204 research outputs found
Continuum estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient
Among quantities playing a central role in the theoretical interpretation of
heavy ion collision experiments at RHIC and LHC are so-called transport
coefficients. Out of those heavy quark diffusion coefficients play an important
role e.g. for the analysis of the quenching of jets containing c or b quarks (D
or B mesons) as observed at RHIC and LHC. We report on a lattice investigation
of heavy quark momentum diffusion within pure SU(3) plasma above the
deconfinement transition with the quarks treated to leading order in the heavy
mass expansion. We measure the relevant colour-electric Euclidean correlator
and based on several lattice spacings perform the continuum extrapolation. This
extends our previous studies progressing towards a removal of lattice artifacts
and a physical interpretation of the results. We find that the correlation
function clearly exceeds its perturbative counterpart which suggests that at
temperatures just above the critical one, non-perturbative interactions felt by
the heavy quarks are stronger than within the weak-coupling expansion. Using an
Ansatz for the spectral function which includes NNLO perturbative contributions
we were able to determine, for the first time, a continuum estimate for the
heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 24th
International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
(Quark Matter 2014), accepted version to appear in Nucl.Phys.
Static quark anti-quark interactions in zero and finite temperature QCD. I. Heavy quark free energies, running coupling and quarkonium binding
We analyze heavy quark free energies in 2-flavor QCD at finite temperature
and the corresponding heavy quark potential at zero temperature. Static quark
anti-quark sources in color singlet, octet and color averaged channels are used
to probe thermal modifications of the medium. The temperature dependence of the
running coupling, , is analyzed at short and large distances
and is compared to zero temperature as well as quenched calculations. In parts
we also compare our results to recent findings in 3-flavor QCD. We find that
the characteristic length scale below which the running coupling shows almost
no temperature dependence is almost twice as large as the Debye screening
radius. Our analysis supports recent findings which suggest that and
are suppressed already at the (pseudo-) critical temperature and
thus give a probe for quark gluon plasma production in heavy ion collision
experiments, while may survive the transition and will dissolve at
higher temperatures.Comment: 16 pages, 15 encapsulated postscript figures, revtex
Renormalization of Polyakov loops in fundamental and higher representations
We compare two renormalization procedures, one based on the short distance
behavior of heavy quark-antiquark free energies and the other by using bare
Polyakov loops at different temporal extent of the lattice and find that both
prescriptions are equivalent, resulting in renormalization constants that
depend on the bare coupling. Furthermore these renormalization constants show
Casimir scaling for higher representations of the Polyakov loops. The analysis
of Polyakov loops in different representations of the color SU(3) group
indicates that a simple perturbative inspired relation in terms of the
quadratic Casimir operator is realized to a good approximation at temperatures
T \gsim T_c for renormalized as well as bare loops. In contrast to a
vanishing Polyakov loop in representations with non-zero triality in the
confined phase, the adjoint loops are small but non-zero even for temperatures
below the critical one. The adjoint quark-antiquark pairs exhibit screening.
This behavior can be related to the binding energy of gluelump states.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures. Presented at 25th International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory, Regensburg, Germany, 30 Jul - 4 Aug 200
Free Energy of a Heavy Quark-Antiquark Pair in a Thermal Medium from AdS/CFT
We study the free energy of a heavy quark-antiquark pair in a thermal medium
using the AdS/CFT correspondence. We point out that a commonly used
prescription for calculating this quantity leads to a temperature dependence in
conflict with general properties of the free energy. The problem originates
from a particular way of subtracting divergences. We argue that the commonly
used prescription gives rise to the binding energy rather than the free energy.
We consider a different subtraction procedure and show that the resulting free
energy is well-behaved and in qualitative agreement with results from lattice
QCD. The free energy and the binding energy of the quark pair are computed for
N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and several non-conformal theories. We
also calculate the entropy and the internal energy of the pair in these
theories. Using the consistent subtraction, we further study the free energy,
entropy, and internal energy of a single heavy quark in the thermal medium for
various theories. Also here the results are found to be in qualitative
agreement with lattice QCD results.Comment: 47 pages, 14 figures; v2: discussion extended, matches journal
Flavored aspects of QCD thermodynamics from Lattice QCD
We discuss recent progress in lattice QCD studies on various aspects
involving strange quarks. Appropriate combinations of conserved net strange and
net charm fluctuations and their correlations with other conserved charges
provide evidence that in the hadronic phase so far unobserved hadrons
contribute to the thermodynamics and need to be included in hadron resonance
gas models. In the strange sector this leads to significant reductions of the
chemical freeze-out temperature of strange hadrons. In this context, a
discussion of data from heavy-ion collisions at SPS, RHIC and LHC on the
chemical freeze-out of hadronic species is presented. It can be observed that a
description of the thermodynamics of open strange and open charm degrees of
freedom in terms of an uncorrelated hadron gas is valid only up to temperatures
close to the chiral crossover temperature. This suggests that in addition to
light and strange hadrons also open charm hadrons start to dissolve already
close to the chiral crossover. Further indications that open charm mesons start
to melt in the vicinity of is obtained from an analysis of screening
masses, while in the charmonium sector these screening masses show a behavior
compatible with a sequential melting pattern. At the end of this chapter we
will discuss some basics of lattice gauge theory and Monte Carlo calculations.
This will provide the required knowledge for performing first lattice
calculations for SU(3) pure gauge theory and studying thermodynamic quantities
in the exercises of this chapter.Comment: Invited lecture given at the 53rd Karpacz Winter School of
Theoretical Physics, 26 February to 4 March 2017. Submitted to Lecture Notes
in Physics (LNP, volume 999), ISBN: 978-3-030-95490-
Heavy quark free energies for three quark systems at finite temperature
We study the free energy of static three quark systems in singlet, octet,
decuplet and average color channels in the quenched approximation and in
2-flavor QCD at finite temperature. We show that in the high temperature phase
singlet and decuplet free energies of three quark systems are well described by
the sum of the free energies of three diquark systems plus self energy
contributions of the three quarks. In the confining low temperature phase we
find evidence for a Y-shaped flux tube in SU(3) pure gauge theory, which is
less evident in 2-flavor QCD due to the onset of string breaking. We also
compare the short distance behavior of octet and decuplet free energies to the
free energies of single static quarks in the corresponding color
representations.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure
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