23 research outputs found

    What is the cost of promotion and public relations? : review of measures applied in the library od Cracow University of technology

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    Biblioteka naukowa musi brać pod uwagę opinie użytkowników i zmieniać panujące nastawienia społeczne, stosując formy działania komercyjne i niekomercyjne. Niezwykle istotne jest, by instytucja ta przez przełamywanie barier budowała swój pozytywny obraz w społeczności akademickiej, i by uznawano ją za niezbędną, nowoczesną, otwartą oraz przyjazną integralną część uczelni wyższej. Biblioteka Politechniki Krakowskiej od lat podejmuje działania związane z budowaniem pozytywnego wizerunku wśród społeczności akademickiej oraz w środowisku naukowym. Na swoim koncie ma dużo sukcesów, które przekładają się na pozytywne opinie użytkowników.As en entity, scientific library ought to take into account its users' opinions and reshape dominant social attitudes by applying both commercial and non lucrative actions. It is of utmost importance for the library to build its positive image among the academic community by breaking any kind of barriers, and to make itself regarded as indispensable, modern, open and friendly institution, an integrant part of the university. For many years, the Library of Cracow University of Technology uptakes diverse actions aimed at building a good image among the community of students and scholars, and has already reaped many successes reflected in favorable opinions of its users

    Academic library and its role in the process of open scholarly communication : Integrated System of Knowledge Sharing and Granting Access to Scholarly Publications in Technical Sciences (SUW)

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    Rolą biblioteki akademickiej jest wdrażanie inicjatyw stymulujących rozwój komunikacji naukowej, wspieranie akademickiej społeczności informacyjnej oraz tworzenie otwartego systemu komunikacji. Zgodnie z tymi założeniami, w Bibliotece Politechniki Krakowskiej, powstał projekt Zintegrowanego Systemu Wymiany Wiedzy i Udostępniania Akademickich Publikacji z Zakresu Nauk Technicznych (SUW), którego celem jest zapewnienie wszystkim użytkownikom sieci Internet otwartego i bezpłatnego dostępu do publikacji zamieszczonych w repozytorium na zasadzie wolnych licencji. Realizacja projektu pozwoli na archiwizację publikacji naukowych oraz materiałów dydaktycznych pracowników i studentów PK, integrację już istniejących cyfrowych publikacji, a także umożliwi wymianę wiedzy praktycznej i teoretycznej z zakresu techniki za pośrednictwem dedykowanej platformy, co stanowić będzie wsparcie dla działalności dydaktycznej oraz badań naukowych.The role of academic library is to implement initiatives facilitating the development of scholarly communication, to support the academic information community and to create an open communication system. Acting in conformity with these principles, the Library of Krakow University of Technology set out to conceive the project of Integrated System of Knowledge Sharing and Granting Access to Scholarly Publications in Technical Sciences (SUW), the purpose of which is to ensure free access to e-prints resources deposited in the University’s institutional repository, offered to the entire community of Internet users on the basis of Creative Commons open licenses. Once fully operational, the SUW project will enable scholars and students of the Krakow University of Technology to self-archive their scientific output and learning supports, facilitate the integration of existing digital publications and allow exchange of technical and practical knowledge in the domain of technical sciences via a dedicated e-platform, thus contributing to further development of educational activity and research

    Encouraging European libraries to participate in international cooperation

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    Współpraca międzynarodowa jest istotnym elementem rozwoju każdej biblioteki akademickiej. Omówiono sposoby wymiany doświadczeń oraz korzyści płynące ze wzajemnej współpracy na polu międzynarodowym. Przedstawiono działalność instytucji Bibliothek & Information International oraz próby nawiązania współpracy z bibliotekami niemieckimi. Omówiono też przygotowany dla zarządu IATUL raport („Central and East European countries in the IATUL. The analysis of current state and proposals for the future"), który jest próbą zanalizowania przyczyn małej aktywności bibliotek Europy Centralnej i Wschodniej w działalności stowarzyszenia. W dokumencie zostały zaproponowane najważniejsze działania mające na celu zaktywizowanie bibliotek z tego regionu. Raport został przedstawiony podczas posiedzenia IATUL Board w listopadzie 2006 roku.International cooperation is an important contributing factor to the development of each academic library. The authors describe various ways of exchanging experiences and show the profits of international cooperation. The activities of Bibliothek & Information International as well as some attempts to establish cooperation with German libraries are presented. Furthermore, the report prepared for the IATUL Board entitled "Central and East European countries in the IATUL. The analysis of current state and proposals for the future", which tries to explain the reasons for low activity of libraries from this part of Europe in the activities of the Association, is discussed. The report, which was presented during the meeting of the IATUL Board in November 2006, suggests also the most important ways of stimulating these libraries to activity

    The Impact of Migration on Poland

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    How has the international mobility of Polish citizens intertwined with other influences to shape society, culture, politics and economics in contemporary Poland? The Impact of Migration on Poland offers a new approach for understanding how migration affects sending countries, and provides a wide-ranging analysis of how Poland has changed, and continues to change, since EU accession in 2004. The authors explore an array of social trends and their causes before using in-depth interview data to illustrate how migration contributes to those causes. They address fundamental questions about whether and how Polish society is becoming more equal and more cosmopolitan, arguing that for particular segments of society migration does make a difference, and can be seen as both leveller and eye-opener. While the book focuses mainly on stayers in Poland, and their multiple contacts with Poles in other countries, Chapter 9 analyses ‘Polish society abroad’, a more accurate concept than ‘community’ in countries like the UK, and Chapter 10 considers impacts of immigration to Poland. The book is written in a lively and accessible style, and will be important reading for anyone interested in the influence of migration on society, as well as students and scholars researching EU mobility, migration theory and methodology, and issues facing contemporary Europe

    Prostate cancer with different ERG status may show different FOXP3-positive cell numbers

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    Prostatic carcinoma is the most frequent cancer in males in the Western world. A significant proportion of these cancers have a recurrent translocation involving ETS family genes, which leads to the overexpression of ERG transcription factor. Prostate cancers, which bear this mutation, differ in a number of features, including tumor microenvironment. One of the components of the tumor microenvironment is FOXP3 positive lymphocytes, which may participate in breaking immunosurveillance and promoting tumor growth. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationships between ERG expression, number of FOXP3 positive cells and other features of the tumor. The study group consisted of 65 cases. Tissue microarrays composed of 2 mm tissue cores were used for immunohistological evaluation. Immunohistochemistry for ERG and FOXP3 was performed according to the routinely applied protocol. The FOXP3 positive cells were counted and the results were expressed as the number of cells per mm2. The average number of FOXP3 positive cells was 33.30/mm2 for all cases, 21.43/mm2 for the ERG negative and 42.28/mm2 for the ERG positive group (p < 0.02). There were no significant relationships between FOXP3 positive cell count and any other parameters studied. Our results suggest that the immune response may differ between ERG negative and ERG positive prostatic carcinomas