6 research outputs found

    concepts, rationals and results of the teaching projekt MESOP*

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    The MESOP-project - Intredisciplinary cooperation in the health care system (Medicne, Social work, Nursery), which was funded by the ministery for science, research and arts of the Land Baden-Wuerttemberg for the years 1997-2000 aimed amongst others at the development and proving of new teaching and learning modules for health care and social professions.Based on an analysis of comparable former teaching efforts and giving some disambiguation for the terms interdisciplinarity and multiproessionality, this article describes a teaching project which was designed across the borders of the participating universities. Together students from medical faculty of the university of Freiburg (n=59) and students from the university of applied sciences for social work of Esslingen (n=61) took part in several weekend seminaries, which focussed the topic of interdisciplinary cooperation in the health care and social welfare system. The contribution describes the development of this teaching concept during several years of proving and the design of the evaluation process and instruments, which mainly was based on standardised questionnaires and an additional open discussion. The detailed report about the results of the evaluation and their interpretation do not allow to jump to conclusions concerning the transfer into regular teaching practice. But it gets obvious that students from both faculty claim for the integration of this topic into their education. Therefore it seems to be necessary to strengthen the knowledge about other health professionals and to give the possibility of practical exercises for cooperationDas Projekt MESOP - Interdisziplinäre Kooperation im Gesundheitswesen (Medizin, Soziale Arbeit, Pflege), das vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg von 1997-2000 gefördert wurde, diente u.a. der Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Lehr- und Lernformen für Gesundheits- und Sozialberufe. Anknüpfend an eine Analyse bisheriger vergleichbarer Unterrichtsvorhaben und begriffliche Klärungen, die angesichts der Vielzahl der Begriffsverwendungen notwendig erscheinen, beschreibt der Beitrag ein hochschulübergreifend angelegtes Unterrichtskonzept, in dem Studierende der Humanmedizin aus der Universität Freiburg (n=59)gemeinsam mit Studierenden der Sozialen Arbeit aus der Hochschule Esslingen, Fachhochhochschule für Sozialwesen (n=61) in mehreren Unterrichtsveranstaltungen zusammengeführt wurden, in denen das Thema der interdisziplinären Kooperation in den Gesundheitsberufen behandelt wurde.Der Beitrag beschreibt die über mehrere Jahre entwickelte Unterrichtskonzeption und das Design der Evaluation dieser Veranstaltungen, das sich wesentlich auf eine standardisierte Erhebung mittels Fragebogen stützte. Ergänzend wurde am Ende der Blockveranstaltungen zunächst eine getrennt nach Studiengruppen, dann gemeinsame diskursive Abschlußevaluation durchgeführt. Die ausführliche Beschreibung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse lassen wegen der besonderen Rahmenbedingungen der Veranstaltung noch keine vorschnellen Verallgemeinerungen zur Übertragbarkeit des Konzepts in die Routine zu. Sie liefern gleichwohl die Erkenntnis, dass auch aus Sicht der Studierenden ein erkennbarer Bedarf an unterrichtlicher Beschäftigung mit dem Thema der interdisziplinären Kooperation der Gesundheitsberufe gewünscht wird. Dazu erscheint es unerlässlich, dass die jeweiligen Berufs- bzw. Studierendengruppen mehr Wissen über das professionelle Feld des anderen erfahren und in gemeinsamen Übungen Formen der Kooperation praktisch erproben

    German cooperation-network 'equity in health' - Health promotion in settings.

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    In 2003, the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) initiated the national Cooperation-Network (CN) 'Equity in Health'. The CN is constantly increasing in size and scope, supporting setting approaches aimed at reducing health inequalities. A detailed description of the CN has not yet been available in English. The CN comprises a total of 66 institutional cooperation partners. Information concerning the structure and activities can be found on a special website. Coordination Centres (CC) have been established in the 16 federal states, for the coordination of all state-specific activities. Funding for the CN and CC is provided by the BZgA, the German statutory sickness funds and by the state-specific ministries of health. These partners also support the continuous quality improvement, which is based on the good-practice criteria developed by the Advisory Committee of the CN. In 2011, the 'Municipal Partner Process (MPP)' has been launched, specifically supporting local partners and integrated life-course approaches focussing on children. In 2015, the focus has been widened to include all age-groups. In July 2015, a new national health law concerning health promotion and prevention has been ratified by the federal Parliament, with a focus on reducing health inequalities. Currently, the details of its implementation are discussed on a nationwide basis. The CN has long advocated for such a law, and today the CN is a well-accepted partner providing concepts, methods and a strong and long-standing network. The article closes with future challenges faced by the CN

    Gesundheitsförderung in den Lebenswelten gemeinsam stärken. Der Kopperationsverbund "Gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit".

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    BACKGROUND: In 2003, the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) initiated a national Cooperation Network named "Equity in Health" to address scientific results, focusing on the association between social inequalities and health. The main goal is to support setting approaches aimed at reducing these health inequalities. RESULTS AND KEY ACTIVITIES: In the autumn of 2015 the Cooperation Network comprised a total of 65 (institutional) cooperation partners, e.g., from prevention and health promotion, from the medical profession, from the welfare associations, and from the municipal umbrella organziations. The website www.gesundheitliche-chancengleichheit.de was created to present the information available on all activities and structures. Further, Coordination Centers for Health Equity were established in all federal states of Germany to advise, coordinate and provide support for all those who are actively engaged in the key issues for each state. These Coordination Centers are sponsored by the statutory sickness funds and the Health Ministry of the respective states. They also support continuous quality improvement, based on the good practice criteria developed by the Cooperation Network. Since 2011, the local partner process "Health for All" (until November 2015 "Growing Up Healthily for All") has assisted the municipalities in developing their own integrated health strategies oriented toward the different stages in the life course ("prevention chains"). PERSPECTIVES: The results and structures that have emerged from the Cooperation Network form a good basis for the implementation of the new national Prevention Law passed by German Parliament in July 2015, to expand and develop further, on a country-wide basis and in the various states, living-space-oriented prevention and health promotion consolidating activities. The paper also discusses the present and future challenges of the Cooperation Network