22 research outputs found

    Appearance of renal hemorrhage in adult mice after inoculation of patient-derived hantavirus

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    Background: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) caused by hantavirus infection is characterized by fever, renal dysfunction and hemorrhage. An animal model mimicking symptoms of HFRS remains to be established. In this study, we evaluated the pathogenicity of an HFRS patient-derived Hantaan virus (HTNV) in adult mice. Methods: Five clones of HTNV strain KHF 83-61 BL (KHFV) that was derived from blood of an HFRS patient were obtained by plaque cloning. The pathogenicity of the virus clones was evaluated by using 6-week-old female BALB/c mice. Sequence analysis of the viral genome was performed by conventional methods. Results: All of the mice intravenously inoculated with KHFV clone (cl)-1, -2, -3 and -5 showed signs of disease such as transient body weight loss, ruffled fur, reduced activity and remarkably prominent hemorrhage in the renal medulla at 6 to 9 days post-inoculation (dpi) and then recovered. In contrast, mice intravenously inoculated with KHFV cl-4 did not show any signs of disease. We selected KHFV cl-5 and cl-4 as representative of high-pathogenic and low-pathogenic clones, respectively. Quantities of viral RNA in kidneys of KHFV cl-5-infected mice were larger than those in KHFV cl-4-infected mice at any time point examined (3, 6, 9 and 12 dpi). The quantities of viral RNA of KHFV cl-5 and cl-4 peaked at 3 dpi, which was before the onset of disease. Sequence analysis revealed that the amino acid at position 417 in the glycoprotein Gn was the sole difference in viral proteins between KHFV cl-5 and cl-4. The result suggests that amino acid at position 417 in Gn is related to the difference in pathogenicity between KHFV cl-5 and cl-4. When the inoculum of KHFV cl-5 was pretreated with a neutralizing antibody against HTNV strain 76-118, which belongs to the same serotype as KHFV clones, mice did not show any signs of disease, confirming that the disease was caused by KHFV infection. Conclusion: We found that an HFRS patient-derived HTNV caused renal hemorrhage in adult mice. We anticipate that this infection model will be a valuable tool for understanding the pathogenesis of HFRS

    未来の保育者としての総合的人間力を高める表現教育の開発 平成29(2017)~令和元(2019)年度和洋女子大学教育振興支援助成報告

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    Role of nucleocapsid protein of hantaviruses in intracellular traffic of viral glycoproteins

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    To understand the role of nucleocapsid protein (NP) of hantaviruses in viral assembly, the effect of NP on intracellular traffic of viral glycoproteins Gn and Gc was investigated. Double staining of viral and host proteins in Hantaan virus (HTNV)-infected Vero E6 cells showed that Gn and Gc were localized to cis-Golgi, in which virus particles are thought to be formed. When HTNV Gn and Gc were expressed by a plasmid encoding glycoprotein precursor (GPC), which is posttranslationaly cleaved into Gn and Gc, Gn was localized to cis-Golgi, whereas Gc showed diffuse distribution in the cytoplasm in 32.9% of Gc-positive cells. The ratio of the diffused Gc-positive cells was significantly decreased to 15.0% by co-expression of HTNV NP. Co-expression of HTNV GPC with NPs of other hantaviruses, such as Seoul virus, Puumala virus and Sin Nombre virus, also reduced the ratios of diffused Gc-positive cells to 13.5%, 25.2%, and 11.6%, respectively. Among amino- and carboxyl-terminally truncated HTNV NPs, NP75-429, NP116-429, NP1-333, NP1-233, and NP1-155 possessed activity to reduce the ratio of diffused Gc-positive cells, while NP155-429 and NP1-116 did not. NP30-429 has partial activity. These results indicate that amino acid region 116-155 of NP is important for the activity, although amino acid region 1-30 is partially related. Truncation of the HTNV Gc cytoplasmic tail caused an increase in diffused Gc-positive cells. In addition, the effect of coexpression of HTNV NP was weakened. These results suggest that HTNV NP has a role to promote Golgi localization of Gc through a mechanism possibly mediated by the Gc cytoplasmic tail

    Appearance of renal hemorrhage in adult mice after inoculation of patient-derived hantavirus

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    Background: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) caused by hantavirus infection is characterized by fever, renal dysfunction and hemorrhage. An animal model mimicking symptoms of HFRS remains to be established. In this study, we evaluated the pathogenicity of an HFRS patient-derived Hantaan virus (HTNV) in adult mice. Methods: Five clones of HTNV strain KHF 83-61 BL (KHFV) that was derived from blood of an HFRS patient were obtained by plaque cloning. The pathogenicity of the virus clones was evaluated by using 6-week-old female BALB/c mice. Sequence analysis of the viral genome was performed by conventional methods. Results: All of the mice intravenously inoculated with KHFV clone (cl)-1, -2, -3 and -5 showed signs of disease such as transient body weight loss, ruffled fur, reduced activity and remarkably prominent hemorrhage in the renal medulla at 6 to 9 days post-inoculation (dpi) and then recovered. In contrast, mice intravenously inoculated with KHFV cl-4 did not show any signs of disease. We selected KHFV cl-5 and cl-4 as representative of high-pathogenic and low-pathogenic clones, respectively. Quantities of viral RNA in kidneys of KHFV cl-5-infected mice were larger than those in KHFV cl-4-infected mice at any time point examined (3, 6, 9 and 12 dpi). The quantities of viral RNA of KHFV cl-5 and cl-4 peaked at 3 dpi, which was before the onset of disease. Sequence analysis revealed that the amino acid at position 417 in the glycoprotein Gn was the sole difference in viral proteins between KHFV cl-5 and cl-4. The result suggests that amino acid at position 417 in Gn is related to the difference in pathogenicity between KHFV cl-5 and cl-4. When the inoculum of KHFV cl-5 was pretreated with a neutralizing antibody against HTNV strain 76-118, which belongs to the same serotype as KHFV clones, mice did not show any signs of disease, confirming that the disease was caused by KHFV infection. Conclusion: We found that an HFRS patient-derived HTNV caused renal hemorrhage in adult mice. We anticipate that this infection model will be a valuable tool for understanding the pathogenesis of HFRS

    Development of an immunochromatography strip test based on truncated nucleocapsid antigens of three representative hantaviruses

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    Background: Hantaviruses are causative agents of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and nephropathia epidemica (NE) in the Old World and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the New World. There is a need for time-saving diagnostic methods. In the present study, recombinant N antigens were used as antigens in an immunochromatography strip (ICG) test to detect specific IgG antibodies. Methods: The N-terminal 103 amino acids (aa) of Hantaan virus (HTNV), Puumala virus (PUUV) and Andes virus (ANDV) nucleocapsid (N) protein were expressed in E. coli as representative antigens of three groups (HFRS, NE and HPS-causing viruses) of hantavirus. Five different types of ICG test strips, one antigen line on one strip for each of the three selected hantaviruses (HTNV, PUUV and ANDV), three antigen lines on one strip and a mixed antigen line on one strip, were developed and sensitivities were compared. Results: A total of 87 convalescent-phase patient sera, including sera from 35 HFRS patients, 36 NE patients and 16 HPS patients, and 25 sera from healthy seronegative people as negative controls were used to evaluate the ICG test. Sensitivities of the three-line strip and mixed-line strip were similar to those of the single antigen strip (97.2 to 100%). On the other hand, all of the ICG test strips showed high specificities to healthy donors. Conclusion: These results indicated that the ICG test with the three representative antigens is an effective serodiagnostic tool for screening and typing of hantavirus infection in humans