331 research outputs found

    CIE Software Check of luox.app

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    The University of Oxford has developed an open-access software platform known as luox, which incorporates elements of CIE publications for the calculation of certain quantities integrated from spectral data. Under the terms of a licence agreement between the University of Oxford and the CIE, the CIE has agreed to endorse the software following a black-box validation of the software. This is the report of that validation exercise, based on the work of an ad hoc task group of the CIE Board of Administration. The task group selected 43 spectrafrom various sources, 19 being spectra with 5 nm intervals and 24 being spectra with 1 nm intervals, and calculated luminance (illuminance), a-opic radiances (a-opic irradiances), a-opic equivalent daylight luminances (a-opic equivalent daylight illuminances), a-opic efficacies of luminous radiation, and chromaticity coordinates using both luox and a variety of other available reference calculation tools, both public and private. Tolerance intervals were established for each quantity, and the deviation between the test values from luox and thereference values were calculated for each spectrum. The results for all of these evaluations showed consistency between the test values and the reference values. Based on these results, the CIE approves the following statement concerning the luox software, as per the aforementioned licence agreement:“This software incorporates methods, formulae, spectral function calculations and spectra from the International Commission on Illumination (CIE). The CIE endorses this software having made a black-box evaluation of the software as of Feb. 11, 2021, finding that the software performs satisfactorily. This software is not a replacement for the CIE publications and works from which it is derived. The user is advised to consult the original publications and works for proper understanding of and calculation of the result of this software.

    Cyclotron effective masses in layered metals

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    Many layered metals such as quasi-two-dimensional organic molecular crystals show properties consistent with a Fermi liquid description at low temperatures. The effective masses extracted from the temperature dependence of the magnetic oscillations observed in these materials are in the range, m^*_c/m_e \sim 1-7, suggesting that these systems are strongly correlated. However, the ratio m^*_c/m_e contains both the renormalization due to the electron-electron interaction and the periodic potential of the lattice. We show that for any quasi-two-dimensional band structure, the cyclotron mass is proportional to the density of states at the Fermi energy. Due to Luttinger's theorem, this result is also valid in the presence of interactions. We then evaluate m_c for several model band structures for the \beta, \kappa, and \theta families of (BEDT-TTF)_2X, where BEDT-TTF is bis-(ethylenedithia-tetrathiafulvalene) and X is an anion. We find that for \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2X, the cyclotron mass of the \beta-orbit, m^{*\beta}_c, is close to 2 m^{*\alpha}_c, where m^{*\alpha}_c is the effective mass of the \alpha- orbit. This result is fairly insensitive to the band structure details. For a wide range of materials we compare values of the cyclotron mass deduced from band structure calculations to values deduced from measurements of magnetic oscillations and the specific heat coefficient.Comment: 12 pages, 3 eps figure

    Search for Λc+pK+π\Lambda_c^+ \to p K^+ \pi^- and Ds+K+K+πD_s^+ \to K^+ K^+ \pi^- Using Genetic Programming Event Selection

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    We apply a genetic programming technique to search for the double Cabibbo suppressed decays Λc+pK+π\Lambda_c^+ \to p K^+ \pi^- and Ds+K+K+πD_s^+ \to K^+ K^+ \pi^-. We normalize these decays to their Cabibbo favored partners and find BR(\text{BR}(\Lambda_c^+ \to p K^+ \pi^-)/BR()/\text{BR}(\Lambda_c^+ \to p K^- \pi^+)=(0.05±0.26±0.02)) = (0.05 \pm 0.26 \pm 0.02)% and BR(\text{BR}(D_s^+ \to K^+ K^+ \pi^-)/BR()/\text{BR}(D_s^+ \to K^+ K^- \pi^+)=(0.52±0.17±0.11)) = (0.52\pm 0.17\pm 0.11)% where the first errors are statistical and the second are systematic. Expressed as 90% confidence levels (CL), we find <0.46< 0.46 % and <0.78 < 0.78% respectively. This is the first successful use of genetic programming in a high energy physics data analysis.Comment: 10 page

    Measurement of the D+ and Ds+ decays into K+K-K+

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    We present the first clear observation of the doubly Cabibbo suppressed decay D+ --> K-K+K+ and the first observation of the singly Cabibbo suppressed decay Ds+ --> K-K+K+. These signals have been obtained by analyzing the high statistics sample of photoproduced charm particles of the FOCUS(E831) experiment at Fermilab. We measure the following relative branching ratios: Gamma(D+ --> K-K+K+)/Gamma(D+ --> K-pi+pi+) = (9.49 +/- 2.17(statistical) +/- 0.22(systematic))x10^-4 and Gamma(Ds+ --> K-K+K+)/Gamma(Ds+ --> K-K+pi+) = (8.95 +/- 2.12(statistical) +2.24(syst.) -2.31(syst.))x10^-3.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    A Non-parametric Approach to the D+ to K*0bar mu+ nu Form Factors

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    Using a large sample of D+ -> K- pi+ mu+ nu decays collected by the FOCUS photoproduction experiment at Fermilab, we present the first measurements of the helicity basis form factors free from the assumption of spectroscopic pole dominance. We also present the first information on the form factor that controls the s-wave interference discussed in a previous paper by the FOCUS collaboration. We find reasonable agreement with the usual assumption of spectroscopic pole dominance and measured form factor ratios.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, and 2 tables. We updated the previous version by changing some words, removing one plot, and adding two tables. These changes are mostly stylisti

    Measurements of Ξc+\Xi_c^{+} Branching Ratios

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    Using data collected by the fixed target Fermilab experiment FOCUS, we measure the branching ratios of the Cabibbo favored decays Ξc+Σ+Kπ+\Xi_c^+ \to \Sigma^+K^-\pi^+, Ξc+Σ+Kˉ(892)0\Xi_c^+ \to \Sigma^+ \bar{K}^{*}(892)^0, and Ξc+Λ0Kπ+π+\Xi_c^+ \to \Lambda^0K^-\pi^+\pi^+ relative to Ξc+Ξπ+π+\Xi_c^+ \to \Xi^-\pi^+\pi^+ to be 0.91±0.11±0.040.91\pm0.11\pm0.04, 0.78±0.16±0.060.78\pm0.16\pm0.06, and 0.28±0.06±0.060.28\pm0.06\pm0.06, respectively. We report the first observation of the Cabibbo suppressed decay Ξc+Σ+K+K\Xi_c^+ \to \Sigma^+K^+K^- and we measure the branching ratio relative to Ξc+Σ+Kπ+\Xi_c^+ \to \Sigma^+K^-\pi^+ to be 0.16±0.06±0.010.16\pm0.06\pm0.01. We also set 90% confidence level upper limits for Ξc+Σ+ϕ\Xi_c^+ \to \Sigma^+ \phi and Ξc+Ξ(1690)0(Σ+K)K+\Xi_c^+ \to \Xi^*(1690)^0(\Sigma^+ K^-) K^+ relative to Ξc+Σ+Kπ+\Xi_c^+ \to \Sigma^+K^-\pi^+ to be 0.12 and 0.05, respectively. We find an indication of the decays Ξc+ΩK+π+\Xi_c^+ \to \Omega^-K^{+}\pi^+ and Ξc+Σ(1385)+Kˉ0\Xi_c^+ \to \Sigma^{*}(1385)^+ \bar{K}^0 and set 90% confidence level upper limits for the branching ratios with respect to Ξc+Ξπ+π+\Xi_c^+ \to \Xi^-\pi^+\pi^+ to be 0.12 and 1.72, respectively. Finally, we determine the 90% C.L. upper limit for the resonant contribution Ξc+Ξ(1530)0π+\Xi_c^+ \to \Xi^{*}(1530)^0 \pi^+ relative to Ξc+Ξπ+π+\Xi_c^+ \to \Xi^-\pi^+\pi^+ to be 0.10.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    New Measurements of the D+ to K* mu nu Form Factor Ratios

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    Using a large sample of D+ to K- pi+ mu+ nu decays collected by the FOCUS photoproduction experiment at Fermilab, we present new measurements of two semileptonic form factor ratios: rv and r2. We find rv = 1.504 \pm 0.057 \pm 0.039 and r2 = 0.875 \pm 0.049 \pm 0.064. Our form factor results include the effects of the s-wave interference discussed in a previous paper.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Study of the D^0 \to pi^-pi^+pi^-pi^+ decay

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    Using data from the FOCUS (E831) experiment at Fermilab, we present new measurements for the Cabibbo-suppressed decay mode D0ππ+ππ+D^0 \to \pi^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+. We measure the branching ratio Γ(D0π+ππ+π)/Γ(D0Kπ+ππ+)=0.0914±0.0018±0.0022\Gamma(D^0 \to\pi^+\pi^- \pi^+\pi^-)/\Gamma(D^0 \to K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+) = 0.0914 \pm 0.0018 \pm 0.0022. An amplitude analysis has been performed, a first for this channel, in order to determine the resonant substructure of this decay mode. The dominant component is the decay D0a1(1260)+πD^0 \to a_1(1260)^+ \pi^-, accounting for 60% of the decay rate. The second most dominant contribution comes from the decay D0ρ(770)0ρ(770)0D^0 \to \rho(770)^0\rho(770)^0, with a fraction of 25%. We also study the a1(1260)a_1(1260) line shape and resonant substructure. Using the helicity formalism for the angular distribution of the decay D0ρ(770)0ρ(770)0D^0 \to \rho(770)^0\rho(770)^0, we measure a longitudinal polarization of PL=(71±4±2)P_L = (71 \pm 4\pm 2)%.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures. accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Study of Hadronic Five-Body Decays of Charmed Mesons

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    We study the decay of D+ and Ds+ mesons into charged five body final states, and report the discovery of the decay mode D+ -> K+K-Pi+Pi+Pi-, as well as measurements of the decay modes D+ -> K-Pi+Pi+Pi+Pi-, Ds+ -> K+K-Pi+Pi+Pi-, Ds+ -> PhiPi+Pi+Pi- and D+/Ds+ -> Pi+Pi+Pi+Pi-Pi-. An analysis of the resonant substructure is also included, with evidence suggesting that both decays proceed primarily through an a1 vector resonance.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    A Non-parametric Approach to Measuring the \kpi{} Amplitudes in \dpkkpi{} Decay

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    Using a large sample of \dpkkpi{} decays collected by the FOCUS photoproduction experiment at Fermilab, we present the first non-parametric analysis of the \kpi{} amplitudes in \dpkkpi{} decay. The technique is similar to the technique used for our non-parametric measurements of the \krzmndk{} form factors. Although these results are in rough agreement with those of E687, we observe a wider S-wave contribution for the \ksw{} contribution than the standard, PDG \cite{pdg} Breit-Wigner parameterization. We have some weaker evidence for the existence of a new, D-wave component at low values of the Kπ+K^- \pi^+ mass.Comment: 13 pages 3 figure