of corbels was significantly improved, according to the findings of this study and other relevant data. The limitations and insufficiency of the three techniques were proven by a comparison of current test results and anticipated values by the ACI 318 Code -19 rules for the tested specimens, the Strut and Tie Model, and the proposed method. The ultimate shear load of polyolefin fiber reinforced high strength concrete corbels with was determined to be best predicted by applying the Strut and Tie Model technique to account for the fibers' contribution to strength

    Missed Gastric Injuries in Blunt Abdominal Trauma : Case report with review of literature

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    Hollow viscus injuries of the digestive tract are an uncommon occurrence in blunt abdominal trauma. We report a 39-year-old male who was hit by a vehicle as a pedestrian and admitted to the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, in 2015. He underwent an exploratory laparotomy which revealed injuries to the distal stomach, liver and descending colon. Postoperatively, the patient was febrile, tachycardic and hypotensive. Abdominal examination revealed distention and tenderness. The next day, a repeat laparotomy identified a gastric injury which had not been diagnosed during the initial laparotomy. Although the defect was repaired, the patient subsequently died as a result of multiorgan failure. Missed gastric injuries are rare and are associated with a grave prognosis, particularly for trauma patients. Delays in diagnosis, in addition to associated injuries, contribute to a high mortality rate

    Load Frequency Control for Hydropower Plants using PID Controller

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    Many development republics began to get rid of conventional energy and towards to use renewable energy like hydropower system, solar cells and wind turbines as soon as possible. Load Frequency Control (LFC) problem is coming to be the main topics for mentioning schemes due to not corresponding between main power system inputs such as change load demand and change in speed turbine settings. This paper illustrates a selftuning control of hydropower system that suggested and confirmed under Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in power scheme. The suggested power system involves one single area. The suggested self-tuning control system is employed in performing the automatic generation control for load frequency control request and compared it with conventional control structure. The power system dynamic modeling has regularly built in several essential parameters which have a significant influence According to frequency limitation. The main problem with all controllers is an exaggerated reaction to minor errors, producing the system to oscillate. The output response results for hydropower system obviously proved the benefit of using maximum load demand by tuning PID controller. Whereas, tuning PID controller has got properly more rapid output response and minimal overshoot

    Ulcerative Colitis Diagnosis Based on Artificial Intelligence System

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    مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي هو تهيج في القولون الذي يرتبط في كثير من الأحيان مع العدوى ونقص المناعة. يكون جدار القولون للشخص مصاب بالالتهاب دائمًا أكثر سماكة من المعتاد. قد يكون مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي مهدد للحياة ويؤدي إلى الموت إذا لم يتم اكتشافه مبكرًا. الاكتشاف المبكر لهذا المرض مهم للغاية لبدء العلاج المناسب. في هذا البحث، تم تقديم شبكة العصبية الاصطناعية للكشف عن مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي وفقًا لمجموعة البيانات النظرية التي تم إنشاؤها بواسطة المعايير. تم تدريب الشبكة باستخدام خوارزمية Levenberg-Marquardt. أفضل اداء للشبكة كان حيث نسبة الخطأ تساوي 1.9947×10-24   للنظام الذي عدد خلاياه العصبية = 4.Ulcerative colitis (UC) disease is irritation of the colon that is frequently related to infection and immune compromise. The wall of the colon with inflammation is always thicker than normal. UC may be life-threatening and lead to death if not detected early. Early detection of this disease is very important to initiate appropriate treatment. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) applied to detect the UC according to a theoretical dataset generated by the criteria of UC. The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm has trained the single hidden layer ANN. The best behaviour is equal to 1.9947×10-24for the system which the number of neurons =4

    Effect of mixed and artificial feeding on the growth performance of Gattan Luciobarbus xanthopterus Heckel, 1843 larvae

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    This work aimed to study the rearing feasibility of Luciobarbus xanthopterus larvae using artificial and mixed (live (Chlorella sp.) + artificial) food and their effects on their growth performance during early development. Larvae (1.65 cm in length and 0.02 g weight) were obtained from a Marine Science Hatchery and cultured in indoor tanks for 35 days. the larvae fed mixed feed T1 and artificial feed T2 (fish meal + soybean meal). The results showed that the larvae of T1 treatment outperformed significantly in final length, final weight, final weight gain, daily and specific growth rate, which amounted to 3.44 cm, 0.3568 g, 0.3368 g, 0.0096 g/day, and 8.2185 % weight/day, respectively. Also, the results showed that larvae fed on T1 grew faster. The present study showed that applying a mixture of artificial and live food after four weeks' age i.e. after absorption of the yolk sac for feeding larvae can reduce the costs of producing and providing better growth and survival rates


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    This paper studies bifurcation solutions of the Camassa – Holm equation by using the local Lyapunov – Schmidt method. The Camassa–Holm equation is studied by reduction to an ODE. We find the key function that corresponds to the functional related to this equation and defined on a new domain. The bifurcation analysis of the key function is investigated by the angular singularities. We find the parametric equation of the bifurcation set (caustic) with its geometric description. Also, the bifurcation spreading of the critical points is found

    Alpha-particle-induced complex chromosome exchanges transmitted through extra-thymic lymphopoiesis in vitro show evidence of emerging genomic instability

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    Human exposure to high-linear energy transfer α-particles includes environmental (e.g. radon gas and its decay progeny), medical (e.g. radiopharmaceuticals) and occupational (nuclear industry) sources. The associated health risks of α-particle exposure for lung cancer are well documented however the risk estimates for leukaemia remain uncertain. To further our understanding of α-particle effects in target cells for leukaemogenesis and also to seek general markers of individual exposure to α-particles, this study assessed the transmission of chromosomal damage initially-induced in human haemopoietic stem and progenitor cells after exposure to high-LET α-particles. Cells surviving exposure were differentiated into mature T-cells by extra-thymic T-cell differentiation in vitro. Multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridisation (M-FISH) analysis of naïve T-cell populations showed the occurrence of stable (clonal) complex chromosome aberrations consistent with those that are characteristically induced in spherical cells by the traversal of a single α-particle track. Additionally, complex chromosome exchanges were observed in the progeny of irradiated mature T-cell populations. In addition to this, newly arising de novo chromosome aberrations were detected in cells which possessed clonal markers of α-particle exposure and also in cells which did not show any evidence of previous exposure, suggesting ongoing genomic instability in these populations. Our findings support the usefulness and reliability of employing complex chromosome exchanges as indicators of past or ongoing exposure to high-LET radiation and demonstrate the potential applicability to evaluate health risks associated with α-particle exposure.This work was supported by the Department of Health, UK. Contract RRX95 (RMA NSDTG)