228 research outputs found

    Detaljna procjena "koronoidnih foramena" i pomoćnih foramena mandibule pomoću CBCT: jedinstvena anatomska varijacija

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate accessory foramina (AF) located on the medial aspect and to present a unique finding of ‘coronoid foramina’ (CF) along with AF on the mandible. The cone beam computed tomography images of the mandible in 979 patients were retrospectively evaluated for the presence of CF and AF. AF was found in 39 (3.98%) patients. AF located on the medial surface below and above mandibular foramen was found in 15.38% and 84.62% of patients, respectively. CF was confirmed in 20 (2.04%) patients. Mandibular AF is important for surgical procedures in the posterior region of the mandible and for mandibular nerve anesthesia. This study including CF will be useful for further studies due to the lack of literature on the issue.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti pomoćne foramene (PF) smještene na medijalnom dijelu i prikazati jedinstven nalaz ‘koronoidnih foramena’ (KF) uz PF na mandibuli. Snimke mandibule u 979 pacijenata dobivene tehnikom CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) retrospektivno su procijenjene na prisutnost PF i KF. PF je nađen u 39 (3,98%) pacijenata. PF smješten na medijalnoj površini ispod i iznad mandibularnog foramena uvrđen je u 15,38% odnosno 84,62% pacijenata. KF je potvrđen u 20 (2,04%) pacijenata. Mandibularni PF je važan za kirurške zahvate u stražnjem dijelu mandibule, kao i za anesteziju mandibularnog živca. Zbog nedostatka literature o ovom pitanju, ovo istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo KF bit će korisno za buduće istraživanje u ovom području

    Anatomija i mjerne vrijednosti Rosenmüllerove jame i struktura orofarinksa pomoću cone beam kompjutorizirane tomografije

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    The objective of this study was to assess Rosenmüller fossa (RF) anatomy and neighboring structures using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). A total of 1000 patients were analyzed using CBCT. The reference points were based on the spina nasalis posterior (Snp) and basion. The length between RF and neighboring structures were measured.The mean distance from Snp to the posterior pharyngeal wall was 17.7 mm. The mean distance from right to left torus levatorius was 25.69 mm. The mean depth of right RF was 5.54 mm while the mean depth of left RF was 5.26 mm. RF, also described as the lateral pharyngeal recess, is a source location of nasopharyngeal carcinoma development. Its location is on the lateral pharyngeal wall posterior to the cartilaginous part of the eustachian tube, the torus tubarius. The knowledge of RF is important to diagnose and perform treatment planning of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti anatomiju Rosenmüllerove jame (RJ) i okolnih struktura pomoću cone beam kompjutorizirane tomografije (CBCT). Ukupno je 1000 bolesnika analizirano ovom tehnikom. Referentne točke bile su spina nasalis posterior (Snp) i basion. Mjerena je duljina između RJ i okolnih struktura. Srednja udaljenost od Snp do stražnje faringealne stijenke bila je 17,7 mm. Srednja udaljenost od desnog do lijevog torusa levatoriusa bila je 25,69 mm. Srednja dubina desne i lijeve RJ bila je 5,54 mm odnosno 5,26 mm. RJ, poznata i kao lateralno udubljenje farinksa, izvorno je mjesto za razvoj nazofaringealnog karcinoma. Smještena je na lateralnoj stijenci farinksa iza hrskavičnog dijela eustahijeve cijevi, tj. torus tubarius. Poznavanje RJ važno je za dijagnosticiranje i planiranje liječenja nazofaringealnog karcinoma

    Investigation of the prevalence and main features of skull-base anomalies and characteristics of the sphenoid sinus using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Objectives: This study aimed to define the prevalence and characteristics of skull base anomalies and the features of sphenoid sinus pneumatization (SSP). Materials and Methods: Five hundred cone-beam computed tomography scans were evaluated retrospectively for the presence of fossa navicularis magna (FNM), canalis basilaris medianus (CBM), sphenoid emissary foramen (SEF), and/or Onodi cells (OC). Patterns of the SSP and sphenoid sinus mucosa dimensions (SSMD) were also recorded. Results: The prevalence of FNM, CBM, SEF, and OC was 26.0%, 22.4%, 47.4%, and 18.4%, respectively. Two hundred sixty-two (52.4%) sellar-type SSP were defined, followed by post-sellar 191 (38.2%), pre-sellar 31 (6.2%), and conchal 16 (3.2%) types. The frequency of SSMD less than 1 mm, 1-3 mm, and greater than 3 mm was 40.6%, 38.4%, and 21.0%, respectively. An SEF was detected more frequently in females, while SSMD greater than 3 mm was more frequent in males. An FNM was more prevalent in the 18-29 and 30-39 age groups and SEF was significantly less frequent in patients over 60 years of age compared to other age groups. A sinus mucosa larger than 3 mm was more common in the younger than 18 year group. The frequency of post-sellar-type pneumatization was lower in patients younger than 18 years. Conclusion: Skull-base anomalies are common and may be detected incidentally during imaging procedures. The sphenoid sinus, its variations, and pneumatization patterns should also be taken into consideration in imaging procedures performed for various purposes

    CBCT Imaging of Paranasal Sinuses and Variations

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    Paranasal sinuses located in the bones surrounding the nasal cavity are called maxillary, ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid sinuses. In relation with their location, these sinuses contribute to the development of the facial structures, jaws and upper airway. During the developmental process of the paranasal sinuses, anatomic variations can occur in consequence of intra and extramural migration of the ethmoid air cells, overpneumatization or hypoplasia of the sinuses and bulging of the neurovascular structures to the sinuses. Some of these anatomic variations may affect the drainage pathways, pave the way for chronic infections and cause difficulties when performing paranasal sinuses surgery. Therefore, the aim of this chapter was to examine the paranasal sinus anatomic variations with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)

    Determining the COVID-19 Knowledge, Awareness and Anxiety Levels of Intern Dentists

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    Introduction: COVID-19 is a contagious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The nature of dentistry leads to close contact with patients and exposure to saliva, blood, and other bodily fluids during treatment processes and it is a field where high-frequency devices that can make it easier for virus contamination are used. This study aims to determine the knowledge and approaches of COVID-19 infection control of intern dentists who have begun face-to-face education and their COVID-19-related fear and anxiety levels. Methods: The study comprised 4th and 5th-year students who began face-to-face education at the Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry 2020/2021 spring semester. A questionnaire was used as the data collection tool for this study. The data were collected using a knowledge questionnaire and a COVID-19 fear and anxiety scale. Results: The average COVID-19 knowledge score of the students was 63.65±9.64, their coronavirus fear average score was 17.63±5.57, and their anxiety average score was found to be 2.37±3.32. A positive relationship was found between the anxiety scores and the COVID-19 fear scores. The results of this study show that the COVID-19 knowledge level and fear of dentistry students are moderate and that their COVID-19 anxiety level is low. Conclusion: It was found that the knowledge and fear of coronavirus levels of intern dentistry students were moderate and that their coronavirus anxiety level was low

    Evaluation of the visibility of the materials used in furcation perforation in imaging devices

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    Background: Variable radiographic techniques are used for postoperative evaluation of the materials used in furcation perforation. Since it is easily accessible clinically and the radiation dose which the patient is exposed to, is lower than the advanced imaging methods, intraoral imaging is applied. In cases that cannot be determined by 2D radiographs, cone beam computed tomography is more relevant because of the absence of superimpositions and allowing for multiplanar imaging. The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic acceptability of the radiographic visibility of the materials used in furcation perforations and to find out which radiographic technique was efficient to view the materials. Methods: One hundred and twelve lower molar teeth were used according to the study criteria. Biodentin, BioAggregate, MTA and Endosequence were applied individually to the teeth, in order to repair the perforation zone. Periapical radiographs were obtained with Soredex Digora Optime with photostimulated phosphor plates. Other radiographic images were obtained using Planmeca Dixi 3 CCD, while CBCT images were obtained using Morita Veraviewepocs 3D R100. An endodontist and two dentomaxillofacial radiology specialists evaluated the images of CBCT and periapical radiographs. Teeth were evaluated randomly for the visibility of the repair materials in furcal perforations and scored. Results: MTA and Biodentine presented low image clarity while Bioaggregate and Endosequence had high image clarity. Morita Veraviewepocs 3D R100 depicted the highest sharpness, but no difference was observed between Soredex Digora Optime and Planmeca Dixi 3 devices. Conclusion: In the postoperative follow-up of the materials used in the treatment of furcation perforations, the usage of CBCT and the use of Bioagregate and Endosequence, which provide the best image clarity, has been suggested

    Gray value measurement for the evaluation of local alveolar bone density around impacted maxillary canine teeth using cone beam computed tomography

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    To investigate whether any relationship between local alveolar bone density and maxillary canine impaction using gray values from cone beam computed tomography. The cone beam computed tomography images of 151 patients were retrospectively evaluated. Maxillary canine was defined as an impacted tooth when root formation was complete and the patient?s age older than 13 or the other side of the maxillary canine has completely erupted. Similarly, complete eruption was defined as the tooth in its expected occlusion and position. Using the cone beam computed tomography software, the region of interest which was 5 mm2 in area, was placed in the trabecular bone on cross sectional cone beam computed tomography images and the gray value measurements were recorded. After measuring the gray values of all the teeth, the images were grouped according to the field of view size. Comparison of the gray values of impacted and non-impacted teeth was made between images with the same field of view size. A total of 151 patients, 101 (66.9%) female and 50 (33.1%) male, were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 24.94 ±13.9. In images with a 40X40 field of view, the gray values of the impacted canine teeth were higher than the gray values of the non-impacted ones and statistically significant difference was found between them (p=0.003). However no statistically significant difference was found between the gray values of impacted and non-impacted canine teeth in 60x60 and 100x50 field of view (p=0.197, p=0.170, respectively). We suggest using the smallest field of view size when evaluating bone density using gray values from cone beam computed tomography images and we support the idea that the local increased bone density may influence on impaction

    Sella Tursika köprüsü ve Angle malokluzyon ilişkisi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, sella köprüsünün sınıflamasını yapmak, yaş, cinsiyet ve Angle okluzyon sınıflaması ile ilişkisini değerlendirmektir.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Ortodontik tedavi planlanan 100 hastanın lateral sefalometrik radyografları ve ortodontik ısırma modelleri kullanılmıştır. Sella Tursika köprüsünü belirlemek amacıyla interklinoidal mesafe ve sella’nın en geniş anteroposterior çapı ölçülmüştür. Bulgular: Tip 3 İnterklinoid ligament (ICL) kalsifikasyonu görülme sıklığının yaş ile arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Erkek bireylerde Tip 1 ICL kalsifikasyonu (% 56,5) fazla görülürken, kadın bireylerde Tip 2 kalsifikasyon (% 59,3) fazla görülmüştür. Angle sınıf 1 malokluzyonda ICL kalsifikasyonu Tip 3 % 20, sınıf 2 malokluzyonda % 12, sınıf 3 malokluzyonda ise % 6,7 oranında bulunmuştur.Sonuç: ICL kalsifikasyonu ile yaş arasında anlamlı doğrusal ilişki vardır. ICL kalsifikasyonun cinsler arasında farklılık gösterdiği görülmüştür. Angle malokluzyon sınıflaması ile sella köprüsü arasındaki ilişkinin malokluzyon sınıflarına göre vaka sayısı dağılımının aynı olduğu çalışmalarla değerlendirilmesi planlanmaktadır.ANAHTAR KELİMELER Interklinoid Ligament, Kalsifikasyon, Köprü, Sefalometri, Sella tursik