280 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare certain anthropometric and motor features of visually impaired students who play sports and those who do not play sports in schools for the visually impaired in Turkey. It is thought that the sport has an important place in the rehabilitation of disabled people and also has an effect on their physical characteristics. Material and Methods: In this context, 98 visually impaired students who played sports regularly (72 male, 26 female) and 189 visually impaired students who did not play sports regularly (110 male, 79 female) participated in our study. In the study, participants’ gender, age, height, body weight, body mass index, girth, and motor features such as flamingo balance test, flexibility, standing long jump, sit-up, bent arm hang, 10 x 5m shuttlerun, grip strength, vertical jump, abdominal strength, back strength, hip flexion strength, hip extension strength, leg flexion strength, leg extension strength, arm strength and arm extension strength were measured. During the strength measurements, Lovett’s Manual Muscle Strength Test was utilised. Results: In the study, significant differences were found between visually impaired students who played sports and those who did not play sports in terms of age, height, grip strength, vertical jump, balance test, flexibility, long jump, sit-up, bent arm hang, 10 x 5m shuttle run, abdominal strength, back strength, hip flexion strength, hip extension strength, leg flexion strength, leg extension strength, arm flexion strength and arm extension strength (p0.05). Conclusion: Examination of the test results of the study reveals that visually impaired students who played sports had higher performance levels than those of students who did not play sports. It is recommended that visually impaired students, as well as being given physical education lessons, should take part in more mobility games and sporting activities, or that more mobility games and sporting activities should be included in course curricula. Article visualizations

    Some machining properties of 4 wood species grown in Turkey

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    Kurtoğlu, Ahmet (Dogus Author)Determining wood machining properties and defining convenient usage areas for native wood species is important for evaluating surface quality. Wood machining is a performance criterion indicated after planing, shaping, turning, mortising, boring, and sanding. This study selected 2 softwood species (European black pine and cedar of Lebanon) as well as 2 hardwood species (sessile oak and black poplar), which are commonly used and grown in Turkey. Preparation of samples and machining were carried out according to the 2004 ASTM D 1666 standards for determining machining properties. Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) had an excellent performance in all machining processes. Black poplar (Populus nigra L.) yielded the lowest results for the sanding test. A perfect surface quality was obtained with a feed rate of 8.6 m/min for hardwoods at a 25° cutting angle in planing, and at a 15° angle for softwoods

    Comparación de las características físicas y motrices de personas con discapacidad visual totalmente baja visión

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the physical and motor characteristics of individuals with total visual impairment (TVI) and individuals with low vision (LVI). 250 participants (136 participants=TVI, 114 participants=LVI) bettween the age 10-19 participated in the study. Participants’ anthropometric features (age, height, weight, and BMI), balance, sitting reach, standing long jump, shuttle run, vertical jump, shuttle, hanging with bent arm, and handgrip strength were measured. Dr. Lovett's manual muscle strength measurement (MMSM) was used to determine the strength parameters. The strength of arm flexion strenght (FS), arm extension strenght (ES), leg FS, leg ES, hip FS, hip ES,  back and abdominal strenght were measured. For statistical analysis the SPSS 25 was used. Therefore, Independent Sample T Test was used to determine the difference between the two groups. As a result of the statistical analyzes, a significant difference was found between TVI and LVI in balance, sit and reach, standing long jump, shuttle run, vertical jump, shuttle, handgrip strength, abdominal strength, back strength, hip FS, arm FS, and arm ES (p<0.05). LVI's motoric properties were better than TVI. There was no difference between groups in bent arm hanging (BAH), hip ES, leg FS and leg ES (p>0.05). As a result of the study, it was found that the degree of vision significantly affects physical and motor development. TVI develop slower than LVI in terms of physical and motor characteristics. This study was conducted to reveal the difference in motor characteristics between TVI and LVI. According to the results of this study; In order to prevent insufficient physical and motor development in TVI individuals in developmental age, it is recommended to be supported with sportive activities. The development of TVI individuals should be followed from early childhood and appropriate strategies should be developed.El propósito de este estudio es comparar las características físicas y motoras de personas con discapacidad visual total (TVI) y personas con baja visión (LVI). 250 participantes (136 participantes=TVI, 114 participantes=LVI) entre 10-19 años participaron en el estudio. Se midieron las características antropométricas de los participantes (edad, altura, peso e IMC), el equilibrio, el alcance sentado, el salto de longitud de pie, la carrera de lanzadera, el salto vertical, la lanzadera, colgarse con el brazo doblado y la fuerza de agarre. Se utilizó la medición manual de la fuerza muscular (MMSM) del Dr. Lovett para determinar los parámetros de fuerza. Se midió la fuerza de flexión de brazo (FS), fuerza de extensión de brazo (ES), FS de pierna, ES de pierna, FS de cadera, ES de cadera, espalda y fuerza abdominal. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el SPSS 25. Por lo tanto, se utilizó la prueba T de muestra independiente para determinar la diferencia entre los dos grupos. Como resultado de los análisis estadísticos, se encontró una diferencia significativa entre TVI y LVI en equilibrio, sentarse y alcanzar, salto de longitud de pie, carrera lanzadera, salto vertical, lanzadera, fuerza de prensión manual, fuerza abdominal, fuerza de espalda, cadera FS, brazo FS y brazo ES (p<0,05). Las propiedades motoras de LVI fueron mejores que las de TVI. No hubo diferencia entre los grupos en brazo doblado colgando (BAH), cadera ES, pierna FS y pierna ES (p>0,05). Como resultado del estudio se encontró que el grado de visión afecta significativamente el desarrollo físico y motor. TVI se desarrolla más lentamente que LVI en términos de características físicas y motoras. Este estudio se realizó para revelar la diferencia en las características motoras entre TVI y LVI. Según los resultados de este estudio; Para prevenir un desarrollo físico y motor insuficiente en individuos TVI en edad de desarrollo, se recomienda apoyarlos con actividades deportivas. El desarrollo de los individuos TVI debe seguirse desde la primera infancia y deben desarrollarse estrategias apropiadas

    Eskitme teknikleri ve ahşap yüzeylerdeki etkilerinin değerlendirilmesine yönelik örnek bir uygulama

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    Kurtoğlu, Ahmet (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: II.Ulusal Mobilya Kongresi 11-13 Nisan 2013 DenizliEstetik ve görsel değerler günlük yaşamda olduğu kadar endüstriyel yaşamda da her zaman önemli bir yer bulmuştur. Özellikle ürün veya malzeme görünümde farklılıklar yaratmaya yönelik endüstriyel araç ve uygulamalar geliştikçe talep daha da tetiklenmiş ve görsel beklentiler hızla artmıştır. Ahşap esaslı ürün ve malzemelerde de bu beklentiler her zaman özel bir önem taşımıştır. Zira 5.000’in üzerinde kullanım yeri olan ahşabın en önemli kullanım amaçlarından biri estetik ortamlar yaratmaktır. Bugün ahşap yüzeylerden farklı dekoratif görüntüler yaratılmasına duyulan ihtiyaç artarken endüstriyel uygulama alanlarında da önemli gelişmeler görülmektedir. Ahşap üzerinde değişik dekoratif görüntülerin yaratılması amacıyla kullanılan tekniklerden bir grubu da eskitme tekniği olarak bilinen tekniklerdir. Bu çalışmada eskitme tekniklerinden kumlama tekniği kullanılmıştır. Kumlama tekniğinde; ağaç malzemenin yapısı göz önüne alınarak, farklı boyutlardaki kum tanecikleri, 4-6 bar atmosfer basınç ile ince uçlu bir tabancadan ahşap yüzeyine püskürtülerek yumuşak dokuların aşındırılması sağlanır. Son zamanlarda kumlama tekniğinde kullanılmak üzere kum yerine metal ve cam kürelerde kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Kum yerine kullanılmaya başlanan metal ve cam küreler ahşap yüzeyinde farklı görünüşler elde edilmesini neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada belirlenen bir ağaç türü (göknar) örneği, kumlama tekniği uygulanmadan önce ve kumlama uygulaması sonrası yüzey özelikleri açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Ortaya çıkan yüzey yapısı ve farklılıkları üç boyutlu olarak görsel modellerle incelenmiştir.Aesthetic and visual values, as well as in daily life always had an important place in the industrial life. In particular product or material differences in appearance of industrial tools and applications developed to create even more demand increased rapidly induced and visual expectations. Wood-based products and materials were of particular importance in this expectation is always special. Because of over 5,000 which are the most important use of wood, one of the goals is to create an aesthetic environment. Today, different decorative wooden surfaces, while the need for the creation of images shows significant improvements in the areas of industrial application. Wood is a group of techniques used in order to create images of various decorative technique known as the aging techniques. Aging techniques, blasting technique was used in this study. Blasting technique, taking into account the tree structure of different sizes of sand particles, atmospheric pressure 4-6 bar with a fine grinding of soft tissues is achieved by spraying the surface of the wooden end of a gun. Sand blasting technique to be used recently begun to be used instead of metal and glass spheres. Sand began to be used in place of wood on the surface of metal and glass spheres leads to obtain different views. In this study, an example of the type of a tree, sand blasting technique, the surface properties were evaluated before and after the application of blasting. The differences in the surface structure and three dimensional models were examined visually

    Modelling Marshall Design Test Results of Polypropylene Modified Asphalt by Genetic Programming Techniques

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    Determining Marshall design test results is time consuming. If the researchers can obtain stability and flow values by mechanical testing, rest of the calculations will just be mathematical manipulations. Marshall stability and flow tests were carried out on specimens fabricated with dierent type of polypropylene fibers. It has been shown that addition of polypropylene fibers improved Marshall stabilities and Marshall quotient values in a considerable manner. Input variables in the developed genetic programming model use the physical properties of standard Marshall specimens such as polypropylene type, polypropylene percentage, bitumen percentage, specimen height, calculated unit weight, voids in mineral aggregate, voids filled with asphalt and air voids. Performance of the genetic programming model is quite satisfactory. Besides, to obtain main eects plot, a wide range of parametric studies have been performed.The presented closed form solution will also help further researchers willing to perform similar studies, without carrying out destructive tests

    The Weight and Height Percentiles in 6−18 Year Old Children in Kayseri and Comparison with Istanbul Data

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    Background: One of the mostly used and preferred method in following the growth of children is to plot weight and height values of the children on standard percentile charts. It is essential for each country to use its own populations’ updated percentile curves. However, data on the growth of children living in different regions are also needed for comparison with the national standards

    Utjecaj uvjeta obrade na hrapavost površine pri blanjanju i brušenju masivnog drva

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    It is important to evaluate the effect of machining and wood machining properties on surface quality to determine and upgrade the data on wood machining properties and to defi ne convenient usage areas for some native wood species of Turkey. European black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) and cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani A. Rich) are two softwood species and sessile oak (Quercus petraea Lieble) and black poplar (Populus nigra L.) are two hardwood species commonly used and grown in Turkey. These trees species were selected as experimental material for the study. Roughness measurements are significant in the determination of wood surface quality for use as a final product. This study evaluated roughness measurements after planing and sanding operations, and found that the highest value for average roughness (Ra) was observed as 6.780 μm. in sessile oak, followed by black poplar at 6.338 μm, cedar of Lebanon at 4.836 μm, and black pine at 4.740 μm. The average roughness values for wood in directions perpendicular to the grain and along the grain from highest to lowest were sessile oak, black poplar, black pine, and cedar of Lebanon.Istraživanje utjecaja mehaničke obrade i svojstava drva na kvalitetu obrađene površine važno je kako bi se dopunili podaci o svojstvima drva pri mehaničkoj obradi i defi nirala prikladna područja upotrebe nekih domaćih vrsta drva u Turskoj. Europski crni bor (Pinus nigra Arnold) i libanonski cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich) dvije su meke vrste drva, a hrast kitnjak (Quercus petraea Lieble) i crna topola (Populus nigra L.) dvije su tvrde vrste drva koje se često upotrebljavaju i uzgajaju u Turskoj. Te su četiri vrste drva odabrane za istraživanje hrapavosti pri mehaničkoj obradi. Mjerenje hrapavosti važno je za određivanje kvalitete površine drva gotovog proizvoda. U ovom se istraživanju ocjenjuje izmjerena hrapavost drva nakon njegova blanjanja i brušenja. Utvrđeno je da je najveća izmjerena vrijednost prosječne hrapavosti (Ra) iznosila 6,780 μm na uzorcima drva hrasta kitnjaka te 6,338 μm na uzorcima drva crne topole, dok je na uzorcima drva libanonskog cedra izmjerena hrapavost od 4,836 μm, a na uzorcima crnog bora 4,740 μm. Izmjerene su vrijednosti prosječne hrapavosti drva u smjeru okomito na vlakanca i uzduž vlakanaca, od najviše do najniže, na uzorcima hrasta kitnjaka, crne topole, crnog bora i libanonskog cedra

    Ağaç işleri ve mobilya endüstrisinde çevresel değerlendirmeler

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    Kurtoğlu, Ahmet (Dogus Author)Günümüzde mobilya üretiminde kullanılan malzemenin, uygun seçimi ve en az fire ile değerlendirilmesi yanında, çevresel etkiler büyük öneme sahip olup, çevresel koşullar gitgide daha olumsuz hal almaktadır. Çevresel etkiler çok çeşitli olup ve değerlendirmeleri güçtür. Bu çalışmada, ağaç işleri ve mobilya endüstrisinde kullanılan malzemelerin, mobilyanın üretiminde, yaşam sürecinde ve kullanım ömrü sonunda çevreye verebileceği olumlu veya olumsuz etkiler değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca olumsuz etkileri önleme çareleri üzerinde durulmuştur

    Mobilya ve ağaç işlerinde kullanılan ahşap malzemeler 2 : (Kapı ve pencere yapımında ağaç malzemenin kullanılması)

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    Kurtoğlu, Ahmet (Dogus Author)Bilindiği gibi bina bölümlerinin dış çevre ile ışık ve hava ilişkisini sağlayan bina duvarlarına bırakılan boşluklara yerleştirilen yapı bileşenlerine pencereler, konut ve benzeri yapılara giriş-çıkışı düzenlemek üzere kanat ve kasadan oluşan yapı bileşenlerine ise kapılar denilmektedir

    The Levels of Depression and Anxiety Among Undergraduatestudents At Firat University Faculty of Medicine

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    DergiPark: 379031tmsjAims: The purpose of this study is to measure and assess the depression and anxiety levels among the students at Fırat University Faculty of Medicine. Methods: This questionnaire study was performed on the students at Fırat University Faculty of Medicine between December 2014 and May 2015. It was carried out on a number of 299 undergraduate students under supervision. In this study, Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used. In statistical analyses, chi-square and independent t tests were applied for categorical and continuous data, respectively, with p lt; 0.05 being considered as significant. Results: Among those who were enrolled in the study, 25.5% were at the 1 graders, 12.4% were at the 2graders, 16.4% were at the 3rd graders, 18.1% were at the 4th graders, 18.1% were at the 5th graders and 9.4% were at the 6th graders. 6th graders showed significantly lower mean scores for Beck depression inventory as compared to 1st and 5th graders (p=0.007 and p=0.015, respectively). 1st graders had significantly the highest mean score of Beck anxiety among others (p=0.016, p=0.001, p lt;0.001, p=0.031 and p lt;0.001 respectively). 81.6% of undergraduate students reported to have been studying at the faculty of medicine by voluntarily. This ratio was 85% for female, and 77.7% for male subjects with no significant difference between the groups (p=0.104). 54.4% of female and 41.7% of male subjects were living with their family (p=0.026). Among all the undergraduate students enrolled in this study, 11.4% failed the class at least once during their academic calendar. However, this ratio was significantly less among female subjects (6.2% vs. 17.3%, p=0.003). Conclusion: No significant difference was found between those with and without failure at class, those coming up voluntarily and involuntarily, and those living with and without their parents in terms of Beck A and D score