18 research outputs found
The role of the dietitian in the hospital team. The current situation in Poland in relation to the needs of society
Background: Nutrition that is adequate to the patient’s health status is a component of co-determining factors in improving the patient’s health. Moreover, appropriate activities of a dietician, such as assessing the nutritional status or educating patients, are counted among the determinants conditioning the effectiveness of the conducted treatment. The number of employed dietitians in hospitals is low, which results in 76-740 patients per one specialist, which in turn makes effective education impossible. The aim of this study was to compare the duties of dietitians working in Polish hospitals in relation to the needs of the society. Material and methods: The research tool consisted of two original, anonymous questionnaires, addressed to the Polish public and to active dietitians. The analysis of results was based on 595 questionnaire results, including 93 from nutritionists. Results: Of the respondents who were admitted to the hospital ward, 83.3% had no contact with a nutritionist (N=347). The surveyed dietitians most often declared that there were two dietitians working at the health care provider employing them, with the smallest number being 1 and the largest number being 55. Only one in three respondents received dietary recommendations upon discharge from the hospital (N=133; 32.1%). Nearly half of dietitians do not prepare menus (48.4%). According to the public, a dietitian should be involved in nutritional counseling, developing menus for the hospital kitchen or catering, and nutritional recommendations for patients discharged from the hospital. Conclusions: Dietitians with the right qualifications and specialties, integrated into the health care workforce, can have a huge impact on the proper dietary therapy of patients. As a result, there is a high probability of increasing the effectiveness of treatment, resulting in health service savings and support for the medical community
Satysfakcja studentów ze zdalnego nauczania w trakcie pandemii COVID-19 : badanie empiryczne studentów Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
"Wybuch pandemii Covid-19 odcisnął swoje piętno na niemal wszystkich obszarach życia
społecznego. Jednym z nich jest edukacja, która musiała sprostać całkowicie nowym
wyzwaniom, począwszy od organizacji nauczania przez Internet, a skończywszy na
wyszkoleniu kadry nauczycielskiej i zapewnieniu jej potrzebnego sprzętu. W marcu 2020 roku
w Polsce rozpoczęła się era zdalnego (lub hybrydowego) nauczania, które dotychczas było
marginalną formą kształcenia." (fragm.
Influence of alternating temperature preculture on cryopreservation results for potato shoot tips
Cryopreservation is the most suitable long-term storage method for genetic resources of vegetatively maintained crops like potato. In the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) the DMSO droplet method is applied, and so far more than 1000 accessions are cryopreserved with an average regeneration rate of 58%. New experiments with four potato accessions using alternating temperatures (22/8°C day/night temperature, 8 h photoperiod, 7 d) prior to cryopreservation showed improved regeneration. The influence of this preculture on the shoot tips was studied for two wild, frost resistant species Solanum acaule and S. demissum and for two cultivated, frost sensitive potatoes S. tuberosum ‘Désirée’ and ‘King Edward’. Comparison of liquid and solid media after cryopreservation showed improved regeneration on solid media with higher regeneration percentages, less callus formation and better plantlet structure. In comparative analyses biochemical factors like soluble sugars, starch, and amino acid concentrations were measured. Shoot tips after constant and after alternating temperature preculture were analyzed. Total concentrations of soluble sugars (glucose, fructose, and sucrose) were higher for all accessions after the alternating temperature preculture, which could be the reason for improved cryopreservation results
Otyłość w kontekście onkologii
Wprowadzenie i cel pracy: Nadwaga i otyłość są czynnikami ryzyka wystąpienia chorób nowotworowych, a także mają wpływ na przebieg leczenia chorego. Celem pracy był przegląd piśmiennictwa na temat wpływu otyłości na procesy nowotworowe, jak i na przebieg leczenia chorego. Materiał i metody: W celu zredagowania artykułu dokonano przeglądu następujących baz danych: PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct oraz Scopus. Opracowań z zakresu otyłości, jak i jej wpływu na choroby nowotworowe wyszukano za pomocą następujących kluczowych słów: otyłość a onkologia, cancer epidemiology, cancer and obesity, adiponctin oncology, BMI and cancer. W rezultacie przygotowano pracę na podstawie 29 publikacji naukowych. Stan dotychczasowej wiedzy: Choroby nowotworowe oraz otyłość utrzymują się na wysokiej pozycji pod względem występowania zarówno w Polsce, jak i na świecie. W artykule szczególną uwagę zwrócono na znaczenie nadmiernej masy ciała w aspekcie rozwoju chorób onkologicznych. Okazuje się, że obecność tkanki tłuszczowej w ilości przekraczającej ustalone normy może mieć istotny wpływ tak na rozwój nowotwor u, jak i na jego rozsiew. Ponadto nadmierna masa ciała może stanowić trudności w odpowiednim dostosowaniu dawki leków, a także w samym przebiegu leczenia onkologicznego. Podsumowanie: Przegląd piśmiennictwa potwierdza, że korelacja między otyłością a ryzykiem wystąpienia nowotworów jest duża, dlatego należy edukować pacjentów ze zwiększonym ryzykiem wystąpienia otyłości o możliwych konsekwencjach w postaci chorób nowotworowych. Natomiast podstawą działań powinna być profilaktyka otyłości
Comparison of silicon drift detectors made by Amptek and PNDetectors in application to the PHA system for W7-X
The paper presents comparison of two silicon drift detectors (SDD), one made by Amptek, USA, and the second one by PNDetector, Germany, which are considered for a soft X-ray diagnostic system for W7-X. The sensitive area of the first one is 7 mm2 × 450 μm and the second one is 10 mm2 × 450 μm. The first detector is cooled by a double-stage Peltier element, while the second detector is cooled by single-stage Peltier element. Each one is equipped with a field-effect transistor (FET). In the detector from Amptek, the FET is mounted separately, while in the detector from PNDetector, the FET is integrated on the chip. The nominal energy resolution given by the producers of the first and the second one is 136 [email protected] keV (at -50°C) and 132 [email protected] keV (at -20°C), respectively. Owing to many advantages, the investigated detectors are good candidates for soft X-ray measurements in magnetic confinement devices. They are suitable for soft X-ray diagnostics, like the pulse height analysis (PHA) system for the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X, which has been developed and manufactured at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM), Warsaw, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP), Greifswald. The diagnostic is important for the measurements of plasma electron temperature, impurities content, and possible suprathermal tails in the spectra. In order to choose the best type of detector, analysis of technical parameters and laboratory tests were done. Detailed studies show that the most suitable detector for the PHA diagnostics is the PNDetector
Investigation of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids as Additives for the Separation of Urinary Biogenic Amines via Capillary Electrophoresis
Ionic liquids (ILs), such as imidazoles, can be used to prevent the sorption of analytes onto the walls of the capillary. Prior works have confirmed that coating the capillary wall with a cationic layer can increase its surface stability, thereby improving the repeatability of the separation process. In this study, micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) is employed to evaluate how two ILs with different anions—namely, 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [HMIM+Cl−] and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [HMIM+BF4−]—affect the separation efficiency for biogenic amines (BAs) such as metanephrine (M), normetanephrine (NM), vanilmandelic acid (VMA), and homovanillic acid (HVA) in urine samples. To this end, solid-phase extraction (SPE) is employed using different sample pH values, with the results demonstrating that HVA and VMA is easily extracted at a sample pH of 5.5, while a sample pH of 9.0 facilitated the extraction of M and NM. In the applied SPE protocol, selected analytes were isolated from urine samples using hydrophilic–lipophilic-balanced (HLB) columns and eluted with methanol (MeOH). The validation data confirmed the method’s linearity (R2 > 0.996) for all analytes within the range of 0.25–10 µg/mL. The applicability of the optimized SPE-MEKC-UV method was confirmed by employing it to quantify clinically relevant BAs in real urine samples from pediatric neuroblastoma (NBL) patients
Genetic variability of the endangered fish lake minnow (Eupallasella percnurus) in populations newly established by translocation and those existing long term in Poland.
The lake minnow Eupallasella percnurus is a small leuciscid fish. In Poland, this species has been in a continuous decline since the mid-20th century and is presently considered as a extremely endangered. According to Polish law, E. percnurus is a strictly protected species that requires active conservation measures. In Poland, one the most common and effective measure of active protection E. percnurus is initiation of new populations. For this purpose, in 2004-2012, juvenile individuals originating from aquaculture conditions were translocated to group of isolated water bodies not inhabited by this species. The juveniles were offspring of parental fish belonging to the same local population, which is extinct at present. Five of those attempts were successful. The aim of the present study was to assess the genetic variation in a group new populations and compare genetic variation indicators with 13 old populations that had existed for decades. The polymorphism of 13 microsatellite markers was investigated, significance of differences in the genetic variation indicators between the groups were tested using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The mean values of all summary statistics under study, i.e. observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity and the total number of alleles, were higher in the group of new populations compared to almost all old ones. A similar dependence was found for Garza-Williamson M values, where the mean for the group of new populations was higher than in almost all old populations. Our results indicate that all recently established E. percnurus populations have not yet experienced any extensive founder effects or bottlenecks. They have preserved a large part of the genetic variability typical of their maternal population, which might also have been relatively high. This feature of new populations, may give them a relatively high ability to adapt to changing environments in the future
Bactericidal Chitosan Derivatives and Their Superabsorbent Blends with ĸ-Carrageenan
The aim of this work is research dedicated to the search for new bactericidal systems for use in cosmetic formulations, dermocosmetics, or the production of wound dressings. Over the last two decades, chitosan, due to its special biological activity, has become a highly indispensable biopolymer with very wide application possibilities. Reports in the literature on the antibacterial effects of chitosan are very diverse, but our research has shown that they can be successfully improved through chemical modification. Therefore, in this study, results on the synthesis of new chitosan-based Schiff bases, dCsSB-SFD and dCsSB-PCA, are obtained using two aldehydes: sodium 4-formylbenzene-1,3-disulfonate (SFD) and 2-pyridine carboxaldehyde (PCA), respectively. Chitosan derivatives synthesized in this way demonstrate stronger antimicrobial activity. Carrying out the procedure of grafting chitosan with a caproyl chain allowed obtaining compatible blends of chitosan derivatives with κ-carrageenan, which are stable hydrogels with a high swelling coefficient. Furthermore, the covalently bounded poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) chain improved the solubility of obtained polymers in organic solvents. In this respect, the Schiff base-containing polymers obtained in this study, with special hydrogel and antimicrobial properties, are very promising materials for potential use as a controlled-release formulation of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs in cosmetic products for skin health