36 research outputs found

    Laboratory exercises of electronic elevator model

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací modelu elektronického výtahu. Model je plně elektronický, bez mechanických prvků. Celý tento projekt bude sloužit studentům v laboratoři automatizace, jako názorná pomůcka při osvojování práce s programovatelnými automaty firmy Siemens, jmenovitě modely řady S7-200. Pohyb kabiny výtahu je znázorňován pomocí sloupcových diod takzvaných bargrafů, které jsou ovládány pomocí aktivních prvků, LED driverů. Model je řízen pomocí mikroprocesoru ATMEL ATmega128, který je s PC propojen sériovou i paralelní linkou. V práci jsou dále popsány uvažované a použité technologie, vývojové prostředí a konstrukční prvky.My Bachelor project is based on concept and realization of electronic model of elevator. This examplar works only on electric base without any mechanical components. This project at all will stay in laboratory of automatization. Students can use it as visual aid in studying and learning new things about programmable controller of Siemens, especially models S7-200. The movement of cabine of elevator is exemplified in bargraf, which you can leave control over then by active componets, LED drivers. The model is directed by micro-processor ALMEL ATmega128, which is connected with PC serial and paralel line. In my project you can find some descriptions of under consideration and used technologies, development system and constructional components.

    Experimental Verification of Influence of Drawing Die Line Setup to Final Parameters of Drew Wire

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    Import 26/06/2013Účelem zpracování mé bakalářské práce bylo experimentálně ověřit vliv různě sestavené řady průvlaků na výsledné parametry tažených drátů. Úvodní teoretická část práce pojednává o základech teorie tažení drátů v průvlacích, vlivu deformačních řad na výsledné vlastnosti drátů a o obecné charakteristice wolframového drátu. Experimentální část práce je zaměřena na tažení tří různých drátů v různě navržených deformačních řadách a na vyhodnocení kvalitativních parametrů těchto experimentálně vytažených drátů, což zahrnuje měření průměru drátů po délce a vyhodnocení mechanických vlastností pomocí zkoušky pevnosti v tahu. V závěru práce je uvedeno vyhodnocení dosažených výsledků, určení nejvýhodnější varianty a získané přínosy.The purpose of processing my thesis was experimentally verify the influence of different compile a line of dies on the resulting parameters drawn wires. Introductory theoretical part of thesis deals about foundations of the theory of wire drawing in dies, influence of series of deformation on the resulting properties of wires and general characteristics of the tungsten wire. The experimental part of thesis is focused on drawing three different wires in various designs deformation lines and on the evaluation of qualitative parameters the experimental pulled wires, which involves measuring the diameter of the wire length and evaluation of mechanical properties by tensile strength tests. In conslusion of thesis is stated evaluation of achieved results, determining the most appropriate variant and the obtained benefits.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Qualification of Butt Weld Joint in Steel P92, Welded by TIG

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    Import 23/07/2015Hlavním účelem zpracování této diplomové práce bylo experimentálně ověřit, jaký bude vliv různých režimů tepelného zpracování na výsledné mechanické vlastnosti zkušebních desek tloušťky 8 mm z oceli P92, které byly svařeny metodou TIG. Experimentální část práce je zaměřena na zhotovení tupých svarových spojů na zkušebních deskách. Na všechny zkušební desky byl po svařování aplikován odlišný režim tepelného zpracování. Provedly se nedestruktivní i destruktivní kontroly zkušebních desek s jejich následným vyhodnocením. Důležitou podmínkou zadání této práce bylo také vypracování návrhu WPQR, který je součástí příloh diplomové práce. V závěru diplomové práce jsou vyhodnoceny dosažené výsledky a určeny nejvýhodnější varianty.The main purpose of processing this master thesis was to experimentally verify, what will be the effect of various regimes of heat treatment on mechanical properties of 8 mm thick test sheets of steel P92, which have been welded with TIG. Experimental part of thesis is focused on construction of butt welded joints on the test sheets. At all test sheets after welding was applied a different regime of heat treatment. Carried out non destructive and destructive control of test sheets with their subsequent evaluation. The important condition for the award of this work was also preparing a draft WPQR, which is included of Annexes of the master thesis. In conclusion of the master thesis are evaluated the achieved results and determined the best options.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    System Project and Implementation of Building Heating

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací otopné a zavlažovací soustavy. Projekt byl vytvořen pro areál zahradnictví v Novém Městě na Moravě. Systém bude sloužit jako náhrada dosavadního nevyhovujícího řešení a eliminace lidského personálu. O závlahu se stará soustava čerpadel implementovaných v každém ze čtyř skleníků. Vytápění je realizováno pomocí horkovzdušných topidel, kde je jako ohřívací médium voda ohřívaná v kotli na tuhá paliva nové generace. Kotli suplují solární kolektory umístěné na střeše zázemí zahradnictví. O řízení se stará programovatelný automat firmy Siemens, jmenovitě model řady S7-200. Sběr dat vykonávají snímače teploty a vlhkosti. V práci jsou dále popsány uvažované a použité technologie, vývojové prostředí a konstrukční prvky.The aim of this diploma paper is to design and implement a system of heating and irrigation. The system was designed for the premises of the garden shop located in Nové Město na Moravě. The new system shall replace the existing one as well as eliminate the use of human resources. The irrigation is done through a system of water pumps implemented in each of four green-houses. The heating is achieved through a system of hot air devices, and uses water as a transfer medium. The water is heated in a boiler using the new generation of solid propellants. The boiler is supplemented by solar collectors placed on the roof of the shop premises. The process is controlled by one of the programmable automatic devices made by Siemens, namely the S7-200 model. Temperature and humidity sensors are responsible for collection of the data. The paper also describes the technologies used and considered, the development environment and the construction components.

    Development of compartmentalizes antibacterial systems based on immobilized alliinase

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    Multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria are one of the most significant threats to modern society. Antibiotics, in the past so effective against broad spectra of infections, are nowadays omnipresent and their widespread availability, misuse and gradual accumulation over time in the environment is the main reason behind the sudden increase of bacterial resistance. However, it has been shown that some natural antibacterial systems are designed in such a way that effectively prevents the development of bacterial resistance. One of the most known examples of such natural self-defence system is garlic plant, where highly potent but unstable compound allicin is formed enzymatically from inactive precursor (alliin) only when and where the inner cellular structure is compromised (e.g. soil pathogens, rodents). A very short half-time of allicin is the key to garlic’s success: bacteria do not have the necessary time to develop effective countermeasures, and therefore allicin remains ever-lasting natural bactericide for thousands of years compared to relatively stable antibiotics. In this study, we propose to employ encapsulation techniques (ionic cross-linking, spray drying) to develop polymer carrier where purified and stabilized enzyme (alliinase) and substrate (alliin) are physically separated in two different types of carriers. Additionally, we want to demonstrate the possibility to control the overall rate of enzymatic reaction and allicin generation via the cross-linking ratio (amount of cross-linker per polymer). Finally, the antibacterial effect of prepared carriers will be tested against common bacterial strains using the disc diffusion method and non-contact form of produced allicin in a volatil

    Development of biomimetic surfaces with an antibacterial effect based on the structure of dragonfly wings

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    Antibiotics, in the past so effective against wide spectra of infections, are nowadays omnipresent and their widespread availability, misuse and gradual accumulation over time in the environment is the main reason behind the sudden increase of bacterial resistance. However, it has been shown that some natural surfaces (e.g., cicada wing) possess topography which renders their surface antibacterial and resistant to bacterial colonization without any active chemical substance. The mode of action is such, that adhered bacterium is exposed to shear stress between the cell wall and surface topography (e.g., an array of nanopillars) resulting in cell deformation, wall rupture, lysis, and death. Moreover, the mechanical nature of bacteria-surface interaction virtually eliminates the risk of the sudden emergence of bacterial resistance since the whole process depends solely on surface topography and mechanical properties of the bacterial cell. In this work, we propose to examine topographies of Czech domestic insects (e.g. dragonflies, damselflies, moths), test their antibacterial properties against model Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and replicate their topology using suitable techniques allowing the transfer of antibacterial topology into a larger scale. We believe that such materials have the potential to be the answer to increasing number of MDR bacteria and secondary infections

    Estimation of stresses in a massive granite using laser ultra-sonic testing and stress memory effect

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    This paper addresses in-situ stress-estimation methods based on the Kaiser effect. The physical and mechanical properties of granite, diorite, and granodiorite samples selected at different depth intervals of the core obtained from a wellbore were examined. The ultimate uniaxial compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio of the rock samples were determined using presses and strain gauges. Also, local longitudinal and shear wave velocities were measured using a high-accuracy laser-ultrasonic system with a view to assessing the structure of the samples. Based on the resulting elastic wave velocity maps, samples with no obvious discontinuities were chosen. These undisturbed samples were subjected to uniaxial compression and their acoustic emission was simultaneously measured. In-situ stresses were estimated from the results of the interpretation of acoustic emission measurements. The experimental in-situ stresses were compared with the results of a numerical simulation. The ratio of the estimated in-situ stresses to the calculated ones is within the range from 0.81 to 1.11. This means that the laser ultrasonic and acoustic emission methods make it possible to effectively estimate in-situ stresses in a rock mass and assess the degree of rock mass damage

    Energy-Pile Model Verification

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    Equipping the foundation piles with a liquid circuit pipeline makes it possible to use the advantageous thermal capacity of the soil for heating and cooling buildings at low cost. The energy performance of the energy-pile in a soil is a transient phenomenon dependent on many parameters, which could be investigate by a computational model. The contribution deals with the description and verification of a new numerical computational software based on a simpli-fied 2D and 2D rotational symmetrical heat conduction model being developed for energy-piles modeling

    Molecular beam epitaxy of CuMnAs

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    We present a detailed study of the growth of the tetragonal polymorph of antiferromagnetic CuMnAs by the molecular beam epitaxy technique. We explore the parameter space of growth conditions and their effect on the microstructural and transport properties of the material. We identify its typical structural defects and compare the properties of epitaxial CuMnAs layers grown on GaP, GaAs and Si substrates. Finally, we investigate the correlation between the crystalline quality of CuMnAs and its performance in terms of electrically induced resistance switching.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures and supplementary materia