13 research outputs found

    People and climate: holocene sediment records of environmental change in Middle Egypt: fieldwork report and initial results

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    The aim of this project is to reveal more about the history of Lake Qarun through a multidisciplinary environmental study. This approach primarily concerns the examination of sediment records, but also includes collection of data from archaeological sites in the Faiyum. The sedimentary history of Lake Qarun will be compared with (i) independent palaeoclimate records for the East African Highlands and the eastern Mediterranean; (ii) local evidence (including Nile alluvial and palaeo-shoreline sequences and Holocene playa deposits); and (iii) the cultural history of the Faiyum. This report describes the fieldwork performed to obtain long sediment cores for palaeolimnological analysis and presents initial results from those cores. Results will be used to construct a Geographical Information System (GIS)

    Potential influence of the chemical composition of water on the stable oxygen isotope composition of continental ostracods

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    Many studies in continental areas have successfully used the oxygen isotope composition of fossil ostracod valves to reconstruct past hydrological conditions associated with large changes in climate. Yet, ostracods are known to crystallise their valves out of isotopic equilibrium for oxygen and they generally have higher 18O contents compared to inorganic calcite grown at equilibrium under the same condi- tions. A review of vital offsets determined for continental ostracods indicates that vital offsets might change from site to site, questioning a potential influence of environmental conditions on oxygen isotope fractionation in ostracods. Results from the literature suggest that pH has no influence on ostracod vital offset. A re-evaluation of results from Li and Liu (J Paleolimnol 43:111-120, 2010) suggests that salin- ity may influence oxygen isotope fractionation in ostracods, with lower vital offsets for higher salinities. Such a relationship was also observed for the vital offsets determined by Chivas et al. (The ostracoda- applications in quaternary research. American Geo- physical Union, Washington, DC, 2002). Yet, when results of all studies are compiled, the correlation between vital offsets and salinity is low while the correlation between vital offsets and host water Mg/Ca is higher, suggesting that ionic composition of water and/or relative abundance of major ions may also control oxygen isotope fractionation in ostracods. Lack of data on host water ionic composition for the different studies precludes more detailed examination at this stage. Further studies such as natural or laboratory cultures done under strictly controlled conditions are needed to better understand the potential influence of varying environmental condi- tions on oxygen isotope compositions of ostracod valves

    Respiratory diseases and Helicobacter pylori infection: Is there a link?

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    Recent studies suggest an epidemiological association between Helicobacter pylori infection and several extragastroduodenal pathologies, including cardiovascular, rheumatic, skin and liver diseases. The observed associations might be explained by a role of H. pylori infection in the pathogenesis of certain extradigestive disorders, as a variety of inflammatory mediators are activated by H. pylori infection. The present review summarizes the current literature, including our own studies, concerning the association between respiratory diseases and H. pylori infection. A small number of epidemiological and serologic case-control studies suggest that patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have an increased seroprevalence of H. pylori. A frequent coexistence of bronchiectasis and H. pylori infection has also been found. Moreover, recent studies have shown an increased prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and in those with lung cancer. On the other hand, bronchial asthma does not seem to be related to H. pylori infection. At present, there is no definite proof of a causal relationship between H. pylori and respiratory diseases. The primary evidence rests on case-control studies, concerning relatively small numbers of patients. Future studies should be large enough for moderate-sized effects to be assessed or registered reliably. The activation of inflammatory mediators by H. pylori infection might be the pathogenetic mechanism underlying the observed associations. Therefore, the role of genetic predisposition of the infected host, the presence of strain-specific virulence factors and the serum concentration of proinflammatory markers in H. pylori-infected patients with respiratory diseases need further eva luation. Copyright © 2006 S. Karger AG