5 research outputs found

    Perceived Physical Literacy Scale for Adolescents (PPLSA): Validity and Reliability Study

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    The aim of this study is to adapt the “Perceived Physical Literacy Scale for Adolescents” into Turkish version. The research was designed with the descriptive survey model. Research data were obtained from a total of 585 participants aged between 12 and 19 years. The research was carried out with data obtained from four different study groups in 2019. In the study, language validity was performed with 20, Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) 218, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 300, and reliability (test-retest) analysis with data from 47 participants. AFA and CFA were made to test the construct validity. Pearson Correlation Analysis was used to determine the relationship between factors. For item discrimination, item test correlation and 27% lower-upper group comparison were determined. Convergent and divergent validity analysis were made. Cronbach’s Alpha and test-retest analysis were used within the scope of reliability analysis. As a result of EFA, a structure with 3 factors and 9 items was determined. This structure has been verified by CFA. One-dimensional and three-dimensional models were tested for the scale structure, and it was determined that the fit indices of the 3-dimensional pattern were more significant. A positive significant relationship was found between physical literacy, which is a measured feature in the scale, and its sub-dimensions. Reliability analysis results showed that the measuring tool can measure reliably. Descriptive analysis (mean, standard deviation) showed that the perceived physical literacy scale for adolescents is high in general and in its sub-dimensions. Analyzes conducted within the context of the construct validity of the measuring tool show that the perceived physical literacy scale for adolescents is a valid and reliable instrument that can measure. Measurement tool is important in determining the physical literacy of adolescents. Specialists working in the field of physical education and sports can provide the necessary support with appropriate intervention programs in line with the determinants of the physical literacy of adolescents

    Case Report Remission of Episodic Sweating Attacks and Comorbid Depression in Shapiro Syndrome: Case Report

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    ABSTRACT Shapiro syndrome, a rare disorder originally described by Shapiro and Plum in 1967, is characterized by episodic hypothermia and hyperhydrosis associated with agenesis of the corpus callosum. Proposed hypotheses to explain the clinical features of this syndrome include changes in the set point of the hypothalamic thermostat, increased norepinephrine (NE) release, and decreased plasma NE clearance. It was emphasized that the recognition of Shapiro syndrome in the evaluation of episodic hyperhydrosis is important. Here, we described a case with Shapiro syndrome who presented to our psychiatry clinic with recurrent episodic profuse sweating and depression. Sweating attacks and depression remitted after successful treatment with amitriptyline. (Archives of Neuropsychiatry 2014; 51: 405-407

    An ebXML Infrastructure Implementation through UDDI

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    Today's Internet based businesses need a level of interoperability which will allow trading partners to seamlessly and dynamically come together and do business without ad hoc and pro- prietary integrations. Such a level of interoperability involves being able to fnd potential busi- ness partners, discovering their services and business processes, and conducting business "on the fly". This process of dynamic interoperation is only possible through standard B2B frameworks