8 research outputs found

    Combination of Music and Guided Imagery on Relaxation Therapy to Relief Pain Scale of Post-Operative Patients

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    Aim: This literature review aims to explain the effectiveness of combination relaxation therapies with music and imagery technique to reduce the quality and quantity of pain experienced by post-operative patients. Methods: The research data were identified from 5 journal databases including PubMed, JSTOR, Willey Online Library, Sage Journal and Taylor Francis Online by using the PIOS (Participant, Intervention, Outcomes and Study Design) method and MesH term on advanced search engines. Additional records identified through Google Scholar and Research Gate. The articles that become research data are articles published in 1998–2018 in English version, open access and full-text in the form of original research articles. Results: Eight articles that were screened using PRISMA reviewed without meta-analysis consisted of four articles intervening in a combination of relaxation with music and four articles combining with imagery. Conclusion: The combination of relaxation techniques with music, as well as a combination of relaxation techniques with effective imagery are used to reduce pain. Based on the analysis of the results in several studies, it can be found that patient education about relaxation therapy should be given to all surgical patients to help improve patient’s comfort and enhance tissue healing.

    Habitat Suitability Modeling of Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus) in the Forest Cluster of Gunung Halimun Salak

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    Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is one of the endemic wildlife on Java Island. This species owns particular characteristics, including arboreal, solitary, and nocturnal natures. The species is threatened due to habitat loss and illegal trafficking.  Nevertheless, their current geographic distribution remains unclear and environmental factors impact on these species is mostly unknown.  This study aims to predict the habitat suitability of javan slow loris in the Conservation Management Forest Unit area of Mount Halimun Salak Forest Group. The study employs a species distribution modeling approach using Maximum Entropy. The presence data of javan slow loris was collected from the radio-telemetry devices used in post-release monitoring. The modeling utilizes elevations, distance from the settlements, slopes, and land covered as its environment variables. The result shows that 52% of the study areas, or 54,669 ha are suitable as the habitat of N. javanicus. Since as the largest protected area on Java Island, Gunung Halimun Salak National Park is one of the natural habitats that are pivotal for this species. This study provides essential documentation for developing management strategies within protected areas. Hence, the result of the study could serve as one of the factors in the determination of animal release location in the future. &nbsp

    Porosity governs normal stresses in polymer gels

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    When sheared, most elastic solids such as metals, rubbers and polymer hydrogels dilate in the direction perpendicular to the shear plane. This well-known behaviour known as the Poynting effect is characterized by a positive normal stress [1]. Surprisingly, biopolymer gels made of fibrous proteins such as fibrin and collagen and many tissues exhibit the opposite effect, contracting under shear and displaying a negative normal stress [2, 3]. Here we show that this anomalous behaviour originates from the open network structure of biopolymer gels, which facilitates interstitial fluid flow during shear. Using fibrin networks with a controllable pore size as a model system, we show that the normal stress response to an applied shear is positive at short times, but decreases to negative values with a characteristic time scale set by pore size. Using a two-fluid model, we develop a quantitative theory that unifies the opposite behaviours encountered in synthetic and biopolymer gels. Synthetic polymer gels are impermeable to solvent flow and thus effectively incompressible at typical experimental time scales, whereas biopolymer gels are effectively compressible. Our findings suggest a new route to tailor elastic instabilities such as the die swell effect that often hamper processing of polymer materials and furthermore show that poroelastic effects play a much more important role in the mechanical properties of cells and tissues than previously anticipated


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    Perum Bulog merupakan lembaga ketahanan pangan yang menangani masalah pangan terutama beras. Pelayanan Perum Bulog terutama Perum Bulog Divre Jateng dibidang program raskin dinilai buruk seperti kualitas buruknya raskin yang dikeluhkan di Semarang seperti raskin bau dan hitam (Jawa Pos 01/09/2009 hal:2). Masalah tersebut mendasari untuk melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan mengetahui gambaran tentang persepsi masyarakat terhadap Perum Bulog terutama Perum Bulog Divre Jateng mengenai pelayanan program raskin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yaitu penelitian yang menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan tentang karakteristik (ciri-ciri) individu. Dapat meneliti pada hanya satu variabel (Ruslan, 2003:12). Alat pengumpul data pada penelitian disini adalah menggunakan kuesioner. Responden yang dipilih adalah masyarakat di Kelurahan Karang Kidul Semarang dengan tehnik purposive sampling, yaitu peneliti melakukan pengumpulan data responden yang sudah dipilih atau didata dari pemerintahan dengan syarat-syarat sebagai penerima raskin. Persepsi masyarakat terhadap Perum Bulog secara keseluruhan dinilai baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan banyaknya masyarakat yang setuju dari segi reliability (kehandalan) yakni kemampuan Perum Bulog dalam memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan terutama pelayanan dalam program raskin sehingga bisa diandalakan oleh masyarakat, empathy (empati) yakni memahami harapan masyarakat dalam pelayanan program raskin sehingga masyarakat mudah untuk mengakses raskin, dan tangible (kasat mata) yakni kemampuan Bulog dalam menjaga kualitas raskin agar tetap terpelihara, terawat, dan terjaga kebersihannya sehingga masyarakat akan merasa puas dalam mengonsumsi raskin. Sedangkan pelayanan pada segi responsiveness (daya tanggap) yakni kemampuan Bulog dalam memberikan tanggapan atas berbagai keluhan dari masyarakat dan assurance (jaminan) yakni kemampuan Bulog dalam memberikan jaminan atas kualitas raskin seperti tepat harga, tepat jumlah dan tepat waktu dinilai biasa saja. Dari hasil penelitian ini masyarakat menilai puas terhadap pelayanan program raskin yang dilakukan oleh Perum Bulog Divre Jateng. Sehingga pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh Perum Bulog Divre Jateng telah memenuhi harapan atau keinginan masyarakat

    33 Supplément | 2021

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