51 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Ekonomi Islam terhadap Jasa Profesi Tukang Parkir (Studi Kasus Pasar 45 Kota Manado)

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    Tukang parker memegang peranan penting dalam membantu terciptanya suasana nyaman dalam suatu wilayah. Namun banyak yang menganggap tukang parker tidak lebih dari citra kumuh sebuah kota. Dengan kata lain, tingkat ekonomi tukang parkir dinilai masih sangat rendah. Persoalannya adalah Akad apa yang digunakan dalam transaksi perpakiran para tukang parkir di areah taman Kesatuan Bangsa dan pasar 45 Kota Manado. Oleh karena itulah penulis memfokuskan diri pada permasalahan cara pandang ekonomi Islam terhadap jasa tukang pakir tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Akad apa yang digunakan dalam transaksi perparkiran dan mengetahui pandangan ekonomi Islam terhadap profesi jasa tukang parkir. Selain itu, berguna untuk menambah wawasan penulis dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan kususnya di bidang ekonomi Islam, serta bisa menjadi sumbangan pemikiran bagi para pembaca. Setelah melalui proses penelitian, peneliti mendapat fakta bahwa akad yang digunakan dalam transaksi perparkiran di taman Kesatuan Bangsa dan pasar 45 Akad Antara tukang Parkir dan UPT Perparkiran, secara Islam, transaksi ini disebut dengan transaksi wadiyah dan jika dikaitkan dengan transaksi dalam Islam, akad yang akan dan bisa digunakan antara Unit Penaksana Terpadu Perparkiran dan tukang parkir adalha ijarah, sedangkan dari cara pandang ekonomi islam dapat diketahui bahwa profesi tukang parkir pada dasarknya sudah mengikuti prosedur yang ada, namun ada beberapa persoalan seperti pengupahan masih terdapat ketidak jelasan

    Konseptualisasi Untuk Komunitas: Menuju Kesukarelaan Dalam Aksi Adaptasi Dan Mitigasi Bencana

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    Understanding the concept of community resilience is important, as an effort to increase public sensitivity to the impacts caused by disasters. In this aspect, local communities, especially young people, can increase their adaptive capacity, become more resilient, and take a bigger role in achieving local prosperity. The program aims to address the gaps in the concept of disaster for local communities, which focuses on increasing community understanding and capacity so that communities can voluntarily undertake adaptation and mitigation measures. Community forums are an important component in achieving the target of this program. Community forums formed include PRB  and TSBM forums. The presence of community forums is a pillar in building and increasing community resilience. This requires adequate support so that the forum as a local organization can make a real contribution. The sustainability of the disaster management training program still needs to be developed, in collaboration with community organizations to ensure resilience capacity is maintained. The implementation of this program can provide a stimulus to local governments and the community about the importance of understanding the concept of disaster to the community, in order to create a sense of responsibility and empathy within the local community.

    Factors Affecting Teachers’ Decision To Participate In Professional Development Activities In Prey Tralach Commune, Battambang Provice Of Cambodia

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    The importance of world education for development has made some remarkably progresses in recent years, with international organizations tackle to increase the professional capacity of local teachers and staffs. Students’ learning achievement depends very much on teachers’ experiences and effectiveness relating to the professional development experiences that support their learning. This study aims to identify teachers’ teaching experience characteristics involving in professional learning activities by examining the key factors affecting teachers’ decision to participate in the professional development activities (PD). The study addresses two research questions consisting of: 1) How do teachers attend the training programs or PD offered to them based on their characteristics? 2) What are the key factors affecting teachers’ decision to get involved in PD or training programs? The research was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods through directed interviews and survey questionnaires distributed among teachers in person with 103 teachers from 17 schools in commune, namely Prey Tralach by sampling and purposively. The collected data was articulated in descriptive way to show the respondents demographic characteristics such as gender, age, education background, teaching experiences, and grade level of teaching assignment. Logistic Regression was used to analyze to find the key factors affecting teachers’ decision to participate in PD activities. The results revealed that the key factors affecting teachers to attend PD activities included teachers’ characteristics; teaching grade level of assignments, while external factor; insufficient funding/finance in statistically significant way (p<0.05). PD for teachers is need for professional growth and plays important topic in education improvement in Cambodia

    Ekstraksi Perubahan Tutupan Vegetasi Di Kabupaten Gorontalo Menggunakan Google Earth Engine

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    Monitoring changes in vegetation cover is important for the restoration of ecosystems in the Gorontalo Regency area. The utilization of remote sensing technology makes it possible to detect the dynamics of changes in vegetation cover spatially and temporally. The Terra MODIS satellite image collection in the study area is available in large numbers and sizes. Therefore, cloud computing-based spatial technology support is needed. Google Earth Engine (GEE) as a geospatial computing device is an alternative to cover this shortfall. The aim of this study is to explore the condition of vegetation cover spatially and temporally using the GEE platform. A total of 43 MODIS images in the study area, recording periods 2000 and 2020, were used to quickly and effectively generate vegetation cover maps. The process of downloading, processing, and analyzing data was automated through the GEE interface. The results of the mapping in 2000 and 2020 are shown by maps of vegetation cover in two classes, namely; vegetation and non-vegetation. The accuracy of the vegetation cover map shows good results, namely an overall accuracy of 0.81 for 2000 and 0.85 for 2020. The area of the non-vegetation class increased by 2815.29 ha, and the vegetation class decreased by 2767.31 ha. The map of spatial changes in vegetation cover in the study area is classified into three classes, namely revegetation, devegetation, and unchanged. Based on these results, the extraction of vegetation cover changes in the study area using the GEE platform can be carried out well

    Pemetaan Lahan Kritis Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis di Kecamatan Sumalata Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Kecamatan Sumalata merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan industri pertanian dan ekonomi yang mempunyai topografi daratan dan perbukitan yang relatif dekat dengan pengolahan ruang yang meluas keperbukitan. Hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan berubahnya ahli fungsi lahan dan sangat berpengaruh timbulnya lahan kritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan lahan kritis menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Kecamatan Sumalata. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis tumpang susun data spasial pengkelasan, skoring dan logical  expression, metode ini juga diperkuat verifikasi ke Citra CSRT Google Earth, serta survei lapangan dengan ground control point (GCP). Dari keseluruhan hasil analisis telah diperoleh informasi bahwa ada 5 kelas lahan kritis di Kecamatan Sumalata yaitu, Tidak Kritis memiliki luas 1,476.75 Ha atau mencapai 4.95%, Potensial Kritis memiliki 625.70 Ha atau mencapai 2.10%, Agak Kritis memiliki luas 27,495.04 Ha atau mencapai 92.21%, Kritis memiliki luas 44.02 Ha atau hanya mencapai 0.15% dan Sangat Kritis dengan total luas 12.44 Ha dengan presentase 0.14%


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    Tilongkabila is one of the districts in Bone Bolango regency. which consists of 14 villages. Every village possesses different toponyms and historical backgrounds, i.e., Berlian, Bongohulawa, Bongoime, Bonggopini, Butu, Iloheluma, Lonuo, Motilango, Moutong, Permata, Tamboo, Toto Utara, Tungulo, and south Tungulo village.  This research aimed to study toponym geography in TilongkabilaDistrict.It employed a qualitative descriptive method and spatial approach analysis. The data was collected through observation, interviews, documentation, and library research. The result showed two factors related to the basis of village toponymy in Tilongkabiladistrict. First, non-physical geographic factors (social and cultural aspects)were measured by 78%. Further, physical factors such as the embodiment aspect are influenced by 27%. All in all, the study concluded that non-physical geographic factors influenced the village toponymy in TilongkabilaDistrict

    WebGIS Based Poverty Level Analysis (Case Study Of Wonosari Sub-District Boalemo Regency)

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    Information on household poverty level in Wonosari Sub-district area is still very difficult to access by all parties. Therefore, this study aims to analyze poverty level and map of the spatial distribution of webGIS-based poor households in the site area. In determining the number of samples, descriptive statistical analysis techniques focused on assessing and describing the poverty level of each household. GIS analysis used GIS Application 2.18 to map the spatial distribution of poor households and regional poverty levels. GIS Application has been equipped with 2 web tools that are able to display webGIS-based maps. The results shows that the poverty level of households is in the poor category with a percentage of 72% of households, 14% of households are in the extremely poor category and 14% are in the fairly poor category. and 1 village is in a fairly poor category. This is a village that was built with a view that can be accessed by various PCs, laptops and android media so that the maps information from an analysis of household poverty levels and the spatial distribution of poor households can be accessed on the webGIS that has been built

    Kemampuan Berpikir Spasial Peserta Didik Menggunakan Citra Google Earth Pada Mata Pelajaran Geografi di SMA Negeri 2 Gorontalo

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan peserta didik dalam berpikir spasial terhadap pembelajaran geografi dengan menggunakan citra Google Earth Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan peserta didik dalam berpikir spasial terhadap pembelajaran geografi dengan menggunakan citra Google Earth. Data dalam penelitian ini yaitu data hasil tes peserta didik soal tes pembelajaran geografi mengggukan citra Google Earth. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes. Data dianalisis menggunakanuji uji-T dengan SPSS  23 for Windows. Taraf signifikasi  sebesar  0,05 untuk mengambil keputusan uji hipotesis. Bedasarkan hasil Hasil uji hipotesis didasarkan pada taraf signifikansi 0,030 0,05. Penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa citra Google Earth dapat memengaruhi kemampuan berpikir spasial siswa

    Tinjauan Geografis Terhadap Upaya Pengembangan Kawasan Objek Wisata Alam Puncak Meranti

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    penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor geografis apa saja yang mendukung pengembangan objek wisata Puncak Meranti. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan  wawancara dan menggunakan teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui faktor geografis yang berperan sangat mendukung dalam pengembangan obyek wisata Puncak Meranti meliputi vegetasi, material batuan, infrastruktur dan aksesibilitas karena kriteria penentuan kelasnya sangat mendukung. Faktor geografis yang mendukung dalam pengembangan objek wisata alam Puncak Meranti adalah suhu, kualitas air, daya tarik, dan fasilitas karena kriteria penentuan kelasnya mendukung. Sedangkan faktor geogarafis yang kurang mendukung dalam pengembangan objek wisata yaitu kemiringan lereng dan bentuk lahan. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut maka objek wisata alam Puncak Meranti ditinjau dari faktor geografisnya mendukung untuk dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata alam dengan memperhatikan kondisi  kemiringan dan bentuk lahan dari objek wisata tersebut
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