26 research outputs found

    Komunikačná stratégia firmy Mall.sk na sociálnych sietiach

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    This work is focused on designing the most effective way of communication for company MALL.SK on a social network Facebook in a form of paid advertising. In the theoretical part, the work deals mainly with e-business, marketing communication on the internet, advertising and social media and networks, especially the social network Facebook. The aim of this work is to recommend company MALL.SK the most effective way of setting up ads on the Facebook social network so as to bring as much traffic as possible with lowest costs

    Perovskite nanoparticles for MRI and fluorescence microscopy

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    of Master diploma thesis Michal Kačenka, Prague 2009 The aim if this thesis is preparation of novel fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles. Such particles are promising materials for biomedical research as dual labeling agents. Silica-coated particles of perovskite phase La0.75Sr0.25MnO3 (LSMO@SiO2) were previously described as a promising material for magnetically induced hyperthermia. Besides, the relaxometric studies of LSMO@SiO2 suspension revealed high values of relaxivity r2, related to the contrast quality in MRI, significantly exceeding that of widely used iron oxide nanoparticles. Binding fluorescent dye into silica layer of LSMO@SiO2 could provide dual probe with the possibility of fluorescence and magnetic resonance detection, suitable for bimodal cellular labeling. The nanoparticles were coated by two-step procedure including the use of mixture of N-1-(3- triethoxysilylpropyl)-N'-fluoresceinylthiourea and tetraethoxysilane in the first step leading to the fluorescent silica shell. The resulting particles exhibit low colloidal stability in water and, therefore, they were subsequently coated by secondary pure silica layer in the next step employing only tetraethoxysilane. The final product exhibits sufficient colloidal stability in water. The morphology and size were investigated by means of..

    Perovskite nanoparticles for MRI and fluorescence microscopy

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    of Master diploma thesis Michal Kačenka, Prague 2009 The aim if this thesis is preparation of novel fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles. Such particles are promising materials for biomedical research as dual labeling agents. Silica-coated particles of perovskite phase La0.75Sr0.25MnO3 (LSMO@SiO2) were previously described as a promising material for magnetically induced hyperthermia. Besides, the relaxometric studies of LSMO@SiO2 suspension revealed high values of relaxivity r2, related to the contrast quality in MRI, significantly exceeding that of widely used iron oxide nanoparticles. Binding fluorescent dye into silica layer of LSMO@SiO2 could provide dual probe with the possibility of fluorescence and magnetic resonance detection, suitable for bimodal cellular labeling. The nanoparticles were coated by two-step procedure including the use of mixture of N-1-(3- triethoxysilylpropyl)-N'-fluoresceinylthiourea and tetraethoxysilane in the first step leading to the fluorescent silica shell. The resulting particles exhibit low colloidal stability in water and, therefore, they were subsequently coated by secondary pure silica layer in the next step employing only tetraethoxysilane. The final product exhibits sufficient colloidal stability in water. The morphology and size were investigated by means of..

    Perovskite nanoparticles for MRI and fluorescence microscopy

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    Department of Inorganic ChemistryKatedra anorganické chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    New Embankments - Architectural and Urban Redevelopment of Selected Area along the River Svitava in Brno

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    Konceptom návrhu je vytvorenie hlavnej zelenej osi – parku, nadväzujúci na zelený pás, ktorý vznikol po zrušení starej železničnej trate prechádzajúcej cez územie. Park smeruje uhlopriečne cez parcelu a vytvára hlavný lineárny prvok. Ústi pri nábreží, do ktorého sa rozširuje a nadväzuje na druhú zelenú os – nábrežie Svitavy. Kolmo cez neho prechádzajú komunikácie, ktoré nadväzujú na existujúce ulice a okolitú zástavbu a doťahujú ich až k rieke. Tieto osi dohromady vytvárajú sieť, vymedzené územie pre bloky domov - novú mestskú štvrť na nábreží Svitavy.The concept is creating the main green axis - park, following the green line which was created by canceling old railway. The park is creating a line that ends on the waterfront where is linked with second green axis - Svitava's waterfront. The park is crossed by the communications which follow existing streets and buildings and move them up to the river. This axis together create a net - defined territory for the blocks of houses - the new district along the River Svitava in Brno.

    Bimodální makromolekulární kontrastní látky vhodné pro MRI a luminiscenční mikroskopii

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    Department of Inorganic ChemistryKatedra anorganické chemiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc