102 research outputs found

    Foreign direct investment as engine of economic development in peripheral economies. What can we learn from the study of two different cases: the maquiladora subsidiary (Nicaragua) and a textile manufacturing subsidiary in (Albania)

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    Using the analysis of two apparently very different cases, a Taiwanese maquiladora subsidiary of the garment industry (Nien Hsing Textile Co.) in Nicaragua and an Italian subsidiary in Albania, we try to verify the existence of the benefits attributed by many host governments to inward manufacturing foreign direct investment as engine of development in peripheral economies. In each case, we study three specific questions: (1) the technological transfer from the subsidiary, (2) the mobility potential of the manufacturing activities of the subsidiary, and (3) the evolution of the quality of the subsidiary (integration in the territory and complexity of the activities realised) in time. In answering our questions we conduct fieldwork in the two countries. We interacted directly with stakeholders involved in the operations of each subsidiary including interviews with corporate managers and employees, data collection on subsidiary operations, and visits on production sites. We analyze the main channels of technology transfer focusing on the quality of linkages each subsidiary established in the local economy, on the level of additional formal and informal knowledge benefiting the local labor force, and on the support offered to local suppliers in strengthening production activities. We continue by identifying the main factors affecting the mobility of each subsidiary by differentiating between impeding and facilitating factors. Among impeding factors we concentrate on: (a) the resources (generic vs. specific) utilized by each subsidiary in the two countries, (b) market access opportunities in the local economy, (c) the nature of assets owned and engaged in realizing production activities, and (d) other factors constraining the mobility potential (exit costs and the level of integration of each subsidiary with other units of the multinational enterprise). With regard to facilitating factors we particularly consider the existence of substitute plants. In responding to our third question, we look into the nature of linkages (developmental vs. dependent) established by each subsidiary with local suppliers. Furthermore, we examine not only the change in the level of complexity of functions and duties occurring during the operational life of the subsidiaries but also the specific factors that trigger such a change. Among the factors considered in our research are the decisions made by headquarters on allocation of responsibilities, actions taken by the managers supervising each subsidiary, and on the dynamics occurring in the local business environment. The similarities and differences found in the two cases cast doubts upon the contribution of this investment to the development potential of the economy of the host territory.Postprint (published version

    Systematic Calculation of the Piston Rod Unit

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    In this article a modern and economic method for the strength calculation of the piston rod unit and its components of reciprocating compressors under different operating conditions will be presented. Herefore the commercial FEA - Software will be linked with the company-owned calculation tools. The parametric user input will be followed by an automatic Pre- and Postprocessing. Afterwards the strength calculation is processed on all critical points of the piston rod connection, assisted by an extra module, based on general standards and special codes for reciprocating compressors. In this process most arrangements of the piston rod unit as well as the special geometries of the single-components (piston, piston rod and piston nut) can be considered easily. In this article the modeling of the notches, especially on the piston rod, piston as well as the piston nut will be covered in detail

    Same industry, same host territory, different evolution paths : breaking the FDI trap in the clothing industry : a case study from clothing manufacturing enterprises in Albania

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    This research investigates the qualitative effects of foreign direct investments of the clothing industry in a developing country like Albania. The clothing industry is often regarded as the first step of industrialization and as an employment generator for developing countries. With reference to industrialization induced by foreign direct investrnent of the clothing industry in a developing country like Albania, this research looks into whether clothing manufacturing enterprises have broken the FDI trap. The framework includes: (i) knowledge transferred in the hostterritory and (ii) the evolution in the quality of the degree of clothing manufacturing enterprises. This research is based on case study methodologyin which four clothing manufacturing enterprises two ltalian, one German, and one Greek are analyzed based on the proposed framework.The evolution offoreign clothing manufacturing enterprises in Albania, is examined through a variety ofreal contrasted data sources and by overcoming limitations of existing research in the field. Based on the results derived from implementing a case study methodology, conclusions are drawn on the qualitative effects ofFDI and the industrialization Albania has obtained in the last twenty years from the production activity of the four foreign clothing manufacturing enterprises (subsidiaries). With reference to conclusions, policy recom mendations are proposed on enhancing in a host territory a virtuous FDI circle that leads to upgranding at the firm and industry level applicable in developing countries.Esta investigacion investiga los efectos cualitativos de las inversiones extranjeras directas en la industria del vestido en un país en desarrollo como Albania. La industria de la confeccion se considera a menudo como el primer paso de la industrializacion y como generador de empleo para los paises en desarrollo. Con referencia a la industrializacion inducida por la inversion extranjera directa en la industria del vestido en un pais en desarrollo como Albania esta investigacion propone un macro sobre los efectos cualitativos con el fin de ver si las empresas de fabricacion de ropa han roto la trampa de la IED. El macro incluye: (i) el conocimiento transferido en el territorio de acogida, y (ii) la evolucion en la calidad de las filiales de fabricacion de prendas de vestir . Esta investigacion se basa en una metodología de estudio de casos en la que se analizan cuatro empresas de fabricacion de prendas de vestir, dos italianas, una alemana y una griega, sobre la base del macro propuesto. La evolucion de las empresas extranjeras de fabricacion de prendas de vestir en Albania, se examina a traves de una variedad de fuentes de datos reales contrastados y superando las limitaciones de la investigacion existente en el campo. Sobre la base de los resultados derivados de la aplicacion de una metodoligia de estudio de caso, se extraen conclusiones sobre los efectos cualitativos y la industrializacion que Albania ha obtenido en los ultimas veinte años a partir de la actividad de production de las cuatro empresas de fabricacion de prendas de vestir extranjeras. Con referencia a las conclusiones, se proponen recomendaciones de politica para mejorar en un territorio anfitrion un circulo de IED virtuoso que conduzca a la mejora del nivel de la empresa y de la industria aplicable en los paises en desarrolloPostprint (published version

    A Fast PID Tuning Algorithm for Feed Drive Servo Loop

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    The behavior of the dynamic systems is directly related to the mechanical structure. The CNC vertical milling machine has a control structure where an algorithm for trajectory generation is implemented in order to achieve the final objective such as high productivity and high surface quality. Tool positioning accuracy determines the machining surface quality level which is provided by feed drive system for each axes and is directly related with efficiency of a power electromechanical system, and the structural characteristics, like guides stiffness, damping values. The Feed drive control of milling process has some general control requirements based on specific process requirements for the optimum control dynamics with fast response, higher stability and no oscillations. The PID control strategy is based on a control algorithm that involves three separate parameters P, I and D, and on calculation of control action as a sum of these tree factors. It is very important to find reasonable gains based on how much control effort it's available and how much error it is expecting to have and fast method for tuning the PID. In order to observe the basic impacts, of the proportional, integrative and derivative gain to the system response and the suitable tuning method for this we propose a fast tuning algorithm based on empirical method.  Usually, all manual tuning techniques, after proportional parameter tuning starts with the integral ones. According to the analysis related to the feed drive control and its specifications of control, we propose a simple and fast way by giving more damping effect during feedback control loop execution.  In this paper we have presented a flow chart for fast adjustment of the PID parameters closed loop only for DC proper for the feed drive system, without including the impact of nonlinearities

    Implementation and Analysis of Practical Algorithm for Data Security

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    In this paper, we present a complete implementation of the Practical Algorithm for Data Security (PADS) proposed by Albath et al., an end-to-end security scheme employing symmetric key encryption. The implementation takes full advantage of the modular design of the TinyOS environment. The simplicity of the algorithm allows for efficient implementation in hardware, a requirement for resource constrained devices. The protocol adds only four bytes of data per packet, on par with industry standards. Simulation and empirical results of the scheme are also provided. The analysis shows that the Practical Algorithm for Data Security is superior to standard security schemes

    Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery in Redo Patients with Mix Blood Cardioplegia (MBC) Protection

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    Aim of Study: Redo patient undergoing valve surgery are always a challenge for both cardiac surgeon and anesthesiologists. Mix blood cardioplegia has had a profound impact on cardiac surgery. but there have been few studies on its use in mitral valve replacement, especially in redo patient. The purpose of this study was to determine whether mix blood cardioplegia offers any advantages in redo patient undergoing mitral valve replacement.Patients and Methods:  20 patient, who have had a previous mitral valve surgery and were scheduled for mitral valve replacement with or without tricuspid repair, were randomized retrospectively to one of two groups of 10 with different technique of myocardial protection: group A (10 patients) had cold crystalloid cardioplegia, and group B(10 patients) had mix blood cardioplegia, a technique modified on our clinic condition (made by mixing  400-500ml oxygenated blood from oxygenator  and 10ml KCL 7.5%) . Systemic hypothermia was 28°C in Group A and between 32°C and 33°C in Group B. The results were primarily assessed on the basis of clinical outcome, such as hematocrit level intra and post CPB, maximum dose of inotropic support, spontaneous rhythm recovery after aortic cross clamping, length of intensive care unit stay and secondly on postoperative blood loss and blood requirements. Results: There were no preoperative or operative differences between the groups with regard to age, sex, diagnosis, rhythm, New York Heart Association functional class, left ventricular ejection fraction, estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure, operation, or duration of the operation, CPB, or aortic cross clamping and the time when the patients underwent the first operation. There was one death in group A (10% mortality). The changes in hematocrit level differs significantly between the two groups on the post CPB period (p=0,02) There appeared to be a trend towards better spontaneous recovery of sinus rhythm after removal of the aortic cross clamp in group B compared with group A, the difference did reach statistical significance. (p=0.002). Patients on group A required more inotropic support than Group B (p=0.005). There were differences even on blood requirements postoperatively, more dominant these  requirement were in group A (p=0.02).Discussion: Mix Blood Cardioplegia had beneficial effects in clinical outcome in redo patients undergoing mitral valve replacement surgery. This may be due to its better preservation of high-energy phosphates and endogenous amino acids, less anerobic metabolic activity on reperfusion, reduced release of cardiac troponin T, and improved post-ischemic functional recovery. Keywords: Miocardial protection, cardiopulmonary bypass CPB, Mix Blood Cardioplegia (MBC) DOI: 10.7176/ALST/82-04 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Implementation of Static and Semi-Static Versions of a Bit-wise Pipelined Dual-rail NCL 2S Complement Multiplier

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    This paper focuses on implementing a 2s complement 8x8 dual-rail bit-wise pipelined multiplier using the asynchronous NULL Convention Logic (NCL) paradigm. The design utilizes a Wallace tree for partial product summation, and is implemented and simulated in VHDL, the transistor level, and the physical level, using a 1.8V 0.18,um TSMC CMOS process.The multiplier is realized using both static and semi-static Dualversions of the NCL gates; and these two implementations are compared in terms of area, power, and speed

    Retrograde autologous priming RAP reduces deep hemodilution during cardiopulmonary bypass CPB

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    Immediate hemodilution and rapid decrease in osmotic pressure at the time of CBP onset are associated with the aforementioned organic dysfunctions. Decreased osmotic pressure increases effective filtration pressure and microvascular filtration. Consequently, an increase in pulmonary interstitial fluid and myocardial edema is observed after discontinuation of CBP. Retrograde autologous priming (RAP) is a means to effectively and safely restrict the hemodilution caused by the direct homologous blood transfusion and reduce the blood transfusion requirements during cardiac surgery.   Materials and Methods The study included 40 patients scheduled to undergo coronary surgical revascularization, divided into two groups: the RAP group and the non-RAP group. The average age in both groups is 55 years (SD 5).   Conclusion A significant benefit was observed between the two groups in the study regarding the amount of transfused blood (1.55 -SD 0.88) / (2.15 -SD 0.81). This is a very important fact in favor of using the RAP technique, taking into account the reduction of the risk for complications carried by heterologous transfusion. Also, a significant reduction in the use of donated blood at a time when the problems of blood insufficiency in the collection centers are known, is equally important. The hospitalization (days of staying) in the ICU is also significantly lower in the RAP group (2.6 -SD 0.68) / (3.1-SD 0.64). This should be related to the faster activation of RAP in patients as a result of faster return to normal weight (with less fluid load), better ventilator function, and faster decline of cerebral edema. Keywords: Retrograde autologous priming (RAP), hemodilution, cardiopulmonary bypassCPB)   DOI: 10.7176/ALST/81-04 Publication date: August 31st 202

    Implementation of Static and Semi-Static Versions of a 24+8x8 Quad-rail NULL Convention Multiply and Accumulate Unit

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    This paper focuses on implementing a 2s complement 8x8 dual-rail bit-wise pipelined multiplier using the asynchronous null convention logic (NCL) paradigm. The design utilizes a Wallace tree for partial product summation, and is implemented and simulated in VHDL, the transistor level, and the physical level, using a 1.8V 0.18mum TSMC CMOS process. The multiplier is realized using both static and semi-static versions of the NCL gates; and these two implementations are compared in terms of area, power, and speed
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