36 research outputs found

    Does Monetary Policy Respond to Macroeconomic Shocks? Evidence from Indonesia

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    The activist policy is believed by policymakers and economists that monetary policy can respond to macroeconomic shocks to stabilize the economy. This study aims to find evidence and discuss the response of monetary policy to macroeconomic shocks. For this reason, the effects of GDP shocks, inflation shocks, and exchange rate shocks on policy interest rates in the implementation of monetary policy are discussed through vector error correction model (VECM) analysis along with policy interest rate responses involving the long-run relationships. The study period 2001Q1 – 2020Q1 is used as the policy implementation period using the policy interest rate. The results of the analysis show that based on the magnitude of the impact and its contribution, inflation shock and exchange rate shock are the most important macroeconomic variable shocks in influencing the monetary policy stance in Indonesia. Inflation shocks and exchange rate shocks need to be a priority focus for monetary policymakers in an economic environment where uncertainty is increasing and rapidly changing. In addition to the interests of the domestic economy, monetary policy also needs to remain focused on considering and adapting to increasingly dynamic global economic and financial developments

    Strategy and Policy for Empowerment of Duck Farming Business in Brebes Sub-District, Brebes Regency

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    This study aimed to determine appropriate strategies and policies for empowerment of duck farming business in Brebes Sub-District, Brebes Regency. The method of this study was survey using stratified random sampling with the sample size of 52 laying duck farmers. Data taken in the form of primary and secondary data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The result indicated that duck farming business did not have Economic Institutions, it was an individual, dependent and unprofessional business because it depended on the middlemen. It can be said that duck farming business in Brebes Regency was a livestock labor business. The strategies and policies for empowerment of duck farming business in Brebes sub-district Brebes Regency included the provision of livestock area facility, waste management, capital, livestock management and development of marketing centers for processed duck meat and eggs products.Keywords: Duck, Institution, Cooperation, Strategy, Policy

    Pengaruh Tingkat Inflasi, Suku Bunga Kredit Konsumsi, dan Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) terhadap Kredit Konsumsi Bank Umum di Indonesia, 2004-2008

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    It aims to find out the influence of inflation rate, interest rate, consumption credit interest, and third party fund toward consumption credit of banks in Indonesia partially and simultaneously, and also to find out a variable which has biggest influence on consumption credit of banks in Indonesia.Research result shows inflation rate, consumption credit interest, and third party fund (clearing account, saving, and fixed deposit) significantly influence consumption credit of banks in Indonesia 2004-2008 period partially and simultaneously, and consumption credit interest has the biggest influence. Implications of this research are in order to keep the increasing of consumption credit, Bank Indonesia should keep inflation rate, consumption credit interest, clearing account, saving, and fixed deposit carefully to keep the stability thus have good impact to economic growth in Indonesia

    Insentif Budidaya Pala di Kecamatan Somagede, Kabupaten Banyumas

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    This paper aims to measure the economic efficiency, poverty and well-being of nutmeg farmers in Somagede district, Banyumas regency. The respondents consist of 30 farmers selected by snowball sampling due to difficulty in getting sampling frame. Economic efficiency is the ratio between revenue and expenses. Economic efficiency of more than unity means that a particular business is profitable. Poverty is measured by comparing farmers' percapita income with poverty line, while well-being is compared to regency's living standard. The results show that in the long-run, nutmeg farming is highly profitable; however in the short-run, it is not attractive due to lead time (5-7 years from planting to harvest). Among 30 respondents, only one farmer is categorized as poor, while the rest are not poor. However, from the well-being perspective, only five respondents are of good well-being. Interventions to improve skills in farming and adding value to nutmeg products are therefore recommended

    Economics Efficiency Of Arabica Coffee Farming In Kledung, Temanggung Regency

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    Kledung's Coffee plantation is the largest Arabica coffee producer in Temanggung Regency, but over the last few years, it has experienced fluctuations in production yields with land areas that tend to remain stable. This study aims to analyze the efficiency of Arabica coffee farming in the Kledung District. The research method that is used in this research is quantitative research. Furthermore, the sampling method that is used in this research is simple random sampling with a total population is 1,319 people, and the number of samples is 92 people and questionnaire data collection. Based on the data analysis using efficiency tests (R/C ratio) the results showed that: Arabica coffee farming in Kledung has an average efficiency value of 2.04 with an efficiency value of 2.78 on an area of ≤ 1000m2 and an efficiency value of 2.19 and 1.29 in an area land of 1001-1500 m2 and a land area of >1500m2. It can be concluded that the Arabica coffee business in Kledung has achieved the highest efficiency in 1,000 m2 plantation. Keywords: Farming, Arabica Coffee, Efficiency, Kledun

    Determinants of Economic Growth in East Nusa Tenggara Province

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    This research aims to analyze the determinants of economic growth in East Nusa Tenggara Province, consisting of life expectancy, mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling, purchasing power, labor force participation rate, government investment, and number of tourists on economic growth, and to analyze the dominant variable influencing economic growth. The type of data used in this research is secondary data in the form of panel data with cross sections of 20 regencies/cities and time series for six years (2011-2016). The analytical tool used is panel data regression with fixed effect model. The results show that life expectancy, mean years of schooling, purchasing power, and government investment have a significant effect on economic growth. Whereas expected years of schooling, labor force participation rate, and number of tourists have no significant effect on economic growth. Life expectancy, mean years of schooling, purchasing power, labor force participation rate, government investment, and number of tourists simultaneously affect economic growth.Keywords: Economic Growth, Human Development Index, Labor Force Participation Rate, Government Investment, Number of Tourists

    Ketimpangan Pendapatan dan Keuangan Daerah di Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    The research aims to measure the inequality of income distribution of each area and regional finance in Purbalingga District. The inequality of income distribution of each area was measured by the Williamson Index and the fiscal capacity was measured by the fiscal decentralization degree.The result of this research shows that the average of economic growth per year is 5.07 percent, the average of fiscal decentralization degree per year is 16.42 percent thai it is included to a high level of fiscal dependency on the central government category, while the average of inequality of income distribution of each area per year is 0.45 that it is included to a medium inequality category

    Strategy and Policy for Empowerment of Duck Farming Business in Brebes Sub-District, Brebes Regency

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    This study aimed to determine appropriate strategies and policies for empowerment of duck farming business in Brebes Sub-District, Brebes Regency. The method of this study was survey using stratified random sampling with the sample size of 52 laying duck farmers. Data taken in the form of primary and secondary data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The result indicated that duck farming business did not have Economic Institutions, it was an individual, dependent and unprofessional business because it depended on the middlemen. It can be said that duck farming business in Brebes Regency was a livestock labor business. The strategies and policies for empowerment of duck farming business in Brebes sub-district Brebes Regency included the provision of livestock area facility, waste management, capital, livestock management and development of marketing centers for processed duck meat and eggs products


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    Kelompok usaha “Ummi Mandiri” beranggotakan ibu-ibu rumah tangga di Desa Panembangan, Kecamatan Cilongok, Kabupaten Banyumas yang berusaha memberdayakan diri mereka melalui kegiatan produktif. Produk yang dihasilkan berupa makanan berbasis ikan lele, seperti abon, kerupuk kulit, sistik duri ikan lele, kue kering berbasis duri ikan lele. Namun dalam pengembangan usahanya, mereka terkendala oleh keterbatasan kemampuan dalam aspek produksi dan aspek pemasaran, padahal kedua aspek ini sangat penting dalam kegiatan usaha. Potensi pasar yang ada relatif terbuka. Oleh karena itu, Tim Pengusul Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berusaha untuk memberikan solusi atas permasalahan tersebut melalui penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan  pendampingan terkait dengan aspek produksi dan strategi pemasaran, sehingga mereka dapat mengembangkan usahanya secara lebih optimal. Tujuan kegiatan PkM Ipteks ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok dalam melakukan optimalisasi produk dan strategi pemasaran untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar sehingga diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pendapatan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdiam PkM Ipteks ini telah memberikan manfaat  nyata bagi mitra berupa peningkatan pemahaman pentingnya memiliki jiwa wirausaha, pentingnya diferensiasi produk, memahami strategi pemasaran yang efektif, dan pemanfaatan digital marketing untuk pemasaran produk secara onlineThe "Ummi Mandiri" business group consists of housewives in Panembangan Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency who are trying to empower themselves through productive activities. The products produced are catfish-based foods, such as shredded meat, skin crackers,  catfish spines-based cookies. However, in developing their business, they are hampered by limited capabilities in the production and marketing aspect, even though these two aspects are very important in business activities. The existing market potential is relatively open. Therefore, the Community Service Team is trying to provide solutions to these problems through counseling, training, and assistance related to aspects of production and marketing strategies, so that they can develop their business more optimally. The aim of this community service activities is to increase the group's knowledge and skills in optimizing products and marketing strategies to increase market share so that it is hoped that they will be able to increase revenue. The results of this PkM Science and Technology service activity have provided real benefits for partners in the form of increased understanding of the importance of having an entrepreneurial spirit, the importance of product differentiation, understanding effective marketing strategies, and the use of digital marketing for online product marketing