187 research outputs found

    Visions for organic bioenergy production in Denmark

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    There is a large potential for organic bioenergy production, which can be combined with the present food production and the provision of multiple other goods and services required by society; i.e. a cleaner aquatic environment, or nature values in cultural landscapes. This paper presents six scenarios for bioenergy production from organic farming in Denmark, with a total energy production potential of around 6.7 PJ/yr. This potential is compared to the present energy use of around 2.5 PJ/yr, and the po-tentials for energy savings equalling 0.1-0.5 PJ/yr

    Synergies between the expansion of biogas production and organic farming

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    Synergies between the expansion of biogas production and organic farming

    Reliability, construct and discriminative validity of clinical testing in subjects with and without chronic neck pain

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    BACKGROUND: The reliability of clinical tests for the cervical spine has not been adequately evaluated. Six cervical clinical tests, which are low cost and easy to perform in clinical settings, were tested for intra- and inter-examiner reliability, and two performance tests were assessed for test-retest reliability in people with and without chronic neck pain. Moreover, construct and between-group discriminative validity of the tests were examined. METHODS: Twenty-one participants with chronic neck pain and 21 asymptomatic participants were included. Intra- and inter-reliability were evaluated for the Cranio-Cervical Flexion Test (CCFT), Range of Movement (ROM), Joint Position Error (JPE), Gaze Stability (GS), Smooth Pursuit Neck Torsion Test (SPNTT), and neuromuscular control of the Deep Cervical Extensors (DCE). Test-retest reliability was assessed for Postural Control (SWAY) and Pressure Pain Threshold (PPT) over tibialis anterior, infraspinatus and the C3-C4 segment. RESULTS: Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) for intra- and inter-examiner reliability was highest for ROM (range: 0.80 to 0.94), DCE (0.75 to 0.90) and CCFT (0.63 to 0.86). JPE had the lowest ICC (0.02 to 0.66). Intra- and inter-reliability for GS and SPNTT showed kappa ranging from 0.66 to 0.92, and 0.57 to 0.78 (prevalence adjusted), respectively. For the test-retest study, ICC was 0.83 to 0.89 for PPT and 0.39 to 0.79 for SWAY. Construct validity was satisfactory for all tests, except JPE. Significant between group discriminative validity was found for CCFT, ROM, GS, SPNTT and PPT, however, differences were within the limits of the minimal detectable change. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of the tests evaluated showed satisfactory reliability and construct validity supporting their use in the clinical evaluation of patients with chronic neck pain. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2474-15-408) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Sikring av løse gjenstander i bil

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    Etter å ha sondert rundt i de trafikale organisasjoner i Norge etter tilgjengelig informasjon vedrørende sikring av løse gjenstander i bil, uten særlig hell, bestemte vi oss for å kreere en brosjyre om temaet. Vi ønsker at brosjyren skal skape nysgjerrighet, advare mot problemet og gi korrekte råd for best mulig å sikre slik last. For å kvalitetssikre produktet har vi trukket inn kompetente fagfolk på trafikksikkerhetsarbeid fra Statens vegvesen, Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag (HiNT), Havarikommisjonen, Norges Automobil Forbund (NAF) og Autoriserte Trafikkskolers Landsforbund (ATL). Ved hjelp av møter, telefonsamtaler og e-post korrespondanse har vi skaffet til veie viktig informasjon om emnet. Prosessen har vært tidkrevende og lærerik. Våre samarbeidspartnere har bidratt til vår fremgang på en glimrende måte. Dermed mener vi at produktet er basert på en solid kunnskapsbase og at resultatet har blitt en relevant og nyttig brosjyre. For å forsterke budskapet i prosjektet har vi også laget en penn som skal limes fast til brosjyren. Underveis har vi også vært så heldige at flere instanser har bidratt med økonomisk assistanse. Dette gjør at vi kan trykke opp brosjyren i 5000 eksemplarer og bestille 3000 penner med et budskap på. Disse vil bli delt ut og distribuert videre av alle bidragsyterne. Forhåpentligvis vil produktet være til god hjelp for bilister når de skal sikre seg selv og sine mot farene løse gjenstander representerer

    Pragmatics Annotated Coloured Petri Nets for Protocol Software Generation and Verification

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    Abstract. PetriCode is a tool that supports automated generation of protocol software from a restricted class of Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) called Pragmatics Annotated Coloured Petri Nets (PA-CPNs). PetriCode and PA-CPNs have been designed with five main requirements in mind, which include the same model being used for verification and code generation. The PetriCode approach has been discussed and evaluated in earlier papers already. In this paper, we give a formal definition of PA-CPNs and demonstrate how the specific structure of PA-CPNs can be exploited for verification purposes