13 research outputs found

    Undercover fear of elderly people in nursing homes: Death anxiety and depression

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    Aim: To find out the level of death anxiety and depression level among Turkish elderly people.Methods: This research was carried out on 106 elderly people aged 60 years and older from three different nursing homes. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-test, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and correlations were used for the analyses.Results: The 25.4% of elderly were between 65-69 years old, and included most of the elderly who were male (83%), single (92.5%) and retired (35.8%).The overall mean on depression was 14.43, and the death anxiety was 7.57.  Mild depression was found in 69.8%, and no symptoms of depression were reported by 16% of the subjects. A positive correlation was found between total score of GDS and TDAS (r: 0.304, p<0.01).Conclusion: Healthcare professionals working with elderly people in nursing homes should be aware about death anxiety of the elderly

    Burnout in nurses: A meta analysis of related factorsHemşirelerde tükenmişlik: İlgili faktörlerin meta analizi

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    Burnout syndrome is still among the leading problems of nursing profession. Reduction and prevention of burnout will be possible with a better understanding of the relevant factors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of certain variables on burnout levels of nurses in Turkey with a meta analysis. The study was conducted with a meta analysis. A number of online databases were reviewed including Turkish Medical Index, Google scholar, National Thesis Center, Pubmed, EBSCO Host, and Web of Science by searching for certain keywords such as  “Emotional exhaustion”, “Depersonalization”, “personal accomplishment”, “burnout”, “nurse”, and “Turkey”  both in Turkish and English. The results of the review indicated that there were 11 studies for sex, 17 studies for marital status, 20 studies for educational status, 7 studies for the type of institution, and 8 studies for willingness to choose nursing and the work shift that were found eligible for the inclusion criteria. The study data were analyzed with CMA. The homogeneity of the studies was tested with Q and I2 values. The study bias was assessed with Orwin’s Fail-Safe N and Tau coefficients. The effect size was calculated with random effects and fixed effects models.  The study findings indicated that burnout was affected by sex, the type of institution, and the work shift at lower levels and by willingness to choose nursing at moderate levels. It was similarly found that depersonalization dimension was affected by the type of institution, the work shift, and willingness to choose nursing at lower levels. ÖzetTükenmişlik hemşireler için hala önemli problemlerden biridir. Tükenmişliğin azaltılması ve önlenmesi ilgili faktörlerin daha iyi anlaşılması ile mümkün olacaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Meta analiz yöntemi kullanarak Türkiye’deki hemşirelerin tükenmişlik düzeyleri üzerine bazı değişkenlerin etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmada meta analiz yöntemi kullanıldı. İlgili çalışmalara ulaşmak için Türk Tıp Dizini, Google Akademik, YÖK tez merkezi, Pubmed,  EBSCO Host, Web of Science veri tabanları tarandı. Taramada “Tükenmişlik”, “duygusal tükenmişlik”, “Duyarsızlaşma”, “kişisel başarı” “hemşire” ve “Türkiye” anahtar sözcükleri Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak kullanıldı. Cinsiyet için 11, Medeni durum için 17, eğitim durumu için 20, kurum tipi için 7, mesleği isteyerek seçme durumu ve çalışma şekli için 8 çalışma dahil edilme kriterlerine uygundu. Verilerin analizinde CMA istatistik programı kullanıldı. Meta analize dahil edilen çalışmaların homojenliğini test etmek için Q ve I2 değerleri hesaplandı. Yayın yanlılığını test etmek için Orwin’s Fail-Safe N ve Tau-kare katsayısı hesaplaması yapıldı. Etki büyüklüğünün incelenmesinde rastgele etkiler ve sabit etkiler modeli kullanıldı. Bulgular duygusal tükenme üzerine cinsiyet, kurum tipi ve çalışma şeklinin düşük, mesleği isteyerek seçme durumunun orta düzeyde önemli etkiye sahip olduğunu ortaya koydu. Duyarsızlaşma boyutu üzerine kurum tipi, çalışma şekli ve mesleği isteyerek seçme durumu değişkenlerinin düşük düzeyde önemli etkiye sahip olduğu belirlendi

    Meta-analysis application process in nursing: A guide intended for methodologyHemşirelikte meta-analiz uygulama süreci: Metodolojiye yönelik bir rehber

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    In recently years, interest to evidence based practice has increased due to such causes; the existence of scientific advances in the field of health and increased interest to good care practices. While evidence based practice improves the quality of care, it will also contribute to the professionalization of nursing. However, whenthe researchs' results made towards scientification is analyzed; there are conflicts between the results and it is seen that the different qualities of each study. A meta-analys is method developed to analyze statistically conflict and causes of differences between works. A meta-analysis is called that statistical analysis of the studies' results which is made independently relating to the same theme at different place and time. Meta-analysis is an analysis method that revealing presence and size of the effect, examining inconsistencies and its' causes existing between studies, research can analyze the results with the new parameters that have not been previously studied, so the potential new relations can be revealed and bring new approaches to studies will made later. The meta-analys is application process is time consuming and requiring patience.  Meta-analysis application steps include that determination of the research topics and questions, reviewing literature, identifying the criteria, the classification of those articles and sieving, the coding of data, evaluation of the quality of work, performance of statistical analysis and reporting of study results. Although there are many benefits, to be difficult and time consuming to determine the appropriate work, not be suitable for all related studies analysis and inclusion, require advanced statistics technical and existence heterogeneity in the sample group's work are challenging aspects of the meta-analysis. Also, due to negative thoughts against the meta-analysis and insufficient information, using meta-analysis in nursing is almost no. This work is planned to provide information on the basic principles of meta-analysis, be guidance on the application process and promote the use of the method in the nursing field. ÖzetSon yıllarda sağlık alanında bilimsel gelişmelerin var olması ve iyi bakım uygulamalarına olan ilginin artması gibi nedenlerle kanıta dayalı uygulamaya olan ilgi artmıştır. Kanıta dayalı uygulamalar bakımın kalitesini iyileştirir iken hemşireliğin profesyonelleşmesine de katkı sağlayacaktır. Ancak, bilimselleşme yolunda yapılmış çalışma sonuçlarına bakıldığında; sonuçlar arasında çelişkilerin olduğu, her bir çalışmanın farklı kalitelerde olduğu görülmektedir. Çalışmalar arasındaki çelişkilerin eleştirel değerlendirilmesi ve farklılıkların nedenlerinin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesi için meta-analiz yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. Aynı konu ile ilgili birbirinden bağımsız farklı yer ve zamanda yapılan çalışma sonuçlarının istatistiksel analizine meta-analiz denilmektedir. Meta-analiz; bir etkinin varlığını ve büyüklüğünü ortaya koyan, çalışmalar arasında var olan tutarsızlıkları ve nedenlerini inceleyen, araştırma sonuçlarını daha önce incelenmemiş olan yeni parametreler ile inceleyebilen, böylece olası yeni ilişkilileri ortaya çıkartabilen ve daha sonraki yapılacak çalışmalara yeni yaklaşımlar getirebilen bir analiz yöntemidir. Meta-analiz uygulama süreci ise zaman alıcı ve sabır isteyen bir süreçtir. Meta-analiz uygulama basamakları; araştırma konusunun ve sorularının belirlenmesi, literatür araştırmasının yapılması, ölçütlerin belirlenmesi, bulunan makalelerin sınıflanması ve elenmesi, verilerin kodlanması, çalışmaların kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi, istatistiksel analizlerin yapılması ve çalışma sonuçlarının raporlanmasını içermektedir. Birçok yararının olmasına rağmen, uygun çalışmaların belirlenmesinin zor ve zaman alıcı olması, ilgili çalışmaların hepsinin dahil etme ve analiz için uygun olmaması, gelişmiş istatistik teknikleri gerektirmesi ve çalışmanın örneklem grubunda heterojenliğin var olması meta-analizin zorlayıcı yönlerindendir. Ayrıca meta-analize karşı olan olumsuz düşünceler ve yetersiz bilgi nedeni ile meta-analizin hemşirelikte kullanımı yok denecek kadar azdır.  Bu çalışma; meta-analizin temel prensipleri hakkında bilgi sağlama, meta-analiz uygulama süreci hakkında rehber olma ve yöntemin hemşirelik alanında kullanımını yaygınlaştırmak amacıyla planlanmıştır

    Urinary incontinence and quality of life of women living in nursing homes in the Mediterranean region of Turkey

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    Background: This study was conducted to determine the effect of urinary incontinence (UI) on the quality of life of women living in nursing homes in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Methods: The study was conducted on 95 women living in nursing homes in the Mediterranean region. Data were collected from a questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, the Urinary Incontinence Quality of Life Scale, the Index of Activities of Daily Living, and the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form. Results: The quality of life of women who did not consider UI a health problem was significantly higher than that of those who considered otherwise. Mixed UI was the most common UI type among the women living in nursing homes, with a rate of 31.7%. According to the overall mean scores on the Urinary Incontinence Quality of Life Scale, quality of life was the most affected among women who had nocturnal incontinence. Quality of life was affected from most to least by the mixed type, stress type, and urge type of incontinence. Conclusion: Early diagnosis and treatment of UI could be improved if health professionals, who have a unique role in changing the perception of society, offered training to women experiencing incontinence. Identifying this problem and determining and preventing the risk factors are important for enhancing women’s quality of life

    Factors relating to childbirth self efficacy among pregnant women: a CHAID analysis

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    Childbirth self-efficacy is a useful measure for determining a woman's confidence in managing childbirth and for determining any preconceptions that require reinforcement. Childbirth self-efficacy is also particularly helpful in advising not only how to cope with birth, but also maternal well-being and fostering the improvement of a wide variety of perinatal outcomes. The present study aims to determine the factors affecting childbirth self-efficacy in pregnant women. The sample size consisted of 380 pregnant women between the ages of 18 and 45. Data were collected via face to face interviews using the Childbirth Self Efficacy Scale Short Form (CBSEI-32) in the Akdeniz University Hospital between November 2019 and February 2020 and used Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector analyses, resulting in a mean CBSEI-32 score of 244.279 ± 45.121. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that income status affects self-efficacy, and personal experiences such as foetal loss affect a woman’s childbirth self-efficacy. In addition, it was also found that the level of prenatal education affected childbirth self-efficacy. Health professionals should assess pregnant women during the antenatal period in terms of their childbirth self efficacy and prepare personalised training programs and plan initiatives to increase perceptions of self-efficacy.IMPACT STATEMENT What is already known on this subject? Childbirth self-efficacy is one of the important psychological parameters to determine a woman's belief in her confidence in managing childbirth and to measure women's perceptions of her need for reinforcement. What do the results of this study add? Sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of women affect their childbirth self-efficacy perception positively and negatively. Women's birth self-efficacy can be improved positively with prenatal education. In addition, it is one of the interesting findings of the study that the self-efficacy level of women who had a previous low experience was high. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Women's childbirth self efficacy can be improved with trainings and appropriate nursing interventions. For this reason, it is important to determine the factors affecting the self-efficacy perception of women. In future studies, the childbirth self-efficacy perceptions of women in different samples (risky pregnancy, disabled pregnant, etc.) should be measured

    A grounded theory of resilience experiences of women with gynecological cancer

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    Purpose The present study aims to develop an explanatory framework to gain a deeper understanding of the resilience process in women diagnosed with gynecological cancers. Method Informed by Salutogenesis Model, a Straussian-grounded theory study was conducted. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 women with gynecological cancer between January and August 2022. Data were analyzed using open, axial, selective coding, and constant comparative methods. Results The core category encapsulated that most women defined resilience as having a dynamic process that could be promoted throughout the process. However, they expressed that they needed “individual resources for resilience” and “generated resources by the supportive interventions” to be resilient. They emphasized that these resources should make the process manageable, meaningful, and comprehensible to promote resilience. Furthermore, they defined in detail which components should be included in supportive interventions. They stated“some reflections of resilience on their cancer process” and “life gains from the process.” Conclusion This study developed a grounded theory that provides a guideline for healthcare professionals on how women could be encouraged to have resilience and what is the importance of resilience on women's cancer process and their lives. Salutogenesis may help to understand the resilience process in women with gynecological cancer and provides direction for how healthcare professionals should shape their clinical interventions to promote the resilience process.No sponso