20 research outputs found


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    Objective: To describe the clinical, therapeutic and outcome aspects of emergency obstetric care at the University Hospital of Parakou in Benin. Patients and methods: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. It covered a period of 6 months (14 January to 14 July 2013) and involved 507 patients. Results: The intake frequency of obstetrics emergencies was 31.8%. The mean age of patients was 26.7 ± 6.2 years, ranging from 15 to 45 years. The admission average time was 32 ± 27.8 hours. The mean gravidity was 3.21 ± 2.16 and the mean parity was 2.00 ± 2.13. The major identified emergency obstetrics groups were: dystocia (32.1%), hemorrhagic emergencies (21.7%), hypertensive emergencies (16.4%), fetal hypoxia (15.2%), the infectious emergencies (12.4%) and anemia on pregnancy (2.2%). The average hospital stay was 4.0 ± 3.4 days with a range of 1 to 23 days. Maternal mortality was 0.4%. Fetal mortality was 9.2% and was related to the occurrence of antepartum hemorrhage (p = 0.001), poor monitoring of antenatal care (p = 0.001) in obstructed labor (p = 0.001), and the presence meconium in the amniotic fluid (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Obstetrics emergencies are common in the maternity of the University Hospital of Parakou. Reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with obstetric emergencies happen by improving the quality of care for the education of patients to consult early to improving the technical platform and the introduction of insurance universal health

    Comportements sexuels Ă  risque d’infections sexuellement transmissibles / VIH chez les Ă©lĂšves du secondaire du CollĂšge d’Enseignement GĂ©nĂ©ral1 de Natitingou

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    Contexte et objectif. L’éviction des infections sexuellement transmissibles et du VIH (IST/VIH) chez les jeunes et adolescents passe par l’adoption de comportement sexuel sain. L’objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les comportements sexuels Ă  risque d’IST/VIH chez les Ă©lĂšves du secondaire du CEG1 de Natitingou en 2020. MĂ©thodes. Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e analytique qui s’était dĂ©roulĂ©e au CEG1 de Natitingou. Ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude, les Ă©lĂšves rĂ©guliĂšrement inscrit au CEG1 de Natitingou. RĂ©sultats. Les Ă©lĂšves du CEG1 de Natitingou avaient des comportements sexuels Ă  risque dans 28,71%. Ils frĂ©quentaient les professionnelles de sexe dans 5,9 % et le prĂ©servatif Ă©tait utilisĂ© occasionnellement (55 %). Les Ă©lĂšves filles (17 %) avaient des rapports sexuels, en compensation de l’argent. La partouze a Ă©tĂ© pratiquĂ©e dans 9,9 % des cas. Le sexe masculin (p= 0,011), l’ñge (p< 0,0001), l’auto prise en charge des frais d’étude (p= 0,037) et la mĂ©connaissance des Ă©lĂšves sur les IST/SIDA (p= 0,041) Ă©taient associĂ©s de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante Ă  l’adoption d’un comportement sexuel Ă  risque. Conclusion. Les adolescents du CEG1 de Natitingou ont des comportements sexuels Ă  risque d’IST/VIH. L’école, l’environnement religieux et les parents doivent s’unir pour amener les jeunes Ă  rĂ©duire les comportements Ă  risque. English title: Sexual behaviors at risk of sexually transmitted infections /HIV among secondary school students at the Natitingou General Education College Context and objective. The eviction of sexually transmitted infections and HIV (STIs/HIV) among young people and adolescents requires the adoption of healthy sexual behavior. The objective was to describe the sexual behaviors at risk of STIs/HIV among secondary school students of General Education College (CEG1) in Natitingou in 2020. Methods. This was a cross-sectional analytical study which took place at the CEG1 in Natitingou. Were included in the study, students regularly enrolled in CEG1 Natitingou. Results. Natitingou CEG1 students (28.7 %) had risky sexual behavior. They frequented sex workers (5.9 %) and condoms were used occasionally (55 %). Female students (17 %) had sex as compensation for money. Orgy was practiced in 9.9 % of cases. Male sex (p= 0.011), age (p= 0.000), self-payment of study costs (p= 0.037) and students' unknowledge of STIs/HIV (p= 0.041) were statistically associated with engaging in risky sexual behavior. Conclusion. Teenagers of the CEG1 of Natitingou have sexual behaviors that put them at risk of STI/HIV. Schools, church leaders and parents need to come together to help students reduce these behaviors. Keywords: sexual behavior, adolescents, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AID


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    Objective: To describe the clinical, therapeutic and outcome aspects of emergency obstetric care at the University Hospital of Parakou in Benin. Patients and methods: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. It covered a period of 6 months (14 January to 14 July 2013) and involved 507 patients. Results: The intake frequency of obstetrics emergencies was 31.8%. The mean age of patients was 26.7 ± 6.2 years, ranging from 15 to 45 years. The admission average time was 32 ± 27.8 hours. The mean gravidity was 3.21 ± 2.16 and the mean parity was 2.00 ± 2.13. The major identified emergency obstetrics groups were: dystocia (32.1%), hemorrhagic emergencies (21.7%), hypertensive emergencies (16.4%), fetal hypoxia (15.2%), the infectious emergencies (12.4%) and anemia on pregnancy (2.2%). The average hospital stay was 4.0 ± 3.4 days with a range of 1 to 23 days. Maternal mortality was 0.4%. Fetal mortality was 9.2% and was related to the occurrence of antepartum hemorrhage (p = 0.001), poor monitoring of antenatal care (p = 0.001) in obstructed labor (p = 0.001), and the presence meconium in the amniotic fluid (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Obstetrics emergencies are common in the maternity of the University Hospital of Parakou. Reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with obstetric emergencies happen by improving the quality of care for the education of patients to consult early to improving the technical platform and the introduction of insurance universal health

    Violence Obstetricale dans la Ville de Tanguieta au Benin en 2019

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    Introduction: La violence obstĂ©tricale est une expĂ©rience dont la reconnaissance varie d’une personne Ă  l’autre, d’un contexte Ă  l’autre. Les femmes qui accouchent dans les maternitĂ©s de TanguiĂ©ta subissent-elles des violences ? Objectif : Etudier les violences obstĂ©tricales dans la ville de Tanguieta. MĂ©thode d’étude : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e descriptive allant du 21 octobre au 21 dĂ©cembre 2020. L’étude avait portĂ© sur 374 femmes ayant accouchĂ© au moins une fois dans les maternitĂ©s de la ville de TanguiĂ©ta. RĂ©sultats : La moyenne d’ñge des femmes enquĂȘtĂ©es Ă©tait de 24,63 ans. Elles Ă©taient mĂ©nagĂšres dans 43,35%, non scolarisĂ©es dans 65,32%, chrĂ©tiennes dans 63,01% et mariĂ©es dans 80,92%. Au terme de l’étude, 46,26% des femmes reconnaissaient avoir subies au moins une fois une violence obstĂ©tricale. Les violences verbales et corporelles ont Ă©tĂ© citĂ©es respectivement dans 94,80% et 88,84%. L’accouchement Ă©tait le moment oĂč les femmes ont subi le plus de violence obstĂ©tricale (71,10%). Les auteurs des violences Ă©taient en majoritĂ© les sages-femmes dans 56,07%. La plupart des femmes violentĂ©es, ont dĂ©criĂ© la violence obstĂ©tricale dans 77,46% mais n’en ont parlĂ© Ă  personne dans 60,12%. Elles Ă©taient conscientes que les violences obstĂ©tricales peuvent faire l’objet de dĂ©nonciation (81,50%). Mais aucun auteur d’acte de violence n’a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©noncĂ© car pour elles le plus important Ă©tait que leur bĂ©bĂ© soit en parfaite santĂ© (87,86%). Conclusion : Les maternitĂ©s de la ville de TanguiĂ©ta ne sont pas en marge des violences obstĂ©tricales.   Introduction: Obstetric violence is an experience whose recognition varies from person to person, from context to context. Do women who give birth in TanguiĂ©ta maternity hospitals suffer from violence? Objective: To study obstetric violence in the city of Tanguieta. Study method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study from October 21 to December 21, 2020. The study involved 374 women who gave birth at least once in maternity hospitals in the city of TanguiĂ©ta. Results: The average age of the women surveyed was 24.63 years. They were housewives in 43.35%, out of school in 65.32%, Christian in 63.01% and married in 80.92%. At the end of the study, 46.26% of women admitted to having suffered obstetric violence at least once. Verbal and physical violence were cited in 94.80% and 88.84% respectively. Childbirth was the time when women experienced the most obstetric violence (71.10%). The perpetrators of violence were mostly midwives in 56.07%. Most of the abused women decried obstetric violence in 77.46% but did not tell anyone about it in 60.12%. They were aware that obstetric violence can be denounced (81.50%). but no perpetrator of acts of violence has been denounced because for them the most important thing was that their baby be perfectly healthy (87, 86%). Conclusion: Maternities in the city of TanguiĂ©ta are not immune to obstetric violence

    Insuffisance Rénale Aigue Post-Opératoire Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Et Départemental Du Borgou : Fréquence Et Facteurs De Risques Associés

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    Introduction: Acute renal failure (ARF) post-operative is a specific form of acute deficiencies causing multiple declining factors. Objective: This survey aims to study the incidence and risk factors associated with acute renal failure (ARF) in post-operative surgical intensive care units to University Hospital of Borgou (UH-B): during 2015. Patients and Methods this study is a cross sectional, descriptive and analytical ones with the prospective data collection from March 1st to August 31th, 2015. The research has involved all patients admitted to the operating room for surgery and motherhood whatever reason and then transferred respectively to the intensive care areas at UH-B. The postoperative ARF has been investigated inner patients following inclusion criteria and classification according to RIFLE score. The socio-demographic, clinical and biological variables monitoring, even support and evolution are experimented. A questionnaire is designed for data collection. Data are analyzed by Epi-Info means with 5% of significance level. Results: 130 patients are registered. The mean age is 27.68 ± 12.87 years. The sex ratio is 0.66. The frequency of post-operative ARF reaches 12.31%. The associated risk factors are: hypertension (p = 0.0018), diabetes (p = 0.002), heart failure (p = 0.0104), severe sepsis (p = 0.006) hypovolemic shock (p = 0.002), ASA class ≄ 3 (p = 0.0014), preeclampsia-eclampsia (p = 0.012), the AltĂ©mier class classification ≄ 3 (p = 0.0164), a pathological urinary sediment like a proteinuria (p=0.006), haematuria (p= 0.001) and nitrituria (p=0.007). Consequently, three (03) subjects out of sixteen (16) have died (18.75%). Conclusion: The post-operative ARF is a reality in University Hospital Borgou , with a higher mortality rate. Thus, the prevention strategy is the best treatment through the screening and monitoring promotion towards risk factors


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    Objective: To describe the epidemiological, therapeutic and prognostic of uterine rupture in a second-level referral hospital in Parakou in Benin. Patients and methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study from a comprehensive sampling. It covered a period of 14 years (1 January 2001 to 31 December 2014) and involved 203 patients. Results: The frequency of uterine rupture in service was 0.7%, a uterine rupture for 135 deliveries. These were the patients referred in 77.3% of cases. The average age of these patients was 28 ± 5.4 years, ranging from 13 to 44 years. The etiologic factors were often associated. It was basically multiparity (42.4%), obstructed labor (32%) and uterine scars (26.1%). Treatment was conservative in 85.7%. The average time of surgical management was 01h38min ± 42min. In 69.8% of cases, patients were transfused and 72, 3% of the patients had received intravenous fluids. The prognosis is characterized by high perinatal mortality (80.2%) and maternal morbidity is dominated by anemia (79.7%) and abscesses (9.7%) and fistulas (2.4%). Conclusion: The epidemiological aspects of uterine ruptures in the gynecology and obstetrics department of CHD B encourage us to family planning, screening of dystocia and management deliveries on uterus scar

    Fréquence et Facteurs Associés au Paludisme chez les Femmes Enceintes dans les Maternités Périphériques Publiques de Parakou (Bénin) en 2018

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    Introduction : Le paludisme est l’une des affections endĂ©mo-Ă©pidĂ©miques les plus rĂ©pandues dans le monde et pose un vĂ©ritable problĂšme de santĂ© publique. Objectif : Etudier la frĂ©quence et les facteurs associĂ©s au paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans les maternitĂ©s pĂ©riphĂ©riques publiques de Parakou en 2018. MĂ©thodes : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e analytique. Elle a consistĂ© Ă  recueillir les donnĂ©es Ă  travers un entretien structurĂ© en mode face Ă  face. La Goutte Epaisse/DensitĂ© Parasitaire Ă©tait systĂ©matiquement rĂ©alisĂ© pour la confirmation du paludisme. RĂ©sultats : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©tait de 32,62% (IC95%= [27,94 ; 37,66]). La densitĂ© parasitaire moyenne Ă©tait de 2056 parasites ÎŒl−1 et variait de 102 et 33627. Les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©taient l’ñge de moins de 20 ans, la primigestitĂ©,  la primiparitĂ© (p=0,0001), la situation matrimoniale (p=0,0199), le faible niveau d’instruction (p=0,0004), la profession mĂ©nagĂšre (p<0,0001), l’absence d’une autonomisation (p=0,0001), l’inexistence  des sĂ©ances d’IEC aux gestantes (p=0,0008), la prise non supervisĂ©e  de la SP (0,0294), l’utilisation correcte des moustiquaires (p=0,0001), la qualitĂ© de la moustiquaire (p=0,0001), l’utilisation d’insecticide (p=0,0211), le placement des grillages aux portes et fenĂȘtres (p=0,0032), le respect du nombre de CPN (p=0,0048), le respect du nombre de dose de SP (p<0,0001), l’habitude de suivre la tĂ©lĂ©vision tardivement les nuits (p=0,0384), la protection des puisards (p=0,0001). Conclusion : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans la commune de Parakou est importante et les facteurs associĂ©s connus.   Introduction: Malaria is one of the most widespread endemic and epidemic diseases in the world and a major public health problem.. Objective: To study the frequency and factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Parakou public peripheral maternity in 2018. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical study. It consisted of collecting data of pregnant women, facilities through a structured face-to-face interview. Thick Drop/Parasite Density was systematically performed for malaria confirmation. Results: the frequency of malaria in pregnant women was 32.62% (95% CI = [27.94, 37.66]). The mean parasite density was 2056 ÎŒl-1 and ranged from 102 to 33627. Factors associated with malaria incidence in pregnant women were age less than 20 years(p = 0.0001), first gestationality (p = 0.0001) ),first  parity (p = 0.0001), marital status (p = 0.0199), low level of education (p = 0.0004), household occupation (p <0.0001), empowerment ( p = 0.0001), provision of IEC sessions for pregnant women (p = 0.0008), taking SP (0,0294), correct use of mosquito nets (p = 0.0001), quality of mosquito net (p = 0.0001), use of insecticide (p = 0.0211), placement of screens at doors and windows (p = 0.0032), adherence to number of ANCs (p = 0.0048 ), adherence to the SP dose number (p <0.0001), the habit of following television late nights (p = 0.0384), the protection of sumps (p = 0.0001. Conclusion:  the incidence of malaria among pregnant women in Parakou commune is significant and the associated factors are known

    Fréquence et Facteurs Associés au Paludisme chez les Femmes Enceintes dans les Maternités Périphériques Publiques de Parakou (Bénin) en 2018

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    Introduction : Le paludisme est l’une des affections endĂ©mo-Ă©pidĂ©miques les plus rĂ©pandues dans le monde et pose un vĂ©ritable problĂšme de santĂ© publique. Objectif : Etudier la frĂ©quence et les facteurs associĂ©s au paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans les maternitĂ©s pĂ©riphĂ©riques publiques de Parakou en 2018. MĂ©thodes : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e analytique. Elle a consistĂ© Ă  recueillir les donnĂ©es Ă  travers un entretien structurĂ© en mode face Ă  face. La Goutte Epaisse/DensitĂ© Parasitaire Ă©tait systĂ©matiquement rĂ©alisĂ© pour la confirmation du paludisme. RĂ©sultats : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©tait de 32,62% (IC95%= [27,94 ; 37,66]). La densitĂ© parasitaire moyenne Ă©tait de 2056 parasites ÎŒl−1 et variait de 102 et 33627. Les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©taient l’ñge de moins de 20 ans, la primigestitĂ©,  la primiparitĂ© (p=0,0001), la situation matrimoniale (p=0,0199), le faible niveau d’instruction (p=0,0004), la profession mĂ©nagĂšre (p<0,0001), l’absence d’une autonomisation (p=0,0001), l’inexistence  des sĂ©ances d’IEC aux gestantes (p=0,0008), la prise non supervisĂ©e  de la SP (0,0294), l’utilisation correcte des moustiquaires (p=0,0001), la qualitĂ© de la moustiquaire (p=0,0001), l’utilisation d’insecticide (p=0,0211), le placement des grillages aux portes et fenĂȘtres (p=0,0032), le respect du nombre de CPN (p=0,0048), le respect du nombre de dose de SP (p<0,0001), l’habitude de suivre la tĂ©lĂ©vision tardivement les nuits (p=0,0384), la protection des puisards (p=0,0001). Conclusion : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans la commune de Parakou est importante et les facteurs associĂ©s connus.   Introduction: Malaria is one of the most widespread endemic and epidemic diseases in the world and a major public health problem.. Objective: To study the frequency and factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Parakou public peripheral maternity in 2018. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical study. It consisted of collecting data of pregnant women, facilities through a structured face-to-face interview. Thick Drop/Parasite Density was systematically performed for malaria confirmation. Results: the frequency of malaria in pregnant women was 32.62% (95% CI = [27.94, 37.66]). The mean parasite density was 2056 ÎŒl-1 and ranged from 102 to 33627. Factors associated with malaria incidence in pregnant women were age less than 20 years(p = 0.0001), first gestationality (p = 0.0001) ),first  parity (p = 0.0001), marital status (p = 0.0199), low level of education (p = 0.0004), household occupation (p <0.0001), empowerment ( p = 0.0001), provision of IEC sessions for pregnant women (p = 0.0008), taking SP (0,0294), correct use of mosquito nets (p = 0.0001), quality of mosquito net (p = 0.0001), use of insecticide (p = 0.0211), placement of screens at doors and windows (p = 0.0032), adherence to number of ANCs (p = 0.0048 ), adherence to the SP dose number (p <0.0001), the habit of following television late nights (p = 0.0384), the protection of sumps (p = 0.0001. Conclusion:  the incidence of malaria among pregnant women in Parakou commune is significant and the associated factors are known

    Fréquence et Facteurs Associés au Paludisme chez les Femmes Enceintes dans les Maternités Périphériques Publiques de Parakou (Bénin) en 2018

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    Introduction : Le paludisme est l’une des affections endĂ©mo-Ă©pidĂ©miques les plus rĂ©pandues dans le monde et pose un vĂ©ritable problĂšme de santĂ© publique. Objectif : DĂ©terminer la frĂ©quence et les facteurs associĂ©s au paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans les maternitĂ©s pĂ©riphĂ©riques publiques de Parakou en 2018. MĂ©thodes : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e analytique. Elle a consistĂ© Ă  recueillir les donnĂ©es Ă  travers un entretien structurĂ©. La goutte Ă©paiss avec frottis mince Ă©tait systĂ©matiquement rĂ©alisĂ©e pour la confirmation du paludisme. RĂ©sultats : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©tait de 32,62% (IC95%= [27,94 ; 37,66]). La densitĂ© parasitaire moyenne Ă©tait de 2056 parasites ÎŒl−1 avec des extrĂȘmes de 102 et 33627. Les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes Ă©taient l’ñge de moins de 20 ans, la primigestitĂ©,  la nulliparitĂ© (p=0,0001), la situation matrimoniale cĂ©libataire  (p=0,0199), le faible niveau d’instruction (p=0,0004), l’occupation mĂ©nagĂšre (p<0,0001), l’absence d’une autonomisation (p=0,0001), l’inexistence  des sĂ©ances d’information Ă©ducation communication (IEC) aux gestantes (p=0,0008), la prise non supervisĂ©e  de la SP (0,0294), l’utilisation incorrecte des moustiquaires (p═0,0001), la mauvaise qualitĂ© de la moustiquaire (p═0,0001), la non utilisation d’insecticide (p=0,0211), l’absence de placement des grillages aux portes et fenĂȘtres (p=0,0032), le non-respect du nombre de CPNR (p=0,0048), le non-respect du nombre de dose de SP (p<0,0001), l’habitude de suivre la tĂ©lĂ©vision tardivement les nuits (p=0,0384), la non-protection des puisards (p=0,0001). Conclusion : la frĂ©quence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes dans la commune de Parakou est importante et les facteurs associĂ©s connus.   Introduction: Malaria is one of the most widespread endemic and epidemic diseases in the world and a major public health problem. Objective: To study the frequency and factors associated with malaria among pregnant women in Parakou public peripheral maternity in 2018. Methods: This was a cross-sectional and analytical study. It consisted of collecting data on pregnant women, and facilities through a structured face-to-face interview. Thick Drop/Parasite Density was systematically performed for malaria confirmation. Results: the frequency of malaria in pregnant women was 32.62% (95% CI = [27.94, 37.66]). The mean parasite density was 2056 ÎŒl-1 and ranged from 102 to 33627. Factors associated with malaria incidence in pregnant women were age less than 20 years(p = 0.0001), primigravida (p = 0.0001) ), nulliparity (p = 0.0001), single marital status (p = 0.0199), low level of education (p = 0.0004), household occupation (p <0.0001), empowerment ( p = 0.0001), the non-existence of educational communication (IEC) information sessions for pregnant woman (p =0.0008), unsupervised use of sulfadoxine pyrimethamine (SP) (0,0294), no correct use of mosquito nets (p = 0.0001), poor quality of mosquito net (p = 0.0001), no use of insecticide (p = 0.0211), no placement of screens at doors and windows (p = 0.0032), no adherence to number of ANCs (p = 0.0048 ), no adherence to the SP dose number (p <0.0001), the habit of following television late nights (p = 0.0384), no protection of sumps (p = 0.0001. The incidence of malaria among pregnant women in Parakou commune is significant, and the associated factors are known

    Adhesion du Personnel Soignant a la Nouvelle Loi de Legalisation de l’Avortement au Benin

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    Introduction : La  lĂ©galisation de l’avortement au BĂ©nin  a dĂ©clenchĂ© une levĂ©e de boucliers de l’opinion publique mĂȘme au sein du corps mĂ©dical. Objectif :Etudier l’adhĂ©sion du personnel soignant Ă  la lĂ©galisation de l’avortement au BĂ©nin. MĂ©thodes d’étude : Il s’est agi d’une Ă©tude transversale Ă  visĂ©e descriptive avec recueil prospectif des donnĂ©es. L’étude s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e du 1er janvier au 30 mars 2022. Tout le personnel soignant qualifiĂ©  exerçant sur le territoire bĂ©ninois  Ă©tait la cible de l’étude. RĂ©sultats : Au total 4080 agents de santĂ©  ont Ă©tĂ© enquĂȘtĂ©s. Ils Ă©taient en majoritĂ© des sages-femmes (35,5%), du secteur public (46,7%) ayant moins de 10 ans d’expĂ©rience professionnelle (82,3%) et Ă©taient enregistrĂ©s Ă  un ordre professionnel (78,7%). Plus de la moitiĂ© du personnel soignant  enquĂȘtĂ© (57, 3%) n’adhĂ©rait pas Ă  la loi sur  l’interruption volontaire de la grossesse (IVG). Ils ne retrouvaient aucune nĂ©cessitĂ© Ă  lĂ©galiser l’avortement au BĂ©nin (60,2%). Moins d’un agent sur six se disait ĂȘtre prĂȘt Ă  rĂ©aliser l’IVG (14,9%). En revanche, 21,7% refusaient catĂ©goriquement de la  rĂ©aliser. Pour le reste (54,3%), ils  ne rĂ©aliseront pas l’IVG si les raisons Ă©voquĂ©es par la gestante n’étaient valables. Les agents  prĂȘts Ă  rĂ©aliser l’IVG  n’étaient  pas tous d’accord Ă  ĂȘtre un rĂ©pondant en matiĂšre d’IVG dans leur lieu d’exercice (89,4%). Ils avaient Ă©voquĂ© comme obstacles la religion (91,1%), la conscience (83,2%).  Conclusion : Un travail Ă©norme reste Ă  faire au niveau du personnel de santĂ© pour que l’IVG soit effective au BĂ©nin.   Introduction: The legalization of abortion in Benin has triggered an outcry from public opinion even within the medical profession. Objective: To study the support of healthcare personnel for the legalization of abortion in Benin. Study method: This was a cross-sectional study with a descriptive aim and prospective data collection. The study took place from January 1 to March 30, 2022. All qualified healthcare personnel working in Beninese territory were the target of the study. Results: A total of 4080 healthcare workers were surveyed. They were mainly midwives (35.5%), from the public sector (46.7%) with professional experience of less than 10 years (82.3%) and were registered with a professional order (78.7%). %). More than half of the healthcare personnel surveyed (57.3%) did not adhere to the law on voluntary termination of pregnancy. They found no need to legalize abortion in Benin (60.2%). Less than one agent in six said they were ready to perform the abortion (14.9%). On the other hand, 21.7% categorically refused to carry it out. For the rest (54.3%), they will not carry out the abortion if the reasons given by the pregnant woman were not valid for terminating a pregnancy. The agents ready to perform the abortion do not all agree to be respondents regarding abortion in their place of practice (89.4%). They mentioned religion (91.1%), and conscience (83.2%) as obstacles. Conclusion: An enormous amount of work remains to be done among health personnel to make abortion effective in Benin