70 research outputs found

    Fossil group origins: VIII RXJ075243.6+455653 a transitionary fossil group

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    It is thought that fossil systems are relics of structure formation in the primitive Universe. They are galaxy aggregations that have assembled their mass at high redshift with few or no subsequent accretion. Observationally these systems are selected by large magnitude gaps between their 1st and 2nd ranked galaxies. Nevertheless, there is still debate over whether or not this observational criterium selects dynamically evolved ancient systems. We have studied the properties of the nearby fossil group RXJ075243.6+455653 in order to understand the mass assembly of this system. Deep spectroscopic observations allow us to construct the galaxy luminosity function (LF) of RXJ075243.6+455653 down to M*+ 6. The analysis of the faint-end of the LF in groups and clusters provides valuable information about the mass assembly of the system. In addition, we have analyzed the nearby large-scale structure around this group. We identified 26 group members within r200=0.9 Mpc. The LF of the group shows a flat faint-end slope ( -1.08 +/- 0.33). This low density of dwarf galaxies is confirmed by the low value of the dwarf-to-giant ratio (DGR = 0.99 +/- 0.49) for this system. Both the lack of dwarf galaxies and the low luminosity of the BGG suggests that RXJ075243.6+455653 still has to accrete mass from its nearby environment. This mass accretion will be achieved because it is the dominant structure of a rich environment formed by several groups of galaxies (15) within 7 Mpc from the group center and with +/- 1000$ km/s. RXJ075243.6+455653 is a group of galaxies that has not yet completed the process of its mass assembly. This new mass accretion will change the fossil state of the group. This group is an example of a galaxy aggregation selected by a large magnitude gap but still in the process of the accretion of its mass (Abridged).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    Fossil group origins - VI. Global X-ray scaling relations of fossil galaxy clusters

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    We present the first pointed X-ray observations of 10 candidate fossil galaxy groups and clusters. With these Suzaku observations, we determine global temperatures and bolometric X-ray luminosities of the intracluster medium (ICM) out to r500r_{500} for six systems in our sample. The remaining four systems show signs of significant contamination from non-ICM sources. For the six objects with successfully determined r500r_{500} properties, we measure global temperatures in the range 2.8≀TX≀5.3 keV2.8 \leq T_{\mathrm{X}} \leq 5.3 \ \mathrm{keV}, bolometric X-ray luminosities of 0.8×1044 ≀LX,bol≀7.7×1044 erg s−10.8 \times 10^{44} \ \leq L_{\mathrm{X,bol}} \leq 7.7\times 10^{44} \ \mathrm{erg} \ \mathrm{s}^{-1}, and estimate masses, as derived from TXT_{\mathrm{X}}, of M500>1014 M⊙M_{500} > 10^{14} \ \mathrm{M}_{\odot}. Fossil cluster scaling relations are constructed for a sample that combines our Suzaku observed fossils with fossils in the literature. Using measurements of global X-ray luminosity, temperature, optical luminosity, and velocity dispersion, scaling relations for the fossil sample are then compared with a control sample of non-fossil systems. We find the fits of our fossil cluster scaling relations are consistent with the relations for normal groups and clusters, indicating fossil clusters have global ICM X-ray properties similar to those of comparable mass non-fossil systems.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Fossil group origins V. The dependence of the luminosity function on the magnitude gap

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    In nature we observe galaxy aggregations that span a wide range of magnitude gaps between the two first-ranked galaxies of a system (Δm12\Delta m_{12}). There are systems with gaps close to zero (e.g., the Coma cluster), and at the other extreme of the distribution, the largest gaps are found among the so-called fossil systems. Fossil and non-fossil systems could have different galaxy populations that should be reflected in their luminosity functions. In this work we study, for the first time, the dependence of the luminosity function parameters on Δm12\Delta m_{12} using data obtained by the fossil group origins (FOGO) project. We constructed a hybrid luminosity function for 102 groups and clusters at z≀0.25z \le 0.25. We stacked all the individual luminosity functions, dividing them into bins of Δm12\Delta m_{12}, and studied their best-fit Schechter parameters. We additionally computed a relative luminosity function, expressed as a function of the central galaxy luminosity, which boosts our capacity to detect differences, especially at the bright end. We find trends as a function of Δm12\Delta m_{12} at both the bright and faint ends of the luminosity function. In particular, at the bright end, the larger the magnitude gap, the fainter the characteristic magnitude M∗M^\ast. We also find differences at the faint end. In this region, the larger the gap, the flatter the faint-end slope α\alpha. The differences found at the bright end support a dissipationless, dynamical friction-driven merging model for the growth of the central galaxy in group- and cluster-sized halos. The differences in the faint end cannot be explained by this mechanism. Other processes, such as enhanced tidal disruption due to early infall and/or prevalence of eccentric orbits, may play a role. However, a larger sample of systems with Δm12>1.5\Delta m_{12} > 1.5 is needed to establish the differences at the faint end.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Fossil group origins : VII. Galaxy substructures in fossil systems

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    This work has been partially funded by the MINECO (grant AIA2013-43188-P). M.G. acknowledges financial support from MIUR PRIN2010-2011 (J91J12000450001). Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and SDSS-II has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, and the Max Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England.Context. Fossil groups (FG) are expected to be the final product of galaxy merging within galaxy groups. In simulations, they are predicted to assemble their mass at high redshift. This early formation allows for the innermost M galaxies to merge into a massive central galaxy. Then, they are expected to maintain their fossil status because of the few interactions with the large-scale structure. In this context, the magnitude gap between the two brightest galaxies of the system is considered a good indicator of its dynamical status. As a consequence, the systems with the largest gaps should be dynamically relaxed. Aims. In order to examine the dynamical status of these systems, we systematically analyze, for the first time, the presence of galaxy substructures in a sample of 12 spectroscopically-confirmed fossil systems with redshift z 0:25. Methods. We apply a number of tests to investigate the substructure in fossil systems in the two-dimensional space of projected positions out to R200. Moreover, for a subsample of five systems with at least 30 spectroscopically-confirmed members we also analyze the substructure in the velocity and in the three-dimensional velocity-position spaces. Additionally, we look for signs of recent mergers in the regions around the central galaxies. Results. We find that an important fraction of fossil systems show substructure. The fraction depends critically on the adopted test, since each test is more sensitive to a particular type of substructure. Conclusions. Our interpretation of the results is that fossil systems are not, in general, as relaxed as expected from simulations. Our sample of 12 spectroscopically-confirmed fossil systems need to be extended to compute an accurate fraction, but our conclusion is that this fraction is similar to the fraction of substructure detected in nonfossil clusters. This result points out that the magnitude gap alone is not a good indicator of the dynamical status of a system. However, the subsample of five FGs for which we were able to use velocities as a probe for substructures is dominated by high-mass FGs. These massive systems could have a different evolution compared to low-mass FGs, since they are expected to form via the merging of a fossil group with another group of galaxies. This merger would lengthen the relaxation time and it could be responsible for the substructure detected in present-time massive FGs. If this is the case, only low-mass FGs are expected to be dynamically old and relaxed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Custom Integrated Circuits

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    Contains reports on nine research projects.Analog Devices, Inc.International Business Machines, Inc.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAALO03-86-K-0002)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Grant AFOSR 86-0164)Rockwell International CorporationOKI SemiconductorU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-81-K-0742)Charles Stark Draper LaboratoryDARPA/U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-80-C-0622)DARPA/U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-87-K-0825)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS-83-10941)AT&T Bell Laboratorie

    Modeling RF Circuits for Systems Analysis

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    This paper describes a new behavioral model for analog RF circuits.The new model approximates non-linear filtering effects for base-band (i.e. suppressed carrier) end-to-end systems analysis. The new model, the K-model, is a linear MIMO (multi-input-multi-output) model with output radius corrected by a non-linear SISO (single-input-single output) model. The SISO model uses a multi-tanh structure to synthesize a non-linear filter. The multi-tanh structure simulates non-linear behavior by gently switching between transfer functions as the base-band input varies. For excursions well into the steady state non-linear region of operation the K-model simulates large-signal base-band transients to within about 10% of those simulated with detailed unsuppressed-carrier models. 1. Introduction All wireless receivers have analog circuitry between the antenna and DSP algorithms. The analog front end can introduce linear and non-linear distortion. Matched filters, encoders, and equalizers hopefull..
