4 research outputs found

    Innovative forms of employment under the conditions of labor market transformation

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    Purpose: In modern conditions new forms of employment are being introduced. The purpose of scientific investigation is to reveal and analyze the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of employment’s innovative forms in the transformation of the labor market. Design/Methodology/Approach: The theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of innovative forms of employment in the labor market transformation are presented on the basis of theoretical analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and empirical research methods, such as measurement, observation and comparison. Findings: The investigation of the materials submitted by Eurofound has made it possible to reveal 9 key innovative forms of employment, which are widely implemented by the member states of the European Union and not only by them, namely: employee sharing, job sharing, interim management, casual work, ICT-based mobile work, voucher based work, portfolio work, crowd employment, collaborative employment. Originality/Value: The dynamics of employment in the member states of the European Union during 2014-2019 have been estimated. The interdependence between the rate of job vacancies by NACE activities (Job vacancy rate by NACE Rev.) and the share of temporary employees in such countries as Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal and Croatia has been presented.peer-reviewe

    Management Decision-Making as a Mechanism for Reducing the Level of Global Risk and Its Redistribution

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    Modern conditions of turbulence in the external economic environment require business structures not only to respond quickly to new challenges, but also to form scenario models of behaviour in order to maintain competitive market advantages based on an objective review of their own commercial potential and reserves. It is noteworthy that the internal risks of the business structure are the primary obstacle in the growth of the efficiency of the commercial structure and determine its level of profitability. The purpose of the research is to assess the factor of formation of biased management decisions and the features of their implementation as factors of reducing the manifestation of internal business risks. Indicated that the system of effective business management must always take into account the manifestation and pressure of internal risk due to a number of factors that cannot be accurately assessed. Modern methodology of project management and project management does not take into account the tool of biased decisions. Anti-crisis management is presented as a mandatory element of management knowledge. Therefore, the further development of management should focus on the adoption of biased management decisions and the development of mechanisms for their timely implementation

    Розробка та обґрунтування синтемного методичного підходу до оцінки ефективності впровадження інвестиційного бізнес-проєкту в умовах впливу факторів зовнішнього ринкового середовища

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    Evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of an investment project is a key issue when making management decisions both at the stage of setting up a startup and for expanding an existing business. This paper reports a systematic approach to building a mathematical model to solve the task of forecasting the effectiveness of business projects, taking into account the influence of factors of the external economic environment. Proposed factors include the impact of supply and demand on the price of goods, political and industry risks, the volume of commodity supply and sales. In view of this, a method for calculating the political component of the discount coefficient using the Fourier series has been proposed. Using the theory of differential equations, correlation and regression analysis, a mathematical model for forecasting indicators of efficiency of business project implementation taking into account the influence of factors of the external economic environment has been constructed. Based on it, a generalized algorithm for applying a mathematical model to predict the effectiveness of investment projects in various business sectors has been developed. The results from applying differential equations and variable discount coefficient showed a decrease in NPV by 14 %, and PI by 5.1 %, due to more accurate consideration of the political component in calculating the discount factor. Also, with the influence of supply and demand on the price of goods and nonlinear cash flows, it was found that the payback period does not clearly indicate the effectiveness of the implementation of an investment business project. Determining these factors provides more accurate information to the investor or business owner when forecasting the stability of a business project for making management decisions on its implementationОцінка ефективності впровадження інвестиційного проєкту є ключовим питанням при прийнятті управлінських рішень як на етапі створення стартапу, так і для розширення діючого бізнесу. В роботі розроблено системний підхід щодо створення математичної моделі для вирішення проблеми прогнозування ефективності бізнес-проєктів з урахуванням впливу факторів зовнішнього економічного середовища. До таких факторів пропонується включити: вплив попиту і пропозиції на ціну товару, політичні і галузеві ризики, об’єми товарозабезпечення та продажів. З огляду на це, запропоновано метод розрахунку політичної складової коефіцієнту дисконтування із застосуванням рядів Фур’є. Із застосуванням теорії диференційних рівнянь, кореляційного та регресійного аналізу розроблено математичну модель прогнозування показників ефективності впровадження бізнес-проєкту з урахуванням впливу факторів зовнішнього економічного середовища.  На базі цього розроблено узагальнений алгоритм застосування математичної моделі для прогнозування ефективності інвестиційних проєктів у різних галузях бізнесу. Отримані результати при застосуванні диференційних рівнянь і змінного коефіцієнту дисконтування показали зменшення показників NPV на 14 %, і PI на 5,1 %, що обумовлено більш точним врахуванням політичної складової при розрахунку коефіцієнту дисконтування. Також, при впливі попиту і пропозиції на ціну товару та нелінійних грошових потоках було виявлено, що термін окупності однозначно не вказує на ефективність впровадження інвестиційного бізнес-проєкту. Визначення цих факторів дає більш точну інформацію інвестору або власнику бізнесу при прогнозуванні стійкості бізнес-проєкту для прийняття управлінських рішень щодо його впровадженн

    Improving the efficiency of corporate management of agricultural enterprises

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    Financial indicators play an important role in the management of an agricultural enterprise. the tasks of the management of the agricultural enterprise are to control the efficiency of employees and maintain the financial stability of the enterprise. In this paper, the problem of ensuring effective management of an agricultural enterprise was investigated. The activity of an agricultural enterprise depends on the influence of external factors: political and legal, technical and economic, ecological and economic, demographic, socio-cultural. We studied the question of how to take into account the influence of variable external factors in the management of an agricultural enterprise. Traditional methods based on financial analysis data, in our opinion, do not fully reflect the situation in the agricultural enterprise. International management accounting standards are optional, but they allow for the use of more flexible indicators in management accounting that take into account the activities of a particular agricultural enterprise. This will facilitate short - and medium-term planning at the agricultural enterprise and facilitate the achievement of the enterprise’s tactical and strategic goals