153 research outputs found

    A plasticidade da normatividade: reflexões sobre a vida biológica e social com a doença de Chagas

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    No presente artigo, elaboro uma reflexão acerca da ideia de individualidade orgânica na criação de normas e procuro compreender, por meio das obras do médico e filósofo francês Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995), em que sentido a patologia não poderia ser uma matéria esvaziada de subjetividade e, por esse motivo, não pode ser entendida apenas pela sua descrição anatomopatológica ou fisiológica. Para Canguilhem, definir a doença a partir de uma normalidade – esta última entendida como um padrão regular de atividade do organismo em condições definidas – leva a clínica a localizar a doença nos órgãos, nos tecidos, nas células e a partir dos prefixos “hiper”, “hipo”, “mega”, que pressupõem um padrão normativo. Assim, a doença é identificada nas radiografias, ecografias, autópsias e nos laboratórios. Canguilhem defende, no entanto, que o patológico não pode ser classificado como um sintoma tomado isoladamente, pois ele só pode ser considerado enquanto tal em relação ao organismo considerado na sua totalidade. Nesse sentido, um fenômeno biológico não pode ser qualificado como patológico apenas por meio de um método objetivo. A reflexão aqui apresentada está ancorada em uma pesquisa de campo realizada em Recife, mais especificamente na experiência e na percepção de uma portadora da doença de Chagas, à luz de sua capacidade de criar novas normas de vida biológica e social

    “I am a hallucination on the tip of your eyes”: poetry reading at the Roberto Piva library

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    This article develops a visual approach of the meetings for reading poems present in the works that belong to the Roberto Piva Library, located at Sao Paulo downtown. By presenting photographs taken during the encounters, extracts of poems and a description of the environment, the reader is invited to participate of the reading sessions and of the urban landscape of which the poet Roberto Piva belonged.Este artigo desenvolve uma abordagem visual dos encontros para a leitura de poesias de obras presentes na Biblioteca Roberto Piva, localizada no centro de São Paulo. Através de fotografias realizadas durante os encontros, trechos de poemas e uma descrição do ambiente, o (a) leitor(a) é convidado(a) a participar da roda de leitura e da paisagem urbana da qual o poeta paulista Piva fazia parte

    Archaeology and Critical Feminism of Science: Interview with Alison Wylie

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    In this wide-ranging interview with three members of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sao Paolo (Brazil) Wylie explains how she came to work on philosophical issues raised in and by archaeology, describes the contextualist challenges to ‘received view’ models of confirmation and explanation in archaeology that inform her work on the status of evidence and contextual ideals of objectivity, and discusses the role of non-cognitive values in science. She also is pressed to explain what’s feminist about feminist research and in that connection outlines her account of feminist standpoint theory and the relevance of feminist analysis to science

    Erro na Curva

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    Student reactions to traumatic material in literature: Implications for trigger warnings

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    Introduction While trigger warnings have garnered significant debate, few studies have investigated how students typically respond to potentially triggering material. Method In this study, three hundred and fifty-five undergraduate students from four universities read a passage describing incidences of both physical and sexual assault. Longitudinal mea- sures of subjective distress, PTSD symptoms, and emotional reactivity were taken. Results Greater than 96% of participants read the triggering passage even when given a non-trig- gering alternative to read. Of those who read the triggering passage, those with triggering traumas did not report more distress although those with higher PTSD scores did. Two weeks later, those with trigger traumas and/or PTSD did not report an increase in trauma symptoms as a result of reading the triggering passage. Conclusions Students with relevant traumas do not avoid triggering material and the effects appear to be brief. Students with PTSD do not report an exacerbation of symptoms two weeks later as a function of reading the passage

    Activism, feminism, and philosophy of science Interview with Helen Longino

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    Espelho da memória: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes através da fotografia

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    To enter Sylvia Caiuby Novaes’s universe, we are invited to come aboard on a real journey. For someone who has photography as a central part of her personal and affective trajectory, there could not be a better way to enter it. This visual essay, builtwith many hands is a composition of photographs from this trajectory, about which we indicate its itinerary. This montages result from long conversations, and research on Sylvia's archives and memories; they take us to meet people and places that this anthropologist has loved, and where she has built homes. In a play of mirrors, Sylvia revisits different moments of her trajectory, sewn in a weft where lived and remembered events reveal to us something typical of everything that is constantly being created.Para entrar no universo de Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, somos convidados a embarcar em uma verdadeira viagem. Para alguém que tem a fotografia como parte central de sua trajetória profissional e afetiva, não poderia haver uma forma melhor. Este ensaio visual, construído a muitas mãos, é composto por fotografias dessa trajetória sobre a qual indicamos o itinerário. Resultado de longas conversas, visitas aos arquivos e às memórias de Sylvia, as montagens que apresentamos a seguir nos levam a conhecer pessoas e lugares que a antropóloga se afeiçoou e fez morada. Em um jogo de espelhos, Sylvia revisita diferentes momentos de sua trajetória, costurados numa trama onde os acontecimentos vividos e lembrados nos revelam algo próprio de tudo que está em permanente criação

    Sentinel-1 data to support monitoring deforestation in tropical humid forests

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    In recent years, methodologies for deforestation detection that use satellite data have been developed, primarily using optical data, which cannot detect deforestation in the presence of clouds. In this paper, we discuss a methodology developed to detect deforestation using Sentinel-1 data and that aims to complement typical early warning system based on optical satellite images such as one the Peruvian Government employs. The methodology was applied in three pilot areas in the tropical humid forest of Peru. Sentinel-1 data were acquired in Interferometric Wide Swath (IW) mode and VH polarization. We use a Gamma-Map filter to reduce the speckle noise, and the average of 3 chrono-sequentially continuous images to reduce the multi-temporal variation of the forest backscattering. This produced 6 time series for each pilot area. For the detection of deforestation, we used an algorithm based on the difference and ratio between the images before and after deforestation. The accuracy assessment revealed a user’s accuracy greater than 95%. We also made a multitemporal comparison between our results and the early warning tropical forest loss alerts that use only Landsat data, which showed that until the end of the study period 33.26% of the deforestation we detected was not detected by the early warning alerts that use Landsat data