34 research outputs found
Latent iron deficiency therapy in pregnant women
According to various studies, the overall population incidence of latent iron deficiency (LID) ranges from 70% and more. However, routine tests cannot detect LID during preconception examination and in the first trimester of pregnancy; therefore, women receive no proper treatment, and iron deficiency manifest in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. LID causes hypoxia, leading to pregnancy, labor, and postpartum complications.
Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of iron with folic acid supplements compared to vitamin-mineral complexes in pregnant women with LID to improve maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Materials and methods. A prospective cohort non-interventional study (observational program) in real clinical practice was conducted. In total 461 pregnant women aged 19 to 35 with LID were included in the study. During the study, women were divided into two groups according to the method of LID correction: administration of iron sulfate 247.25 mg, which corresponds to an iron content of 80 mg + folic acid 350 g (Gyno-Tardyferon), or vitamin-mineral complexes with an iron content of 1418 mg. Routine complete blood count, serum iron, serum ferritin, and transferrin were monitored over time.
Results. Gyno-Tardyferon showed high therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy; the rate of favorable outcomes was 100% and 35% for multivitamin iron-containing complexes. No LID progression to manifest iron deficiency during pregnancy can also be considered a favorable outcome.
Conclusion. The results showed that timely treatment of LID with an iron-containing medication (Gyno-Tardyferon) prevents manifested iron deficiency and hemic and circulatory hypoxia, which ultimately reduces the rate of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum complications
Estudos sobre a perspectiva histórico-cultural de Vigotski
Veresk é uma publicação internacional de Psicologia que se propõe a divulgar trabalhos que examinam e aprofundam o
estudo do legado da teoria de Lev Semionovitch Vigotski. Os autores são especialmente convidados a apresentarem seus
textos pelos Editores Associados ou pelo Conselho Editorial.
Veresk é apresentada tanto no formato impresso, quanto no eletrônico,
nas versões em russo, português e inglês. Sua publicação é patrocinada pelo Instituto de Psicologia L. S.
Vigotski, da Universidade Estatal de Humanidades da Rússia, pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal Fluminense,
Brasil e pela Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, do Centro Universitário de Brasília, Brasil
Reliability and Reproducibility of DNA Profiling from Degraded Samples in Forensic Genetics
Forensic DNA analysis is widely used to determine kinship and the identity of evidence from the crime scene and it is especially important in the identification of human remains after different types of exposure (water, heat, etc.). Currently, there are no official recommendations for forensic scientists as to which bones and tissues are the most reliable among degraded DNA samples. Since 2014 more than 350 fragments of unidentified corpses have been examined in the Forensic Biological Department (Republic Bureau of Forensic Medicine, Kazan, Russia). Based on our experience, the most reliable and reproducible DNA profiles are obtained from lower limber bones (in 90% cases), muscles (in 85% cases) and ribs (in 80% cases). However, we discovered a new source of DNA – the odontoid process of the 2nd cervical vertebra, which contains a high amount of DNA with a better state of preservation than many other bones. According to our results, when a complete skeleton or unidentified corpse is found, it is advisable to provide bones with soft tissue remnants in the absence of deeply embedded putrefactive changes. When working at the crime scene, special attention should be paid to separating small bones and fragments from skeletal remains
Investigation of the Lignite Physical-Chemical Properties and of the Burning Process Thereof for Germanium Extraction
Проведены исследования физико-химических и технологических характеристик нового
германиеносного сырья – лигнита Нижнего Приангарья. Показано, что для извлечения
германия из лигнита с низкой зольностью целесообразно проводить процесс сжигания
в управляемом температурном режиме для перевода германия в летучий монооксид с
последующим доокислением его до GeO2 и улавливанием в фильтрах. Технологические режимы высокотемпературной переработки лигнита обоснованы термодинамическими расчетами
процесса взаимодействия германия с компонентами, входящими в состав лигнита и
окислительно-восстановительной средыThe Low Priangarye lignite (new Ge-containing raw material) physical-chemical and technological
properties were studied. It was shown, that the effective way of Ge extraction from the lignites with low
ash-content would be the burning process in controlled temperature regime resulting in Ge conversion
to its mono-oxide with following full oxidation to GeO2 and collecting it into filters. Technological
regimes of the liginte high-temperature processing are validated by thermodynamic calculations of the
interaction process between Ge and components from lignites and redox environmen
Opportunistic microbiota of breast milk and antimicrobial activity of milk whey at different periods of lactation
Object of study. The evaluation of the interaction between breast milk opportunistic microorganisms abundance and the milk whey antimicrobial activity at different periods of lactation.
Materials and methods. 100 samples of breast milk from healthy breastfeeding mothers were inoculated on solid selective media, and then pure cultures of microorganisms were identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The antimicrobial activity of the whey against a model culture of Candida albicans was evaluated by spectrophotometry.
Results. 270 isolates represented by 36 species of 13 genera of opportunistic bacteria were obtained. None of the 100 samples contained opportunistic fungi. Staphylococci (7 species) and streptococci (11 species) were predominant. The most common were staphylococci S. epidermidis (70.2%) and S. aureus (20.8%), and streptococci S. mitis (27.7%) and S. oralis (21.8%). The total contamination (median) of opportunistic bacteria in the colostrum was 79 103 CFU/ml, transitional milk 4 103 CFU/ml, mature milk 5 102 CFU/ml. The antimicrobial activity of colostrum whey was 87.489.4%; transitional milk 88.2%; mature milk 63.481.9%. The total contamination had a high inverse correlation with the lactation period (r = 0.806) and a high positive correlation with the antimicrobial activity of whey (r = 0.699). Meanwhile, a significant decrease in contamination was noted after 1 month from the beginning of lactation, while a significant decrease in antimicrobial activity was observed after 8 months.
Conclusions. The decrease of the breast milk contamination by opportunistic bacteria during the lactation period was found to be primary compared to the decrease of the whey antimicrobial activity. Thus, changes in the whey antimicrobial protection factors occur in response to changes of the opportunistic microbiota abundance
Human APP
This study provides further insight into the molecular mechanisms that control neurotransmitter release. Experiments were performed on larval neuromuscular junctions of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster lines with different levels of human amyloid precursor protein (APP) production. To express human genes in motor neurons of Drosophila, the UAS-GAL4 system was used. Human APP gene expression increased the number of synaptic boutons per neuromuscular junction. The total number of active zones, detected by Bruchpilot protein puncta distribution, remained unchanged; however, the average number of active zones per bouton decreased. These disturbances were accompanied by a decrease in frequency of miniature excitatory junction potentials without alteration in random nature of spontaneous quantal release. Similar structural and functional changes were observed with co-overexpression of human APP and β-secretase genes. In Drosophila line with expression of human amyloid-β42 peptide itself, parameters analyzed did not differ from controls, suggesting the specificity of APP effects. These results confirm the involvement of APP in synaptogenesis and provide evidence to suggest that human APP overexpression specifically disturbs the structural and functional organization of active zone and results in altered Bruchpilot distribution and lowered probability of spontaneous neurotransmitter release
Human APP Gene Expression Alters Active Zone Distribution and Spontaneous Neurotransmitter Release at the Drosophila Larval Neuromuscular Junction
This study provides further insight into the molecular mechanisms that control neurotransmitter release. Experiments were performed on larval neuromuscular junctions of transgenic Drosophila melanogaster lines with different levels of human amyloid precursor protein (APP) production. To express human genes in motor neurons of Drosophila, the UAS-GAL4 system was used. Human APP gene expression increased the number of synaptic boutons per neuromuscular junction. The total number of active zones, detected by Bruchpilot protein puncta distribution, remained unchanged; however, the average number of active zones per bouton decreased. These disturbances were accompanied by a decrease in frequency of miniature excitatory junction potentials without alteration in random nature of spontaneous quantal release. Similar structural and functional changes were observed with co-overexpression of human APP and β-secretase genes. In Drosophila line with expression of human amyloid-β42 peptide itself, parameters analyzed did not differ from controls, suggesting the specificity of APP effects.These results confirm the involvement of APP in synaptogenesis and provide evidence to suggest that human APP overexpression specifically disturbs the structural and functional organization of active zone and results in altered Bruchpilot distribution and lowered probability of spontaneous neurotransmitter release
Predictive risk factors before the onset of familial rheumatoid arthritis: the Tatarstan cohort study
BackgroundA familial history of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) predisposes an individual to develop RA. This study aimed at investigating factors associated with this conversion from the Tatarstan cohort.MethodsA total of 144 individuals, referred to as pre-RA and at risk for familial RA, were selected 2 years (range: 2–21 years) before conversion to RA and compared to non-converted 328 first-degree relatives (FDR) from RA as assessed after ≥2 years follow-up, and 355 healthy controls were also selected (HC). Preclinical parameters and socio-demographic/individual/HLA genetic factors were analyzed when data were available at the time of enrollment.ResultsAs compared to FDR and HC groups, pre-RA individuals were characterized before conversion to RA by the presence of arthralgia, severe morning symptoms, a lower educational level, and rural location. An association with the HLA-DRB1 SE risk factor was also retrieved with symmetrical arthralgia and passive smoking. On the contrary, alcohol consumption and childlessness in women were protective and associated with the HLA-DRB1*07:01 locus.ConclusionBefore RA onset, a combination of individual and genetic factors characterized those who are at risk of progressing to RA among those with familial RA relatives
The principle of situated practice in literacy learning: students’ perspectives
O artigo resulta de uma investigação realizada no âmbito de uma iniciativa governamental destinada a melhorar os níveis de literacia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental em Portugal. A investigadora estudou as representações dos alunos sobre essa experiência por meio da realização de entrevistas em grupo. Este artigo analisa os dados referentes às representações dos alunos sobre uma das dimensões pedagógicas centrais da aprendizagem da literacia, nomeadamente a constituída pela prática situada. A análise qualitativa revela representações muito positivas sobre a prática que situou a aprendizagem, tendo os alunos expressado opiniões e sentimentos extremamente favoráveis sobre a prática de aprendizagem de literacia que experimentaram. A análise dos dados desvelou ainda que o contexto que situou a aprendizagem foi ativo, lúdico, colaborativo e mediado pelas TIC. Esses resultados fundamentam, do ponto de vista único dos próprios aprendentes, uma redefinição do entendimento atual do princípio da prática situada da literacia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, no sentido do reconhecimento da centralidade da ludicidade nessa aprendizagem.This article derives from research developed in the context
of the implementation of a governmental initiative aimed to
enhance literacy learning in primary education in Portugal.
The researcher studied students’ representations about
their learning experience through group interviews. This
article focuses on data concerning students’ representations
about one of the central pedagogical dimensions of literacy
learning, namely situated practice. Qualitative analysis
revealed students’ very positive representations about the
practice which situated their learning, as they expressed
extremely favourable opinions and feelings. Data analysis
further unveiled that the context of learning was active,
playful, collaborative, and mediated by ICT. Such results
provide foundations for a theoretical redefinition of current
conceptions of situated practice by evidencing the centrality
of playfulness as learning practice in the education of the first
grades of primary education. This is an original contribution
made from the perspectives of learners themselves(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Psychological conditioning of the development of the sphere of sense in the process of teaching kindergarten and primary school children
The paper address an issue related to the indicators and mechanisms of transition from one stage of education to another in the context of L.S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory. On the basis of an analysis of the cultural-historical theory and its respective pedagogical practice it can be inferred that the realization of the process of education, constructed in the logic of the development of “sense-meaning” relationship, enables formation of the value sphere of will in children, which becomes reflected in the level and quality of the learners’ developing awareness. The specificity of the construction of such education prompts the purposeful and directed development of an individual’s imagination at different ages. The presented specific traits of the development of imagination at different stages of childhood and the described respective features of educational curricula construction are aimed at the creation of conditions for the development of the sphere of sense