903 research outputs found

    Accommodation responds to changing contrast of long, middle and short spectral-waveband components of the retinal image

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    AbstractWe simulated the effects of longitudinal (axial) chromatic aberration and defocus on contrast of the long-, middle- and short-wavelength components of the retinal image to determine whether the effects of chromatic aberration are sufficient to drive accommodation. Accommodation was monitored continuously while subjects (12) viewed a 3 c/deg white sine-wave grating (0.92 contrast) in a Badal stimulus system. The contrasts (amplitudes) of the red, green and blue components of the white grating changed independently to simulate a grating oscillating from 1 D behind the retina to 1 D in front of the retina at 0.2 Hz. Subjects responded strongly to the chromatic simulation but poorly to a luminance control. The results support the hypothesis that focus is specified by the contrast of spectral-wavebands of the retinal image, and that conventional color mechanisms, monitoring chromatic contrast at luminance borders (1–8 c/deg), mediate the signals that specify dioptric vergence

    Leopard density and determinants of space use in a farming landscape in South Africa

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    Protected areas are traditionally the foundation of conservation strategy, but land not formally protected is of particular importance for the conservation of large carnivores because of their typically wide-ranging nature. In South Africa, leopard (Panthera pardus) population decreases are thought to be occurring in areas of human development and intense negative interactions, but research is biased towards protected areas, with quantitative information on population sizes and trends in non-protected areas severely lacking. Using Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture and occupancy techniques including 10 environmental and anthropogenic covariates, we analysed camera trap data from commercial farmland in South Africa where negative human-wildlife interactions are reported to be high. Our findings demonstrate that leopards persist at a moderate density (2.21 /100km2) and exhibit signs of avoidance from areas where lethal control measures are implemented. This suggests leopards have the potential to navigate mixed mosaic landscapes effectively, enhancing their chances of long-term survival and coexistence with humans. Mixed mosaics of agriculture that include crops, game and livestock farming should be encouraged and, providing lethal control is not ubiquitous in the landscape, chains of safer spaces should permit vital landscape connectivity. However, continuing to promote non-lethal mitigation techniques remains vital

    Anomalous suppression of the Bose glass at commensurate fillings in the disordered Bose-Hubbard model

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    We study the weakly disordered Bose-Hubbard model on a cubic lattice through a one-loop renormalization group analysis of the corresponding effective field theory which is explicitly derived by combining a strong-coupling expansion with a replica average over the disorder. The method is applied not only to generic uncorrelated on-site disorder but also to simultaneous hopping disorder correlated with the differences of adjacent disorder potentials. Such correlations are inherent in fine-grained optical speckle potentials used as a source of disorder in optical lattice experiments. As a result of strong coupling, the strength of the replica mixing disorder vertex, responsible for the emergence of a Bose glass, crucially depends on the chemical potential and the Hubbard repulsion and vanishes to leading order in the disorder at commensurate boson fillings. As a consequence, at such fillings a direct transition between the Mott-insulator and the superfluid in the presence of disorder cannot be excluded on the basis of a one-loop calculation. At incommensurate fillings, at a certain length scale, the Mott insulator will eventually become unstable towards the formation of a Boss glass. Phase diagrams as a function of the microscopic parameters are presented and the finite-size crossover between the Mott-insulating state and the Bose glass is analyzed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, extended versio

    Aspects of nutrition of the swordtail fish, Xiphophorus Helleri, (Family : Poeciliidae) under intensive culture conditions

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the nutrition of a popular ornamental fish, the swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri), under intensive aquaculture conditions. The study focused on the formulation and manufacture of artificial dry diets, as well as the influence of livefeed supplementation on growth and nutritional indices of both juvenile and broodstock fish. A combination of 65% fishmeal and 35% soya oil cake meal was found to closely approximate the essential amino acid profile of X helleri (r² = 94,3%) and lysine was identified as the first limiting amino acid. The influence of dietary protein and energy on the growth of X helleri was investigated by means of a growth trial comparing a range of nine test diets combining 3 crude protein (45,38 and 30%) and 3 digestible energy (16,5, 14,5 and 12,5 kJ/gram) levels. A high crude protein content (45% dry matter) and a protein to energy ratio of ≥ 27 mg protein per kJ digestible energy was shown to promote optimal growth rate and feed conversion ratio in juvenile X helleri. The final body protein and lipid content of the fish were significantly correlated with the dietary protein to energy ratio. The nutritional value of identical dietary formulations prepared by drum-drying or cold extrusion techniques and presented either as flake or crumble particles was evaluated in a growth trial and through analysis of vitamin C levels in the diets. Up to 27% of vitamin C activity was destroyed during the drum-drying of flake diets, while 80% of the remaining vitamin C was lost through leaching within 10 minutes of immersion in water. A crumble-type diet was shown to be acceptable to X helleri, and yielded significantly better growth rate and feed conversion than the equivalent flake feed. Almost 19% of fish fed the flake diets developed vitamin C deficiency symptoms including scoliosis and lordosis, while this was completely prevented by feeding crumbles, indicating a significant restriction of leaching losses from this type of particle. The use of livefeed (Daphnia spp.) as a daily supplement to dry feeds was shown to result in a significant improvement in growth rate and survival of juvenile swordtail fish. Furthermore, the synergistic action of nutrients contained in the livefeed resulted in an improvement in the feed conversion efficiency of the artificial formulation. While mortalities of 13,4% and 15% were recorded in fish fed exclusively on flake feed or Daphnia, no mortality occurred in the group fed the supplemented diet. Furthermore, the incidence of vitamin C deficiency symptoms was prevented by daily supplementation with Daphnia. Fish fed exclusively on Daphnia exhibited significantly more intense pigmentation due to carotenoids contained in the livefeed. In broodstock fish maintained primarily on flake diets, growth rate, feed conversion ratio as well as reproductive performance, as measured by fecundity, were significantly improved by daily livefeed supplementation. Weekly supplementation showed no measurable advantage over flake feed only. A direct correlation was demonstrated between fecundity and size of female fish with a mean fecundity of 190 embryos per female in those fed a daily Daphnia supplement. This was significantly higher than the yield from the non-supplemented or weekly supplemented treatments (133 and 140 embryos per female respectively). Despite these differences, the number of young harvested during the experiment did not differ between treatments and this discrepancy was ascribed to parental cannibalism of newborn juveniles. This phenomenon constitutes a major potential bottleneck in production with estimates of up to seventy percent of young lost in some exp experimental tanks. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that established aquaculture nutrition principles and techniques are applicable to the tropical ornamental fish species, X helleri. It was demonstrated that by using balanced crumble feed formulations, and regular livefeed supplementation, production yields under intensive conditions may be significantly improved. Suggestions for future work on poeciliid production in South Africa include investigation of the economic implications of the recommendations stemming from this project, and further research into effective restriction of parental cannibalism of newborn fish

    Identifying biologically meaningful hot-weather events using threshold temperatures that affect life-history

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    Increases in the frequency, duration and intensity of heat waves are frequently evoked in climate change predictions. However, there is no universal definition of a heat wave. Recent, intense hot weather events have caused mass mortalities of birds, bats and even humans, making the definition and prediction of heat wave events that have the potential to impact populations of different species an urgent priority. One possible technique for defining biologically meaningful heat waves is to use threshold temperatures (T thresh ) above which known fitness costs are incurred by species of interest. We set out to test the utility of this technique using T thresh values that, when exceeded, affect aspects of the fitness of two focal southern African bird species: the southern pied babbler Turdiodes bicolor (T thresh = 35.5°C) and the common fiscal Lanius collaris (T thresh = 33°C). We used these T thresh values to analyse trends in the frequency, duration and intensity of heat waves of magnitude relevant to the focal species, as well as the annual number of hot days (maximum air temperature > T thresh ), in north-western South Africa between 1961 and 2010. Using this technique, we were able to show that, while all heat wave indices increased during the study period, most rapid increases for both species were in the annual number of hot days and in the maximum intensity (and therefore intensity variance) of biologically meaningful heat waves. Importantly, we also showed that warming trends were not uniform across the study area and that geographical patterns in warming allowed both areas of high risk and potential climate refugia to be identified. We discuss the implications of the trends we found for our focal species, and the utility of the T thresh technique as a conservation tool

    Dynamic accommodation without feedback does not respond to isolated blur cues.

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether dynamic accommodation responds to isolated blur cues without feedback, and without changes in the distance of the object. Nine healthy subjects aged 21-40years were recruited. Four different aberration patterns were used as stimuli to induce blur with (1) the eye's natural, uncorrected, optical aberrations, (2) all aberrations corrected, (3) spherical aberration only, or (4) astigmatism only. The stimulus was a video animation based on computer-generated images of a monochromatic Maltese cross. Each individual video was generated for each subject off-line, after measuring individual aberrations at different accommodation levels. The video simulated sinusoidal changes in defocus at 0.2Hz. Dynamic images were observed through a 0.8mm pinhole placed at a plane conjugated with the eye's pupil, thus effectively removing potential feedback stemming from accommodation changes. Accommodation responses were measured with a Hartmann-Shack aberrometer for the four different aberration patterns. The results showed that seven out of nine subjects did not respond to any stimuli, whereas the response of the other two subjects was erratic and they seemed to be searching rather than following the stimulus. A significant reduction in average accommodative gain (from 0.52 to 0.11) was obtained when the dioptric demand cue was removed. No statistically significant differences were found among the experimental conditions used. We conclude that aberration related blur does not drive the accommodation response in the absence of feedback from accommodation

    A new algorithm for the placement of WLAN access point based on nonsmooth optimization technique

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    In wireless local area network (WLAN), signal coverage is obtained by proper placement of access points (APs). The impact of incorrect placement of APs is significant. If they are placed too far apart, they generate a coverage gap but if they are too close to each other, this leads to excessive co-channel interferences. In this paper, we describe a mathematical model we have developed to find the optimal number and location of APs. To solve the problem, we use an optimization algorithm developed at the University of Ballarat called discrete gradient algorithm. Results indicate that our model is able to solve optimal coverage problems for different numbers of users.E

    Christian hermeneutics in South Africa

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    Hermeneutics remains a divisive and polarizing topic within scholarly and ecclesiastical communities in South Africa. These tensions are not limited to theoretical differences but often crystallize on a grassroots level when local churches and church assemblies have to make important decisions on controversial ethical topics such as ordaining women in church offices, assessing the ethics of gay marriages, and taking a stance on the land debate in South Africa. This book makes a unique contribution in two ways: firstly, it focuses on the uniquely South African hermeneutical landscape; secondly, it relates theories to practical ethical application. The unique scholarly contribution of this consists in it relating hermeneutics to ethics within the South African landscape. A diverse group of scholars have been invited to partake in the project and the views expressed are often quite diverse. This allows readers to develop an understanding and sensitivity of the various angles employed and the interests at stake in addressing difficult societal problems