71,203 research outputs found

    Non Supersymmetric Metastable Vacua in N=2 SYM Softly Broken to N=1

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    We find non-supersymmetric metastable vacua in four dimensional N=2 gauge theories softly broken to N=1 by a superpotential term. First we study the simplest case, namely the SU(2) gauge theory without flavors. We study the spectrum and lifetime of the metastable vacuum and possible embeddings of the model in UV complete theories. Then we consider larger gauge group theories with flavors. We show that when we softly break them to N=1, the potential induced on specific submanifolds of their moduli space is identical to the potential in lower rank gauge theories. Then we show that the potential increases when we move away from this submanifold, allowing us to construct metastable vacua on them in the theories that can be reduced to the SU(2) case.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    A simplified structure for the second order cosmological perturbation equations

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    Increasingly accurate observations of the cosmic microwave background and the large scale distribution of galaxies necessitate the study of nonlinear perturbations of Friedmann-Lemaitre cosmologies, whose equations are notoriously complicated. In this paper we present a new derivation of the governing equations for second order perturbations within the framework of the metric-based approach that is minimal, as regards amount of calculation and length of expressions, and flexible, as regards choice of gauge and stress-energy tensor. Because of their generality and the simplicity of their structure our equations provide a convenient starting point for determining the behaviour of nonlinear perturbations of FL cosmologies with any given stress-energy content, using either the Poisson gauge or the uniform curvature gauge.Comment: 30 pages, no figures. Changed title to the one in published version and some minor changes and addition

    Metastable Vacua in Superconformal SQCD-like Theories

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    We study dynamical supersymmetry breaking in vector-like superconformal N=1 gauge theories. We find appropriate deformations of the superpotential to overcome the problem of the instability of the non supersymmetric vacuum. The request for long lifetime translates into constraints on the physical couplings which in this regime can be controlled through efficient RG analysis.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, JHEP3.cl

    Non-Markovian reduced dynamics and entanglement evolution of two coupled spins in a quantum spin environment

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    The exact quantum dynamics of the reduced density matrix of two coupled spin qubits in a quantum Heisenberg XY spin star environment in the thermodynamic limit at arbitrarily finite temperatures is obtained using a novel operator technique. In this approach, the transformed Hamiltonian becomes effectively Jaynes-Cumming like and thus the analysis is also relevant to cavity quantum electrodynamics. This special operator technique is mathematically simple and physically clear, and allows us to treat systems and environments that could all be strongly coupled mutually and internally. To study their entanglement evolution, the concurrence of the reduced density matrix of the two coupled central spins is also obtained exactly. It is shown that the dynamics of the entanglement depends on the initial state of the system and the coupling strength between the two coupled central spins, the thermal temperature of the spin environment and the interaction between the constituents of the spin environment. We also investigate the effect of detuning which in our model can be controlled by the strength of a locally applied external magnetic field. It is found that the detuning has a significant effect on the entanglement generation between the two spin qubits.Comment: 9 pages (two-coulumn), 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic structure, phase diagram, and a new type of spin-flop transition dominated by higher order interaction in a localized 5f system U3Pd20Si6

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    The magnetic structure of the localized-5f uranium intermetallic compound U3Pd20Si6 has been determined by means of a neutron diffraction experiment. Our data demonstrate that this compound has a collinear coupling of the sublattice ordering of the uranium spins on the 4a and 8c sites. We conclude that higher-order exchange and/or quadrupole interactions are necessary to stabilize this unique collinear structure. We discovered a new type of spin-flop transition against the uniaxial anisotropy induced by this collinear coupling

    Four-Dimensional SCFTs from M5-Branes

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    We engineer a large new set of four-dimensional N=1 superconformal field theories by wrapping M5-branes on complex curves. We present new supersymmetric AdS_5 M-theory backgrounds which describe these fixed points at large N, and then directly construct the dual four-dimensional CFTs for a certain subset of these solutions. Additionally, we provide a direct check of the central charges of these theories by using the M5-brane anomaly polynomial. This is a companion paper which elaborates upon results reported in arXiv:1112:5487.Comment: 45 pages, 11 figure

    Dirichlet boundary conditions in a noncommutative theory

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    We study the problem of imposing Dirichlet-like boundary conditions along a static spatial curve, in a planar Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory model. After constructing interaction terms that impose the boundary conditions, we discuss their implementation at the level of an interacting theory, with a focus on their physical consequences, and the symmetries they preserve. We also derive the effect they have on certain observables, like the Casimir energies.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, pdflate

    Determination of density and concentration from fluorescent images of a gas flow

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    A fluorescent image analysis procedure to determine the distribution of species concentration and density in a gas flow is proposed. The fluorescent emission is due to the excitation of atoms/molecules of a gas that is intercepted by an electron blade. The intensity of the fluorescent light is proportional to the local number density of the gas. When the gas flow is a mixture of different species, this proportionality can be exploited to extract the contribution associated to the species from the spectral superposition acquired by a digital camera. This yields a method that simultaneously reveals species concentrations and mass density of the mixture. The procedure is applied to two under-expanded sonic jets discharged into a different gas ambient - Helium into Argon and Argon into Helium - to measure the concentration and density distribution along the jet axis and across it. A comparison with experimental and numerical results obtained by other authors when observing under-expanded jets at different Mach numbers is made with the density distribution along the axis of the jet. This density distribution appears to be self-similar.Comment: New figures in portable .eps forma

    Field–Temperature Phase Diagram of Intergrain Ordering in Superconducting Ceramic YBCO

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    The ceramic YBa2Cu4O8 superconductor composed of submicron grains is considered a random Josephson-coupled network containing the so-called π junctions and shows successive phase transitions. With decreasing temperature, first the intragrain superconductive transition occurs inside each grain at T c1 and then the chiral-glass transition occurs among the grains at T c2 (< T c1). The third transition at T c3 (< T c2) is the intergrain superconducting transition. We measured the nonlinear susceptibility and resistivity of the ceramic YBa2Cu4O8 superconductor to determine the field dependences of the transition temperatures T c2 and T c3. The phase diagram of the intergrain ordering is discussed in light of the result predicted by Kawamura.29th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2016), 13–15 December 2016, Tokyo, Japa
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