29 research outputs found

    Nowa architektura w uzdrowiskach Zatoki Biskajskiej

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    Nowe idee w kształtowaniu uzdrowisk w XXI wieku określają jako znaczącą rolę kultury i sztuki, stąd szczególne zainteresowanie projektantów kreowaniem przestrzeni w tym kontekście – przestrzeni pięknej i dla piękna. Możliwość zrealizowania niebanalnego obiektu w warunkach uzdrowiska była wyzwaniem i o nią od zawsze ubiegali się najlepsi architekci, kreując w ten sposób symbole miejscowości w każdej epoce. Również uzdrowiska kantabryjskie i baskijskie w XXI wieku wkroczyły w nową epokę z wyjątkową w wyrazie i indywidualnym kształcie architekturą. Artykuł prezentuje ostatnie realizacje promujące szeroko pojętą sztukę nowoczesną w Santander i San Sebastián. Szczegółowo jest prezentowane Centrum Botin, zrealizowany przez Renzo Piano ośrodek kultury i sztuki w Santander oraz Kursaal – Pałac Kongresowy i Audytorium projektu Rafaela Moneo w San Sebastián. Tak oryginalne, o odmiennej estetyce, materiałach budowlanych i zasadzie funkcjonowania dzieła wyznaczyły otwarcie nowej epoki w rozwoju i urządzeniu miejscowości, stąd prezentacje tych realizacji poprzedza krótkie dotknięcie historii rozwoju tych miast i przypomnienie najbardziej znaczących miejsc i obiektów we wskazanych uzdrowiskach.New ideas in shaping twenty-first century resorts place high importance on culture and art. Hence the special interest of designers in creating space in this context – the space which is beautiful, and which serves beauty. The possibility of completing an original project in a spa resort has always been a challenge, and the best architects have applied for such commissions, thus creating emblematic local buildings in their respective epochs. Also the Cantabrian and Basque spa resorts have entered a new, twenty-first-century era with unique and expressive ar- chitecture. The paper presents recent projects, which promote broadly understood modern art in Santander and in San Sebastián. The Botin Centre, a venue for culture and arts in Santander designed by Renzo Piano, and the Kursaal Congress Centre and Auditorium designed by Rafael Moneo in San Sebastián, are presented in detail. These most original buildings, differing in aes- thetics, building materials, and functioning principles, have marked the opening of a new era in the development and facilities of resort towns. Hence the presentation of the new projects is ine of the historical development of these cities, and a reminder of their landmarks and most significant facilities

    Procesy rewitalizacyjne we współczesnym rozwoju miast Polski

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Współczesne procesy rozwoju miast w Polsce coraz częściej wiążą się z zagadnieniem rewitalizacji. Ten „gorący” temat wzbudza zainteresowanie nie tylko wśród samorządowych urzędników, ale i samych mieszkańców miast od momentu, gdy w Polsce zaczęły być dostępne fundusze strukturalne finansujące projekty rewitalizacyjne. Procesy te po wejściu do Unii Europejskiej nabrały odpowiedniego tempa i rozmachu, spowodowały też wzrost zainteresowania mediów. Warto jednak przypomnieć, że podstawę współczesnych projektów rewitalizacyjnych w Polsce stanowią wcześniejsze prace badawcze i realizacje związane z ochroną dziedzictwa narodowego."(...

    InterCorp i Treq jako narzędzia ułatwiające wyszukiwanie ekwiwalentów

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest narzędziom ujednoznaczniającym, które mogą być pomocne w rozwiązywaniu problemu rozumienia i tłumaczenia wieloznacznych słów, w szczególności czasowników oznaczających stany emocjonalne i psychiczne. Artykuł przedstawia InterCorp, wielojęzyczny, równoległy korpus, który obecnie obejmuje 41 języków; zawiera też porady techniczne dotyczące dostępu do tekstu i wyszukiwania. Przedstawia również ideę i genezę aplikacji Treq oraz mechanizm jej działania. Wykorzystując InterCorp i Treq, autorka przeprowadza analizę mającą na celu znalezienie polskiego odpowiednika czeskiego czasownika mrzet.This article is devoted to disambiguation tools which may be helpful in solving the problem of understanding and translating ambiguous words, particularly verbs denoting emotional and mental states. The study offers an introduction to InterCorp, a multilingual parallel corpus currently covering 41 languages, and provides technical advice on text access and search. It also outlines the idea and genesis of the application called Treq as well as the mechanism of its operation. Using InterCorp and Treq, the author conducts an analysis aiming to find the Polish equivalent for the Czech verb mrzet

    Changes in chlorophyll content and fluorescence and fruit yield contributing traits in different genotypes of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa DUCH.)

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    Analysis of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in strawberry leaves was based on a field experiment performed in the years 2009–2010. Ten genotypes including 5 cultivars: ‘Kent’, ‘Teresa’, ‘Senga Sengana’, ‘Chandler’ and the breeding clone 1387 as well as their inbred progeny, were the object of the study. During the experiment the following indicators were evaluated: chlorophyll a and b content in fresh leaf mass as well as fluorescence parameters: minimum (F0) and maximum fluorescence yield (Fm), photochemical efficiency of PS II (Fv/Fm), actual quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Y), minimum (F0’) and maximum efficiency of fluorescence (Fm’) in the light, coefficient of photochemical (qP) and non-photo- chemical (qN) fluorescence quenching. In this work, we also examined the effect of repeated inbreeding on strawberry fruit yield and yield components. The analysis of changes of these parameters showed that inbreeding caused a reaction in all tested cultivars. In all inbred progeny, chlorophyll a and b content decreased compared to the cultivars. Generally, the photoche- mical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and the parameter ΔF/ Fm’ were not affected by strong inbreeding. In analyzing the values of the coefficients qP and qN, it has been observed that changes in their values depend on the sensitivity of the examined genotypes to self-pollination. The functioning of PS II is the most sensitive indicator of the effect of various factors on plants and is useful, among others, in breeding to select plants with a required genotype. The yield – determining features such as: fruit yield per plant, weight of single fruit, number of fruit per plant and weight of leaves per plant in S3 generation, were lower as compared with parental forms

    Polylactide Used as Filment in 3D Printing – Part 1: FTIR, DRIFT and TG-DTG Studies

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    A short literature review was undertaken in terms of the structure, properties and applications of polymers, including those commonly used in 3D printing. The research part included the structural and thermal analysis of polylactide (PLA), which is an example of an extensively used polymer in the developing 3D technology. Special attention was paid to the comparison of structure and thermal stability of two different (from various producers) polylactide samples. The research, involving such analytical methods as infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT), allowed the comparison of the structure of the two PLA samples considered. The determination of the temperature range in which changes related to PLA thermodestruction occur was a result of the performed thermoanalytical research (DRIFT, TG-DTG). Thermal studies also allowed to establish the temperature range in which the material does not yet degrade, which is important in the context of future planned research work on polylactide modification to obtain the improvement of the thermal and mechanical properties of PLA-based materials. This research area will be described in the second part of the publication


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    The present High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments require unprecedented amount of computingpower and storage space. We present the WLCG structure of the LHC computing,which will be used to perform data processing required by the ATLAS collaboration. Wealso describe the ATLAS detector full simulation chain. Finally, we quantify the computingneeds and up-to-date usage of the ACK CYFRONET AGH resources by the ATLAS detector simulations

    The influence of pollen viability on seed set and fruit mass in strawberry (fragaria x ananassa duch.)

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    This research was conducted in 2006 in the Experimental Station of the Department of Genetics and Horticultural Plant Breeding in Felin near Lublin. It included 7 cultivars of strawberry ('Pastel', 'Salut', 'Teresa', 'Jota', 'Paula', 'Senga Sengana', 'Plena') and two selected clones: 2395 and 3995 that belonged to the Department. Analysis of pollen fertility was carried out on the basis of materials collected on five occasions: on May 17 (at the beginning of florescence), May 20 and May 24 (the peak of florescence) and on June 2 and June 13 (the end of florescence). Smear preparations stained with 2% acetocarmin and glycerin solution (1:1) were used to test pollen viability. The highest percent of viable pollen in 2006 was in cultivar 'Jota' (70.88%). The lowest viability had pollen of 'Teresa' cultivar (33.83%). The average content of viable pollen grains was the lowest on May 20 (36.79%). The highest pollen fertility was noted on June 2 (62.15%), the percent of fertile pollen on a similar level was observed on May 17 and 24 and June13. The cultivar 'Jota' was characterized by an increased level of pollen fertility that was quite high during the whole period of florescence. The number of seeds has a great influence on the proper development of spurious strawberry fruit. The mass of seeds from a single fruit has a great influence on the mass of fruits in both large and small fruit categories. Pollen viability affected the mass of seeds on big fruits (r = 0.444), but there is no clear direct relationship between pollen fertility and mass of strawberry fruit(r = -0.193 and r = -0.052)

    Leczenie ciężkiej, zagrażającej życiu hipokalcemii ludzkim rekombinowanym teryparatydem pacjentów z pooperacyjną niedoczynnością przytarczyc — seria przypadków

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      Introduction: Hypocalcaemia is a common postoperative complication, both after the resection of parathyroid adenoma associated with primary hyperparathyroidism and after total thyroidectomy due to thyroid cancer or nodular goitre. For a few years, in patients with postoperative hypoparathyroidism and severe hypocalcaemia, who cannot discontinue intravenous calcium preparations even with the use of high vitamin D doses, attempts have been made to add recombinant human parathormone (rhPTH) to the treatment schedule. In this work, for the first time in Poland, we demonstrate the potential use of teriparatide for the treatment of severe hypocalcaemia based on three different cases of postoperative hypoparathyroidism. Material and methods: Case 1. Female (52) with postoperative hypoparathyroidism, after total thyroidectomy and the removal of lower left parathyroid gland due to hyperparathyroidism, several weeks after the surgery still required intravenous calcium infusions because of tetany symptoms. Just one month of teriparatide treatment at 20 μg/0.08 mL given in daily subcutaneous injections proved sufficient to control calcium levels with oral calcium and vitamin D preparations during the next few days until total resolution of hypocalcaemia symptoms and the achievement and maintenance of laboratory normocalcaemia in the following weeks. Case 2. Female (33) with hypoparathyroidism following total thyroidectomy in 1996 because of papillary thyroid cancer, with congenital tubulopathy associated with renal loss of calcium and magnesium, and the symptoms of tetany recurring since the day of surgery, requiring intravenous calcium administration every 2–3 days. Currently, the patient has been hospitalised because of venous port infection, the only venous access, which made intravenous therapy impossible. Because of the life-threatening condition of the patient, bridging teriparatide treatment was prepared (20 μg/0.08 mL). Complete resolution of clinical symptoms of hypocalcaemia was obtained with teriparatide doses given every 8–12 hours, which made dose reduction possible. Case 3. Female (52) after major oncological surgery because of laryngopharyngeal and cervical oesophageal cancer with the removal of parathyroid glands, fed through PEG, was admitted to hospital with the symptoms of tetany. Despite treatment intensification, the patient experienced a hypocalcaemic crisis during hospitalisation. Teriparatide treatment at 2 × 20 μg/day resulted in the resolution of tetany symptoms, with gradual normalisation of calcium-phosphate balance parameters during the following days. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of these cases, the conclusion was drawn that the use of recombinant human teriparatide allows for the control of severe hypocalcaemia requiring intravenous infusions of calcium in patients with postoperative hypoparathyroidism. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (4): 403–412)    Wstęp: Hipokalcemia jest częstym pooperacyjnym powikłaniem, zarówno po usunięciu gruczolaka przytarczyc w przebiegu pierwotnej nadczynności przytarczyc, jak i po całkowitej tyreoidektomii z powodu raka tarczycy lub wola guzowatego. Od kilku lat, u pacjentów z pooperacyjną niedoczynnością przytarczyc i ciężką hipokalcemią, u których nie można odstawić dożylnej terapii preparatami wapnia, nawet przy stosowaniu dużych dawek witaminy D, podejmowane są próby włączenia do leczenia ludzkiego rekombinowanego parathormonu (rhPTH). W niniejszej pracy, po raz pierwszy w Polsce, autorzy pracy wskazują na możliwość zastosowania teryparatydu w leczeniu ciężkiej hipokalcemii na podstawie trzech różnych przypadków pooperacyjnej niedoczynności przytarczyc. Materiał i metody: Przypadek 1: 52-letnia kobieta, z pooperacyjną niedoczynnością przytarczyc, po całkowitej tyreoidektomii i usunięciu przytarczycy dolnej lewej z powodu nadczynności przytarczyc, kilkanaście tygodni po operacji, z powodu objawów tężyczki, wciąż wymagająca stosowania dożylnych wlewów wapnia. Zastosowano jedynie miesięczną kurację teryparatydem w dawce 20 μg/0,08 ml w codziennych iniekcjach podskórnych, która okazała się wystarczająca do kontrolowania stężenia wapnia doustnymi preparatami wapnia i witaminy D, w ciągu następnych dni do całkowitego ustąpienia objawów hipokalcemii, a w kolejnych tygodniach uzyskania i utrzymania laboratoryjnych parametrów normokalcemii. Przypadek 2: 33-letnia kobieta, z niedoczynnością przytarczyc po całkowitej tyreoidektomii w 1996 roku z powodu raka brodawkowatego tarczycy, z wrodzoną tubulopatią przebiegającą z nerkową utratą wapnia i magnezu, od dnia operacji z nawracającymi objawami tężyczki wymuszającymi dożylne podawanie wapnia co 2–3 dni. Aktualnie hospitalizowana z powodu zakażenia portu naczyniowego, jedynego dostępu dożylnego, co uniemożliwiało dożylną terapię. Z uwagi na stan zagrożenia życia pacjentki, przygotowano leczenie pomostowe teryparatydem (20 μg/0,08 ml). Uzyskano całkowite ustąpienie klinicznych objawów hipokalcemii przy podawaniu dawki teryparatydu co 8–12 godzin, co pozwoliło na redukcję dawki leku. Przypadek 3: 52-letnia kobieta po rozległej operacji onkologicznej z powodu raka gardła dolnego i szyjnej części przełyku z usunięciem przytarczyc, odżywiana za pomocą PEG, przyjęta na oddział z objawami tężyczki. Mimo intensyfikacji leczenia, podczas hospitalizacji wystąpił u chorej przełom hipokalcemiczny. Zastosowany teryparatyd w dawce 2 × 20 μg/dobę spowodował ustąpienie objawów tężyczki, ze stopniową normalizacją parametrów gospodarki wapniowo-fosforanowej w następnych dniach. Wnioski: Na podstawie analizy przedstawionych przypadków wyciągnięto wniosek, że zastosowanie ludzkiego rekombinowanego teryparatydu pozwala na opanowanie ciężkiej hipokalcemii wymagającej dożylnych wlewów wapnia u pacjentów z pooperacyjną niedoczynnością przytarczyc. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (4): 403–412)

    Polish statement on food allergy in children and adolescents

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    An adverse food reaction is defined as clinical symptoms occurring in children, adolescents or adults after ingestion of a food or chemical food additives. This reaction does not occur in healthy subjects. In certain individuals is a manifestation of the body hypersensitivity, i.e. qualitatively altered response to the consumed food. The disease symptoms observed after ingestion of the food can be triggered by two pathogenetic mechanisms; this allows adverse food reactions to be divided into allergic and non-allergic food hypersensitivity (food intolerance). Food allergy is defined as an abnormal immune response to ingested food (humoral, cellular or mixed). Non-immunological mechanisms (metabolic, pharmacological, microbiological or other) are responsible for clinical symptoms after food ingestion which occur in non-allergic hypersensitivity (food intolerance). Food allergy is considered a serious health problem in modern society. The prevalence of this disorder is varied and depends, among other factors, on the study population, its age, dietary habits, ethnic differences, and the degree of economic development of a given country. It is estimated that food allergy occurs most often among the youngest children (about 6-8% in infancy); the prevalence is lower among adolescents (approximately 3-4%) and adults (about 1-3%). The most common, age-dependent cause of hypersensitivity, expressed as sensitization or allergic disease (food allergy), are food allergens (trophoallergens). These are glycoproteins of animal or plant origine contained in: cow's milk, chicken egg, soybean, cereals, meat and fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, molluscs, shellfish and other food products. Some of these allergens can cause cross-reactions, occurring as a result of concurrent hypersensitivity to food, inhaled or contact allergens. The development of an allergic process is a consequence of adverse health effects on the human body of different factors: genetic, environmental and supportive. In people predisposed (genetically) to atopy or allergy, the development of food allergy is determined by four allergic-immunological mechanisms, which were classified and described by Gell-Coombs. It is estimated that in approximately 48-50% of patients, allergic symptoms are caused only by type I reaction, the IgEmediated (immediate) mechanism. In the remaining patients, symptoms of food hypersensitivity are the result of other pathogenetic mechanisms, non-IgE mediated (delayed, late) or mixed (IgE mediated, non-IgE mediated). Clinical symptomatology of food allergy varies individually and depends on the type of food induced pathogenetic mechanism responsible for their occurrence. They relate to the organ or system in which the allergic reaction has occurred (the effector organ). Most commonly the symptoms involve many systems (gastrointestinal tract, skin, respiratory system, other organs), and approximately 10% of patients have isolated symptoms. The time of symptoms onset after eating the causative food is varied and determined by the pathogenetic mechanism of the allergic immune reaction (immediate, delayed or late symptoms). In the youngest patients, the main cause of food reactions is allergy to cow’s milk. In developmental age, the clinical picture of food allergy can change, as reflected in the so-called allergic march, which is the result of anatomical and functional maturation of the effector organs, affected by various harmful allergens (ingested, inhaled, contact allergens and allergic cross-reactions). The diagnosis of food allergy is a complex, long-term and time-consuming process, involving analysis of the allergic history (personal and in the family), a thorough evaluation of clinical signs, as well as correctly planned allergic and immune tests. The underlying cause of diagnostic difficulties in food allergy is the lack of a single universal laboratory test to identify both IgE-mediated and non-IgE mediated as well as mixed pathogenetic mechanisms of allergic reactions triggered by harmful food allergens. In food allergy diagnostics is only possible to identify an IgE-mediated allergic process (skin prick tests with food allergens, levels of specific IgE antibodies to food allergens). This allows one to confirm the diagnosis in patients whose symptoms are triggered in this pathogenetic mechanism (about 50% of patients). The method allowing one to conclude on the presence or absence of food hypersensitivity and its cause is a food challenge test (open, blinded, placebo-controlled). The occurrence of clinical symptoms after the administration of food allergen confirms the cause of food allergy (positive test) whereas the time elapsing between the triggering dose ingestion and the occurrence of clinical symptoms indicate the pathogenetic mechanisms of food allergy (immediate, delayed, late). The mainstay of causal treatment is temporary removal of harmful food from the patient’s diet, with the introduction of substitute ingredients with the nutritional value equivalent to the eliminated food. The duration of dietary treatment should be determined individually, and the measures of the effectiveness of the therapeutic elimination diet should include the absence or relief of allergic symptoms as well as normal physical and psychomotor development of the treated child. A variant alternative for dietary treatment of food allergy is specific induction of food tolerance by intended contact of the patient with the native or thermally processed harmful allergen (oral immunotherapy). This method has been used in the treatment of IgE-mediated allergy (to cow's milk protein, egg protein, peanut allergens). The obtained effect of tolerance is usually temporary. In order to avoid unnecessary prolongation of treatment in a child treated with an elimination diet, it is recommended to perform a food challenge test at least once a year. This test allows one to assess the body's current ability to acquire immune or clinical tolerance. A negative result of the test makes it possible to return to a normal diet, whereas a positive test is an indication for continued dietary treatment (persistent food allergy). Approximately 80% of children diagnosed with food allergy in infancy "grow out" of the disease before the age of 4-5 years. In children with non-IgE mediated food allergy the acquisition of food tolerance is faster and occurs in a higher percentage of treated patients compared to children with IgE-mediated food allergy. Pharmacological treatment is a necessary adjunct to dietary treatment in food allergy. It is used to control the rapidly increasing allergic symptoms (temporarily) or to achieve remission and to prevent relapses (long-term treatment). Preventive measures (primary prevention of allergies) are recommended for children born in a "high risk" group for the disease. These are comprehensive measures aimed at preventing sensitization of the body (an appropriate way of feeding the child, avoiding exposure to some allergens and adverse environmental factors). First of all, the infants should be breast-fed during the first 4-6 months of life, and solid foods (non milk products, including those containing gluten) should be introduced no earlier than 4 months of age, but no later than 6 months of age. An elimination diet is not recommended for pregnant women (prevention of intrauterine sensitization of the fetus and unborn child). The merits of introducing an elimination diet in mothers of exclusively breast-fed infants, when the child responds with allergic symptoms to the specific diet of the mother, are disputable. Secondary prevention focuses on preventing the recurrence of already diagnosed allergic disease; tertiary prevention is the fight against organ disability resulting from the chronicity and recurrences of an allergic disease process. Food allergy can adversely affect the physical development and the psycho-emotional condition of a sick child, and significantly interfere with his social contacts with peers. A long-term disease process, recurrence of clinical symptoms, and difficult course of elimination diet therapy are factors that impair the quality of life of a sick child and his family. The economic costs generated by food allergies affect both the patient's family budget (in the household), and the overall financial resources allocated to health care (at the state level). The adverse socio-economic effects of food allergy can be reduced by educational activities in the patient’s environment and dissemination of knowledge about the disease in the society

    Społeczno-ekonomiczne i przestrzenne przemiany struktur regionalnych Vol. 3

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Trzeci trzeci tom monografii poświęcony problematyce gospodarowania przestrzenią wskazuje na różnorodność tematów związanych z tą problematyką i różne zakresy opracowań. Wykorzystanie wielokierunkowych analiz prowadzących do pogłębienia podjętych tematów, zawartych w prezentowanej monografii, wymaga współpracy specjalistów różnych dziedzin wiedzy, postawy twórczej w zamierzeniach, odpowiedzialności w formułowaniu wniosków, elastyczności w zarządzaniu i precyzji wykonawczej. Opracowanie otwiera praca poświęcona zmianom demograficznym zachodzącym w megamieście Osaka. Reprezentuje ono centrum regionu gospodarczego o nazwie Hanshin, które pod względem demograficznego i gospodarczego potencjału należy do ścisłej czołówki tego typu miejskich formacji osadniczych na świecie. Zauważono, że w bezpośredniej bliskości Osaki znajduje się największa liczba miast, natomiast wraz z oddalaniem się od centrum ich liczba maleje."(...