11 research outputs found

    Olive Oil: Antioxidant Compounds and Their Potential Effects over Health

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    Olive oil is considered as a key component of the healthy property of the Mediterranean diet due to its fatty acid, vitamin and polyphenol composition. High monounsaturated fatty acids, and in particular oleic acid, are responsible for the benefits obtained from consuming olive oil. Also, the known benefits are considered to be due to a combination of several phytochemicals. There are more than 200 minor components in olive oil with biological activities. The most abundant antioxidants in olive oil are tocopherols, β-carotene, lutein, squalene, lipophilic and hydrophilic phenols. Phenolic acids and derivatives (vanillic acid, gallic acid), phenolic alcohols (tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol), secoiridoids (oleuropein, oleocanthal), lignans (pinoresinol), and flavones (luteolin) are phenolic compounds of olive oil. Olive oil polyphenols have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-atherogenic, anti-thrombotic, anti-mutagenic and hypoglycemic characteristics. Hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleuropein and oleocanthal are the phenolic compounds that are mainly responsible for antioxidant activity, protection from blood lipid oxidation, anti-inflammatory activity, the anticarcinogenic potential, the oxidative stress resistance, and other positive impacts over human health. Additionally, olive oil contains oleocanthal, which may have an effect on several inflammatory diseases. Olive oil rich diet protects human health from cardiovascular diseases (cardiometabolic markers such as blood pressure, glycaemia and dyslipidemia, notably by reducing LDL cholesterol and LDL oxidation), type-2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, inflammation, and oxidative stress

    Do fatty acids affect fetal programming?

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    Background: In this study discussed the primary and regulatory roles of fatty acids, and investigated the affects of fatty acids on metabolic programming. Methods: Review of the literature was carried out on three electronic databases to assess the roles of fatty acids in metabolic programming. All abstracts and full-text articles were examined, and the most relevant articles were selected for screening and inclusion in this review. Results: The mother\u2019s nutritional environment during fetal period has important effects on long term health. Fatty acids play a primary role in growth and development. Alterations in fatty acid intake in the fetal period may increase the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders in later life. Maternal fatty acid intakes during pregnancy and lactation are passed to the fetus and the newborn via the placenta and breast milk, respectively. Imbalances in fatty acid intake during the fetal period change the fatty acid composition of membrane phospholipids, which can cause structural and functional problems in cells. Additionally, the metabolic and neuroendocrine environments of the fetus and the newborn play key roles in the regulation of energy balance. Conclusions: Imbalances in fatty acid intake during pregnancy and lactation may result in permanent changes in appetite control, neuroendocrine function and energy metabolism in the fetus, leading to metabolic programming. Further studies are needed to determine the role of fatty acid intake in metabolic programming

    KKTC Güzelyurt Bölgesinde Üretilen Zeytinyağı ile Olası Ağır Metal Alımı Arasındaki İlişkiyi İncelemeye Yönelik Bir Çalışma

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    This study was planned to examine the possible heavy metal intake from olive oils produced in Guzelyurt area, TRNC. It was aimed to assess the concentrations of Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb in olive oil produced in this region. It was also aimed to evaluate the possible health effects of heavy metal uptake through olive oil intake by assessing the average olive oil consumption. The data was collected from 500 individuals aged 30-49, living in Guzelyurt area. The mean daily olive oil consumption of men was 32.35 17.49g and women was 25.33 14.63g. The heavy metal contribution to Acceptable Daily Intake levels (ADIs) due to olive oil consumption for all heavy metals was less than 1% for all individuals. In addition, the calculated Health Risk Index (HRI) values were 1 for all heavy metals. It can be concluded that the heavy metal uptake due to the daily olive oil consumption of individuals, living in Guzelyurt region of TRNC, might not cause any risks for health problems.Bu çalışmada KKTC nin Güzelyurt ilçesine bağlı bölgelerde üretilen zeytinyağlarında bulunan Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd ve Pb konsantrasyonlarının belirlenmesi , ayrıca zeytinyağı tüketiminin saptanmasıyla zeytinyağı ile vücuda alınan ağır metal düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve bunun sağlık üzerindeki olası etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma KKTC nin Güzelyurt bölgesinde yaşayan 30-49 yaş arası 500 kişi ile yürütülmüştür. Erkeklerin günlük ortalama 32.35 17.49g, kadınların ise 25.33 14.63g zeytinyağı tükettikleri belirlenmiştir. Tüm bireylerde zeytinyağı tüketimi ile ağır metal alımının kabul edilebilir günlük alım miktarlarına (ADI) katkısının %1 in altında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sağlık Riski İndeksi (HRI) sonuçlarına göre zeytinyağı ile alınan ağır metal düzeyinin risk içermediği ( 1) saptanmıştır. KKTC nin Güzelyurt bölgesinde yaşayan bireylerde zeytinyağı tüketimi ile vücuda alınan ağır metallerin sağlık sorunları için risk oluşturmadığı söylenebilir

    How can early life flavor experiences affect food preferences?

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    Besinlerin lezzeti ile erken dönemde yaşanan deneyimler, çocukların yaşam boyu sürecek olan besin tercihlerinin ve beslenme alışkanlıklarının gelişimine zemin hazırlamaktadır. Besinlerin lezzeti ile tanışma, gebelik süresince annenin tükettiği besinlerin lezzetinin amniyotik sıvıya geçmesi ile başlamaktadır. Annenin diyetinden amniyotik sıvıya geçen bazı lezzetler fetüs tarafından farkedilmektedir. Anne sütünün lezzeti de annenin beslenmesinde yer alan besinlerin lezzetinden etkilenmektedir. Böylece anne sütü ile beslenme süresince de bebek farklı lezzetler ile tanışmaktadır. Anne sütüne geçebilen lezzetler, laktasyon süresince anne sütünün lezzetinin sürekli değişmesini, böylece bebeğin yeni lezzetlere alışmasını sağlamaktadır. Bunun sonucunda, anne sütü ile beslenen bebekler yeni ve farklı lezzetleri, mama ile beslenen bebeklere göre daha kolay kabul etmektedir. Lezzetlerle tanışma süreci tamamlayıcı besinlere başlanması ve besinlerin direk tüketimi ile de devam etmektedir. Belirli bir besinin lezzetine maruz kalınması ve farklı zamanlarda tekrar tekrar denenmesi, o besinin kabulünü kolaylaştırmaktadır. Ayrıca, bu dönemde farklı ve çeşitli besinlerin lezzeti ile tanışan bebekler, tek tip beslenenlere göre yeni besinleri daha kolay kabul etmektedir. Bu durum yaşamın erken döneminden itibaren besin çeşitliliğinin sağlanmasının önemini göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, gebelik ve emziklilik süresince annelerin diyetinde sağlıklı besinlerden oluşan çeşitliliğin sağlanması ve bebeklerini anne sütü ile beslemeleri için teşvik edilmeleri oldukça önemlidir. Buna ek olarak, tamamlayıcı besinlere başlanması ile birlikte çocukların tekrarlayan deneyimlerle sağlıklı ve çeşitli besinlerin lezzetine alışmalarının sağlanması gereklidir. Böylece ilerleyen dönemlerde sağlıklı besinleri tercih ederek sağlıklı beslenme alışkanlığı kazanmaları sağlanabilir.Early experiences with food flavors lead up to children’s food preferences and develop long-lasting flavor preferences and healthy eating habits. The process of flavor learning begins during pregnancy by the foods eaten by mothers which pass to the amniotic fluid. Some flavors coming from the mother’s diet that pass to the amniotic fluid are detected by the fetus. This flavor learning continues after birth with breastfeeding, since the human milk is composed of flavors which reflect the foods consumed by the mother. Flavor composition in human milk which changes during the course of lactation due to the transmission of flavors into human milk enables the baby to get used to new flavors. Therefore, breastfed infants are likely to accept flavor changes and novel flavors more than formula fed infants. Flavor learning continues with starting complementary foods and eating the foods directly. Exposure to a specific flavor and repeated exposures in different times may facilitate the acceptance of this flavor. Furthermore, infants exposed to a variety of foods accept new flavors than infants following a monotonous diet. This underlines the importance of promoting the access to a variety of foods in early childhood. In conclusion, pregnant and lactating women should have variety of healthy foods in their diets with a variety of flavors and they should be encouraged to breastfeed their babies. In addition, starting complementary foods and early repeated exposure to a wide variety of healthy foods, the infants should get familiar with the flavor of healthy and various food. These factors may influence the development of healthy food preferences and healthy eating habits in later periods

    Inflammatory index score in children: its relationship with neophobia, dietary quality and anthropometric measurements

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between the Diet Inflammatory Index (DII) scores and dietary quality in children, which was measured by the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED), also neophobia scores and anthropometric measurements. This study was conducted in primary schools in Famagusta, Cyprus. A total of 300 children (150 girls, 150 boys) in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade were included in the study. The frequency of food consumption was measured to calculate the DII scores. Moreover, neophobia and KIDMED scores were obtained. The KIDMED score is a popular tool that is mostly used as a practical scale to assess adherence to the Mediterranean diet among children. Additionally, anthropometric measurements (body weight, height, waist circumference, neck circumference) were collected. Finally, DII scores were compared with KIDMED scores, neophobia scores, and anthropometric measurements. Anthropometric measurements and body mass index (BMI) values were found to be significantly different (p < 0.05) based on the DII scores. Children with DII scores in the 1st quartile had significantly different anthropometric measurements compared to those who had scores in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quartiles (p < 0.05). The DII scores of normal-weight children were higher than those of obese children. A significant negative correlation was observed between KIDMED scores and DII scores of the children (p < 0.05). Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was observed between neophobia scores and DII scores (p < 0.05). Additionally, DII scores were correlated with dietary quality and anthropometric measurements (p < 0.05). The MD enhances the anti-inflammatory properties of the diet; it has clearly demonstrated positive effects on diet quality and anthropometric measurements. Furthermore, the MD is suggested to reduce the risk of chronic diseases as a result of improving DII scores at an early age

    Maternal high fat diets: impacts on offspring obesity and epigenetic hypothalamic programming

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    Maternal high-fat diet (HFD) during pregnancy is associated with rapid weight gain and fetal fat mass increase at an early stage. Also, HFD during pregnancy can cause the activation of proinflammatory cytokines. Maternal insulin resistance and inflammation lead to increased adipose tissue lipolysis, and also increased free fatty acid (FFA) intake during pregnancy (˃35% of energy from fat) cause a significant increase in FFA levels in the fetus. However, both maternal insulin resistance and HFD have detrimental effects on adiposity in early life. As a result of these metabolic alterations, excess fetal lipid exposure may affect fetal growth and development. On the other hand, increase in blood lipids and inflammation can adversely affect the development of the liver, adipose tissue, brain, skeletal muscle, and pancreas in the fetus, increasing the risk for metabolic disorders. In addition, maternal HFD is associated with changes in the hypothalamic regulation of body weight and energy homeostasis by altering the expression of the leptin receptor, POMC, and neuropeptide Y in the offspring, as well as altering methylation and gene expression of dopamine and opioid-related genes which cause changes in eating behavior. All these maternal metabolic and epigenetic changes may contribute to the childhood obesity epidemic through fetal metabolic programming. Dietary interventions, such as limiting dietary fat intake &lt;35% with appropriate fatty acid intake during the gestation period are the most effective type of intervention to improve the maternal metabolic environment during pregnancy. Appropriate nutritional intake during pregnancy should be the principal goal in reducing the risks of obesity and metabolic disorders

    Do Fatty Acids Affect Fetal Programming?

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